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Episode 166



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

A very emotional day in Springfield...


Country Club:


Beth is getting ready for her wedding.

Lillian and Liz are there.

Lillian smiles at her daughter, "Oh honey today is going to be so special for you."

Liz grins, "Mom you look beautiful."

Beth hugs them, "Thank you guys. We've had such a rough few years. Now it seems like the Raines women are having a change of luck."

There is a knock on the door.

Beth goes to open it, "Phillip I hope it's not you."


She opens the door to see Edmund standing there.

Lillian looks over, "Who is it sweetie?"

Beth turns to her, "Oh the reverend. I'll be right back."

Beth walks to the hall with Edmund.

He sighs, "I'm not happy with you Beth."

She sighs, "I can't believe that you actually had the nerve to come here on my wedding day."

Edmund is angry, "Ava is still in Ravenwood and from what I hear you barely tried to get her out at all."

Beth sighs, "Edmund I'm getting married!"

Edmund grabs her, "Beth! I wasn't bluffing! You didn't do what I asked. Consider your wedding over!"

Beth stares at Edmund in fear.


Bauer Cabin:


Vi pulls her car in front of the cabin.

Maureen is planning a party with friends.

Vi walks up and knocks on the door.

The door opens.


Coop is there, "Hello Vi."

Vi is in shock, "Henry! Oh my God! What are you doing here? I mean I'm so happy to see you."

He nods, "Come inside."

She walks in, "Where is everyone?"

He sighs, "There was never really a party."

Vi smiles, "Oh my God. I knew it. This was just a show. It's because you wanted to be alone with me isn't it? Oh my God! I'm going to make this the best night of your life."

Coop backs away.

Stephanie walks in, "Vi, it's not that kind of night."

Vi stares in shock, "What are you doing here?"

Stephanie locks the door, "No one is leaving until we get a few things straight here."

Vi is furious.





Rocky is driving with Kevin.

Kevin sighs, "So what did you want to do today?"

Rocky nods, "Uh... I was thinking seeing a movie."

Kevin laughs, "Again? Are there any other movies out that we haven't already seen?"

Rocky sighs, "We can see one again. I just really like seeing movies. That's all."

Kevin shakes his head, "No it's not. All we ever do is go to the movies. It's because at the movies it's dark. And during the day no one else is there. So we won't be seen."

Rocky sighs, "What are you talking about?"

Kevin sighs, "We've been dating for months now and you haven't told anyone. You're still ashamed of me."

Rocky shakes his head, "That is not it. There has been so much. My wedding to Shayne, Marina's baby, all of it. I mean it's just a lot for everyone right now and I can't just throw this on them."

Kevin is angry, "No you can't because that would be the worst thing in the world wouldn't it? God they would never recover from that would they? Wow those poor little bastards. We should just break up and then we won't have to worry about offending anyone. Yeah that's what's best for everyone else."

Rocky turns to him, "What?"

Kevin is furious, "Pull over and let me out!"

Rocky is confused.




Marah is sitting in the waiting room.

Jeffrey walks out, "Hey you're here."

Marah nods, "Yeah you said it was an emergency."

Jeffrey nods, "Well it kind of is."

Marah sighs, "Jeffrey you are really scaring me. If something bad has happened then just come out and say it."

He looks at her, "It's Cassie."

She sighs, "Oh God. Is she.... did she pass away?"

Jeffrey shakes his head, "Oh! No, no, no. Not at all. Quite the opposite actually. She's awake."

Marah backs up, "She's awake. My Aunt Cassie's awake? Why haven't I heard about this? Why am I finding out from you?"

Jeffrey sighs, "I was with her when she woke up. She wasn't ready to see anyone yet."

Marah is confused, "Why were you with her?"

Jeffrey sighs, "I was trying to... I don't know. With RJ coming home I felt like I had to talk to her."

She nods, "You are right. We have to do something."

He nods, "I think you should go in."

She nods, "Yes and I will tell her right now to stay the hell away from RJ and the rest of the family."

Jeffrey stops her, "Marah no."

Marah is confused by Jeffrey.

Country Club:

Beth is with Edmund still.

Edmund looks at her, "Beth you promised me that you'd get Ava out of Ravenwood."

She shakes her head, "I did no such thing. You tried to blackmail me into doing something impossible."

Edmund shakes his head, "Oh please! I was doing you a favor and asked for something in return."

She nods, "Okay okay. Now just give me sometime. Let me have my wedding day and I'll do it."

He scoffs, "Oh please Beth, "You'll get married and forget all about me. I have you right where I want you now."

Beth cries, "Please don't ruin this for me Edmund."

Edmund puts his hands and takes Beth's chin, "Now stop crying. I'll make you a new deal. Either you end your wedding or I will."

Edmund walks away.

Beth doesn't know what to do.

She hears noise in the other room.

She opens the door.

Liz is on the ground not moving.

Lillian is aiding to her, "Beth get Rick!"

Beth runs over, "Lizzie! Lizzie!"

Lillian looks at he, "She just collapsed go get Rick honey."

Beth goes to find Rick.



Rocky pulls over.

Kevin gets out.

Rocky gets out, "Kevin! Kevin will you just wait."

Kevin keeps walking, "You stay the hell away from me!"

Rocky sighs, "What is all of this about? We don't have to go to the movies if you don't want too."

Kevin turns, "You know damn good and well that this is not about the movies. It's about what it means."

Rocky shakes his head, "It doesn't mean anything."

Kevin nods, "Okay then let's go to Company or maybe walk by the police station. Or is that to close to your family. We can't go to Main Street. No mall for us. And when we go to the Beacon you make me go in ahead while you 'make a call'. That way no one can see us going in there together."

Rocky shakes his head, "That is not true."

Kevin nods, "Yes it is. No matter what, no matter how much time passes you will never be ready to tell people about me. Tell them that you left good golden boy Shayne for the bad jerk like me."

Kevin keeps walking away.

Rocky runs after him.

Country Club:


Beth is out in the hallway.

Rick and Lillian are with Liz.

Phillip walks over and hugs Beth, "Hey how is she?"

Beth sighs, "I don't know. I don't even understand what happened."

Rick walks out, "Hey guys."

Phillip sighs, "Hey what's going on?"

Rick sighs, "Well she took to many pain pills. We are taking her to Cedars really quick but she'll be fine."

Beth cries, "It's all my fault. I pressured her into helping me with everything. She's still recovering."

Phillip shakes his head, "Beth no. Beth don't blame yourself."

Edmund walks over, "Maybe she should."

Beth cries, "Oh God no."

Phillip looks at him, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Edmund smiles, "We need to talk Phillip."

Phillip scoffs, "Hell no."

Beth cries, "Please Edmund. Just leave."

Edmund sighs, "Phillip there is something you need to know."

Beth shoves him, "NO!!!"

Beth then runs into the next room.

She locks the door.

Security grabs Edmund.

He shouts, "Phillip! Beth! I've got to tell you!"

Phillip is banging on the door, "Beth!"

Beth is crying on the floor.

Bauer Cabin:

Stephanie and Coop are with Vi.

Vi backs up, "You sick bastards. What is this?"

Stephanie sighs, "Vi we need to address what is going on. We won't get any honesty unless we really can talk about this."

Vi turns to Coop, "Why is she here?"

Coop takes Stephanie's hand, "Vi I'm dating Stephanie. I've been dating her for months."

Vi shakes her head, "No! You wouldn't do that to me!"

Coop sighs, "Vi there is no reason that this effects you. There has never been and never will be anything between you and I."

Vi shouts, "Shut up! Stop it! Why are you doing this?"

Coop sighs, "I'm being honest!"

She cries, "No! You are lying. I was there I felt what was happening between us! We fell in love. You look me in the eyes and tell me it was all in my head."

Coop walks to her, "Vi I'm so sorry..."

Vi runs from him, "No, no, no."

Vi runs into the kitchen.

She pulls a knife from the drawer.

Coop looks at her, "What are you doing?"

She points it towards herself, "Romeo and Juliet right?"

Stephanie runs over, "Vi stop!"

The wrestle for a minute.

Vi turns the knife and holds it to her Aunt's throat.


Jeffrey sits Marah down.

Marah looks at him, "What are you doing?"

Jeffrey sighs, "You can't go in there yelling at her. She just came out of a coma."

Marah scoffs, "Why are you protecting her? Jeffrey the woman is sick and twisted. She is going to ruin our lives again and I'm not going to let that happen."

Jeffrey shakes his head, "No. She is back to normal. The tumor was causing her actions. Now the old Cassie is back."

Marah sighs, "Wow. You were trained to read signs from professionals, you took on powerful people. But little Princess Cassie Winslow is able to manipulate you still?"

He shakes his head, "Marah don't say that. I'm not stupid. I saw the look in her eyes. It's the Cassie we missed. She's back."

Marah sighs, "I'm not giving her a chance to hurt us again."

Jeffrey gets up, "Think about what I said. I'm going to see her really quick. Please don't come in until you are ready to be open minded and give Cassie a chance."

Jeffrey goes into her room.

Marah follows and peaks through the window.

She watches how closely he sits with her.

She makes a phone call and leaves a message for someone, "Hey it's Marah Lewis. Meet me at Cedars. There is something you need to know."

Country Club:

Edmund is yelling as he is dragged out, "Phillip! I have to tell you something!"

Phillip pounds on the door, "Beth! Beth please open up!"

Lillian runs out, "Where is Beth? Lizzie is being taken in the ambulance. Beth?"

Phillip keeps pounding, "Beth?"

Edmund shouts, "BETH! "

Beth is sitting in the room rocking back and forth.

She gets up and goes to the mirror.

She is hysterical.

Beth looks at herself, "I can't do this anymore. I can't deal with this I can't do it!"

Her name is being called out.

Beth falls down crying and covering her ears.


Phillip and Beth's wedding may be ruined!

Harley reaches out to her ex

Marah worries about Jeffrey and Cassie

Stephanie tries to control Vi

Kevin gives Rocky upsetting news


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