Tuesday August 5 2008
All The Days of Their Lives
Roman and Marleana walk into the hospital, following Belle on a strecther. Sami comes in the waiting room, and sees them.
Sami: Mom, whats going on?
Malreana: We found Belle, but she doesn't look too good.
Sami: Oh my God! Where was she?
Marleana: A little outside Salem.
Sami: Why was she there?
Marleana: Kristen DiMera kidnapped her.
Nicole walks into Shawn's room.
Nicole: Hey.
Shawn: Hi.
Nicole: How are you?
Shawn: Better.
Nicole: I heard you start rehab soon.
Shawn: I'm trying to work something out with Victor to get me out of it.
Nicole: Shawn, you shouldn't do that.
They look at each other.
Nicole: Shawn, these past few months haven't just been about sex. I know I already said this, but I need to know if you feel the same. Shawn, I know that kiss was real.
Shawn: So do I.
He kisses her.
Brady and Carrie are sitting at the Penthouse Grill.
Brady: There is a reason I asked you to breakfast.
Carrie: And why's that?
Brady: I wanted to ask you if you'd go on a date with me.
Carrie smiles. Brady's phone rings.
Brady: Hello?
He pauses.
Brady: Oh my God.
Carrie: Whats wrong?
Brady: They found Belle! I need to go to the hospital.
Carrie: I'll go with you!
Roman, Marleana, and Sami go into Belle's room.
Marleana: Oh my God. Belle!
Mike and Diane come in the room.
Diane: I'm so sorry, but Belle lost the baby.
Marleana starts crying.
Marleana: Because of the car crash?
Diane: No, actually. She lost it shortly before the crash; she was under heavy stress, and she couldnt carry a baby to term.
Sami and Marleana hug.
Marleana: Mike, how is she?
Mike: She hit her head pretty hard during the crash, and she is in a coma.
Marleana: Oh my God.
Sami: Can't we get her out of it? What about that antidote that was used on Jeannie?
Mike: We don't have anymore of that, and it was a fluke that it worked on Jeannie.
Carly, Jeannie, and Kimberly are in Andrew's room.
Kimberly: So, you get to go home tomorrow.
Andrew: I can't wait. This food is not exactly the best.
Carly laughs.
Carly: Alex goes home too tomorrow.
Kimberly looks at Carly's hand.
Kimberly: What's that?
Carly: EJ and I are engaged!
Shawn stops the kiss.
Shawn: I can't do this.
Bo and Hope come in the room.
Hope: Wha the hell are you doing in here?
Nicole: I was told to check on Shawn.
Hope: Well, you can leave now.
Nicole: You know what, Saint Hope? I'm doing my job! so why don't you lay off a little?
Hope: Fine, finish what you have to do and get out.
Bo: Shawn, we have some news.
Shawn: What?
Bo: Belle was found.
Shawn: Really? Where is she?
Hope: She was brought to the hospital. She was in a car accident, and she is in a coma.
Shawn: What? Whatdid the doctor say?
Hope: Mike said it doesn't look too good.
Brady and Carrie arrive in the hospital waiting room. They see Marleana and Sami sitting on the chair.
Brady: Marleana! What happened?
Marleana: We found her outside of Salem. She was in a car accident. Brady, she's in a coma.
Brady: Oh my God.
He hugs her.
Brady: Is she going to wake up?
Marleana: Mike said it doesn't look too good.
Carrie: I'm so sorry.
She hugs Marleana and Sami.
Kimberly looks confused.
Kimberly: Your engaged? When did he propose?
Carly: Well, he was going to do it tonight, but the suprise was spoiled, so I gave him my answer right away.
Jeannie: Wow! It's huge!
Carly:I know!
Kimberly: The size doesnt matter, girls.
Carly: I know.
Jeannie: But it sure helps!
EJ comes in the room.
Jeannie: Hey EJ! Congraulations!
She hugs him. She whispers in his ear.
Jeannie: Great job with the ring!
He laughs.
EJ: Thanks. Hello Kimberly, Andrew.
Him and Carly kiss.
Kimberly: EJ, can I talk to you alone, for a minute, please?
EJ: Sure.
Nicole leaves Shawn's room, and Hope sits beside him.
Hope: Shawn, we've looked into a couple rehab places.
Shawn: I'm not going, mom! Victor said he can get something to get me out of it!
Hope: What! You need to get rid of this addidction!
Shawn: I am! I already have! I don't want the drugs anymore!
Bo: Shawn, drug addidctions don't just go away like that!
Hope: We found a place in Switzerland. You'll be going next week.
Shawn: I want to see Belle before I go.
Hope: You can gosee her now.
Brady, Marleana, and Sami are in Belle's room.
Brady: Why was the OBGYN in here earlier?
Tears form in Marleana's eyes.
Marleana: She was pregnant, Brady. When Kristen held her captive, she lost the baby due to stress.
Brady gets up.
Marleana: Where are you going?
Brady: I'm going to find that bitch, and make her pay!
Shawn and Hope walk into Belle's room.
Marleana: Shawn, thank God your here.
Shawn: I'm so sorry.
Marleana: Me too.
He hugs her, and he sits next to Belle. He kisses her on the forehead, and holds her hand.
Shawn: Will she ever wake up?
Marleana: Mike said it isn't likely, but we have to keep up hope! When John was in his coma, the doctor said he would never wake up, and he did.
Hope: Your right, Marleana. Belle's strong; she'll make it through this.
Mike comes in the room.
Mike: I'm sorry, but I have some bad news.
Kimberly and EJ are outside Andrew's room.
Kimberly: EJ, I just wanted to thank you for being there for my daughter.
EJ: It's no problem, Kimberly. I love her so very much.
Kimberly: I'm very happy for you two, and I don't think there is anybody else that has made her as happy as you do, EJ.
EJ: She makes me more happy, then I could have ever imagined.
Kimberly: I'm happy about that.
They hug, and Carly comes outside.
Carly: What are you guys talking about?
Kimberly: Oh nothing. So what time of year are you looking into for the wedding?
Carly: Well, I was thinking in September or October.
Kimberly: An autumn wedding is beautiful.
Carly: What time of the year do you think, EJ?
EJ: Any time of the year is fine as long as your the beautiful bride.
She smiles, and they kiss.
Mike closes the door.
Marleana: Mike, whats wrong?
Mike: She seems to have had a breakdown, due to the kidnapping, and then the car accident. It was just to much for her to handel, all at once.
Sami: But she's going to come out of it, right?
Mike: Unfortunatly, I don't have an answer for that. It's whatever her brain decides to do. Has she ever suffered other trautmatic expirerences?
Marleana: Yes.
Mike: Then the chances of her waking up again are very slim.
Sami: But I've been through a lot of traumatic expierences. My last pregnancy was full of stress, and the babies are fine, I'm fine. Why is this happening to her?
Mike: Everybody's different. Too many trautamatic expierences have been going on in Belle's life, and unforuntally she hit her breaking point, when she got in that car accident.
Marleana starts crying.
Mike: I'm so sorry, but there is a good chance she will remain catatonic for the rest of her life.
Mike leaves the room.
Sami: What are we going to do, mom?
Marleana stops crying, and wipes her tears.
Marleana: We need to find a centre for her, where she can stay.
Shawn: We can't just forget about her!
Marleana: Thats not what were doing, Shawn. She needs to go somewhere where they can properly care for her, and feed her.
Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
Anna is at Chez Rouge, talking to Maggie.
Anna: Would I be able to book Chez Rouge for an engagment party, for the whole night?
Carly comes.
Carly: I had the same idea.
Shawn is at Nicole's apartment.
Nicole: We can go to Switzerland, but you don't have to go to rehab.
Shawn: What do you mean?
Steve is in Jack and Jennifer's living room, with Jack.
Steve: I want to help you.
Jack: Steve, we can't.
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