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S3 Season 11



Everyone is in for a surprise in Springfield...




The Coopers are all getting together to welcome Frank and Eleni back on their visit to Springfield.

Frank and Eleni are happy to be back.


Harley hugs them, "How have you guys been? How's California?"

Eleni smiles, "It's amazing what a difference the change made in our relationship. Things are so much better now."

Frank smiles, "I couldn't be happier."

Buzz nods, "Well I'm proud to see my Son and my daughter in law have finally made it work."


Lucy and David walk in with Davey.

Frank walks over, "Hey you guys."

The all hug.

Frank looks at little Davey, "Hey little guy, it's your Uncle Frank. Wow I haven't seen you in a while."

Eleni smiles, "Oh Lucy he's such a beautiful boy."

Frank looks at him, "He's got that Cooper smile. You know he really does look like a Cooper, it's amazing isn't it?"

Lucy starts to hold Davey close, "Yes, well we are one very happy family. I'm very blessed."

Harley looks at Buzz, "Hey Daddy. Where's Rocky at? I figured he'd be here by now?"

Buzz shakes his head, "Beats me."

The Coopers all catch up.




Rocky sits by himself.

It's getting cold out but he doesn't mind it.


Kevin walks up to him, "Hey. Didn't expect to see you here."

Rocky nods, "Yeah. You either."

Kevin laughs, "You're a bad liar. You know this is where I like to go and think."

Rocky smiles, "I've always had a hard time lying to you about things. Mr. Journalist."

Kevin grins, "Officer Cooper."

Rocky nods, "We decided a while ago that us being together would have prevented us from making our other dreams come true. Like our careers. But now I'm a Cop for the Springfield Police Department. You are going to journalism school in Missouri. Things worked out well for each of us. You think we made the right choice?"

Kevin sits by him, "Apparently. I mean you seem pretty happy. Must be your new boyfriend."

Rocky shakes his head, "We broke up. I just wasn't able to really get close to him."

Kevin sighs, "Sorry to hear that. But oddly enough, I've been staying single. Focusing on school."

Rocky grins, "I figured you'd find someone else."

Kevin looks down, "There's no one else."

Rocky smiles at him.


Spaulding Mansion:


Lorelei (Beth) walks down the hallway.

Liz approaches her, "Mom."

She turns, "Yes sweetheart?"

Liz stares at her, "Mom don't you think this has all gone on long enough? Remy can't even see Clayton anymore. Clay will grow up without even knowing who his father is."

Lorelei sighs, "Oh honey, I know this all seems tough, but I know Remy's type. He wants to run your life for you. And he's going to convince you to turn your back on us."

Liz shakes her head, "So it's okay for you to watch Granddad control my life? He is blackmailing me and Remy into staying a part. He is holding so much over our heads, threatening lives, things have been out of control ever since Natalia-"

She stops her, "No. Lizzie, we all know what happened. A lot has happened. But at the end of the day your Grandfather loves us. He is supporting us and protecting us."

Liz stares at her, "Oh my God! Are you like falling for him again? I mean I get that you had issues when Daddy was gone, but Mom I thought you snapped out of that."

Lorelei sighs, "Lizzie... Your Grandfather and I have an understanding. I'm not sure where this is leading but for now, I trust him. We are Spauldings Lizzie and sometimes that title comes with sacrifices."

Liz scoffs, "Well I hope your sacrifices are worth it."

Liz walks away.



Coop is outside.

He's getting ready to go in to see everyone when he hears his name being called.

He turns around.


Eden comes up to him, "Henry."

His mouth drops, "Mary..."

She walks up to him, "Henry, you look just as handsome as the first day we met. Or I guess you go by Coop."

He nods, "Yeah how did you.... never mind. What are you doing here? I got the papers."

She sighs, "I came here for a divorce but... seeing you here. I just remember that night we met. All the things you said to me. You made me feel like one of those women from the books I've read."

A car pulls up outside.

Coop takes her up to the boarding house.

Inside Frank and Eleni are filling everyone in on what they've been up to.

David and Lucy are playing with their little boy.


Harley turns and looks at the window.

She sees Cyrus outside.

Harley excuses herself and goes out the back to see him.


Just then Marina walks in.

Eleni and Frank run over.

Eleni hugs her, "Oh Marina baby! I was hoping you would be here today. Oh honey."

Frank holds her tight, "Honey I know you don't want to talk about a lot but we really want to talk to you."

Marina nods, "I have a lot to tell you guys."

Lucy's heart is racing.


Reva Bend:


Reva invited her family over.

Josh and Shayne are already there.


Cassie walks in, "Hey Sis, what's this big news?"

Reva smiles, "We have to wait until everyone gets here."

Cassie sees Josh and Shayne, "Everyone? I didn't realize it was a whole family thing."

Reva looks around, "You didn't bring Jeffrey?"

Cassie sighs, "We need to talk-"

The door opens.


Marah and Jeffrey walk in.

Marah smiles, "Hey Mom."

All eyes are on the two of them.

Reva looks at her, "Uh..."

Marah sighs, "I know it's complicated. But Jeffrey and I decided to try and make things work. For the baby's sake. It just makes more sense. We all agreed."

Reva looks at Cassie who is looking at the floor.

Shayne decides to change the subject, "Well Mom you said Roxie was busy so just tell us now."

Reva smiles, "Oh yes. Well I didn't want to tell anyone until we were completly sure. But as of this morning when my final tests came in from Noah. I'm Cancer Free!"

Everyone jumps.

Cassie smiles, "Reva! Oh my God! That's fantastic."

A tearful Shayne hugs his mother.

Marah grins, "Mom that's amazing."

Josh smiles, "I'm so happy Reva."

She looks at him, "Not as happy as I am Bud."

The whole family is caught up in the happy moment.




Doris is sitting in the waiting room.

Rick comes out.

Doris jumps up, "Oh Rick! Tell me Ashlee is going to be okay! Tell me she's okay."

Rick sighs, "She's stable. We won't know much until she wakes up. She's fallen into a coma. But that was a pretty bad fall she took. Luckily that waiter found her when he did."

Doris sighs, "So you're sure she fell down the stairs, I mean is there anyway to find out if she was pushed or thrown?"

Rick stares, "Why do you think it's possible?"

She sighs, "I don't know... look can I see her now?"

Rick nods, "She's resting, but yes. You may."

Doris wipes her tears, "Thank you Rick."

Doris goes into Ashlee's room.

Ashlee is laying in the bed.

She simply looks like she's only sleeping.

Doris cries, "Oh Ashlee, this is all my fault. My one fear has always been that you would pay for my mistakes. I swear I thought I was doing the right thing all those years ago. If I had any idea what it would lead to maybe... I don't know."

The door opens.


Roxie Shayne walks in, "Doris-"

Doris grabs her, "You!"

Roxie tries to talk calmly, "Doris I need to explain."

Doris shakes her head, "You have no idea what you've done. You are going to be so sorry you did this."

Roxie is worried that she'll never find her son now.


Spaulding Mansion:

Liz sits in the living room.

She can't believe how little control she has over her own life.


Rafe walks in, "Hey."

She sighs, "Hi."

He sits by her, "I'm sorry that things didn't work out with the whole Remy thing."

She nods, "Thanks for trying."

Rafe sighs, "It's been a rough year for both of us I think. I have absolutely no idea where my Mom and little brother are."

Liz nods, "I don't want this to come out wrong, but I'm glad Natalia got herself and the baby away from Alan. Even though it probably killed her inside. I don't think anyone loved my Granddad more than she did."

Rafe sighs, "Well if it wasn't for Aunt Alex, things would be a lot worse right now."

Liz nods, "And now Granddad won't let Alex back into the house. She never even comes to town anymore. This whole house is just empty now. But I can't wait to get out of here."

Rafe sighs, "Yep. Soon it'll be me, your Mom, her kids, and Alan. All in this big house."

She looks at him, "Why do you still want to stay here? You've seen what happened to me, Gus, Alan Michael, my Dad, Aunt Alex, there's a reason why none of them live here."

Rafe sighs, "Well as of now, I have nothing to lose."

Liz worries about her cousin.


Kevin and Rocky are still sitting.

Rocky is staring at Kevin.

Kevin laughs, "What?"

Rocky smiles, "You look so good in your coat."

Kevin shakes his head, "Only you could find a way to compliment me even when I'm all covered up."

Rocky grins, "I've missed you."

Kevin nods, "I miss you too."

Rocky sighs, "I miss making you laugh and smile, especially when you don't want to. I miss being around you. And even all the little things like holding your hand."

Kevin smiles, "I've never met anyone who makes me feel so good about myself. No one makes me feel the way you make me feel."

Rocky sighs, "This sucks. Because I am already running late for a party at Company."

Kevin sighs, "Another moment ruined."

Rocky smiles, "Not entirely."

Kevin scoots closer.

Rocky takes a hold of his hand and kisses it.

Kevin looks into Rocky's eyes.


Out on the street Blake is driving by in her car.

She turns and sees them.

She watches her son in a close embrace with another boy.

Blake soon recognizes Rocky.

Blake finally realizes what has been going on with her son.


Eden is in the boarding house with Coop.

They're in his room.

Eden takes his hand, "I don't know Coop. I mean maybe we should just sign the papers."

He shakes his head, "Why so you can leave again? I didn't even get a goodbye or an explanation."

She sighs, "Henry I know you don't understand everything right now but I really had a good reason."

Coop shakes his head, "Then please tell me!"

Eden doesn't know where to begin, "Well for starters... my name is not Mary. It's Eden."

Outside Harley walks over to Cyrus, "What are you doing here?"

He turns to her, "Wow. Harley."

She shakes her head, "What did you come here to see me? Because I moved on Cyrus."

He sighs, "No Harley I didn't come here to see you."

She looks at him, "Then why are you here Cyrus? What are you doing in Springfield?"

Cyrus sees everyone through the window.

He walks past Harley inside.

Harley follows him, "What?"

Cyrus walks in.

All of the Cooper's stare.

Frank is not happy to see him, "Foley."

Lucy shouts, "No, get him out of here."

Marina reaches into her purse and pulls out the gun, "Freeze Cyrus!"

Everyone stares in shock.

Reva Bend:

Everyone is so excited for Reva's news.

Reva pulls Cassie aside.

Cassie hugs her, "I'm so happy for you Sis."

Reva looks at her, "Well I'm a little confused. When did you dump Jeffrey?"

She stares, "How did you know I dumped him?"

Reva sighs, "Jeffrey never would have left you."

Cassie sighs, "I just think Marah and her baby deserve happiness."

Reva nods, "I do too. I love my daughter. But if Jeffrey doesn't love her the way he loves you then this is all going to blow up in Marah's face. I don't want that to happen."

Jeffrey sits with Marah.

She smiles, "Jeffrey, this is turning out to be a really good day. And I'm so happy I could share it with you."

He nods, "Well I just want things to be good for you and for our baby. I hope you know that."

She smiles, "I think so. But I mean how long? How long until you decide you're over it?"

Jeffrey sighs, "What do I have to do to reassure you that I'm not going to do that?"

Shayne and Josh are sitting across the room.

Shayne looks at him, "I'm getting really worried about Marah."

Josh nods, "Oh I hear ya. I just feel like she is not doing as well as she is trying to make us believe. She actually is reminding me of... never mind."

Shayne looks at him, "Who?"

Marah stands up, "Everyone! Everyone! Listen!"

Everybody looks at Marah.

Jeffrey himself looks puzzled.

Marah smiles, "Jeffrey and I are getting married!"

The room is silent.

Cassie looks at Jeffrey who clearly looks as surprised as everyone else.


Doris is shaking Roxie.

Roxie tries to stop her, "Doris you don't understand. I've been desperate. My child was taken away from me! It's been practically decades now! I never got to hold him or see him. All I did was hear him cry and then they took him out of the room."

Doris shakes her head, "You have no idea! You have no idea!"

Roxie nods, "Maybe now you know what's it's like!"

Doris slaps her, "You shut up! You don't know what you've done Roxie! You have no idea!"

Roxie looks at her, "Why do you keep saying that?"

Doris grabs her, "I didn't just throw your child away. I wasn't going to let that baby end up in foster care. I knew how messed up your doctors were. That's why I knew I had to make sure the baby was safe."

Roxie scoffs, "Safe? Safe?"

Doris nods, "And they lied to you. It wasn't a boy. It was a girl. It was a little girl that I took in and loved as if she were my own daughter. My own daughter."

Roxie backs away, "No. No."

Doris nods, "Yeah. Your daughter, my daughter."

Roxie shakes her head, "No she can't be daughter."

Doris and Roxie both turn and look at Ashlee.


Eden is starting to explain to Coop.

He hears all the commotion inside.

He turns, "Hold on."

Coop runs in.

Marina is holding a gun on Cyrus.

Lucy and David pick up Davey.

Harley looks at her, "Marina what are you doing sweetheart? Why do you have that gun?"

Marina looks at Cyrus, "I want answers."

Cyrus nods, "I know."

Frank looks at them, "What's going on Baby? What did Foley do?"

Marina is pointing the gun, "Tell me where Daniel is Cyrus! Tell me where my son is!"

Eleni looks at her, "Oh God Marina! Honey, Daniel is dead."

Marina shouts, "No! Daniel didn't die in that fire did he Cyrus! I remember now! Aubrey took him from me before she set the house on fire! Then she ran off with him."

Buzz stares, "What?"

Marina looks at Cyrus, "Tell them it's true."

Cyrus nods, "It's true."

Franks looks at him, "What?"

Marina shouts, "Tell me where my son is!"

Cyrus looks at Davey, "He's right there."

Marina is confused, "What?"

Cyrus nods, "Davey. Davey Grant isn't who you think he is. He is Daniel Cooper Santos. You are his biological mother. Davey is Daniel, Daniel is Davey. He is your son Marina."

Marina turns to Davey.

Frank and Eleni are in shock.

Buzz and the rest of the Coopers turn to David, Lucy, and Davey.

Marina finally sees her son Daniel!!!


Lucy and David explain!

Roxie realizes what she's done

Marah's plan continues

Blake confronts Kevin

Clarissa turns to Belinda for help


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About damn time that Marina was told the truth about her child! I like Lucy, but she is always a bit flakey. Hello! Your niece went psyco because she thought her child was dead and you didn't find a problem with perpetuating that thought?

Ashley being Roxie's daughter? Didn't see that one coming, but it would make sense; after all didn't she break and shoot Alan at one point?

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LOL! I actually considered Ashlee shooting Alan to be another point in her being Roxies daughter.

And yeah finally Marina learns the truth.

Glad u liked it. :)

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