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S3 Episode 54



People are unsure in Springfield...




Marah and Annie are in a hidden spot in the security room.

Annie stares at the small TV.

She sees Ava clearly being held against her will.

Annie gasp, "Oh my God.... Marah what have you done? Marah what the hell have you done?"

Marah starts talking really fast, "I was trying to do the right thing. I thought I was doing the right thing. It all happened so fast. One minute I'm just sitting at home thinking about Ava and the next thing I know she's being locked in that room-"

Annie puts her arms on Marah's shoulders, "Shh. Honey slow down, what is going on?"

Marah sighs, "I kept asking myself. What would Annie do?"

Annie shakes her head, "No... No Marah, you did not do this. You would not do this."

Marah cries, "I know! I didn't think it would work out. It was just something I imagined in my head. But every part of the plan kept working and it got to be out of my control."

Annie stares, "How? How could you do this?"

Marah cries, "I just talked to some lowlifes who needed money. They said it would be easy to do. I just needed a place to keep her. And on the exact same day I discover this room in the basement of the hotel. I have no idea what it was used for, it looks like someone was held captive in there. It was like a sign."

Annie stares, "This isn't happening."

Marah sobs, "That's the scariest part! I didn't think it would happen. But it was so easy. My God Annie I still can't believe how easy this was. It was too easy."

Annie grabs her cell phone.

Marah stares, "What are you doing?"

Annie sighs, "What someone should have done for me. I am stopping this before things get worse."

Marah's eyes widen.


Bauer Home:


Michelle pulls her car into the driveway.

She parks it and gets out.

She walks back to the trunk.

She starts pulling out groceries.

She hears the familiar sound of a motorcycle coming down the road.

Michelle smiles a little.

She hears it stop behind her.


Jesse gets off and walks over, "Hey."

She turns, "Hi. What's up?"

He grins, "I was in the neighborhood and thought I would come by and see what you were up to."

She smiles, "Well it's getting close to July 4. You can take one guess at what I'm doing."

He laughs, "The Bauer BBQ. It never gets old. This town would not be the same without it."

She nods, "Well I got a feeling that this is going to be a big one for us. I can tell."

He smiles, "I hope so. I plan on attending."

She nods, "Good... alone?"

He sighs, "Hopefully Drew is going to be ready to go public with our relationship by then."

Michelle pauses, "Drew?"

He nods, "I told you about that. We have been seeing each other since Spring. But she is waiting for Gus to move on before she can go official with us being together."

Michelle shakes her head, "But her and Gus are over?"

He nods, "Yeah. She is just waiting."

She sighs, "You're sure about that Jesse?"

He nods, "Yeah. Why? Do you know something?"

Michelle turns back to her car.

She doesn't know what to do.




Matt and Buzz sit in the diner.

They are discussing plans.


Harley walks in, "Daddy?"

He smiles, "Hi."

She nods, "Hey Matt."

Matt grins, "Hey Harley, how have you been?"

She nods, "Pretty good. Thanks. Daddy what was the message about that I got from you?"

Buzz stands, "Take a seat. I am going to talk to your brothers soon and then call everyone else. But I thought I would start with explaining this to you first."

She grins, "How flattering."

Buzz nods, "Exactly."

She sighs, "Well you got me a little worried."

He shakes his head, "Don't be."

Harley looks at Matt, "Does this involved you?"

Matt nods, "Somewhat."

She is very confused, "Okay will someone please explain."

Buzz laughs, "Come on. You're the detective."

She nods, "Exactly. Which means I'll find out sooner or later."

Buzz looks at Matt.

Matt stares at Buzz.

Harley sighs, "Come on!"

Buzz sighs, "I have decided that I am going to take a trip out of town for a while."

Harley nods, "Well that's great Daddy. You deserve a break."

Buzz nods, "It's a long trip. And that's why I have made this decision."

Harley looks at him, "What decision?"

Buzz nods, "Matt will now be running the diner and boarding house."

A surprised Harley stares at her father.



Stephanie is in her room.

Guillespie walks in.

She is startled, "You scared me."

He sighs, "Sorry."

She is confused, "How did you get in?"

He nods, "Oh I just took one of your card keys. I figured it was okay since you had extra."

She nods, "Oh."

He looks at her, "Is that a problem?"

She sighs, "Uh... I'm just not sure if we are really, there yet. You know what I mean."

He nods, "I'm overstepping my boundaries aren't I?"

She looks at him, "You're fine."

He sits next to her, "Just remember I'm new to this whole, regular, normal relationship thing."

She laughs, "Well remember that I am not Susan Lemay. So whatever you did with her, do the opposite."

He sighs, "I could never confuse you with Susan. You're smart, beautiful, caring, you're everything."

She smiles at him.

He nods, "So I have been thinking about the fourth. I'm not really American but I think it would be fun for you to help me celebrate. We could go to the beach, have a dinner..."

She sighs, "Uh... I actually was planning on going to the Bauer BBQ."

He is confused, "What?"

She nods, "Everyone in town goes to the Bauer house for a big celebration. It's an annual event."

He sighs, "You know I can't go to that."

She sighs, "Well I was planning on going with my family. I missed father's day because we were spending time together. So I thought this would make up for it a little."

A very angry Guillespie gets up, "That's just great."

She stares, "What's wrong?"

He scoffs, "You're just like Susan."

Stephanie stares at Guillespie.




Belinda parks in front of the house.

RJ's cars already there.

She walks past the "For Sale" sign.

She knocks on the door.


RJ opens it.

She smiles, "So what's the big surprise? I thought your Mom already moved out of here."

He nods, "She did. But she hasn't sold it yet and she left me the keys to the place."

Belinda sighs, "Did you invite me over to see how big the place looks with now electricity or furniture?"

RJ steps aside.

Belinda walks in.

The whole place is empty.

Lit by candle light.

There is a bed of pillows and blankets on the floor.

She turns and looks at him.

He shuts the door, "I was hoping this would be good."

She smiles, "What is all of this?"

He smiles, "I wanted to make this as special for you as I could. You deserve everything."

She grins, "RJ."

He nods, "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met Belinda. And I love you."

Belinda's mouth drops, "I've never had a guy really say that to me and mean it."

He grins, "You don't have to say it back."

She smiles, "I love you too."

The two kiss.


Carriage House:


Blake looks out her window.

Clarissa's is no where insight.

Blake looks around the house.

Everything looks the same.

She goes to Clarissa's bedroom.

It is empty.

No sign of her there anymore.

Blake stands in the doorway, "How did I let this happen?"


Ross walks over, "Blake..."

She moves, "Just... it didn't work. We both tried and it didn't work. Just go away now."

He stares, "What didn't work?"

She sighs, "I'm just talking about our plan to get Clarissa to stay here and not move."

He nods, "Is that all you meant by that?"

She sighs, "Ross don't do this now. Please."

He looks at her, "Blake I've been giving you your space. But I've been in town a while now. I think we have a lot we need to discuss that doesn't involve the kids."

Blake sighs, "Everything is about the kids."

He shakes his head, "We also have to talk about us."

She scoffs, "No."

He walks to her, "You can't hide forever."

She nods, "Watch me."

Blake walks into the next room.



Harley sits at the table.

She doesn't say anything.

Buzz sits down, "Harley?"

She shakes her head, "Daddy what are you thinking? You can't just abandon us like that."

He sighs, "Oh come on I thought you were going to be the easy one. What am I supposed to do with everyone else?"

Harley shakes her head, "Why would you think that I would be the easy one? I'm never the easy one."

Matt starts to get up, "I'll leave you two alone."

They both look at him, "No."

Matt sits back down.

Buzz looks at Harley, "I am not abandoning you."

She sighs, "You're running away."

He shakes his head, "No. I'm not doing that either. I'm going on a trip across the country for the rest of the summer. And maybe after that... who knows? I need to do this."

Harley sighs, "Daddy. I don't like this."

Buzz sighs, "Come on! I'll call you every single day. And take lots of cheesy pictures of myself next to stuff."

She smiles, "Make them really embarrassing."

Buzz hugs Harley.


Guillespie is pacing around the room.

Stephanie looks at him, "How dare you say that to me?"

He nods, "It's true isn't it?"

She shakes her head, "Don't you ever... ever, compare me to that skank Susan Lemay."

He scoffs, "You're ashamed of me. Just like she always was. You want to blame everything on me. You are just like all of the others. You are all the exact same."

She is confused, "Others?"

He nods, "Cyrus, Susan. Everyone who I ever trusted has turned their backs on me and let me down."

Stephanie stands up, "I'm not doing that. I am really starting to fall for you. Don't push me away now."

He shakes his head, "No you're not. You are hiding me."

She sighs, "It's complicated. I'm a cop."

He nods, "And I'm a criminal. I know. That's why I'm okay with us keeping this between us. But I have nothing else in this town besides you Stephanie! Did you think of that?"

She looks at him.

He sighs, "You know what I do when I'm not with you? I sit at parks and wait until you are free again. And it's sad and very pathetic, and really creepy. But it's true."

She stands, "I'm so sorry."

He shakes his head, "Don't pity me."

She walks over, "I don't. I have never had anyone who cared that much about me before."

Stephanie kisses Guillespie.

He sighs, "I'm sorry I freaked."

She shakes her head, "It's okay. I don't have to go to the Bauer's this year. I'll tell my parents I'm ill. And you can show me a good time at the beach. I'm holding you to that."

Stephanie hugs him.


Belinda and RJ sit together.

Belinda sighs, "Did you mean what you said? I know guys say it sometimes when they are ready to have sex. And you don't have to. I don't need to hear that to be ready."

He sighs, "I'm sorry to hear that. But it's true. I love you Belinda. I have never been in love before. But I know that's what I feel for you. And we don't have to do it now."

She looks at him, "It's not a big deal. Neither of us are virgins. So it's not a big thing to worry about."

He sighs, "We've both had sex. But I don't think either one of us has made love before."

She laughs, "Okay you're sounding like a soap opera."

He shakes his head, "I'm serious. Everyone says sex is different and better when you're in love."

She shakes her head, "Sex is sex RJ."

He smiles, "Should we test your theory?"

The two kiss.

Belinda quickly pulls RJ's shirt off.

He laughs, "Whoa. Just slow down."

Belinda stares at him.

RJ slowly helps Belinda out of her shirt.

She starts to take her bra off.

He smiles, "You're beautiful."

She smiles at him.

RJ kisses Belinda.

She puts her arms around him.

The two lay down.

Carriage House:

Blake sits in the living room.

Ross walks in, "Blake-"

She shouts, "Stop it Ross!"

He sighs, "I'm not trying to upset you Blake. I am trying to take everything slow and let us talk."

She shakes her head, "You always used to have good timing. But that has changed. Because ever since you came back it has been the worst timing every step of the way."

He nods, "I know."

She sighs, "If you had come just a day earlier, maybe Remy would still be alive right now."

Ross sighs, "Blake..."

She nods, "If you had come just a few months earlier, maybe Clarissa wouldn't have got pregnant by some loser who ditched her. If you had come a few years earlier Kevin wouldn't have been keeping his sexuality a secret all this time. And if...."

Ross looks at her, "What?"

She cries, "Oh God Ross!!! I told you! You don't get to do this. You can just leave and come back. We learned how to live without you. Now you just want to come back and judge us?"

He shakes his head, "I'm not judging you."

She nods, "Because I failed as a mother. I failed as a human being all together didn't I?"

He walks over, "You could never do that."

She cries, "I was in love with Remy. I know that probably makes no sense to you. No one understood it except for us. And now that he is gone it's like he took a part of me with him. A part of me that I discovered when I was with him. Now I don't know what to do."

Ross sighs, "Blake you are one of the strongest people I know. That's one of the things I've always loved about you."

She stares.

He nods, "Nothing can keep you down for long."

Ross walks away.

Blake doesn't know what to say.

Bauer Home:

Michelle drops her groceries out of her car.

She sighs, "Crap."

Jesse helps her pick them up.

The two of them are on their knees.

She looks at him, "Thanks."

He nods, "No problem."

She sighs, "Jesse I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by what I said. I just... I want to look out for you."

He grins, "I know. And I want to look out for you so swallow your pride and let me help you carry this stuff into the house. I'm not going to watch you drop more."

She laughs, "Deal."

Jesse grabs some bags.

She picks her stuff up.

The two of them walk inside.

They put everything on the counter.

Jesse smiles, "I have to admit I'm looking forward to your home made pies on the fourth."

She laughs, "Well you'll have to wait."

He sighs, "I'm supposed to get back to the club. And try and get a hold of Drew again."

Michelle sighs, "Okay... see you at the barbecue."

He grins, "I wouldn't miss it."

Jesse walks out.


Jude walks into the kitchen, "Hey Aunt Michelle."

She smiles, "Hey sweetie. Oh I was wondering, did you know if Gus was going to be at the barbecue?"

Jude nods, "Uh yeah, I think he and Drew are bringing food. Why do you ask?"

She shakes her head, "No reason."

Jude walks out.

Michelle worries, she knows something bad is about to happen.


Annie starts dialing her phone.

Marah smacks it out of her hand.

Annie shouts, "Marah!"

Marah cries, "Please! Annie, you have to help me!"

Annie nods, "That's what I'm trying to do. Just trust me, this is the right thing."

Marah shakes her head, "No! Think about it! I will lose everything. Edmund will hate me, Shayne will hate me, my parents will never trust me. I'll be thrown in prison... or even a mental institution. Is that what you want for me Annie?"

Annie sighs, "Of course not."

Marah cries, "Then please! Ava is going to win now."

Annie shakes her head, "No."

Marah sobs, "I made a mistake. And I am sorry. But it's to late to go back now. I can't. If you call the police then I'll run. I'll go away and you'll never see me again."

Annie sighs, "Who all knows about this? Who all have you told about what you did?"

Marah wipes her tears, "Besides the guys I hired? No one. Just you Annie. Only you."

Annie looks at her, "Why? Because you thought I'd understand?"

Marah sighs, "And I know that you love me and care about me. And when I mess up you don't look at me the way my parents do. Not the way that my mother does, I can't handle that."

Annie nods, "Well in my heart you have always been my daughter. And I love you. I'm going to figure this out."

Marah cries, "Oh thank you Annie. Thank you!"

Marah hugs her.

Annie rubs her back, "It's going to be okay. You just have to trust me and do as I say from now on."

Annie turns her head and stares at the screen.

Ava is still tied up.


The Bauer BBQ!!!

Ashlee makes peace with Roxie

Drew is caught between Gus and Jesse

James watches Zach and Leah grow closer

Buzz leaves Springfield

Ross reaches out to his loved ones


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