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Episode 167



Emotions get the best of people in Springfield...


Country Club:


Beth is still locked in a room.

Phillip is trying to get her to come out.

Rick walks up to him, "Hey bud. Just relax. You know Beth. Let her calm down and she'll open the door eventually."

Phillip sighs, "Will you let the guests know that things are held up right now?"

Rick nods, "Sure thing."

Rick walks into the wedding.


Harley walks over to Phillip, "Hey."

He turns, "Harley! Hi wow I didn't expect to see you here."

She nods, "I didn't expect to come. But Zach is still your son and I thought... I don't know."

Phillip smiles, "Is Zach here?"

She nods, "He's sitting with Jude out there. But I think you should just leave him alone right now."

Phillip nods, "Yes. I mean I'm just so glad he decided to come."

Harley sighs, "I'm not going to be renewing my restraining order against you Phillip."

Phillip gasp, "Are you serious? Thank you."

Harley nods, "I can't say this means Zach is letting you back in his life. I'm just saying I'm not locking the door on it."

Phillip is very happy to hear this.




Jeffrey is with Cassie.

Cassie is looking through photos, "Wow RJ has grown up so much. I can't believe it."

Jeffrey nods, "Blake says he looks like his Dad."

Cassie nods, "It's so true. I look at him and I see so much of Hart. It makes me smile."

He nods, "I was hoping it would."

She looks up at him, "Thank you Jeffrey. Thank you so much for being here for me while I try and regroup."

Jeffrey nods, "Of course."

Out in the waiting room.


Marah stands waiting.

Edmund walks in, "Hello Marah. I got your call what's going on?"

Marah sighs, "Edmund there is something you need to know."

He shakes his head, "I really am not in the mood. I was just thrown out of a building and I'm not-"

Marah stops him, "It's Cassie."

Edmund looks at her, "Cassie?"

Marah nods, "Cassie is awake."

Edmund is in shock, "Oh my God. Where is she?"

He pushes through to Cassie's room.

Marah tries to slow him down.

Edmund swings the door open.

Cassie and Edmund stare at each other in shock.




Kevin is still walking.

Rocky catches up with him, "Would you just slow down. Why are you acting like this?"

Kevin scoffs, "You are so in denial! You are ashamed of me Rocky! How do you think that makes me feel?"

Rocky shakes his head, "I'm not ashamed of you."

Kevin nods, "Yes you are."

Rocky sighs, "My family knows I'm gay!"

Kevin shakes his head, "It is one thing for you to be gay. But for you to hook up with me. Kevin Marler. The guy who attacked you almost a year ago. The guy who everyone hates because of that. The guy who everyone refers to as a gay basher. How would you explain that?"

Rocky shakes his head, "I don't care! I don't care if they are upset."

Kevin nods, "Yes you do. Otherwise you would have told them about me a long time ago"

Rocky sighs, "I'm going to my police academy soon. I have so much going on that I don't need this."

Kevin nods, "That's why I'm making it easy for you. I'm walking away before I ruin everything."

Kevin keeps going.

Rocky keeps going after him.


Bauer Cabin:


Coop watches Vi hold the knife to Stephanie's throat.

Coop tries to calm her down, "Vi you need to just relax. Don't do anything you'll regret."

Vi shouts, "I've already made a fool out of myself! You never loved me! You just used me to get to her."

Coop shakes his head, "No Vi! I didn't mean to hurt you. If I had known I was hurting you I would have..."

Vi gets angry, "You would have what?"

Coop is shaking, "I don't know. Vi I'm so sorry. But we would never have happened and never will. It doesn't matter if Stephanie is in the picture or not."

Vi nods, "You're right she doesn't matter!"

Stephanie grabs Vi's arm and wrestles the knife from her.

Vi struggles and swings at her.

Stephanie throws the knife away from them.

Stephanie grabs Vi and throws her down.

Stephanie pins her niece down.

Coop runs to get the knife and puts it away.

Vi struggles but ends up crying in Stephanie's arms.

Country Club:

Everyone is still waiting.

Phillip gets off the phone with Lillian, "OK, thank you very much. Give Lizzie our love.... Okay bye."

Rick walks up, "How's Lizzie?"

Phillip nods, "You were right. She is doing much better now but they just want her to stay off her feet for now."

Rick sighs, "Did you really think you were gonna have a normal wedding there buddy?"

Phillip laughs, "I guess not."

Rick nods, "You got the sick daughter, ex husbands, and the bride is having a fit. Seems like a normal Springfield wedding."

Reverend Rutledge walks up, "Phillip. Is everything okay? How is Beth doing now?"

Phillip sighs, "I'm not sure..."

They hear the lock unlatch.

Beth opens the door a little, "Phillip would you bring the Reverend and Rick in here please?"

Phillip is surprised but does as she asked.

Phillip, Rick, and Rev. Rutledge walk in.

The door shuts.

Guests outside wait with anticipation.



Kevin is still walking.

Rocky gets in front of him.

Kevin is angry, "Get out of my way!"

Rocky shouts, "No! I am so tired of this! I'm tired of proving my love to you. You know that I love you. I love you in a way that I never even imagined and we know that."

Kevin shouts, "I know! I've never been in love before. This is all new to me. And my first love is ashamed of me."

Rocky shakes his head, "I'm not ashamed of you. I'm just waiting for the right time."

Kevin looks at him, "When is the right time to tell people this? What if there is never a right time?"

Rocky is really upset, "So you are just leaving me?"

Kevin sighs, "I just think that we should take sometime and think about things and where we stand. There is no point in telling people about us if it is never going to work."

Rocky has tears in his eyes, "So what? We take a break?"

Kevin nods, "I think it's for the best."

Rocky is speechless.

Kevin pulls him into a passionate kiss, "See ya."

Kevin leaves Rocky crying.

Bauer Cabin:

Coop is sitting in a chair.

Stephanie is holding Vi in her arms while they sit on the floor.

Vi is rocking back and forth sobbing.

Stephanie sighs, "I love you sweetheart."

Vi cries, "I don't know what to do. I don't know..."

Stephanie shushes her, "Don't worry. We talked to some doctors. Some friends of of my Dad's. They are going to give you the help that you need okay sweetheart?"

Vi shakes her head, "No, no, no, no, I don't want anyone to know about all of this!"

Stephanie sighs, "The doctors can't tell anyone not even your Grandfather. Okay so don't worry."

Vi is worried, "What am I gonna tell my dad and everyone?"

Stephanie sighs, "We'll tell them that you are going on a trip. Maybe to Europe."

Vi nods, "Okay."

After another hour Stephanie takes Vi to her car.

Coop drives separately.

Country Club:

All of the wedding guest are waiting.

No one knows what is going on.

Some have started to leave.

Eventually the crowd around the room that is locked.

Phillip, Beth, Rick, and the Reverend are still in there.

Talking can be heard but not identified.

Suddenly the door opens.

Rick walks out, "Ladies and Gentleman thank you for all being patient. I'm sorry but you won't be seeing a wedding today."

The room fills with gasps.

Rick continues, "You just missed it. May I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Spaulding!"

Everyone claps in surprise!

She and Phillip walk out holding hands.

They have big smiles on their faces.

And are wearing their wedding rings.


Edmund walks towards Cassie's bed in shock.

He stares, "Cass..."

Cassie jumps, "No. Get him out! Jeffrey, Jeffrey please get him out right now. Please."

Edmund is confused, "Cassie?"

Jeffrey pushes him out, "You heard her!"

Edmund is pushed out, "Cassie?"

Marah follows them.

Jeffrey turns to Marah, "What the hell is going on? Why did you bring him to see her?"

Marah scoffs, "Didn't you see me? I was trying to stop him from going in there."

Jeffrey looks at her, "How the hell did he even know she was here?"

Marah sighs, "He has a right to."

Jeffrey stares at Marah, "I don't even-"

Cassie calls for him, "Jeffrey?"

Jeffrey turns to Cassie's room.

Marah is left in the hallway.

Edmund walks up behind her.

The two peak into the room.

Jeffrey tries to relax Cassie.

Edmund whispers to Marah, "Cassie and Jeffrey? Things just got more interesting didn't they?"

Country Club:

The church doors open.

All of guest pile out and wait for the bride and groom.

Phillip walks out holding his bride's hand.

He kisses it, "Beth you have made me the happiest man in the world all over again."

The two greet their guest.

After posing for pictures they head into the limo.

Phillip helps her in, "Okay, I'm gonna go talk to the driver really quick. I'll be back in a second."

He kisses her hand and shuts her door.

She picks up her mirror.

She talks to herself, "Well hot damn! The old girl pulled it off again now didn't she? Welcome back... Lorelei."

Beth's alter ego has resurfaced.



Reva sees Cassie!

Cyrus visits Harley

Lucy and David discuss the case

Susan worries for Marina

Olivia surprises Gus


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