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S3 Episode 35



The drama builds in Springfield...


Springfield High School is having Prom Night.

Another limo pulls up.


Zach and Leah step out first.

Leah looks around, "This is so exciting."

Zach grins, "So are you Babe."

The two walk in.


Jude and Clarissa get out next.

Clarissa's face is all red.

She feels fat and uncomfortable.

Jude turns to her, "You okay?"

She nods, "Of course. I'm glad to be here with you."


Belinda and RJ get out.

Belinda sighs, "Can't believe I'm going to Prom."

RJ smiles, "Well I couldn't pick a better date."

The two kiss.

Everyone goes inside.

Jude walks up to the table to get a drink for Clarissa.

A senior guy walks up to him, "Jude Bauer. Enjoying Senior Prom?"

Jude nods, "Hey Brad. I'm here with Clarissa Marler."

Brad laughs, "Wow! I'm surprised. Mick's sloppy seconds."

Jude scoffs, "Whatever. Clarissa is smoking hot."

Brad grins, "I'm not into that stuff. But have fun with Juno over there."

Jude is confused, "What are you talking about?"

Brad laughs, "You really don't know? Look at her dude. That is one pregnant teenager."

Jude turns and stares at his date.

Across the room Zach is dancing with Leah.

Leah looks at him, "Thanks for inviting me. I wasn't sure if you really liked me."

Zach nods, "How could I not? You're beautiful."

Leah gets ready to kiss him.

Zach pulls something out of his pocket.

It's a hotel room key.

Zach smiles, "Tonight is going to be memorable."

Leah stares at the key.




Stephanie and Susan sit on opposite sides of the waiting room.

Charles Grant walks over.

Stephanie stands up, "Daddy-"

Charles stops her, "Stephanie not now. I am very disappointed in you. And Susan I'm sure you're family feels the same way. You two could have killed that man."

Susan nods, "He's okay right?"

Charles sighs, "I would advise you not to go in there. However he is asking for you."

Stephanie sighs, "Which one?"

Charles nods, "Both of you. At the same time. You think you can handle that?"

The two nod.

Charles nods, "I'm going to warn you, he is very banged up and in a minor body cast. Please don't upset him."

The women agree.

Susan and Stephanie enter Sam's room.


Sam looks miserable and very injured.

Susan covers her mouth, "Oh Baby..."

Stephanie's eyes fill with tears, "Sammy..."

Sam looks at them, "Look at me. It's all gone."

Susan sighs, "You're injuries are temporary."

Sam nods, "Some probably. I have so much rehab to look forward to. And my writing and traveling? Forget about it."

A tearful Sam looks away.

Stephanie sighs, "Sam I will be there for you."

Susan looks at her, "Oh my God! Would you stop it."

Sam looks at them, "Both of you stop it! Please?"

Susan and Stephanie stare at him.




Kevin and Rocky are sitting at a table.

The two are on a date.

Kevin grins, "So how is work going?"

Rocky sighs, "Not to well. Finding a new temporary partner for me. Stephanie is getting investigated. I still don't understand why she had Susan in her car or how they could hit Sam."

Kevin nods, "It was scary. One minute I'm talking to Sam. The next I see him getting put into an ambulance. And Susan and Stephanie were messes. Those two must really love him."

Rocky shakes his head, "They put him in the hospital I mean-"

Kevin looks at him.

Rocky sighs, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

Kevin shakes his head, "You never apologize for that. What I did to you was wrong. I was to insecure about my sexuality. Us falling in love would have been so much for simple if I hadn't.."

Rocky takes his hand, "But we did fall in love. End of story. We may not have got there the best way, but we got there. And I couldn't be any happier than I am with you."

Kevin nods, "You know it's been great taking things slow. We really get to treasure every moment."

Rocky smiles, "I agree. It just sucks not having enough privacy. But soon we'll have our very own place."

Kevin nods, "Well I'm kind of glad to hear you say that."

Rocky looks at him, "What do you mean?"

Kevin grins, "You'll see."

Kevin leans over and kisses Rocky.



The Beacon had a very big business event.

Many clients are starting to leave.


Cassie walks over to Ava, "You did great!"

Ava smiles, "Really?"

Cassie nods, "Oh yeah. I mean you really have your heart in this hotel and it's obvious. People like that."

Ava smiles, "I just want things to go well. I feel like everything else is going wrong except for this."

Cassie sighs, "Well I know Marah is tough. I was her target not to long ago. But just keep Shayne close. You two are good together."



Across the room Edmund is getting another drink.

Reva and Noah are watching him.

Reva sighs, "Why is it that he is still in town? No one wants him here, it's pathetic."

Noah nods, "Believe me after what he has done to your family, it's tough not walking over there and knocking him out."


Josh and Annie walk over.

Josh sighs, "Edmund watching?"

Annie sighs, "You know a part of me understand him. I know what it's like to be in his shoes. But I also know that he has hurt Marah really bad. He took advantage of her."

Ava and Cassie can hear them.

Cassie turns to her, "I know your Dad isn't a total monster."

Ava sighs, "He didn't take advantage of Marah."

Cassie sighs, "I know you want to support your Dad-"

Ava shakes her head, "No. Marah and Edmund had something going on. They have something going on?"

Cassie is confused.

Marah walks into the hotel.

Ava is clearly angry to see her.



Spaulding Mansion:


Alan is with Blake in the study.

Blake is pouring herself a drink.

Alan looks at her, "You sure are over here a lot?"

Blake turns to him, "That a problem?"

He laughs, "Of course not you're good company. I'm just wondering what is going on with your family."

Blake nods, "Clarissa has Prom. My Mom is catching up with old friends. And other than my show, I got nothing else to do."

Alan grins, "Gives us free time together."

She smiles, "My point exactly. You know people are talking about us Alan. Good and bad."

Alan nods, "Enlighten me."

Blake sighs, "We're the new duo villains of Springfield. And some say, that we are a couple."

Alan laughs, "You and I?"

She turns to him, "Funny?"

He sighs, "Well no. It's not like it hasn't happened between us before."

She nods, "Though I did marry two of your sons."

Alan laughs, "Well so did half of Springfield."

Blake sits with him on the couch, "After we slept together two years ago... I figured it was over for good. I mean it ended your marriage to Natalia."

Alan nods, "Very true. We both took a lot of criticism for that. But as you've seen I don't care about that."

Alan kisses Blake.




Remy walks up to the motel.

Mel stands with Baby Freddie's stroller.

He looks at her, "Why did you want me to meet you here?"

She sighs, "I figured you'd want somewhere to sleep tonight. Somewhere that didn't remind you of Liz."

Remy is confused, "Damn it Mel! I thought you had heard from her."

Mel nods, "I did. She left Remy. She wanted to find Sarah and Jonathan. She's gone. She told me to tell you she's sorry."

Remy shakes his head, "What you just let her go away?"

Mel sighs, "I'm sorry."

Mel lets Remy into the room.

They walk in and Mel shuts the door.

Remy stares.

The room is filled with roses and candles.


Liz stands in the middle holding Baby Clay.

Remy turns to Mel, "What?"

Mel smiles, "I knew you'd be followed. I put on a little show out there. Those guys are probably off to find Lizzie right now."

Mel pulls the blanket off her stroller to reveal it is empty.

Liz smiles, "Your sister is great."

Remy nods, "Yes she is."

Remy runs over and kisses his son.

And then passionately kisses Liz.

Mel is happy for them.



Belinda is dancing with RJ.

RJ looks at her, "You are beautiful."

She smiles, "This is so perfect. No parents, not hiding. We can be a couple for everyone to see."

RJ nods, "We sure are getting a lot of attention."

Belinda sees all the preppie girls staring at them.

Belinda sighs, "I know what you mean."

The two kiss.

Clarissa is waiting for Jude.

Jude walks up to her.

She smiles, "There you are."

He sighs, "Is there something you haven't told me?"

She is confused, "What?"

Jude sighs, "Clarissa a lot of people are talking about you. I need to know if you're keeping something from me."

Clarissa looks around, "What?"

Jude stares, "Are you pregnant?"

An emotional Clarissa stares at him then runs off.

Jude just watches as she leaves.

Across the room Zach is with Leah.

Leah stares at the hotel room key.


Coop walks over, "I'll take that."

Leah looks at him, "Mr. Bradshaw..."

Zach looks at him, "Since when can chaperones control what you do after the Prom?"

Coop nods, "Since the chaperone is your Uncle. I promised your parents I'd keep and eye on you."

Zach laughs, "That's great. Well why don't you call them and tell them I said they can go to hell."

Coop looks at him, "Hey watch your mouth!"

Zach storms off.

Leah runs after him.


Lillian is checking on Sam.

Lillian turns to the two, "You girls need to let him relax. If you stress him out any more you are out of here and I mean it."

Susan nods, "Yes Lillian."

A frustrated Lillian walks out.

Susan and Stephanie turn to Sam.

Sam sighs, "You know I had the opportunity to do some real traveling and writing this summer. I was really excited about it. As a matter of fact that's what I was talking about before..."

Stephanie cries, "God! Sam I'm so sorry. I will never forgive myself for this. I'm so sorry."

Susan wipes her tears, "Sam I never meant for this to happen. I was just trying to protect our relationship."

Stephanie sighs, "I was trying to warn you about her. She broke into my car. She-"

Sam sighs, "Enough. Look at you two. It's like you can't control it. And honestly it's my fault."

Susan shakes her head, "No. None of this is your fault."

Sam nods, "Yes it is. Susan I wanted you for so long. But I never thought it would happen. I started dating Stephanie. I fell in love with you. But then the second I had a chance with Susan... ever since I've been bouncing back and forth and it isn't fair to anyone."

Stephanie sighs, "Sam..."

Sam nods, "That's why I know I have to make a final decision. For all three of us."

The two stare at Sam.


Kevin and Rocky get off the elevator and into the hotel area.

Kevin laughs, "Couldn't help but notice the staring."

Rocky nods, "Get used to it. Because we are no longer in hiding. I'm tired of not showing you off."

The two kiss.

Kevin nods, "I hope you know this wasn't easy. It's Prom night at Springfield High. But I got us a good room."

Kevin opens the door.

The two walk in.

The lights are dim.

An incredible romantic setting.

Rocky grins, "Oh my God."

Kevin smiles, "I'm not trying to pressure you. After everything we went through... I know it's tough for you to get physically close with me. But I just thought-"

Rocky kisses him, "I'm in love with you. I'm ready to show you how much I love you."

Kevin grins, "Are you absolutely sure?"

Rocky takes his hands down below Kevin's belt."

Kevin smiles, "Okay."

The two kiss.

Rocky starts to unbutton his shirt.

The two fall onto the bed.

Kevin kisses Rocky's chest.

Rocky grins.

Kevin looks at him, "You are everything to me."

The two kiss.


Marah stands with her family.

Reva looks at her, "I'm sorry about Edmund."

Marah sighs, "It's okay. I'm not going to let him ruin my night."

Edmund and Marah make eye contact.

Edmund heads into the back room.

Josh sighs, "You okay Darlin'?"

Marah nods, "Of course. I have to use the restroom. Besides it looks like Ava isn't happy to see me."

Marah walks away.

Shayne walks up to Ava, "Come on now."

Ava shakes her head, "No. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of everyone thinking that I'm the bad guy here."

Shayne sighs, "Ava please..."

Ava walks to the center of the room, "Thank you everyone. Cassie and I appreciate your help tonight. It's great to have family like this."

Josh grins, "Well anything for you two."

Ava sighs, "But I actually did want to show you guys something in the back room so follow me."

Cassie is confused, "What are you talking about?"

Ava leads everyone to the back.

Shayne, Cassie, Josh, Reva, Noah, and Annie follow her.

Inside the backroom.

A topless Marah is in a shirtless Edmund's arms.

The two are making out.

She pulls off his belt and lets his pants drop.

Edmund unhooks her bra.

They pause as they hear the crowd approaching.

The door flies open.

Marah jumps off Edmund.

Her family stares in shock.

Reva stares, "No."

Annie lunges for Edmund, "Get away from her!"

They hold Annie and Reva back.

Josh stares at his little girl.

Ava smiles at Marah.

Spaulding Mansion:

Alan holds his hand against his chest.

Blake looks at him, "Are you okay?"

He nods, "Of course. I'm Alan Spaulding. And right now I'm on the verge of taking over this whole town once and for all."

Blake smiles, "For some reason I really think you will this time."

He nods, "You can be a part of it Blake."

Blake nods, "I thought I already was."

He nods, "Oh you are. But I was thinking of something more permanent. Or at least long term."

She sighs, "Does it fit into our plan of breaking up Remy and Lizzie?"

He grins, "Of course."

She smiles, "Then I'd love to hear it."

He takes her hand.

Blake stands up with him.

He looks at her, "Blake you have proven yourself as a worthy ally for me. I appreciate you."

She nods, "Thank you Alan. It's good to hear that."

Alan sighs, "I still have feelings for Natalia. I always will, just like you do with Ross. And I know now you have your eyes on Detective Boudreau, though I have no idea why..."

Blake nods, "Where are you going with this Alan?"

He smiles, "Blake will you marry me?"

Blake's eyes widen.


Liz and Remy sit together with the baby.

Mel grins, "The kids are having fun watching Roxy. They always loved animals. It'll be hard to take her back."

Liz grins, "Thank you Mel. For everything."

Remy smiles, "I got the best sister in the world."

Mel nods, "Well I know you two want some alone time. So Lizzie and I made a plan."

Liz brings Baby Clay over.

They put him in Freddie's stroller.

Mel nods, "Anyone glancing at us will just assume I'm with Freddie."

Remy sighs, "You two are pretty good."

Mel smiles, "Tomorrow night we'll all meet again."

Remy nods, "Well first Liz and I have a meeting of our own to get to. I'll tell you guys about it later."

Mel smiles, "Well I'll see you guys."

Liz grins, "Thanks again Mel."

Mel walks out of the room.

Remy turns to Liz, "I was so afraid."

Liz looks at him, "You really think I would leave you?"

Remy shakes his head, "I hope not. Life isn't worth living if I don't have you in it."

Liz kisses Remy.

Remy picks her up and carries her over to the bed.

He takes off his shirt.

Liz unbuttons her's.

Remy kisses her.

The two begin to make love.


Remy surprises Liz!

Blake answers Alan's question

The Prom continues

Rick worries about Mel

Marah explains to her family

Sam breaks the news to his women


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It's sad that a born on screen, tied to a true rooted family character like Marah is sacrificed for no-tied character like Ava. How Marah is acting is like a 180, sounds like a child of Annie's not Jeva's.

I did like how chapters before you had Roxie and Johnny being Ashlee's bio parents, enjoying that.

Still not getting the new "teen scene" stuff. Guess b/c they weren't characters I know and weren't built up on the show so its hard to invest in.

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Ava may seem like the victim now but keep in mind no one has found out that the only reason she got with Shayne in the first place was because she was working with Alan Michael.

Yes there is so much more coming in the Roxie/Johnny/Ashlee story.

Thanks for reading and I appreciate giving your opinion. :)

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