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Kendall OR Greenlee...  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee




Nicole is walking the streets wearing a red haired wig, glasses, and layers of clothing. She is carrying takeout food and is about go south on West St but stops herself, saying something is telling her not go that way. She decides to take a shortcut to get back to Orpheus' apartment. As she walks toward an alley, she notices a little boy digging in a trash can in an alley. He pulls a sandwich out and sits down but seems to be favoring a knee that is all cut up. Nicole can see and hear him crying and seems tempted to go over to the boy. She prepares to walk away but can't seem to. Drawn to the child, Nicole opts to go over to him and does so.

Nicole approaches the boy...it's Joelle's son, Joey! Joey backs away as she approaches. Nicole tells him not to be afraid, saying she heard him crying and saw that he was hurt. Joey says he is not supposed to talk to strangers. Nicole nods and then points out that his knee needs to be taken care of and adds that eating sandwiches out of a trash can is not a good idea either. Joey tells her he has no choice, he is all alone. Nicole asks if he ran away from home or is lost. Joey shakes his head, saying he has no one. His grandma is gone and now, so is his mother. Nicole asks what he means by "gone." Joey tearfully says they both died and he has no one else. His mom always said it was just the three of them. Now it's just him.

Nicole is shocked and seems very affected by this. She is confused about what to do about this boy, knowing full well she is in hiding. Nicole seemingly can't help but feel drawn to Joey and even seems to be fighting back tears. After a few moments of indecisiveness, Nicole tells Joey she knows he doesn't know her and that she is a stranger but suggests he come with her to her place. She can give him a decent meal and clean his knee up. Joey is unsure and a little afraid. Nicole smiles and says he probably has one hell of a scream and is quicker then her so, if she is a manic, he can probably get away. Joey laughs. Nicole holds out her hand and introduces herself. Joey tells her his name and, after a few moments, takes her hand. She then helps him up and helps him along as the scene shifts to...


Billie is asleep on her desk. After a few moments, she begins to stir. She is disheveled and hung over. She looks around, wondering where she even is, She sees two empty bottles of vodka on the floor near her desk and comes to the realization of what happened to her last night and how she fell off the wagon. She covers her face in shame and can't believe what she did after all these years of sobriety, telling herself all that has happened to her is not an excuse. She gets up and tries to get a hold of herself and clean herself up. She puts some coffee on and jumps in fright at the sound of a knock at the door. Jack yells out it's him and Billie slowly and reluctantly goes to open up, trying her best to make herself look presentable.

Billie answers the door and Jack is shocked at the sight of her, asking what happened. Billie lies and says she was so stressed out she left the hospital and tried to throw herself into her work, adding she got no sleep at all either. Jack tells her that she looks like she had been drinking. Billie shakes her head, saying what she said is the truth. Jack asks if she is ok. Billie tells him she is dealing with everything but needs time to work through it all. Jack tells her he has good news and bad news. Billie braces herself. Jack tells her that Greta is fine, Kayla and her baby are stabilized but still in danger, and that Frankie made it through surgery but it's still touch and go. Billie nods, saying that is better then she expected. Jack tells her that he will give her the bad news now...Lucas is arrested and is being charged with 9 counts of rape and murder, saying he has now been tied to the Midwestern rapist crimes on top of Joelle's murder and rape.

Billie is stunned. Jack points out that Kate and him have been looking for her to tell her. Billie quickly says she has to get dressed and get down to the station. She tells Jack not to wait for her. She can take herself and thanks him. Jack asks if she is sure she is ok and tells her they are all worried about her. Billie insists she is fine, says goodbye, and closes the door in his face. She then tells herself she doesn't know how much more she can take while Jack tells himself outside Billie's office that something is really wrong with Billie and wonders what. The scene shifts to...


Belle is with Claire near the playground when Philip walks by. Belle asks what he is doing there. Philip tells her not to worry. He was taking a shortcut to a meeting, not stalking her. Belle gives him a cold and sarcastic look. He smiles and says hello to Claire, kissing her as Belle looks on. Philip asks what they are up to. Belle tells him that Claire had a play date and she came to get her while her family deals with what has happened to her father and Lucas. They are just on their way home and Claire wanted to walk through the pretty, snow-covered park. Philip asks about Lucas. Belle is shocked no one told him. Philip realizes his phone is off and turns it on, seeing the many messages he has. Belle fills him in. Philip decides he has to go to the station. Belle asks why he had his phone off as he never does. Philip says he was busy last night. Belle remembers how early Philip left his father's wedding and asks what was so important that he left Victor's wedding and turned his phone off.

Philip shakes his head and smiles, telling Belle why she even cares. He has been trying for weeks to prove himself to her and she kicks him around like a rag doll. Belle rolls her eyes, saying he is taking it all the wrong way. Philip doesn't think he is and tells Belle he doesn't care anymore. He knows she will never forgive him and he knows she will poison Claire against him. Philip points out he loves his daughter and doesn't want to give up on her but doesn't know what else to do. He tells Belle she will have to come to him if and when she is good and ready but he isn't waiting anymore or groveling.

Philip: You will see, Belle. One day, when Claire is older, she will ask about her daddy. What are you going to tell her? You always pride yourself on being Ms. Perfect. Doing no wrong! Certainly, you wouldn't lie to your own daughter, would you?

Belle looks coldly at Philip.

Philip: That day will come, Belle. When it does, you will realize what an insensitive brat your being. Looks like you still have alot of growing up to do.

Philip kisses Claire goodbye and walks off, giving Belle one more look before leaving, as a stunned Belle looks on and the scene fades to...

ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem)

Nicole is tending to Joey's knee, telling him the disinfectant will sting. Joey braces himself as Nicole sprays it. Joey doesn't think that was bad. Nicole smiles. Joey looks at her and says she has a nice place. Nicole says it's a friend's, who went on a long vacation. Joey points out that him and his mom had a small place with his grandma. Nicole puts the bandage on his knee and says he is all set. She then gets up and asks what he wants to eat. Joey asks why she is being so nice to him. Nicole looks at him and says she really doesn't know. It just feels right. Joey tells her that his grandma always believed in angels. Not so much his mom. Joey tells Nicole he thinks she is his angel, coming to help him. He thinks that is why he felt he could come with her. Nicole smiles, saying she is no angel. She asks again what he would like to eat. Joey tells her he likes PB&J. Nicole thinks she can do that.

Joey thanks Nicole and says he will be gone after he eats. Nicole asks where he is going to go. Joey is silent. Nicole thinks it's best if he stays with her for the night and they can talk about possible plans later. Joey asks if that is ok, saying it would be nice to be in a warm place tonight. Nicole nods, saying it's fine. Joey smiles, thanking her again. Nicole goes to make his PB&J and glances at her purse. She notices a picture she has of Eric that is loose in her purse and takes it out. She stares at it, recalling how something told her to go where Joey was earlier and how she was drawn to him and he to her. She looks at Eric and then looks to the heavens above. Nicole wonders if Eric brought Joey to her for a reason. Nicole looks over at Joey on the couch as the scene shifts to....


Billie arrives and Kate notices how awful she looks. She looks at her and asks if she has been drinking. Billie gives Kate the same lie she told Jack. Kate doesn't seem to buy it. Marlena, Abe, Carrie, Will, Bill, Mike, and a wheelchair-bound Sami enter the room just as Jack and Philip arrive. Abe tells them there is more evidence. The Midwestern rapist left a calling card near all his victims...it was a letter...which turned out to be the first letter of all the last names of the victims. Abe notes that this evidence was just pieced together and, with Joelle's name now on the list due to Lucas being tied to the Midwestern rapist murder crimes, the letters now seem to spell out something. Kate asks what that is. Abe writes the name of each victim on a board in front of them.

Brenda Sanders, Myra Andrews, Melanie Meadows, Selena Ingram, Lorna Burrows, Leslie Ryder, Paula Adrian, Melinda Drier, and...the most recent and only Salem victim, Joelle Young.

Everyone is stunned when they realize what the letters spell out...SAMI BRADY!!!

Abe nods and then says Lucas doesn't have a single alibi for any of the rapes/murders and that they did not start until shortly after Sami's presumed death and adds there was a lull around the time Sami was found as there was no victims after that until Joelle. Kate thinks Lucas is being framed. Everyone agrees. Abe tells them all that whether that is the case or not, Lucas is in a whole lot of trouble. Mike goes to call Maggie so she can fill the others in as Marlena and Carrie comfort Sami and Will while a stunned Philip, Kate, Billie, Bill, and Jack look on as the scene fades to black.




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