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S3 Episode 59



Everyone is not who they seem in Springfield...




Leah is sitting at a table.

She's waiting for Zach.

James walks over, "Hey."

She smiles, "Hi. How are you?"

He grins, "I'm good thanks. Are you waiting for Zach?"

She nods, "Yeah. He's running late."

James sighs, "Is it okay if I keep you company while you wait for my brother to show up?"

She nods, "Sure."

James sits with her.

She looks at him, "How's you're summer going?"

He grins, "Good. But I'm excited for school to start again. Senior year and everything."

Leah smiles, "I have another year before mine. I can't wait for it."

James nods, "I bet. You'll probably be head cheerleader, student council president, prom queen, all that good stuff."

Leah laughs, "You sure have a lot of confidence in me."

He smiles, "Ever since we were kids I always knew you were going to grow up to be a great person. That's why I proposed to you."

She laughs, "I remember that. You looked at me and said that you loved me and you wanted to marry me. I thought you were so cute back then."

James grins, "What do you think now?"

Leah gets ready to say something.


Zach walks up, "Well look at you too. Thanks for saving my spot little brother."

James nods, "Anytime."

James gets up.

Leah looks at him, "It was nice talking to you."

James sighs, "You too."

James walks away.

Zach sits with Leah.




Stephanie is moving stuff into her room.

She walks out in the hall.


Vi is walking down the hall.

Stephanie looks at her, "What are you doing here?"

Vi sighs, "I heard you were moving into the boarding house and I thought I'd come see how you were."

Stephanie nods, "Well I'm fine. But I'm a little busy right now actually. So maybe we could talk later?"

Vi sighs, "Well you've got everyone worried. First you missed father's day with Grandpa, then you missed the Bauer Barbecue. You don't return phone calls," Vi smirks, "Are you in trouble?"

Stephanie shakes her head, "No. I'm just busy."

Vi nods, "You know I've been watching the news. They keep covering the Alan Spaulding case. They are showing pictures of the hitman that he hired who killed Tammy Winslow. I couldn't help but notice he looks an awful lot like you're secret boyfriend. And they are both Australian."

Stephanie sighs, "Mind your own business Vi."

Vi scoffs, "Wow. Are you seriously dating that Guillespie dude? The crazy criminal guy? Susan Lemay's ex boyfriend. You two sure go for a lot of the same guys."

Stephanie scoffs, "Don't say that to me. I am nothing like Susan Lemay. She was a terrible girlfriend to Sam. And she was a terrible girlfriend to Guillespie. She doesn't understand them."

Vi nods, "From what I hear the guy is a psycho."

Stephanie shakes her head, "Like you're one to talk. Besides Guillespie may have an anger problem. But he's not a psycho."

Stephanie goes into her room.

Vi follows her, "Why are you wearing long sleeves in the summer?"

Stephanie turns to her, "Will you get off my back?"

Vi stare at her, "You're walking funny."

Stephanie is now ignoring her.

Vi walks over and grabs Stephanie.

Stephanie quickly shoves her.

Stephanie holds her arm in pain.

Vi notices the bruise.

Vi stares, "What did he do to you?"

Stephanie keeps rubbing her arm.





A new episode of "Light Talk"

Blake, Dinah, Mel, and Natalia sit at a table.

Blake looks into the camera, "Welcome to a brand new episode of 'Light Talk'. Today we are going to address some big topics. The last episode was over couples counseling. Today we are going to go over a very important issue. We will be talking about abusive relationships."

Blake turns to her cohosts.

Dinah nods, "This is something I will never understand. Especially with women. The second a guy lays his hands on you, you put your hands right back on him and remind him who is in charge."

The audience applauds.

Mel looks at her, "Yes but you have to remember a lot of women are not as physically strong as the men they are with."

Dinah looks at her, "So what do they do? Just cower and hope they give up on it soon?"

Natalia looks at them, "Honestly sometimes women can't fight back without hurting themselves more. But the second they get a chance they need to get away before it is too late."

Blake takes control back, "Let's first discuss some of the signs of abuse. For those of us who worry about people we know. Some signs are: unexplained injuries, defensive responses, wary of physical contact, signs of new injuries while old ones remain. And these are just a few you guys."

Natalia shakes her head, "I can't imagine what would make a woman stay with a man who abused her."

Mel nods, "Well that's the thing, you would expect it to be women who have suffered some sort of tremendous hardship. But sometimes a man can just get into their heads."

Blake sighs, "Well let's make sure we are clear that the abuser in the relationship can be the woman. And men are not always trying to get in women's heads."

Dinah nods, "Though they do seem to be good at it sometimes."

For a moment the women all pause.




Ashlee is walking with Dalton.

He smiles, "It's a beautiful lake."

She nods, "Yeah this is one of my favorite places to come. I wish I came here more when I was younger."

He looks at her, "Why didn't you?"

She sighs, "I was a different person then. I wasn't the type of girl who could just hang out at the beach with.... it's hard to explain."

Dalton laughs, "You know you seem like an open book. But I still feel like there is stuff I don't know about you."

Ashlee grins, "That's funny because I was just thinking that you seem mysterious yet I feel like I really know you. Even though there is a lot I don't know about you."

He sighs, "You know enough."

She stares, "You have some secrets don't you?"

He nods, "I might."

She sighs, "Well you should know that you're in Springfield now. Secrets tend to come out here. Especially the ones that are very dirty and dangerous. Those ones usually come out at the worst times."

He gets nervous but hides it, "Well don't worry about me. I won't be in Springfield that long."

She sighs, "You keep saying that. But you are still here aren't you? Something is keeping you here."

He looks away.

She sighs, "So how about you tell me one of your dirty little secrets that you have been keeping from me?"

He laughs, "I will if you will."

She looks away.

Instantly she thinks of her weight issues.

But she isn't ready to discuss that.

He sighs, "What's the worst thing you've ever done?"

She looks at him, "I did do something pretty bad. I got sent to juvie because of it."

Dalton stares, "What are you talking about?"

She sighs, "You're uncle, Alan Spaulding. My mother, my adoptive mother Doris, was married to him at one point."

Dalton nods, "And?"

She sighs, "I shot Alan Spaulding."

A very surprised Dalton stares at her.


Lillian's House:


Liz is getting dressed after her shower.

She looks in the mirror.

She sees the image of Remy behind her.

He smiles, "You okay Babe?"

She shakes her head, "No. Nothing has been okay ever since you left me behind Remy."

He nods, "I didn't mean to. It was them. It was your family that did this to us. They are the ones who killed me."

Liz turns around.

He is gone.

Liz walks out of the bathroom.


Lillian is standing with a man and woman dressed up.

Lillian looks at her, "Who were you talking to?"

Liz sighs, "Who are they?"

The man walks up, "I'm Mr. Mason and this is Ms. Nelson. We are just here to see how you and your so are doing."

Ms. Nelson nods, "We are sorry to hear about your husband."

Liz shakes her head, "He was my fiance."

Mr. Mason nods, "Oh well we are very sorry."

Liz stares, "I'm confused. What do you guys do?"

Ms. Nelson clears her throat, "We are just here to see how you and your child are dealing right now. We are just making sure that nothing is having a bad effect on either of you."

Liz scoffs, "You're those child services right? I know who you are. You are trying to take my son away from me?"

They turn to Lillian.

Lillian walks over, "That's not it sweetheart. They just need to see that you are a good mother to Clay."

Liz looks at them, "Go to hell."

Liz storms off into her room.


Leah sits with Zach.

She sighs, "I can't believe you were late. I have to leave in a few hours for Cheer Camp."

He nods, "I'm sorry. But I really appreciate you're going away gift you left behind."

The two grin.

She smiles, "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

He smiles, "I did. I think I've looked at it like a million times already. Maybe you can send me one more?"

She laughs, "I don't know. It was a one time thing. Just something to keep me with you while I'm away. I mean I've never done anything like that before with a guy."

Zach grins, "Well I feel special."

The two kiss.

Zach looks over her shoulder, "Damn, not this again."

She turns.


RJ and Belinda are sitting at a table behind them.

RJ sighs, "Hey guys."

Belinda smirks at Leah.

Leah shakes her head, "I'm not even going to start with this."

Belinda sighs, "It's a free country Leah. I can dine wherever I wish."

Leah nods, "This is one thing I will not miss when I'm away at Cheer Camp this summer."

Belinda laughs, "Remember what I said about cheerleader's boyfriends. They always cheat when they are away."

Leah gets up, "Well now that you're in a relationship I think the numbers will start to go down. The guys will have to find another slut to play with this summer."

Leah storms off.

Zach looks at Belinda, "Nice."

Zach gets up and follows her.

RJ shakes his head, "Why? Why do you have to be such a.... I don't get it."

Belinda turns and grabs Zach's phone off the table.

RJ looks at her, "What are you doing?"

Belinda smiles, "I wanna see what lame things these two say to each other. I bet she's got him whipped."

Belinda opens up a picture message on Zach's phone.

Her jaw drops, "Oh my God."



Stephanie turns away from Vi.

Vi looks at her, "What is going on?"

Stephanie scoffs, "Mind your own business Vi."

Vi shakes her head, "Stephanie is this guy hitting you or something? You need to tell me."

Stephanie turns to her, "Leave me alone!"

Vi stares, "You're a cop! How the hell do you let something like this happen to you?"

Stephanie shakes her head, "Don't judge me. A lot has changed since you were last in town."

Vi looks at her, "Stephanie I know what you are going through."

Stephanie turns to her, "How could you?"

Vi sighs, "Before you met me.... before David and I found each other again, I had a guy that I was very close to. I had feelings for him but he didn't return them. He would beat me up Stephanie! And I didn't tell anyone because I thought I deserved it! I thought I would be the one in trouble for being a little different."

Stephanie scoffs, "What are you talking about?"

Vi sighs, "There's a lot you don't know about me."

Stephanie shakes her head, "I've heard enough. You are a manipulative liar Vi! I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth."

Vi nods, "I'm still your niece. And I actually do care about you. You can't let this guy hurt you."

Stephanie sighs, "We are working on his anger. I have to be patient with him. It's complicated."

Vi shakes her head, "You can't do this."

Stephanie's eyes fill with tears, "I can't leave him!"

Vi stares at her.

Stephanie walks over, "You need to leave."

Stephanie walks Vi out of her room and shuts the door.

Vi stares at the door for a while before she finally goes down stairs.


Ashlee and Dalton sit together.

They look out at the lake.

He sighs, "So, that Alan Spaulding that they talk about on the news, the big bad guy that everyone is afraid of and everyone hates, you really shot that guy?"

She nods, "Yep. And I let Josh Lewis go to prison for it. He had his trial and everything. I almost ruined his entire life."

Dalton shakes his head, "Wow that does not even sound like you now. I can't picture that."

She sighs, "Well I was no monster. Just a scared girl who made a huge mistake and tried to forget it."

He looks at her, "So why did you do it?"

Ashlee sighs, "He had just married my Mom. I found him laughing at her and threatening to humiliate her and make our lives hell. I just wanted a real family. I found that gun and I picked it up and I just wanted to make him stop what he was doing."

Dalton sighs, "Well I mean I actually think I understand what you mean. People can be so sick and cruel. When they get powerful it can be pretty scary what they get away with."

Ashlee sighs, "When I found out my biological father was a Bauer, it was like my dreams came true. I finally got to have that big family that I had always wanted."

He nods, "Even if it came with that Roxie Shayne was a Mom?"

Ashlee laughs, "I suppose so."

He grins.

She sighs, "So how about you? What's the worst thing you have ever done? What's your dirty little secret?"

Dalton turns away and looks out at the lake.


The women are still discussing relationship abuse.

Mel looks around, "The idea that anyone can just let someone hurt them constantly and stay with them is difficult for me to understand. I mean I guess it must have something to do with their childhood?"

Natalia shakes her head, "Not necessarily. I mean I've known women who were strong, confident, but some guy got into their heads and let them believe that the situations they were in were fine. It's scary how manipulative some people can be."

Blake looks around, "I do however think we should make it clear that not everyone who has abused is a complete monster."

Dinah stares, "Are you defending the abusers Blake?"

Blake shakes her head, "Not at all. But I think a lot of us know people or knew people who may have been abusive that weren't all bad. Just people who were lost and had very little self control. It doesn't make them horrible people. Just flawed people."

Dinah shakes her head, "Well I'm sorry but I can't agree with that. And I fear that women hearing that are going to think that they should stay with these losers."

Blake shakes her head, "I am not saying that at all."

Mel looks at the camera, "Well we can all agree that in these relationships, something has to change before the situation worsens."

Blake clears her throat, "Yes. That is all the time we have for now. When we come back we will be interviewing Dr. Barbara Mills."

The camera zooms out to the four of them.


Vi is in the diner getting ready to leave.


Susan is sitting by herself.

Vi walks over, "Hey."

Susan looks at her, "Do I know you?"

Vi sighs, "You're Susan Lemay right? The criminal who was with that Guillespie guy?"

Susan sighs, "Wow I don't need this."

Vi shakes her head, "I'm Vi Grant. David Grant's daughter."

Susan looks at her, "That would make you Stephanie's niece. Is that why you're talking to me about Guillespie?"

Vi nods, "Stephanie needs to leave him. But she won't listen to me. He is dangerous."

Susan laughs, "No kidding? You think I would know that since I wasted years of my life on him."

Vi nods, "Then you need to tell her what you know. Convince her to leave that bastard behind."

Susan shakes her head, "Wow you really haven't been around have you? Stephanie Grant hates me and I hate her."

Vi shakes her head, "You hate her enough to see her killed?"

Susan stares, "What are you talking about?"

Vi sighs, "Susan he hits her. She has bruises all over her. I don't know why she lets him but she does."

Susan stares, "I told you. Stephanie and I aren't friends. I tell her to do one thing she would do the opposite."

Vi sighs, "Then you reverse psychology or something! Listen, I don't do this. I don't ask people for help. But I know what it's like to be beat by someone you care about. Please."

Vi walks away.

Susan looks around the diner.


Leah is standing with Zach.

He looks at her, "Maybe this will be a good break for you to get away from all the drama here."

She sighs, "It's going to be tough enough. They take our phones when we get there. They let us use payphones sometimes but that's it. I'm going to be completely cut off from Springfield."

Zach grins, "You'll survive. And I'll be here when you get back. Everything will be the same."

Leah hugs him.

Over at the tables.

Belinda sees the naked picture of Leah on Zach's phone.

RJ looks at her, "What?"

She keeps looking, "Uh... it's just more lame than I thought. These two are so corny."

RJ nods, "Well put his phone back now!"

Belinda nods, "Okay let me exit out of this so he doesn't see I was going through his messages."

Belinda quickly forwards it to her phone."

She hears her phone vibrate in her purse as she puts his phone back on the table.

RJ and Belinda get up.

RJ sighs, "We'll eat somewhere else okay?"

She nods, "That's fine."

He puts his arm around her.

Belinda is smiling.

He looks at her, "What is it?"

She shakes her head, "Nothing. I just have a feeling that this summer isn't going to be so boring after all."

The two walk past Zach and Leah.

Belinda grins at Leah as she walks by.

Lillian's House:


Phillip quickly pulls his car into the driveway.

He jumps out and runs inside.

Lillian is crying, "Phillip please!"

He turns.

Lillian's house is torn a part.

The baby is crying in the next room.

A very distraught Liz stands in front of the room.

She stares, "You thought you could fool me didn't you?"

Phillip stares, "What is going on?"

Liz scoffs, "Shut up! I knew you were up to something! You were telling Nana that you were going to take Clay from me! You went to the children's services people and set this up!"

Lillian sighs, "They just left before she started-"

Liz cries, "You pretended like you were on my side. All you wanted to do was take my baby!"

Phillip shakes his head, "That is not true."

Liz cries, "You want to take all that I have left. You take Sarah, Remy, and now you want to take Clay!"

Phillip is confused, "Lizzie what are you-"

Liz sobs, "You're doing it again! Just like when I was younger. You're all looking at me like you think I've lost my mind!"

Phillip and Lillian look at each other.

They look at Liz.

Liz shouts, "That's it! You're doing it now! You went to those people and made up stories about me! You want to take my baby! You're supposed to be my father!"

Phillip starts to walk towards her.

She kicks over a lamp.

Phillip backs up, "Liz please!"

Liz stares at them, "Are you afraid of me Daddy? Maybe you should be."


Liz's rage puts lives in jeopardy!

Guillespie's anger intensifies

Belinda goes to Clarissa's

Mallet visits Dinah

Annie reassures Marah


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