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Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee




Abby and Max are sitting at the table, having just enjoyed dinner together. Abby asks if he is happy she convinced him to go ice skating and then out for dinner. Max says it was more like forcing him but, yes, he is happy. He was finally able to forget about everything, at least for a little while. Abby is pleased and asks if he would like to dance. Max isn't so sure he is up for it as he is beginning to return to reality again. Abby urges him to come on, at least for one dance. Max reluctantly agrees and she pulls him out on the dance floor as they hold each other close and dance as the scene shifts to...


Hope arrives and asks Caroline and Kim what is going on. Caroline and Kim are both shocked to see her and ask what she is doing there. Hope informs them that Shane called and said there was an emergency family meeting. She admits she was shocked she was called with everything going on. Caroline says that Shane called her and told her something similar but she didn't know who else was coming. Bo then walks in, with Carly and Victor in tow. Nico also walks in. Caroline is shocked to see Carly and races over to hug her just as Forrest, Miranda, and Shane walk in. Caroline asks what she is doing back in Salem. Carly and Bo fill everyone in. Shane explains that is why he is calling the meeting. Forrest and Miranda have discovered some info that suggests Lawrence is on the move and is either nearby or already in Salem. Everyone reacts in horror as Sami, Carrie, Marlena, and Belle come in with Stephanie wheeling Kayla close behind.

Everyone is shocked to see Kayla. Stephanie reveals she has been released. Steve then walks in and cold stares abound. Stephanie asks what the hell is doing there and why Hope is there too. Shane explains he called them as this news concerns them. Shane adds that he knows there is tension but they will all have to put differences aside right now so they can deal with bigger issues. Jack then walks in. Shane tells him about the situation and why he was called. Jack is shocked to see Carly. Bo fills him in on why Carly is back and about her troubles. Shane asks about Billie, thinking she may be of some help with her ISA experience. Jack says he has been calling her but gets no answer. She may be working on a case or just sleeping or something. She's been through alot lately. Kayla points out they all have. The scene then fades to...


Billie, who is downing shots at the bar, asking for another. The bartender says she is nearing the cutoff point. Billie doesn't answer and is disheveled and out of sorts. She simply raises her shot glass and downs the contents as the scene shifts back to...


Forrest thinks Abby and Max should be there too since they know Abby is in immediate danger. Shane and Miranda agree, as does Jack, who says he will try calling her right now.

Hope walks over to Bo and Carly and says:

Hope: Well, I get to finally meet the woman that held my husband's heart for a time. Carly Manning. It's a pleasure to finally come face to face with the myth herself.
Carly: Same here. Bo always talked so much about you during our time together.

Both woman shake hands.

Bo: Hope, like Shane said, don't push it. This is about Lawrence and the threat he poses to his enemies and the rest of us. Don't try to use this to try to soften me up somehow.
Hope: I know, Bo. So, Carly, we should get together some time and get to know each other. Just because you and Bo had a past doesn't mean...
Carly: I'm not sure that's a good idea.
Hope: Why not?
Bo: Hope, just back off.
Hope: Carly, I know it's a bit awkward but, honestly, I would like to get to know you. Just tell me what hotel I can find you at...
Carly: I'm not in a hotel and...I don't mean to be rude but can we just drop this?
Hope: Not in a...ah, I see. Staying at the mansion with Bo, huh?
Bo: That's none of your business. Excuse us.

Bo drags Carly off as Steve approaches Hope, asking if she is ok. Hope admits she finds it funny how Carly has been on the run for months, according to Carly, and she just happens to turn up when she and Bo are having problems. Steve didn't think Carly was a woman that would result to schemes to get a man. Hope points out she may have changed too or maybe the hell Lawrence has put her through has made her want Bo even more...and made her more desperate to get him. A unnerved Hope looks over at Bo and Carly talking as the scene shifts to...

ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem)

Nicole and Joey have returned after going to get his video games and other items he wanted. Joey is happy to have some more clothes and games at his disposal. Nicole wonders why his apartment was so ransacked. Joey doesn't want to talk about it, piquing Nicole's interest as she wonders if he is hiding something. Joey is hooking up his PS3 and reminds Nicole she has something to prove to him. Joey then pulls out a dance mat and says he has a dance game that is like Dance Dance Revolution. He challenges her to a dance off. Nicole can't believe he seriously wants her to do this. Joey nods and smiles, saying she is the one that claimed she knew how to have fun when he doubted her. Nicole looks at him, rolling her eyes. She then gives in and tells her to explain the game.

The scene then fades into a montage of Nicole and Joey playing the game and dancing. Nicole is trying to keep up with the steps as Joey is keeping up rather well. We see them go through several songs and rounds as Nicole gets better and better and seems to be enjoying herself more and more. Joey is having a good time too. The montage ends as they stop. Nicole is out of breath and actually laughing. Joey says she was right. She does know how to have fun and really started getting good. She even beat him twice at the end. Nicole says she told him she knew how to have fun. Joey says it looks like she does and that she just needed to remember how. Nicole looks at him and, after a few moments, says he is right. She had forgotten as so much had happened in her life. Nothing felt fun anymore. She hadn't really enjoyed anything, until now.

Joey asks if she wants to play again. Nicole thinks for a minute and says what the hell and asks what other games he has, saying they should check those out too. She's not going anywhere. Joey smiles and suggests they have another dance round first, pointing out that this time it counts. Nicole laughs and says he's on as they both get into position and begin playing as the scene shifts back to...


Steve approaches Kayla and tells her he had no idea who was going to be there and apologizes, saying he didn't know she had been released and doesn't want to upset her. Kayla says it's alright but tells Steve to just leave her alone. She knows she will have to deal with him, whether she wants to or not, and that they will have to talk about things at some point. She just can't do it right now. Stephanie comes over and tells Steve to just leave her mother alone. Steve puts his head down and walks off as an enraged Stephanie and upset Kayla look on.

As Bo and Carly fill Abe, who just arrived, in on what is going on, Jack has just tried calling Abby and Max and tells Shane, Forrest, and Miranda he has no answer and thinks both their phones are off. Forrest thinks it's imperative they warn them and take action. They may even have to put Abby in a safe house since they know Lawrence was targeting her a few months ago. Miranda adds that Lawrence could be nearby and Abby is in real danger so they need to find her. Jack agrees and, as he tries again, the scene shifts back to...


Abby and Max are still dancing. Abby tells Max she is glad they turned their cell phones off. They don't need any interruptions. She tells Max the night is still young and that they can still just focus on each other and enjoying themselves, forgetting everything else. Max tells Abby they need to deal with reality eventually. Abby says she knows but not tonight. They both need tonight and she hopes their loved ones do something similar too. They all need to start healing. Abby adds they will deal with reality and all their troubles...together. She promises him she isn't going anywhere. Max says he is happy to hear that because he can't lose her right now. Abby assures Max he won't lose her. She isn't going anywhere. As they continue to dance and hold each other close, a mysterious figure watches from outside the window as the scene fades to black.





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