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S3 Episode 48



People do what they have to do in Springfield...




Natalia walks into Alan's room.

He is sitting and looking at a photo album.

She smiles, "How you feeling?"

He looks at her, "Confused."

She shakes her head, "I actually meant how are you feeling physically?"

He nods, "Oh I'm doing okay considering."

She sighs, "What are you looking at?"

He sighs, "Everything, my family, my past. Natalia why is it that it always takes something like this to make me open my eyes to all the horrible decisions I've made?"

Natalia sighs, "Because this is God's way of reminding us that we are not him. That we are people."

He shakes his head, "A man is dead. I have his heart. None of this makes sense. But I know it is supposed to."

She nods, "Well I don't know if this will make you feel better or worse. But as of now the police have nothing tying you to Remy's accident. It's only speculation."

He stares at her.

She sighs, "But you know the truth Alan. You and only you knows exactly what happened."

He looks down.

Natalia sighs, "I love you. God loves you. And believe it or not your family loves you."

Alan shakes his head, "Not Elizabeth."

Natalia nods, "You're still her Grandfather."

He looks at her, "I got this heart for a reason. There has to be some reason that a man as old as me who has done terrible things was given a chance to live a little longer."

Natalia takes Alan's hand and kisses it.




Cassie is writing in a notebook.

Going over everything she would have to get done if she decides to move away to San Cristobal.

Jeffrey looks at her, "Are you sure about this?"

Cassie nods, "I love my family and my friends. But honestly Springfield has not felt like home for me in a long time. And now that RJ is moving out... it just makes sense. I should be with Will as he finishes his schooling and grows closer to becoming a prince."

Jeffrey nods, "You know I will support whatever you decide to do and if you let me I will be with you."

She smiles, "I was hoping you'd say that."

He nods, "I worked in San Cristobal before. They have been trying to get me back for years. But I stayed her because no matter what I always had hope that you and I would end up together again."

She grins, "Jeffrey... you may have Richard's face. But that is the only thing you have in common. That and the fact that I love you and you have been incredible to me."

Jeffrey smiles, "I don't even want to think of how disgusting my life would be if you hadn't walked into it."

Cassie nods, "We went through a lot. Edmund, Dinah, your past, my past, a brain tumor, Marah."

Jeffrey sighs, "We sure fought hard to be together. That means a lot believe me."

She grins, "Jeffrey there is not one doubt in my mind that I could grow old with you."

He smiles, "Well good because I am getting pretty old already."

The two laugh.

Jeffrey kisses Cassie.




Stephanie pulls away from Guillespie.

He laughs, "Something wrong?"

She sighs, "No. It's just that we are moving to fast. I think we should really slow down."

He nods, "Okay. No pressure Babe."

She nods, "Yeah."

He looks around, "So what should we do?"

She gets nervous, "Uh... I have some stuff to do. So maybe we can hang out later?"

He nods, "Sure thing."

He gets up and walks to the door.

She walks over, "Good talking to you."

He opens the door, "You too."

She walks out, "And just remember that we are going to keep this whole thing on the low down?"

He nods, "Of course."

He gives her a kiss on the head before he leaves.

Stephanie watches him go into the elevator.

She hears giggling from behind her, "Oh my goodness. Aunt Steph you are a bad girl."

Stephanie turns around, "Oh my God. Vi?"


Vi grins, "Long time no see."

Stephanie sighs, "Uh... how long have you been there?"

Vi smiles, "Long enough. Time for you to invite me in. Let's talk."

Vi walks past Stephanie into the room.




Eden is in her room in the boarding house.

Coop walks in, "Hey."

She smiles, "Hi. You know you being and teacher and having the summer's off is something I could get used to."

He nods, "Well me to now that I have someone to spend the downtime with. God you're beautiful."

The two kiss.

The sound of something falling downstairs in the kitchen interrupts.

Eden laughs, "Wow I almost forgot we live above a diner."

He nods, "I know. And I almost forgot that half of my family lives up here as well."

Eden sighs, "At least I finally got used to living here. Remember when I kept walking into the wrong rooms?"

He nods, "I think everyone remembers that Babe."

She sighs, "I'll be honest I don't think I will ever forget the image of your brother and his boyfriend..."

Coop shakes his head, "No details please. I have no problem with my brother's sexual orientation but I'd rather not hear about it at the moment thank you very much."

She laughs, "I know. But that stuff happens when you live in the boarding house like this."

He turns to her, "Well the library doesn't pay you enough and a teacher's salary is nothing to write home about."

She nods, "Well I looked into getting a permanent place at the Beacon but they don't have anymore apartment style rooms left. Apparently everyone is doing that now."

Coop sighs, "Looks like we are stuck here for now."

She gets up, "I don't think so."

Coop stares at her.


Mallet's House:


Maureen sits on the couch watching TV.

"Light Talk" is on.

Maureen watches her sister hosting.


Mallet walks over, "Since when do you watch this?"

She sighs, "I used to always watch it. I stopped last year, I couldn't remember why. But then I realized it was around the time that you and I got together."

Mallet nods, "Oh?"

She sighs, "I feel like I slowly cut Dinah out of my life after that and I didn't even realize it."

He shakes his head, "Well it's not like you completely cut her out and she didn't make much of an effort either."

Maureen sighs, "I know. But everything happened so fast. I never planned on living with you forever. I was just going to help with the kids and make up for what Dinah had left you with."

He sighs, "But we bonded."

She looks at him, "And we fell in love. But I feel like we went from brother and sister in law one week and a couple living together and raising children the next."

He nods, "Well if we had known maybe we would have taken things slowly."

She sighs, "Exactly. Mallet I don't know. I really don't know how to explain our relationship to my father."

She turns and stares at Mallet.





Reva and Noah are sitting at a table.

Shayne is with them.

Reva looks at him, "So now you can tell me. How are you feeling post Ava? You haven't talked about it much."

He gets ready to say something.


Annie and Josh walk up.

Josh hugs Shayne, "Son good to see you."

Annie smiles, "Hello Shayne."

Josh shakes Noah's hand.

Noah smiles, "Nice to see you Josh."

Reva grins, "Hey Bud. Annie."

Annie nods, "Reva."

Annie and Josh sit down.

Reva smiles, "Oh I talked to Dylan yesterday. He says he and Bridget might be paying a visit soon."

Josh smiles, "Oh great. We need to get everyone together real soon. The whole Lewis clan. Including Trish and her daughter. We never see them."


Marah walks over, "Are we planning a family reunion here? Don't forget to include me."

Josh gets up, "We could never forget you Darlin'."

Marah hugs her father.

She walks over and kisses her mother.

Marah sits down, "Hey Shayne. How are you?"

He nods, "I'm okay."

Marah looks at him, "Believe it or not I am sorry to hear about what happened. At least how it happened."

Annie nods, "We all are. But I guess it's best you found out and got Ava out of your life for good."

Shayne shakes his head, "Well honestly I am not sure yet if I am done with Ava for good. I mean I am still in love with her."

Annie stares at Shayne.

A concerned Marah looks at him.



Eden walks across the room.

Coop looks over at her, "Why do I get the feeling you are about to leave and not come back?"

She laughs, "Don't be dramatic Henry. I'm only thinking about other options we have. I mean the privacy thing isn't to terrible, it's just the fact that we live above the diner where everyone in town goes to. It's not always peaceful around here."

Coop sighs, "You lost me."

She looks at him, "I'm just saying that maybe we could get a better place if we had a roommate."

He nods, "Okay and who did you have in mind?"

She sighs, "Well I don't have a lot of friends. But maybe Marah Lewis would be interested."

He laughs, "Well not that I wouldn't love my Three's Company fantasy to come true. But I think it would be kind of a third wheel deal. Besides isn't she a fashion designer, I can't imagine her splitting the rent with a teacher and a librarian."

Eden nods, "I don't know we could get more people. I mean I remember back when I first was in town. Bill, Ben, Marah, Remy, they all lived in the old museum that turned into a mini apartment complex. Didn't they remodel it a few years ago?"

Coop nods, "Yeah Sam, Stephanie, Marina and Remy lived there for a while but Remy's dead, Sam is gone, Marina's gone. So I think that place is sitting empty now."

Eden grins, "Hmm."

Coop smiles, "What are you thinking?"

She grins, "You and I are about to make some big plans."

She runs over and kisses Coop.

Mallet's House:

Mallet sits with Maureen.

She doesn't know what to say.

He looks at her, "It was not that long ago that you were guilting me because you thought I seemed like I was ashamed of our relationship. Now I'm getting that vibe from you."

She looks at him, "I'm not. I just think maybe we jumped into things when we got together."

He scoffs, "So what you want to end it?"

She shakes her head, "No, no, no. Not at all. Mallet I love you. But I think we should have dated before we moved in together."

He looks at her, "So what? I don't see where you're going with this at all. What do you want?"

She sighs, "I want us to have a normal relationship. Maybe I should think about moving out."

He gets up, "Wow."

She looks at him, "Don't overreact."

He looks at her, "You are leaving?"

She nods, "The house not the town. I will still be in your life."

He sighs, "Do you know how happy it makes me coming home to you?"

She sighs, "Just please trust me. I am doing this for us Mallet. I want this to work."

He turns his head, "I don't know."

She gets up, "I'm going to go online and start looking up places."

Maureen walks away.

Mallet is very confused and frustrated.


Vi walks around Stephanie's room.

Vi sighs, "You live here?"

Stephanie nods, "Temporarily. I'm hoping to upgrade to an apartment here sometime soon. But it's filled up right now."

Vi nods, "Hmm. What happened to your room at the Museum?"

Stephanie sighs, "I moved out after Sam and I broke up."

Vi turns, "Sam Spencer? What happened to your crazy in love relationship with Mr. Bradshaw?"

Stephanie sighs, "We broke up."

Vi laughs, "Wow, I'll be honest I didn't think you guys would last. Do I have to say I told you so?"

Stephanie stares, "Last time I saw you, you were fresh out of high school and very obsessed with Coop. Please tell me that your time away from Springfield did you some good?"

Vi nods, "It did. I realize now that what we had was nothing serious."

Stephanie shakes her head, "You never had anything with him. It was all in your head."

Vi sighs, "Relax. I am seeing why Coop dumped you."

Stephanie stares at her.

Vi smiles, "I'm just assuming."

Stephanie nods, "It was sort of mutual. But anyway it worked out because I fell in love with Sam later."

Vi laughs, "Well that Aussie you were cozy with outside is not Sam Spencer. So what's up?"

Stephanie nods, "Sam left me for a dirty skank named Susan Lemay."

Vi grins, "Wow I am liking this. Aunt Stephanie has jumped off her high horse and is getting down and dirty with the bad girls. Name calling, enemies, bad boys, I'm liking what I hear."

Stephanie walks away, "I'm also a cop now."

Vi grins, "I know. Grandma and Grandpa don't leave me out of the loop. You and Daddy are on the force. And I am making my way through Hollywood."

Stephanie nods, "I'm still very confused as to what you do there."

Vi grins, "Now look who's asking questions. But don't worry. We will have plenty of time once I get my stuff moved in."

Stephanie shakes her head, "You are not staying here."

Vi nods, "Oh yes I am. You don't want me going to my Dad's place and informing him of your secret boyfriend."

Stephanie stares at her devious niece.


The Lewis family is still sitting at the table.

Everyone looks at Shayne.

Annie shakes her head, "You can't be serious."

Josh sighs, "Annie..."

Annie sighs, "No. Shayne, this girl used you and hurt you. She cannot be trusted."

Reva looks at her, "Would you please mind your own business for once Annie. Because you sound like a hypocrite right now and you're only embarrassing yourself."

Shayne looks at his Mom, "Are you saying that because you want to disagree with Annie or because you support me?"

Reva nods, "I support you. You're my son. Do I trust Ava? Hell no. But she will have to earn it."

Shayne nods, "I agree she will have to earn it with me as well. But Dad you understand right. Look at you and Annie. You have fallen back in love with her right?"

Josh nods, "Of course."

Shayne looks at Marah, "What about Edmund?"

Marah gets up, "Excuse me."

She goes to the ladies' room.

Annie gets up, "I'll be back."

Reva looks at her, "Annie no."

Annie follows Marah.

The two go into the restroom

Marah eye's fill with tears, "How can he do this to me? After everything Ava has done to me?"

Annie nods, "I know sweetheart I know."

Marah shakes her head, "Ava will hurt him. I know she will. She only cares about herself."

Annie nods, "I know."

Marah looks at her, "What are we going to do?"

Annie nods, "Whatever we have to do to keep Shayne safe."

Annie hugs Marah.


Cassie walks back into the living room.

Jeffrey looks at her, "You should slow down."

She shakes her head, "Everything is happening so fast but I'm excited. I just got off the phone with RJ. He totally understands and already is scheduling time to visit!"

Jeffrey grins, "That's great."

Cassie looks around, "I will definitly miss living here. I mean this was Hart's home. Then Richard and I made plans to renovate it. Edmund renovated it for me. And I lived here with you."

Jeffrey nods, "It's a good house, great barn and great land. I'm sure you'll find a buyer."

Cassie nods, "I think so. But then there is the Beacon. It has been doing amazing this year. Ava is actually a really good business partner, a lot like Olivia."

Jeffrey nods, "What are you thinking?"

Cassie shakes her head, "With my job in San Cristobal I'm going to be really busy. But it's to soon for Ava to handle it all on her own. I'll think of something though."

Jeffrey laughs, "Are you totally sure? I mean you might wake up in the morning and feel different."

Cassie shakes her head, "My heart is telling me this is right. I think if we plan it right we could move next week."

Jeffrey nods, "After you get a proper farewell."

Cassie is confused, "What?"

Jeffrey smiles, "Cassie you have made a huge impact on this town. You deserve something big. A going away party."

Cassie grins, "I love that idea."

Jeffrey and Cassie kiss.


Natalia sits by Alan who is in his bed.

Alan yawns.

Natalia looks at him, "That is a sign that you need your rest, enough talk about this stuff."

He shakes his head, "How am I supposed to rest when I have so much on my mind. Natalia I can't stay in the hospital forever. Any day now they will release me and I will have to face Springfield."

Natalia nods, "Not alone. I'll be by your side every step of the way. I love you Alan."

He grins, "I don't deserve you."

She smiles, "I think you do."

The two kiss.

He grins, "You are my angel."

She sighs, "I have to get going because I need to go pick up AJ and meet with Rafe."

Alan smiles, "Say hi to Raphael. And give AJ a big hug for me."

Natalia grins, "I will."

Natalia walks out of the room.

Alan shuts his eyes.

Alan begins to fall asleep.

Natalia walks down the hallway an waves at all the nurses she has become acquainted with.

Back in Alan's room he is now asleep.

He begins to talk in his sleep, "T..... Tammy?"


Cassie has her going away party!

Alan needs to make things right

Roxie confronts Ashlee

Annie surprises Ava

Eden and Coop present their plan


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