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CUFFS - Episode 12





"Eight years ago, I worked for this woman here in Port Charles. Her name was Faith Roscoe. I was young, stupid, and out for revenge against my ex and the guy who stole her away from me. Faith knew that and used me to get what she wanted." Zander stopped pacing and looked towards Jack.

"I see." he replied as he suckled on his coffee.

"Anyway, Faith wanted something that Nikolas had. A brand new freighter. She wanted to transport her drug shipments with it and Nikolas wasn't about to give her his permission to use it, even though he owed her millions of dollars. Faith told him she'd take it in trade for the money he owed her. This back and forth went on for a few months, and finally Faith was just sick of Nikolas's stalling. She ordered me to remove Nikolas permanently. I went to Wyndamere fully aware of what I was doing and why I was there. I found Emily and Nikolas in the catacombs that run the full dimensions of the mansion. I followed them to the study and waited for the right time to appear. What happened after that wasn't suppose to happen. I had it all planned out, down the last detail, nothing was to go wrong. But something did go wrong, and I have held the guilt ever since."

Jack listened to his partner re-live that night that had him so shaken.

"Zander, what happened after you appeared to them?"

Zander rubbed his hands over his face and stared coldly at Jack. "I don't really remember what Nikolas was shouting at me, it was really all a blur till I heard the shot. She wasn't suppose to get hurt, Jack!" The tone in Zander's voice changed, from calm and cold to painful and agitated.

Jack got up from the chair and went to him. He stared into Zander's eyes. "What happened?" he said calmly hoping to keep his partner calm enough to tell him the rest.

"She died in my arms, Jack!" Zander broke down and sobbed as his knees buckled and he went to the floor.

"You shot her? You're ex?" Jack went to comfort him and went down on his knees to the floor.

"She was so vibrant, full of life, Jack. I took that all away that night. My stupid mistake took her life!" Zander sobbed uncontrollably as Jack wrapped his arms around his friend.

"It's okay, Zander. It was a long time ago, you've changed your life for the better now."

Zander looked up at Jack and wiped the tears from his face. "I shot her Jack and I can't take that back! God I wish I could, but I can't! I have tried so hard to forget but it's been nearly impossible."

Jack helped Zander to his feet. "First thing you have to do is forgive yourself, Zander. You can't keep this inside of you, it's going to destroy you from the inside out."

Zander stumbled to the bed and sat down. "Don't you think I know that, Jack! I do! I just don't know what to do anymore, it's eating at me for the past 8 years. I just can't shake it!" Jack didn't know how to help him, he sat and listened to Zander, hoping it would be enough.

"Tell me about her Zander. What was she like? I assume you love her still, tell me about your life together." Jack didn't know if would help but remember her in life might help him move past not having her in his life now.

Jack noticed the empty bottle sitting on the nightstand. He got up from the chair and went to throw it away. "Is this how to solve the problem, Zander?"

Zander looked at the bottle in Jack's hand. "It's the only way I know how, Jack."

Jack threw the empty bottle of Jack Daniels in the small waste paper basket and continued to question Zander like he was a suspect.

""It's been 8 years, Jack. I was heavily into the mob at that time, working for Faith who had connections with Lorenzo Alcazar, a known International criminal ... Jack all this disappeared in a matter of hours. There was no proof of anything. Emily was dead. End of story." Zander was getting annoyed with all of Jack's questions about that night. He just simply wanted to forget that night, he didn't want to re-live it over and over again.So what happened afterwards? I mean, what happened to Nikolas?" "Nikolas?" Zander looked up at Jack who genuinely seemed concerned for him.

"Yeah, Zander. Nikolas. Is he still living here in Port Charles? What happened between the two of you? I mean, you obviously didn't spend any time in jail for this. Care to tell me how you got out of it?"

Zander stood up from the floor and walked towards the bed. He sat down on the edge and held his head in his hands.

"Nikolas just wanted it all to go away. He didn't want the media to have field day with the incident and as far as he was concerned he knew I didn't do it on purpose. He was upset and quite angry with me, but mostly at himself for allowing it to happen, cause he could of stopped it before it happened. He blamed himself for it more so then he did me for pulling the trigger. As far as I know he moved back to Greece shortly after the funeral. I wasn't charged with anything, with Nikolas gone and not willing to press charges or to say what happened in that room that night, there was really nothing that could be done to me or to anyone else."

Jack stepped closer and sat down on the chair, he still had concerns for his partner, this was alot to bear for someone, especially for Zander. "What about her family? No one ever questioned it?"

Zander looked up at Jack. "Sure there were questions, plenty of them. But Nikolas ran and so did I, there was really no one else to ask. Jack, this incident just disappeared. For all who knew about it, well, they are either gone from this world or they have disappeared so no one can find them."

Jack raised an eyebrow.

"Look, I was heavily into the mob at that time, working for Faith who had connections with Lorenzo Alcazar, a known International criminal ... Jack all this disappeared in a matter of hours. There was no proof of anything. Emily was dead. End of story." Zander was getting annoyed with all of Jack's questions about that night. He just simply wanted to forget that night, he didn't want to re-live it over and over again."Okay. end of story." Jack got up off the chair and threw Zander his clothes that laid across the back. "Here, let's go get some breakfast. I think you need it." Zander caught the clothes thrown at him and looked at Jack.

"Sure, as long as we can put your interrogation about that night to rest?" Jack started to walk towards the door and turned to look back at Zander.

"Okay, no more questions. Just get dressed, I'll meet you downstairs in 10 minutes." Jack left Zander alone in the room and closed the door behind him.

Zander fell back on the bed and sighed heavily. He rubbed his hands over vigorously, he couldn't believe this was happening to him. He decided to throw himself into the new case they were working on, maybe taking his mind off of that night would help it go away for good.


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