Jack walks downstairs and places his luggage on the floor. He walks into the living room and goes over to kiss Abby on the forehead while Billie, who Jack called and begged to come over so he could tell her something before he goes, stands up from her seat. Alex walks into the door and everyone says hi. Alex smiles and asks Jack if he is ready to get going. Jack says he has to take care of some things and will be out at the car soon. As Alex walks out with Jack’s luggage, Jack looks at Billie and then says how sorry he is for how he acted after Elizabeth’s death. Billie just nods her head and sits down while Abby looks at her with anger.
Jack shakes his head and turns back to Abby, telling her to be a good girl while he is away. Abby asks if he’ll be home for Christmas and Jack promises he will. He then hugs Abby while looking at Billie, who turns away from his gaze. Jack just shakes his head as he walks to the door, looks back one more time, and leaves..........
Leaving Abby to ask what Billie thought she was doing acting like that towards her dad. Billie tells Abby that there are things she just doesn’t understand and they should just leave it at that. Billie walks to the kitchen as Abby sits back down on the couch in a huff.
Outside, Jack gets in the car as Alex is on the phone with Alyson, saying that they will have a nice time for Christmas and the New Year once he returns. Alyson tells him that he has become very special to her so he better not go off and get himself in any trouble. Alex smiles, saying he understands, and then says he’ll see her soon. As they both say good-bye and hang up, Jack asks if his love life is going any better than his.
Alex says what they both need to do is take it slow, get to know each other.......and not rock the boat. Jack says fair enough and Alex starts the car. Jack tells him to drive slow and Alex looks at him and simply says with a smile....
Alex: Sure, Pop.
As he guns the car into gear and takes off down the street.

Shane, Miranda and Forrest have just walked into a huge office. Forrest asks Shane if it is his and Shane says yes......it’s one of them. But, he says, he will be based out of Salem for the foreseeable future. As all three of them sit down at a big conference table, Shane asks his secretary to bring in the files he asked for.
After the secretary puts down the files and leaves, Miranda asks Forrest if any word has came from his brother. Forrest says that he and Lawrence have never been close....and he doesn’t see that changing anytime soon, not with every major law enforcement agency in the world looking for him. Shane agrees, saying that with all of the people they have working on this one case, no telling what may happen.
Miranda asks if she could have a word with Shane alone for a moment. Forrest obliges and takes some of the files and goes to another conference room. Once alone, Miranda asks if Shane has heard any word from Port Charles yet. Shane says his friend, Robert Scorpio, is working on it there. He’ll get in touch with him soon. He has also put calls into his friends and contacts in Genoa City, Llanview, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. Maybe with all that help, they will break this case. Shane sits behind his desk as Miranda then asks him.......
Miranda: And so......what are my orders, sir?
Shane: Well, your secondary order........is to find Lawrence Alamain. As soon as possible.
Miranda: Ok. Good. Anything else?
Shane: Yes. Your primary order..........
Miranda: Yes, sir. Find the briefcase with Roman Brady’s name on it.
Shane: And at all speed. For some reason, there are a lot of people who want that case. I don’t why Orpheus wants it......or how he got his hands on it, but find it........
Before all hell breaks loose.
Miranda nods her head and leaves the office. Shane then sits at his desk, presses a button on his control panel........and behind him raises up a monitor from a desk behind him. When the screen activates, it shows Forrest talking on his cell phone, with Shane saying......
Shane: Rule Number One.......never make a private call in a spy building.
The scene shifts to Forrest, talking to one of his men. He tells him that they need to do as ordered and watch Abby Deveraux like a hawk. And, if anything should happen to her because of his brother,......there will be hell to pay. He says his brother is a very dangerous man and they can’t leave anything to chance. He then bids the other person good-bye and, as the scene fades on Forrest.........

It fades back in with Lucas walking back into Abe’s office, having just made bail. Maggie then walks in behind them, with Lucas asking Maggie to give his thanks to Victor for bailing him out. Maggie tells him that to Victor, Lucas will always be another son to him. Lucas appreciates that but all three of them are startled when Will comes running into Abe’s office. He’s out of breath and Lucas ask what’s wrong. Will says that he was followed all the way from the hospital to the station.
Abe runs out and gets his officers on the case as Lucas tells him everything will be alright. Abe walks back in and says they both will get a police escort to where ever they want to go. They look at each other and Lucas says he sees himself at one place.......right by Sami’s side. Abe calls in and orders one of his officers to take Lucas and Will to the hospital and to take Maggie home.

Later that evening, when Maggie walks back through the door, she is surprised to see a red carpet leading to the dining room. It has rose petals on it and is lit by candlelight. Maggie slowly walks into the main dining room......to see Victor in a tuxedo, walking toward her. With a big smile on his face, he stops in front of her and kisses her gently, wiping the tears away with his hand.
Maggie cleans herself up well enough to ask him what all this is for and Victor tells her to just wait. She will see. He then tells his servant that they are ready and the kitchen staff start bringing in Maggie’s favorite dishes. Maggie is shocked and asks when Victor had time to prepare all of this. He slyly says that he’s been saving his nickels and dimes and kept them all upstairs in his shoebox. Maggie laughs out loud but then Victor comes close once again. He says.......
Victor: Well, my dear......we have been through so much. And, through all of it, I kept being reminded of one thing......how special you are to me and how much I love you.
Maggie: Oh, Victor......
Victor: And.........as a token of my love.........
Victor gets down on one knee, making Maggie gasp........
Victor: My beautiful lady, will you do me the honor.......
Victor opens a ring box that was just given to him by Nico........
Victor: Of becoming my bride?
Maggie looks at Victor, looks at the ring........
And the scene then dissolves to the...

Tony and Anna are talking in the dining room after he convinced her to meet him. Tony asks Anna why she doesn’t want to talk about their problems but Anna turns away to hide the tears she is shedding. She tells Tony that he apparently has forgotten what he put her through when her and Renee were fighting for his affections. Tony says he is a different man now and, besides, that was almost 30 years ago.
Anna says to her, it feels like yesterday, and she doesn’t know if she can see him in a different light. Tony says that is ridiculous and Anna says she isn’t sure if he’ll disappear in the fog on the pier again and she’ll end up being alone. Tony wants to know who put these ideas in her head but Anna grabs her purse, gets up, and quickly walks past Tony.
He throws his napkin down on the dining room table and goes after her.......but stops at the door. He will give her the space she needs........for now. But, soon, he will get some answers......
And find out who is poisoning Anna’s mind against him.

ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem)
Orpheus sits at his desk, making plans. Nicole walks in and Orpheus greets her. He tells her to sit down as he gets up and pours her a glass of brandy. Nicole smiles as she takes it and Orpheus sits down next to her. He tells her that she is about to be involved in a plan that will catch two birds with one stone. As she sips her brandy, Nicole asks what it could be.
Orpheus says the plan involves two people..........Anna Fredericks DiMera..........and Roman Brady. When Nicole asks why Anna, he says she stuck her nose in where it didn’t belong. For that.......she has to pay. He tells her that one of his men will be taking her to a secluded place and she is to wait for his phone call. Nicole says ok but then asks what would happen if she ran to the cops. Orpheus smiles and answers her, saying.....
Orpheus: My dear.........if you did that, there won’t be enough left of you to spread on a Ritz cracker. Ok?
Nicole: You got it, boss.
Nicole quickly gets up and, after one of Orpheus’ men helps her on with her coat, they both leave. Orpheus goes and sits back at his desk and the scene shifts from a evilly smiling Orpheus to the....

Doug has just walked into the living room. He compliments Alice on how well the new door looks. Alice thanks him and then tells him it’s been reinforced. A bull couldn’t get in there now. Doug then grows somber and says he would like for Alice to do him a favor. When she asks what it is, Doug says that he would like her to give Julie a letter he wrote her. Alice says he can do that himself and Doug says not with that kind of letter.
When Alice asks what it is, Doug says.......that he is leaving Salem and just wanted to say goodbye to her. Alice grows silent and Doug says it’s for the best. He looks at Alice, walks over to her, kisses her on the cheek and, as they both look at each other, he gently puts the letter in her lap. He then hugs Alice warmly, turns and leaves.
Julie walks in several minutes later and asks Alice if she is ok. Alice is silent and just looks at Julie. Julie senses that something is wrong and asks Alice what it is. Alice looks down into her lap and, as Julie slowly walks over, Alice tells her what she dreaded hearing.....
Alice: Julie.........Doug left Salem. And.........he left this letter, saying goodbye.
Julie slowly reaches down and picks up the letter and Alice tells her how sorry she is. Julie stands still for a moment and, with a tear falling from her eye, slowly bends down, goes to her knees, and starts sobbing uncontrollably. Alice takes her granddaughter in her arms and rocks her back and forth, telling her..........
Alice: It’s alright, child. Just let it all out.
The scene then stays on Alice comforting a crying Julie.........and then slowly fades to black.
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