Kendall OR Greenlee...
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A man walks up to the bar and tries to get the bartender to give Billie another drink but he refuses. Billie tells the bartender that he doesn’t know who he’s pissing off and the man agrees with her. The bartender won’t budge. The man says he can have her drinks put on his tab and the bartender still says no. So, Billie picks up her last drink......and tosses it in his face. The bartender can’t believe it but Billie tells him that since she is a DiMera, he better not do anything stupid. The bartender thinks for a moment, gets a towel, wipes his face, and walks off.
The man tries to get close to Billie but she pushes him away. Another patron sees this and goes over to get the man off Billie. As the second guy pushes the first guy, the first man comes back with a roundhouse right. Billie ducks out of the way and, as a bar room fight breaks out, she ducks out the back door and staggers down the street........drunk.
Twenty minutes later, she ends up on the pier, sitting on a bench. She can’t believe how bad her life has become and wonders how people will ever except her. She silently looks toward the heavens.....
And then once again breaks down, crying.

Caroline has closed it down for the rest of the day and evening. Victor thanks her, wondering why everyone was having that type of meeting with the restaurant open. Bo asks Carly how bad off is Lawrence and she says it’s about as bad as when he caused that earthquake on his island and left everyone for dead. Bo starts to wonder if Roman being in jail has something to do with this. Victor thinks it might. Steve asks Carly, point blank, if Lawrence was behind his disappearance like they all suspected and heard all those years ago and she honestly can’t answer that.
Forrest tells everyone to calm down. They are throwing too much at her at once. Carly smiles and thanks him. He takes her hand and says...
Forrest: No problem, my dear.
Bo is suddenly jealous at this exchange and Hope also watches intently. As Bo walks away, Shane tells everyone that he is coordinating with I.S.A. Commanders in Europe and Asia but finding Lawrence is proving very tricky. Forrest says that his brother has always been like that, even when they were kids. Belle wonders if everyone will have to have armed bodyguards around the clock and Sami comes in from the back, saying that it seems like some sort of vendetta on Lawrence’s part.
When everyone in the Pub turns and looks at her sternly, Sami doubles back and, after a few moments, promises.....
Sami:Ok.........I will never utter the word “Vendetta” again, ok?
Everyone slowly turns back toward Shane and Carrie asks if Roman can be released before Lawrence is found. Jack says that may be their best bet. After all, Roman spent a lot of years as Lawrence’s brother/cousin. Miranda says they are working on that but, for right now, everyone needs to keep their eyes open. Shane agrees, saying that this may involve all the five families. Stephanie asks which five families and Shane says the Alamains, Bradys, Kiriakises, DiMeras........to which everyone gasps......and the Hortons. Mike walks in at that moment and asks......
Mike: What does my family have to do with any of this?
Everyone looks around as Mike stares at Shane and Miranda.

In the stateroom at the penthouse, Stefano watches the evening news. Lincoln walks in and sits down, with Stefano asking if the families are still meeting at the Brady Pub. He says they are. Stefano is worried. With his son’s..........death, as it were.........Roman Brady is about to be neutralized. He hopes he doesn’t have to take on all the other families for the secret that is still buried deep. Lincoln knows that he will help in any way possible and Stefano pats him on the shoulder, thanking him for that.
Just then, the servant tells Stefano he has a guest. When Stefano says to show the person in.........Hawk walks in and both Stefano and Lincoln do a double take. Stefano walks over and shakes Hawk’s hand and tells him......
Stefano: I would say it was a pleasure to see you.....
Hawk: I know......it would be just as big a lie as if I would have said it to you.
Both men smile and Stefano asks.....
Stefano: So......what brings you here, my old friend?
Hawk: Oh, just a warning.......stay away from those people. Especially a very special lady you and I both know.
Stefano: (Laughing) Now......do you think I take orders from you? My, my, my.....
Hawk: Not an order.......just a warning.
Lincoln: You better leave while you still can, old man.
Hawk: Stay out of this, boy.
Lincoln: I’ll jump in at anytime I want to......
Hawk: Well then.....if you’re feeling froggish, leep then.......
Stefano has to get in between both men and remind them not to brawl in his home. Both men stare at each other and Hawk reminds Stefano......
Hawk: Remember what I said, old man. And, as for you, (Looking at Lincoln) I’ll see you around.
Lincoln: You can bet on that.
Hawk walks out as Lincoln asks if Stefano wants him to take care of Hawk. Stefano tells him that Hawk is truly one man you do NOT want to do battle with. Another man walks in and agrees with Stefano, saying......
Wendell: You better listen to him, Lincoln. No time for flying off the handle.
Stefano greets Wendell (Wayne Northrup) as the two men shake hands and Stefano asks......
Stefano: Well........is everything moving according to our plans?
Wendell: Of course. My boss and I are in close contact. We should have acquisition soon.
Stefano: Excellent. The first phase is about to be launched. Gentlemen, we will only have one chance at this.......and no one can stop us.

Caroline pulls both Hope and Steve to the side and says that she knows what it’s like to make the mistake that they made. She is hurt for her son.....but still loves them both very much. They both appreciate that. Kimberly then comes up and says she feels the same but it will take her a little longer to get past what they did. They both understand that as Bo and Kayla look on. The scene then suddenly fades to....

Abby and Max are still enjoying their night together and are about to pay the bill. Abby turns her phone on, saying she should check her messages. One is an urgent message form Jack telling her and Max to come to the Pub. Max wonders what’s up and she doesn’t know. Max pays the bill and both he and Abby leave the restaurant.......
And neither one notices the car sitting behind Max’s as they get in and drive away. And, back at the Pub.....

Someone stands in the darkness, watching members of the five families converse inside. It is a woman and she pulls out a cell phone. She makes a call and informs the person who answers.....
Woman: Well........you were right again. They are all meeting. Shane Donovan must have said something. I know. I’ll be careful.....as always, my love. Good night.
As the woman hangs up, the scene shows the inside of the Pub from the woman’s vantage point........
And then slowly fades to black.
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