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Sabryn's Trial Commences! ep 139



Downtown Pasadena, the Courthouse.

Sabaryn is escorted in cuffs into the courtroom. She sees, Bryan siting with Natalia, with both Bryan Jr’s sitting behind District Attorney Jack. Standing next to Sabryn is her Power Attorney Lisa Raye.


“The court is packed.”


“It sure is. You pay that no never mind you hear? We just need to focus on beating these charges.”


“You think we will be able to do that?”


“I have no doubt in my mind. I never lost a case and I don’t plan to now. I got a few surprises up my sleeve.”


“Good. I need to be free so I can get my son back from my evil enemies and strike back hard at the people who have done me wrong.” She says looking at Bryan and Natalia. Natalia kisses Bryan to give a show for Sabryn. Mike blocks her view by walking over to her.


“Hi, Sorry I am late. I had something I had to take care of.” Mike leans down and hugs her. Bryan is stunned that Sabryn is hugging on another man. Natalia looks at Bryan and sees he is jealous and decides to move in so Bryan doesn’t want to stray back to Sabryn.

“It looks like your Bitch moved on with Mike.”


“So I see.”


“Don’t worry about it. We are a family now. We have done the right thing. You have done the right thing for you sons. There is no way Sabryn is beating this murder wrap. Especially with me testifying.”


“I hope you are right. Me being with you is contingent Sabryn going to jail.”


Oh Mike, I am so glad you are here to support me. I don’t know what I would do without you.”


“I care for you Sabryn. I told you that. We are going to get through this together.”

Judge Hatchett walks in and the bailiff orders everybody to rise. The judge takes her seat as then everyone is ordered to sit down.


“We are here in the matter of the State of California vs. defendant, Sabryn Genet. We will now here opening arguments from the DA.”

Jack clears his throat and buttons his blazer up as he stands up and approaches the jury.

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Over the course of the next few days we will hear your peers testify to the fact that the defendant, Sabryn has had a long history of some sort of rivalry with the deceased, Ashley Jones. It was some sort of a love triangle torn straight out of the pages of your favorite soap opera. There was Sex, there was treachery, envy, affairs, and yes folks even murder. I ask you to listen closely to your peers’ words and then decide if justice will be served. You are the voice for Ashley now. She’s not here to speak for herself. But together, we shall find the truth.” Jack then sits down.

Lisa gets up from her desk and walks over to the jury. She looks at them.

“I am not as poetic as my counterpart. I just like to get to the point and not be around the bush. You will see that in coming days. My client is a victim of terrorist activity. Ashley was a terrorist and the people I will call upon to testify will confirm that fact. You will come to see that this was nothing but a crime of passion. The DA was right; it is torn out the pages of a soap opera. You will see my client had a moment of temporary insanity.” Lisa then sits down as both Natalia rolls her eyes at Lisa’s last statement.


“Jack, call your first witness.”


“The state calls Bryan Datillo to the stand.” The court room gets dead silent as Bryan walks up to take the stand. Bryan and Sabryn share a look before Bryan is sworn in. Everyone wonders what Bryan is going to say.


Episode 139: Sabryn’s Trial Commences

Written by: ML Cooks

Story Editor: Monique Cooks

Creative Consult: Ian Hefts

Huntington Memorial Hospital

p82-1.jpgAlexis is rushed into the ER. Alexis opens her eyes and sees a man with a very familiar face.





“My God. What are you doing here?”


“I have some unfinished business here in Pasadena. I was able to work here while I am in town which may turn out to be quite a while.”


“I think of Ashley when I see you. What brings you back here to town?”


“That’s for me to know and soon you will find out.”


“I hope it has nothing to do with Sabryn’s trial today.”


“Alexis why were you brought in here?”


“I was attacked. I need to make sure my baby is ok.”

Deigo pulls out his stethoscope and puts it on Alexis’ belly.


“Well the baby still has a heartbeat. I’ll run a sonogram to make sure.” Deigo prepares the machine as Alexis thinks of her catfight with her arch enemy Ladonna. She then thinks of Donna telling Karim about the truth that she really helped out Ashley and Mona.

“She has no proof. I tore it up. He won’t leave me.” But Alexis remember that Rufus still knows.

“But we made a deal. I hand over control of Divine Design and he would keep my secret. He better not betray me or I’ll lose Karim for sure. I have to have an insurance policy to make sure that Ladonna doesn’t get my man. If I can’t have him then she won’t either.” She looks at Deigo as he approaches her with the sonogram machine.


“I don’t like how you are looking at me. That’s the same look Ashley used to give me when she had a bad idea.”


“Well she is my sister, we are the Jones girls. You really came through for my sister you know. I really want to say I appreciate that.”


“Well look at her now. She’s dead. Unless you know something I don’t.”


“You know as much as I do. As far as I know my sister is dead and gone. If she is alive she has not contacted me. “


“I guess that’s a good thing.”


“Yes, now listen. I need you to help me just like you helped Ashley. There is a nice cash bonus and incentives in it for you.”


“With the way the economy is going, I am never opposed to making an extra buck. This sounds like I am not going to like it.”


“If you can help Ashley come back from the dead then you can help me with what I need. Now here is what we are going to do.” Alexis begins to tell Deigo her plan to keep Ladonna away from Karim forever.

Back in Court.

Jack approaches Bryan on the witness stand.

“If I have done my homework correctly, you were with Sabryn first but had an affair with the deceased, Ashley Jones.”

Bryan, with his head down



“Why? Why did you cheat on Sabryn?”


“We weren’t happy. She was so wrapped up in work. We had no romance. She was mean at times.”


“Mean you say?”


“Yes she could be cruel. I found a woman who gave me attention. She satisfied my needs.”


“And then Sabryn found out and then what happened?”


“Sabryn was furious. They fought a few times.”


“So Sabryn and Ashley have a history of violence against one another?”

Bryan, unable to look at Sabryn knowing his testimony is not making it look good for her

“Yes that is correct.”


“No further questions.” Jack sits down as Lisa stands up


“Bryan, you say Sabryn has a history of violence with Ashley.”


“That’s what I said.”


“Yes or no please thanks. Is it also true that Ashley has a history of violence against you?”


“Yes. She has stalked me with a large butcher knife. She kidnapped my other son with Natalia.” He says pointing at her so everyone can see. Natalia stands up and waves at everyone and then blows a kiss at Bryan.




“I’m sorry; did you say something Ms. Genet?”


“Oh no sorry your honor, I was clearing my throat.”


“Good now let me clear my throat. I will not tolerate any outburst in my court. Just ask Sister Patterson.”


“Ok enough with the side bar conversations. Bryan is it also true that you were the one that brought Ashley in Sabryn’s life. Sabryn would have never known Ashley if you had not had an affair with her.”

Bryan, almost whispering

“I guess you could day that.”


“Oh no. I’m going to need you speak loudly so every can hear. You just were running that mouth a few minutes ago. But you see I shut it down. Now answer the question, yes or no? Sabryn would have never come in contact with Ashley if it wasn’t for your affair with Ashley right?”

Bryan, screaming

“YES!!! Damn it YES!”

Hatchett pounding her gavel

“Not today. I am not having it. Lisa I don’t appreciate that confrontational attitude. It’s professional.”


“With all due respect ya honor, I have not lost a case. My record and my methods speak for themselves. Thank you very much. I’m done with the witness. The court room is shocked that Lisa has turned Sabryn’s case around. Lisa sits down by Sabryn

“Wow that was great.” Sabryn looks back at Natalia and gives her a smile.


“It’s not over yet dummy.” She then flicks her off. Sabryn just brushes it off and chuckles.


“Don’t worry Sabryn. This is going to be easier that I thought. You will walk out of here a free woman.”


“Good. I got to get Natalia. I am going to war with that [!@#$%^&*].”

For the Birds Mental Rehabilitation Centre

DC walks over to the main nurses’ station where Nurse Maxine is working the unit again.


“Damn Miss Lady. I know you make good money as many hours you be working here.”


“I’m the Director of Nursing here. So yes I do have to put a lot of time in here. Is that why you’re attracted to me? I look like I make good money?”


“No at all. I don’t need your money. I got my own job making good money. As a matter of I will own my own company. You seem to have this preconception about me. I’m here to prove all that wrong.”


“Is that’s so Mr. Williams?”


“Sho you right. I’m a boss.”


“I’m not impressed.”


“I see you’re going to be a challenge. I like that. It makes you even sexier.”

Maxine, chuckling

“Enough Mr. Williams. I have work to do. You here to see Lynn?”


“No actually I am here to see Sister Patterson.”

Maxine gives a him a look,

“Uh huh. I see. You see one the one day then the other the next. Is that how you roll DC?”


“At least you’re calling me by my first name. And I made you laugh. See I think we are getting somewhere. I am here to see the Sister about our son. We do have a few children together. We will always be a part of each other’s lives.”


“And I understand you have a few kids with Lynn as well?”


“I do. I am not ashamed of it either. Yes I have kids by two different women. They both will be a part of my life. Will that be a problem for you Miss Lady?”

Maxine laughs

“Why would it be a problem? This isn’t going anywhere. I’m not interested. So it doesn’t matter to me how many baby momma’s you got DC. I’m not interested.”


“Well you gave it a title. We have “this” thing going on. I can deal with that for now. I’ll see you at the breast cancer event. I’ma show you a real fine time.”

Maxine rolling her eyes as she buzzes DC back to see Sister Patterson


DC walks into the Sisters room and sees her starring at the wall sitting on her bed.

“No straight jacket today?”


“No DC not today I have been good. I have become a new person. “


“Oh God here we go. Who are you now?”


“I am me. I am just Patterson.”


“Just Patterson? What the hell that mean?”


“I don’t know my God no more. He has let me down. I am too weak to fight Don. I don’t have it in me no more. I have lost everything and for what? A God that lets me down? So I renounce God.”


“What kind of drugs is Maxine and nem feeding you girl? This straight talk from you is scary.”


“Isn’t this what you all wanted? You all think I’m so called “crazy” There are evil forces and they are going to get me. Why? Because no one believes in me or willing to help me fight. So I will just die to prove how right I was all along.”’


“There it is. There’s the Almighty Sister Patterson.”


“I don’t think so. What brings you here?”


“It’s about our son.”


“Karim? What’s going on?” She says looking at him


“He’s become a drunk. He hit Lauren in the head with a Patron bottle and got arrested. I bailed his punk ass out and then had the nerve to tell his man to burn in hell or something like that. I am trying to be there for him and he just shuts me out and disrespects me and I am tired of it. You know as well as I do Pat how I get down. I’ma boss.”


“Don’t you do anything to my son.”


“He better start respecting me. You better get his ass together. Because he don’t want to see me. I’m tired of being nice. It’s getting me no where. Karim is out of control and he is about to lose everything. He damn sho going to lose this custody case with baby Kevin.”


“I have to get out of here. Lauren can’t raise my grandson. I will not let my family be raised by a trashy slut like Lauren.”


“Don’t worry about that. I got that handled.”


“Don’t do anything to my son DC. I am warning you.”


“You better warn Karim. I’ma boss and soon he is going to find out. One way or another he is going to show me respect I am going to put this family back together. You better talk to Karim before it’s too late. I’m coming for him. “ DC leaves.


“You better not touch my son DC!!” She screams after him.

Back at the Court House

Natalia takes the stand after being sworn in. She has a stare down with Sabryn as Jack walks over to her.


“Please tell the court the history of your relationship with Sabryn Genet.”


“One word can sum it up. Bitch.”


“Objection your honor.”


“I’m going to ask the witness to refrain from that sort of language in my courtroom.


“Try that again.”


“Well it started a few years ago when I was working in her sweat shop downtown. You know, a super outlet store of her old and expired fashion house. I had been with her for so long she let me sell a few of my own designs and beauty products in the store as an incentive for being with her so long and for being the number one store she had. That was because of my designs. We out sold all of Sabryns stores by double and that was because of my products. She reneged on an agreement to help me to start my own line with SG and she used the designs I turned in and used them as her own.

Sabryn standing up in an outrage

“They were all trashy and cheap. I would never do that. Don’t lie your under oath!”

Lisa calms Sabryn down as the Judge pounds her gavel.

“This will not be a side show, One more outburst from anyone and they will be found in contempt and will be held in custody for 24 hours. Now proceed please.”


“Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted. No your honor maybe it was a good thing Sabryn had an outburst. You can see her hot temper. She’s evil. She’s a thief. And she’s a bad mother. All my encounters have been very unpleasant with Sabryn. Your honor, it doesn’t surprise me in the least that Sabryn killed Ashley in cold blood. She even attacked Ashley at her wedding with a baby in a stroller right next to her. In fact she attacked me a few times, slapping me in the face. She is known for violence.”


“That will be all.”

Lisa, turning to Sabryn

“I know it looks bad, but let me do my thing, I’m about to rip her apart.” Lisa than stands up and approaches Natalia

“I’m not going to play no games. I’m going to get right to it. You painted a pretty vile picture of my client.”


“She’s a vile person.”


“Compared to you? You’re not perfect are you? Sleeping with Sabryn’s man Bryan and had his baby?”


“Yes so what. It was worth it. Bryan has good love.” She says looking at him and blows him a kiss. Bryan rolls his eyes and sinks down in his chair.


“You slept with Sabryn’s man. How do you think she was supposed to react? In fact the paternity at one point was in question, it could have been a man’s named Mark Mortimer? Whom turned out to be bisexual having past romantic relations with a post operation Transsexual Rufus Taylor?”


“Objection your honor, this has no relevance with the current proceedings.”


“You’re honor I am trying to characterize this witness as well as her boyfriend for a pattern of provoked behavior.”


“I’ll allow it.”


“Answer the question. Is what I just said is true?”


“Yes. The paternity of my son was in question at one point in time.”


“So you had a one night stand with Bryan?”


“I sure did and it was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

The jury gasps and Sabryn utters the word Bitch under her breath.


“Wow your cold. What are you going to do when my girl get out of here?”


“She killed Ashley Jones. Shot her eight times in front of police. It’s no way she’s getting released. I have her son and her man. “

Lisa walks over to the jury

“Now you see, this sounds like a woman with a devious plan. She’s no angel. She lied about the paternity of her child. Because she lied her baby was kidnapped by the deceased and passed off as her own. There’s a pattern here. Bryan is a cheater. Sabryn was a woman who just wanted her man to herself. Is that a crime? He lied to her; lead to her to believe everything was ok. But in fact he was being a dirty dog, cheating on a woman who attacked Sabryn. Sabryn is a victim of circumstances.”


“Objection! The trial is not over. She’s giving closing statements.”




“Trying to let our peers know what kind of things Sabryn was dealing with.” Lisa takes her seat.


“That was great. You really turned the tables around.”


“Witness may stand down.”

Sabryn smiles at Natalia as she steps down, having won their latest battle.


“Call your next witness.”


“The state calls Alexis Jones.”


“Oh God here we go.”

Alexis struts in court wearing a big hat and big sunglasses walking in her stilettos. The court room chatter increases as the courtroom wonders what Alexis has to say. Sabryn puts her head down as she knows Alexis testimony will be very damaging to her case. As Alexis is being sworn in,


followed Miss Rue mhgfcmhg.jpg

walk in.1821242892.jpg Ladonna also walks in and holds Karim from behind. Alexis can see this is not very happy. She then sees Rufus and begins to sweat as she wonder if she will keep her end of the bargain, not to expose her to the court and Karim as being an accomplice in Ashley’s crimes.

Today could be the day Alexis’s loses it all.


Recommended Comments

  • Members

lol thats a funny pic of sister pat rolling in her psyco bed. good episode,love the court scenes, love lisa rayes and dc's dialog.and oh yeah and nat, her crazy self.i just love them three bryan sabryn and nat. you get it!!!

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