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S3 Episode 34



Crazy events shake Springfield...





Buzz has to take a seat.

Gus stands by Harley.

Coop takes Eden's hand.

He walks over to his father, "Pop? You okay?"

Buzz sighs, "This is a lot to take in."

Eden looks at him, "Buzz believe me this isn't some scam. I know you're probably skeptical of me. I had no idea Coop was your son when I met him. But now I'm in love with him."

Buzz looks at Coop, "You've been married all this time and you couldn't tell me? Why couldn't you tell me? It's me. I know better than anyone that love is a powerful thing."

Coop sighs, "I hated keeping it from you most of all. But I didn't know how to explain it."

Gus looks at Buzz, "The reason they are coming out now is because they are ready to go public."

Harley nods, "It's slightly dangerous. Eden has been in the witness protection program for 7 years. It is taking a lot for her to come back to Springfield for good."

Eden nods, "Buzz I want you to just remember. I love your son. I would never want to hurt him or put his life in danger."

Buzz shakes his head, "How are you going to stop it? There are people out there that want you dead and they may go through my son first."

A very worried Eden looks at Coop.


Bauer Home:


Ed sits out on his porch.

A car pulls up.

Ed grins, "Oh my goodness."

Holly gets out, "Hello Ed."

He smiles, "Holly."

She walks over and hugs him.

He looks at her, "You look just as beautiful as you always have. You haven't aged a bit."

She grins, "Always a charmer."

He nods, "What brings you back to Springfield?"

Holly sighs, "What do you think?"

Ed nods, "I've tried to talk to Blake. But she still is upset with me for helping Ross go into hiding."

Holly sighs, "She'll understand. I think she is just trying to live life without him. It's tough when you know he's still out there. I went through that a lot."

Ed nods, "I know you did."

Holly sits down, "I just wish I could help Blake. And keep her away from men like Alan Spaulding."

Ed sighs, "You know, we have grown up a lot. We've changed. But Alan he's the same old Alan. He probably always will be. He basically chased his poor sister out of Springfield."

Holly looks at him, "Alexandra? You suddenly have your eyes on Alexandra Spaulding?"

Ed sighs, "We were good friends. But she crossed her brother and basically left town to visit Nick and never came back."

Holly nods, "At our age, friendships are very important. Especially with people who have experienced as much as we have."

He looks at her, "Should I hold off getting attached to you?"

She smiles, "I'll let you know."

The two smile at each other.




Liz and Remy stand in front of the door.

Some of Alan's guys are on the other side.

Liz starts throwing her stuff into a bag.

Remy looks at her, "Relax. I'm a cop remember. I'll take care of these guys, just you watch."

Liz shakes her head, "Remy trust me."

Remy opens the door.

Liz rushes out of view.

Remy looks at them, "Can I help you gentleman?"

The first man looks at him, "We are looking for Elizabeth Spaulding. Is she here?"

Remy nods, "Who's asking?"

He grins, "Elizabeth Spaulding may have left the Spaulding Mansion with items that did not belong to her. Let's not make a big deal out of this."

Remy nods, "Funny, you guys don't look like the police to me."

The man looks at Remy, "No?"

Remy pulls out his badge, "No. Detective Remy Boudreau. Now do I need to take you guys down to the station?"

The man backs off, "Have it your way. But trust me, you don't want to make an enemy out of Alan Spaulding."

Remy nods, "Is that a threat?"

He shakes his head, "Not at all. Just advice."

The men walk away.

Remy shuts the door, "Told you I'd take care of it."

He turns.

Liz and the baby are gone.




Belinda walks away with Clarissa.

Belinda looks at her, "Are you mad?"

Clarissa sighs, "I just don't get why you have to be so mean to Leah all the time."

Belinda sighs, "Leah Bauer is annoying and fake. Cheerleader, student council, preppie, honor roll, basically everything I hate about high school. Girls like her are a dime a dozen."

Clarissa nods, "Is that such a bad thing?"

Belinda nods, "Yeah. Girls like her end up falling for the crap that guys like Zach Spaulding put out. She'll probably sleep with him because she want to keep him happy then he'll dump her ass and move on to the next girl. Happens all the time."

Clarissa stares at her.

Belinda sighs, "God I'm stupid."

Clarissa shakes her head, "Maybe your right. I just hope Leah is smarter than I was."

Belinda walks over, "Clarissa I'm sorry. You know I'm always defensive and paranoid."

Clarissa looks at her, "And you know I'm insecure and sensitive."

Belinda smiles, "And I love you. We have a good balance. Clarissa you're like my aunt or cousin or whatever. It doesn't matter. No matter what you are my best friend."

Clarissa hugs her, "Only a best friend could love a bad girl like you."

The two laugh and walk out.





Ava and Shayne step out of the elevator.

They see Reva sitting at a table by herself.

Shayne walks over, "Mom."

She looks at them, "Hey you two. What's going on?"

Ava smiles, "Well if you don't mind company. How about we all eat together?"

Reva sighs, "Uh... no I'm fine. You two enjoy your meal."

Shayne grins, "Mom I'm not going to let you eat alone."

Reva sighs, "I'm not. Your sister is on her way."

Ava nods, "Oh I see."

Reva looks at her, "Hey. You know I adore you Ava. You make my son the happiest I've seen him in ages. But right now you and Marah are going through issues."

Ava sighs, "I didn't do anything to her."

Shayne puts his arm around her, "We know. Listen it's okay. We can go to Company or something for dinner."

Ava looks at him, "It's closed. Why do we have to keep adjusting our lives because of... I'm sorry."

Reva nods, "I know you're upset Ava. But please remember that Marah just lost her baby last month. It's not something a woman can get over so fast. It'll take time."

Ava nods, "Just please excuse me."

Ava walks away and goes into the restroom.


Marah is doing her make up.

Marah turns to her, "Well if it isn't my brother's soon to be ex girlfriend."

Ava stares at Marah.




Stephanie gets the car back on the road.

Susan climbs up to the front of the car.

Stephanie looks at her, "Are you trying to get us killed? You are really insane."

Susan laughs, "You know what at this point it would be worth it. You and Guillespie are sick. You practically helped him take advantage of me. How can one woman do that to another woman?"

Stephanie laughs, "Oh please from what I hear you were all over him. I don't buy that you were to drunk to realize it wasn't Sam. You wanted him and you know it."

Susan looks at her, "You think you got it all figured out. This whole bad girl thing. Bring it on. Because I do it way better than you do. I was the bad girl of Springfield for a long time."

Stephanie nods, "That's right. When I was studying for school, you were robbing stores and banks with your boyfriend. When I was doing charity events you were doing drugs. And when I was working on becoming a cop... you were shooting people to death."

Susan looks at her, "What?"

Stephanie grins, "I know Susan. I know you murdered Julie Camaletti. And soon Sam will know."

Susan's rage grows.


Bauer Home:

Holly and Ed sit.

They look up at the stars.

Holly sighs, "You know I really thought we'd be able to protect our children from making our mistakes."

Ed nods, "And learning things the hard way like we did. Rick committing adultery, Michelle becoming a widow. It's like I can't protect them from anything anymore."

Holly sighs, "I knew I set so many bad examples for Blake. Now I'm seeing her make the same mistakes with her own kids. But honestly I am glad that Blake is strong. Stronger than I was."

Ed nods, "Michelle and Rick have big hearts. I was reminded today that our family has a lot to be grateful for."

Holly turns to him, "So do I. Did I tell you I'm going to be a great grandmother."

Ed sits up, "What? Did Jason get someone pregnant?"

Holly shakes her head, "Nope."

Ed nods, "Kevin adopting?"

Holly sighs, "One more guess."

Ed sighs, "Not little Clarissa?"

She nods, "Poor thing is terrified. But I know she is a strong girl just like her parents."

Ed sits back, "Wow. Little Clarissa, I can't believe it. Ross... he's going to have another grandchild."

She turns to him, "Between you and I... how long do you think Ross is going to be out of our lives?"

Ed sighs, "You know Ross. He may not always be there but damn when you need him most he is right there. So I guess we'll have to see."

Ed and Holly look up at the stars.


Clarissa and Belinda walk to the car.

Belinda sighs, "I am proving my best-friendship with you by accepting the fact that I will be riding in the same limo as Jude Bauer."

Clarissa sighs, "What is your problem with Jude?"

Belinda looks at her, "I don't know. He's so perverted. But I guess all boys are. When I lived with his Mom he was always flirting with me. Now I watch him hit on every girl at school. The boy is shameless. You deserve someone more mature."

Clarissa sighs, "Like Rafe?"

Belinda grins, "Ooh. So what is going on with him?"

Clarissa smiles, "I don't know. I mean he's hot. But he is my friend. He's really helping me with this pregnancy. I just can't risk losing him as a friend."

Belinda nods, "Good point."

Clarissa gets in the car, "Besides he probably only dates women closer to his own age."

Belinda gets in, "You never know. Look at my Aunt Maureen. She's about his age but she'd rather spend her days screwing old cops like Mallet."

Clarissa's jaw drops, "Mallet and Maureen?"

Belinda nods, "It's so messed up. Dinah has no idea so don't tell her. I don't know what she'd do."

Clarissa sighs, "Hopefully the prom will help us take our minds off our problems."

Belinda nods, "And our parent's problems."

The girls drive off.


Eden is getting upset.

Coop looks at his Dad, "I know you want to protect me. But you know me. I wouldn't be going to all this trouble unless I really believed that she was the one."

Buzz looks at him, "She's the one?"

Eden smiles, "You mean that?"

Coop turns to her, "Of course. I thought I'd made that clear. But I'm sorry if I didn't. Eden I'm in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Eden kisses him.

Buzz sighs, "How could anyone object to that?"

Harley grins, "Oh Daddy."

Buzz sighs, "Oh don't get like that on me."

Harley hugs him.

Gus pats him on the back, "Trust me I wouldn't be agreeing to this if I didn't believe these two."

Eden smiles, "Thanks guys."

Coop sighs, "I know we will be answering a lot of questions. But it's good to know we'll have you guys behind us."

Buzz looks at him, "No matter what. I will always stand behind you, Frank, Lucy, Rocky, and even you Harley."

Harley smiles.

Eden walks over.

Buzz looks at her, "I'm going to tell you the same thing I told your brother over there. Once a Cooper always a Cooper. Once you're in this family you're in for life."

Eden smiles, "I can live with that."

Buzz hugs her.


Remy is pacing in his room.

There is a knock on the door.

He opens the door.


Mel walks in, "I got here as fast as I could."

Remy nods, "She took Baby Clay and ran. How could she do that? I don't know where she is."

Mel sighs, "You're sure she ran. You said guys were here, are you sure they weren't just distracting you?"

Remy shouts, "Damn it! I'm so stupid!"

Mel nods, "Relax! Now we can't call the police until we know. So look for clues."

Remy pauses for a second.

And then he runs into the other room.

Remy walks back out.

She looks at him, "You find anything?"

He sighs, "She left on her own."

Mel nods, "Okay. How do you know that?"

He sighs, "She made sure she grabbed her pictures of Sarah before she left. She probably went to find her and Jonathan."

Mel sighs, "Remy she wouldn't just run off would she?"

Remy sighs, "She was just saying how important her daughter was. Those guys scared her. She tried to get me to run with her but I refused because I knew I could handle it. Now she's gone!"

Mel hugs her brother and the two sit down.


Shayne sits with Reva.

Reva sighs, "I'm not trying to hurt Ava. But her father really messed with Marah and now... I don't know."

Shayne sighs, "Mom you can't believe that Ava would throw Marah down the stairs!"

Reva sighs, "I know she wouldn't. But Marah is very upset. My priority is to protect Marah while she heals. She's very fragile right now."

In the ladies room.

Marah looks at Ava, "Nice dress. It's last season but of course you wouldn't know."

Ava scoffs, "Wow you put on a good show. You go out there and throw on a frown and everyone feels bad for poor little Marah."

Marah turns to her, "I'm still grieving my baby."

Ava nods, "With the help of my father. Does your family know that you're sleeping with Edmund Winslow?"

Marah shakes her head, "Of course not. They would freak."

Ava nods, "And then you wouldn't be able to come off as poor little Marah. Everyone would see exactly what you are."

Marah nods, "Maybe so. To bad no one will believe you. Looks like I win. Not only to I get to sleep with your Dad, but I also get to break up you and my little brother."

Marah walks out of the ladies room.

Ava knows she has to stop this.


Main Street:


Sam sits with Kevin Marler.

Kevin grins, "Your article was amazing man. I mean I'll be honest, when I got into broadcast journalism I thought there was no way print could compete. But the picture you paint, it's incredible."

Sam nods, "Thanks man. And once we work on that documentary, you know the awards are going to be rolling in."

Kevin smiles, "Yeah Rocky's worried about me spending to much time with work. Susan that way with you?"

Sam sighs, "I don't know if we are even going to stay together."

Kevin is surprised, "Wow. Are you still having feelings for Stephanie?"

Sam sighs, "I don't know. Bouncing back with those two has done none of us any good. But honestly I think I'm just going to try and focus on my career."

Kevin nods, "Good choice I'm sure. But hey I gotta get going. Meeting Rocky for dinner. See you later."

Sam nods, "Take care man."

Sam grabs all his stuff and gets up.

A few blocks away.

Stephanie speeds up.

Susan grabs Stephanie around the neck.

Stephanie smacks her, "Get off me bitch!"

Stephanie starts punching her.

The two girls fight in the front seat.

Stephanie loses control of the car and drives onto main street.

They hit a bench and tables.

The car stops.

Stephanie opens her door.

Susan jumps out.

Stephanie shouts, "No!!!! Someone call an ambulance!"

Susan runs over, "Sam? No."

Sam Spencer is lying on the ground and isn't moving.

Stephanie cries, "Oh my God!"

Susan sobs, "No! Sam!!!!"

A crowd forms around them.

The two women cry over Sam's body.


Springfield High's Prom

Susan and Stephanie worry

Kevin and Rocky make love

Marah's secret is revealed

Remy gets a huge surprise!

Alan shocks Blake


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