Thursday February 28 2008
All The Days of Their Lives
Stephanie wakes up, tied to a chair. She realizes someone is tied to the other side, on another side.
Jeannie: Are you up yet? Finally.
Stephanie: Jeannie?
Jeannie: Ya. They put us ere because we found out about Gina.
Stephanie: I kinda figured that.
Jeannie: Ok, we have to figure out a way out of here.
Isabella and Adrianna are standing in the DiMera mansion.
Isabella: Adrianna, I'm not going to let you embrace this DiMera lifestyle!
Adrianna: Why not? I'm a DiMera, aren't I?
Isabella: Well, I'm going to make sure that the source of this is cut off.
Dora walks into the living room.
Dora: Don't be so sure.
Kimberly and Roman are in the Pub.
Roman: When was the last time you saw them?
Kimberly: At the hospital. I looked for them all over the hospital before they left, but they werent there. I went home, and they werent there. Roman, I'm scared.
Roman: Don't worry, we'll find them.
Kimberly: Where the hell are Steve and Kayla!?! And why aren't they answering their phones?
Roman: Were on that too. Don't worry.
Stephanie: Oh God. It's cold in here.
Jeannie: I have an idea! Go in my pocket; theres a lighter.
Stephanie: Why is there a lighter in your pocket?
Jeannie: Who cares? Just get it!
Stephanie: Which pocket?
Jeannie: Right.
Stephanie goes into her pocket, and gets the lighter. She gives it to Jeannie.
Stephanie: What are you going to do with it?
Jeannie sets the rope on fire.
Isabella: You have no claims to his life, Dora. You either Adrianna, so both of you get out, before the lawyer comes!
Dora: Oh please! I'll decide whats best for him!
Adrianna: I'm his daughter!
Isabella: I'm his wife!
Dora: I'm in his will!
Kristen DiMera walks into the mansion.
Kristen: Actually, I have his revised will, and none of you are in it.
Kimberly and Caroline are sitting in a booth at the Pub.
Kimberly: So when should we have the funeural for Hope?
Caroline: A couple days? Oh God. This family has been through so much. We just lost Sami, and now we loose Hope. Steve and Kayla are missing, Jeannie and Stephanie are missing! This family is falling apart!
Kimberly: Don't worry mom. It's all going to be ok.
Kimberly hugs her.
Jeannie and Stephanie get up.
Jeannie: Ok, lets get out of here.
She sees a bat lying aganinst a wall, and grabs it. The door opens, and a man come in!
Man: Hey!
Jeannie hits him over the head with the bat!
Stephanie: Come on, lets go!
They open a door, and realize they are on a boat!
Jeannie: Crap! Are we sailing?
Stephanie: I don't think so. Lets go to that guy, and see if he has a phone.
Jeannie: Good idea.
Dora: Kristen?
Kristen: Thats right. I'm making sure that Stefano is never going to wake up, and he is going to suffer for the rest of his life!
Isabella: Come on! We all want the same thing, well in different ways. Well, execpt for Adrianna. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, lets just end his life! Please!
Dora: No! I want that bastard to suffer!
Isabella: Id your mother still alive?
Dora: Ya, what is it to you?
Isabella: So what if Stefano ends up waking up? Then he will take revenge on you, and your whole family! Even though you two are family. Please, lets just do what is right.
Adrianna: Were not killing him!
Kristen: Shut up! You have no say in this!
Isabella: Don't talk to my daughter like that!
Dora: All of you stop! Kristen, has the will been brought to anyone yet?
Kristen: No.
Dora grabs it, and throws it in the fireplace!
Dora: Hope you made an extra copy!
Kristen: No! You bitch!
Isabella looks at Dora in shock. Dora looks at Isabella. She takes her coat and leaves.
Kimberly's phone rings. She answers it quickly!
Kimberly: Hello! Jeannie?
Jeannie: It's me mom.
Kim: What the hell happened?
Jeannie: We were kidnapped, and but on a boat, but were off now. Were on the docks. We'll be at the Pub soon.
Kim: Thank God!
Jeannie: This phone is going to die, so we'll talk when we get there.
Kim: Thank God you two are alright!
Jeannie throws the phone in the water. A man in a black cloak is watching Jeannie and Stephanie. We only see his mouth, and he smiles.
Jeannie and Stephanie arrive at the Pub. Kim and Caroline get up, and hug them tight.
Caroline: Thank God you guys are ok!
Jeannie: Look, theres something you all need to know.
Caroline: It can wait. You two need to eat!
Stephanie: No! It can't. It's about Hope.
Bo walks in the Pub.
Kim: Steph, not now.
Stephanie: She's alive! It was really Gina that died!
Bo looks shocked.
Bo: What?
Jeannie and Stephanie turn around.
Jeannie: We'll tell you everything.
Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
Bo is in Hope's room.
Bo: Please wake up.
Anna and Tony are at the Pub.
Anna: I've deicided to open a company; Anna DiMera House of Fashion!
Tony: Are you serious?
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