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S3 Episode 53



Confrontations spark emotion in Springfield...




Marah is in her new office.

Edmund walks in.

She smiles, "Hey. This is quite the surprise. What brings you by? We can grab something to eat."

He shakes his head, "I have no appetite. My daughter is still missing in case you have forgotten."

She sighs, "No. I haven't."

He sighs, "I'm sorry. I know I'm not in a good mood. I'm just so worried about her."

She nods, "You know there is a good chance that Ava just took off without saying goodbye."

Edmund shakes his head, "No. Ava wouldn't do that. She loves me, she loves Shayne, she loves her job."

Marah nods, "But this whole thing is really difficult. Maybe she couldn't take it anymore."

He sighs, "Marah... I'm trying to be patient but you are obviously bias for a number of reasons."

Marah shakes her head, "Who would possibly want to kidnap Ava?"

Edmund looks at her.

She shoves him, "Don't even think it."

He shakes his head, "I know. I'm just thinking... Annie has had it out for Ava for a long time."

Marah scoffs, "Don't! Annie wouldn't do that."

Edmund nods, "She has done far worse. I have heard all of the stories. She is a legend around her and not the good kind."

Marah nods, "So are you."

He shakes his head, "If Annie is behind this I will find out and make her regret it."

Edmund walks out of the office.

Marah is nervous.

She grabs her phone and dials Annie's number.


Bauer Home:


Mel and Rick are going through boxes.

They are getting out decorations for the barbecue.

Rick smiles, "I have to say this is going to be the greatest Bauer Barbecue yet!"

She sighs, "You say that every year."

He nods, "Well that's because it's true."

Mel shakes her head, "Not this year."

He sighs, "I know this has been a difficult summer for you Mel but this barbecue-"

Mel shouts, "Just stop! My little brother is dead! And there is not a damn thing I can do about it. So stop acting like this barbecue is going to fix everything!"

Mel storms out.

Rick worries about her.

Out in the garage.


Jude and Robbie sit with a bunch of band equipment set up.

James walks into the garage, "What's up?"

Jude grins, "James my boy! How have you been?"

James nods, "All right. What's going on here? You guys putting a band together or something?"

Robbie laughs, "They clean out the garage and it inspires Jude to throw a band together."

Jude nods, "It's gonna be big."

Robbie shakes his head, "We'll see."

Jude looks at James, "You in?"

James is confused, "Me?"

Jude stands, "Zach told me you got some musical talent."

James looks around the garage.


Museum Apartment:


Maureen and Vi are moving boxes inside.

Maureen looks at her, "You sure have a lot of nice outfits. I might have to borrow some."

Vi nods, "Well sure. I mean if you can fit them. They might be a little tight on you."

Maureen nods, "Anyway."

Vi grins, "So how are things going with sexy Detective Mallet? Your brother-in-law turned lover."

Maureen sighs, "Things are going okay. We are just slowing down. We were moving way to fast."

Vi nods, "Got a feeling it's not going to work out. Trust me I have an eye for these things."

Maureen looks at her, "Well no offense to you and your gut but I think you're wrong."


Jason walks in, "Hey."

Vi grins, "Let's get a third opinion."

Maureen shakes her head, "No."

Jason looks at them, "Get a third opinion about what? Bikinis? Because I am an expert."

Vi laughs, "No Jason, not right now anyway. What do you think of Maureen's relationship with AC Mallet?"

Jason sighs, "Uh..."

Vi nods, "And feel free to be brutally honest. Maureen is our friend and she needs honesty."

Maureen looks at him.

Jason shakes his head, "I'm not sure I'm the right person to ask about any of this."

Vi looks at each of them, "Why is that?"

Jason stares at Maureen.

Maureen looks down and walks away.

Vi watches the two of them.




Buzz is walking around the diner.

It's a pretty busy day right now.

He walks behind the counter.

He looks around.

Buzz has been thinking about his dream he had with Jenna and the message she had for him.

He knows he needs some change and adventure in his life.


Matt walks in.

Buzz sees him, "Well hey buddy. Long time no see."

The two hug.

Matt grins, "Always good to see you Buzz. What would a visit to Springfield be without a stop at Company? I hope the burgers are the same otherwise I am going to be disappointed."

Buzz smiles, "This is why I missed you."

Buzz walks into the back.

Matt takes a seat.

Suddenly Buzz walks right over to Matt's table.

Matt looks at him, "That was fast."

Buzz sits down, "How long are you in town?"

Matt shakes his head, "I don't know."

Buzz nods, "What are you doing for work while you're here?"

Matt shakes his head, "I don't know."

Buzz grins, "Where are you staying long term?"

Matt shakes his head, "I don't know."

Buzz smiles, "Perfect."

Matt is very confused.


Carriage House:


Clarissa is up in her room.

She is packing up the last of her things.

She looks a picture of her, her parents, and her brothers from when she was a kid.

She puts it in the box.


Blake walks in, "You are really going through with this? Clarissa what has gotten into you?"

Clarissa sighs, "I need to move on."

Blake shakes her head, "By running away?"

Clarissa sighs, "When kids leave it's called running away. When high school graduates do, it's called growing up. I'm moving on with my life and you should too."

Blake shakes her head, "You're my daughter. You and your brothers are my whole life.'

Clarissa shakes her head, "No. You have your show. And whatever man you throw yourself at next."

Blake stares, "How dare you talk to me like that."

Clarissa laughs, "I'm holding back."

The doorbell rings.

Blake walks out of the room.

Clarissa gets her boxes together.

She looks around her room.

She turns around and looks at the doorway.

Her father Ross walks into the room, "We need to talk."

She stares at him.





Stephanie is walking.

Susan sees her and walks over.

Stephanie sighs, "Well Susan, what an unpleasant surprise. What can I do for you?"

Susan sighs, "Another one of my ex boyfriends."

Stephanie stops, "What?"

Susan nods, "I talked to Guillespie. I hear you two of you have become very close."

Stephanie sighs, "Wow, did you really stop me to talk about Guillespie? What's your deal?"

Susan shakes her head, "This is so typical. You always come to pick up after my sloppy second."

Stephanie laughs, "Don't even compare this to Sam. Because you didn't want Sam back until I was with him. Let me guess now you are starting to have feelings for G again?"

Susan shakes her head, "Not a chance. I would never let that freak back into my life. I'm not stupid."

Stephanie stares, "Oh what and I am?"

Susan nods, "Obviously. You know he is a murderer right?"

Stephanie whispers, "So are you."

Susan nods, "Which is why I'm so surprised you would even think of working with him, let alone dating him."

Stephanie scoffs, "My personal life is none of your business."

Stephanie starts to walk away.

Susan steps in front of her, "Oh I think it is."



Marah is pacing in the lobby.

She can't stop thinking about what Edmund said.


Annie walks in.

Marah rushes to her, "Hey."

Annie nods, "I got your message sweetheart. What is going on? I'm a little worried."

Marah nods, "Edmund. He is really determined on finding whoever kidnapped Ava and making them pay."

Annie sighs, "I know. But that's the way parents are. If it were you I would be feeling the same way. And I'm not even your biological mother. Edmund loves Ava, even though the girl is... what she is."

Marah nods, "But Edmund is going to find out sooner or later who it is. He's going to hurt that person."

Annie nods, "Well then I feel sorry for them."

Marah stares, "Annie... when we were talking you kept saying that you would do whatever you had to to keep Ava away from Shayne-"

Annie shushes her, "Stop it. You need to stop accusing me of things like that. You'll cause problems. Do you really think that little of me? I would never do that."

Marah stares.

Annie sighs, "Okay I have, but I didn't do it this time."

Marah looks at her, "You aren't understanding me. I'm trying to talk to you about this."

Annie stares at her.

Marah takes her arm and walks her to the back of the hotel.


Buzz and Matt are sitting in the diner.

Matt laughs, "Are you on something Buzz? Because you sure are acting like you are."

Buzz laughs, "I'm high on life my friend. High on life. I've got to talk to you."

Buzz and Matt get up.

Buzz walks outside.

Matt follows.

Buzz looks at him, "For the past decade or so, this has been not only a diner but a home for all of the Coopers. But this place has felt so empty. Even on the busiest of days."

Matt nods, "I'm sorry to hear that."

Buzz nods, "The family's heart is in Springfield but the fact is everyone is moving on with their lives. I think that is my cue to do something with mine now."

Matt looks at him, "That's great Buzz. I'm happy for you."

Buzz smiles, "I'm thinking of going on a trip."

Matt nods, "Oh that's great. And if you are trying to find someone to look after the place, I'd be more than happy to give you a hand with that. This place is important to Springfield."

Buzz laughs, "That it does. It also is important to your family. The Reardon family."

Matt smiles, "Yeah that's right."

Buzz laughs, "Do you see where I'm going with this Matt?"

Matt shakes his head, "Not really."

Buzz puts his arm around Matt, "I think it is time that this place went back to the Reardons."

Matt and Buzz turn and stare at the building.

Museum Apartment:


Kevin is bringing boxes in.

Jason is unpacking.

Kevin looks at him, "I couldn't help but notice the little show going on over here."

Jason sighs, "Classic Vi. She is always trying to cause drama with people. Did I tell you how glad I am she's living with us?"

Kevin nods, "She seemed to strike a nerve with you two. Anything I should know about?"

Jason shakes his head, "No. Maureen and I are friends."

Kevin nods, "You're her ex."

Jason nods, "So are you."

Kevin laughs, "Maybe unless I suddenly become attracted to girls, I doubt we are going to get back together."

Jason starts putting stuff on shelves.

Kevin sighs, "We're brothers. I know we weren't always close growing up but you can tell me stuff."

Jason shakes his head, "Even if I did have feelings for Maureen, she is crazy about Mallet."

Kevin nods, "And Mallet has always been in love with Dinah."

Jason sighs, "Don't."

Kevin looks at him, "Don't you think it's possible?"

Jason shakes his head, "No. I can't think about it like that."

Kevin is confused, "Why not?"

Jason sighs, "Because if I think there is even the slightest chance... I might do something stupid."

Jason goes out to get more boxes.

Carriage House:

Clarissa is holding a box.

Ross stares at her, "Sweetheart, you shouldn't even be carrying that in your condition."

Clarissa nods, "I'm fine. I know my limits."

He sighs, "Can we please talk?"

Clarissa shakes her head, "No."

He looks at her, "I really wish you would consider it."

She shakes her head, "I can't. I can't deal with this right now. I'm pregnant, I need to relax. I cannot relax here, I can't relax around you or around Mom. I need to go."

Ross sighs, "Will you at least tell me where you plan on living? How you plan on living?"

Clarissa sighs, "Rafe is helping me. He has been a really good friend in all of this. And I know he's a Spaulding so you probably think he's some sort of monster."

Ross shakes his head, "I wouldn't say that. From what I hear from you, it sounds like he is doing a fine job as your friend. I'm glad that you have him Clarissa."

She nods, "Me too."

Ross sighs, "I wish I could have been a better father."

Clarissa sighs, "Me too."

She walks past him with her box.

She goes down the hall.

Ross hollers, "No matter what happens, I love you very much."

She goes to say something but doesn't.

Clarissa walks out of the house.

Bauer Home:

James, Jude, and Robbie are all in the garage.

James laughs, "This isn't the best equipment."

Jude smirks, "Sorry we aren't all Spauldings."

James looks at them, "Can you guys play?"

Jude nods, "I am pretty bad ass on the drums and Robbie plays bass. We need someone on guitar and lead vocals."

James grins, "I do have both."

Jude smiles, "Exactly! Come on the barbecue is coming up. We can get a name, cover a few songs, and we'll be the new band that everyone in Springfield is talking about!"

James laughs, "You have quite the imagination."

Robbie grins, "Sounds like the perfect way to start senior year."

James is excited.

Inside the house.

Mel sits on the couch.

Rick walks over.

She sighs, "I'm so sorry."

He shakes his head, "No I'm sorry. I shouldn't be pushing you to jump back into everything."

Mel wipes tears, "I just keep thinking about how I can avoid the little things. Remy was always helping us put things together, clean up, set out the food."

Rick laughs, "He was always one of the first in line for the burgers. He always outdid himself every year."

Mel smiles, "I remember when we did fireworks I used to always look over at Remy and watch his face. No matter how old he was, no matter how tall he got or how big his muscles got, he always looked like a little boy when he saw the fireworks."

Rick puts his arm around her.

Mel cries as she remembers she'll never see that face again.


Stephanie and Susan stand face to face.

Stephanie laughs, "Oh this is-"

Susan nods, "Getting old?"

Stephanie grins, "Yeah."

Susan nods, "Yeah."

Stephanie sighs, "Then why do you keep getting involved in my business? Sam is gone! He is not going to come back no matter how much you keep your fingers crossed."

Susan nods, "He said he would come back."

Stephanie nods, "Well you can sit around and wait forever. But I am moving on with my life."

Susan laughs, "With Guillespie!"

Stephanie shushes her, "Shut up."

Susan smiles, "I see. You are ashamed aren't you? You're embarrassed to be dating a freak like him."

Stephanie shakes her head, "Mind your own business."

Susan nods, "Well just so you know, G is very paranoid and he hates the feeling of people being embarrassed by him."

Stephanie nods, "Tell me something I don't know."

Susan sighs, "You think you've seen him at his worst? Just wait until you really make him mad."

Susan walks away.

An annoyed Stephanie leaves.


Annie and Marah walk into the security room.

Annie sighs, "What's all this about?"

Marah walks behind a corner.

There's a TV being covered by a blanket.

Annie sighs, "Marah I swear to you, I didn't have anything to do with Ava's disappearance."

Marah nods, "I made a big mistake."

Annie is confused, "What?"

Marah pulls a blanket off the TV.

Annie looks at the screen.

She sees a young woman tied up in a small room.

For a second she thinks it's a Saw movie.

Her jaw quickly drops as she realizes the tied up girl in the screen is Ava!!!


Marah explains to Annie!

Jesse visits Michelle

RJ surprises Belinda

Buzz fills Harley in

Ross tries to comfort Blake

Guillespie blows up at Stephanie


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