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Jack catches Frankie on his way back to Greta's room and says he just came from seeing Greta. He tells Frankie that he has decided to leave Salem and go with Alex to Switzerland to help him deal with Elizabeth's belongings. Jack adds that he thinks Frankie was right and that this will give Billie the time and space she needs. Frankie nods and says he thinks that is a good idea since it seems unlikely any of them will make any headway with Billie anytime soon.

Jack asks what Frankie means. Frankie fills Jack in on the talk he had with Billie and Jack is unsurprised, saying it looks like he is making the right decision leaving. He tells Frankie he will be back before the holidays but that he would like him to watch over his family and Billie for him while he is gone. Frankie smiles and says of course he will. That's what friends are for. The two men shake hands and embrace as Frankie's cell rings. It's Maggie, who fills him in on what is going on with Lucas. Frankie says he will be right there and tells Jack what is going on. Jack figures he better go down there and make sure Lucas's arrest is covered right by The Spectator and Billie may need him. Frankie reminds Jack to give Billie space and then says he is going to tell Greta what is up and then they can go to the station together. Jack nods as the scene shifts to...


Billie arrives and sees Kate. She asks her mother what is going on. Kate is shocked she is talking to her. Billie is prepared to walk away when Philip comes over and fills Billie in. Kate says she just got there herself. Philip says he was there when Lucas got arrested and adds that Patricia is out to get Lucas. Kate races over to Lucas and embraces him. Lucas pushes her away and asks why she is there. She says Maggie called her and she promises to be there for him and Will and to do whatever she can to help them get through this. Lucas shakes his head, clearly unnerved by her presence. Maggie tells Lucas she had to call her. Kate sees that Lucas clearly doesn't want her there and says she will just go get some coffee.

Hope and Steve arrive at the station and Steve is talking to Hope about the situation with Nicole as they walk the hall. Hope tells Steve they will have to discuss this later as there are more pressing matters. Hope and Steve walk into the room to find Bo, Kayla, and Caroline with Marlena. Bo asks where they have been. Hope says that she went to the hospital to visit Sami as she heard he was there. She says she ran into Steve and they both got the message that Lucas got arrested and that they were all at the station. Bo nods and asks if that is all.

Hope asks if her and Steve are being interrogated again. Kayla calms Bo and takes him aside, urging him not to show his hand. She says the only way they will find out anything about what is going on with Hope and Steve is by playing it like they buy what they are saying. Bo isn't so sure but Kayla urges him to try it her way for now. Bo reluctantly agrees. Hope asks what is going on. Bo tells her he is just upset because he didn't know where she was and it bothered him since she has had a habit of taking off with Steve the past few months. Hope embraces Bo and says he has nothing to worry about. There will be no more disappearing acts. She promises. Steve says the same thing. Kayla says they believe them and trust them. Bo looks at Kayla and then at Steve and Hope and nods.

Roman arrives and asks Marlena and Belle what is going on. She fills him in and Roman tells Abe there is no way Lucas could do this. Abe is silent. Patricia says she is sick of the Brady's and Horton's getting away with breaking laws just because of who they are, citing Maggie and Julie's involvement in the fire at Chez Rouge. Julie and Maggie take offense and then Alice stands up and orders Patricia to call off her witch hunt and to do her job to see that justice is done. Patricia claims she is doing that but Alice disagrees, telling her that she is barking up the wrong tree and Lucas is innocent.

Patricia backs off and tells Joelle to come with her as she doesn't need to be upset anymore then she is. Patricia drags Joelle off as she and Lucas lock eyes before she leaves the room. Victor arrives and embraces Maggie. Maggie fills him in on what is going on. Abe says it's likely that Lucas will make bail as they have hardly any evidence yet until they do DNA testing and other forensics testing, which may not be done for a day or so since Joelle has not been checked out for that yet. Victor and Philip both offer to do what they can with the Kiriakis name to help Lucas. Lucas thanks them. Frankie and Jack arrive and are updated on what is happening. Frankie thinks the harassment suit will not help Lucas' cause. Will admits being worried about losing both his parents. Marlena and Maggie comfort him. Lucas comes over and embraces him, promising him that won't happen.

Meanwhile, Billie goes to get coffee and meets up with Kate, who asks how she is doing. Billie asks how she thinks she is doing. Her life is a mess. Kate says she is sorry and asks who she has told. Billie says she hasn't told anyone. Kate is shocked that she hasn't at least told Jack. Billie says she can't tell Jack or anyone else and that, in Jack's case, she is too afraid to hurt him. Billie reminds Kate that a Dimera always hurts the people they love in the end, no matter if they planned to or not. Kate doesn't think Billie would do that. Billie disagrees.

Jack walks into the hall and hides, eavesdropping on Billie and Kate's conversation. Billie tells Kate she just needs to be alone. Kate thinks that Billie is going about all this the wrong way. Billie tells her she doesn't want to see her and to just leave her alone. Kate agrees to do that...for now...but thinks Billie needs to confide in someone or this will eat her alive and Jack is that person if she truly loves him.

Billie turns toward Kate and says that Jack and her are through. It would never last and they would only hurt each other. She mentions him going with Alex to Switzerland and admits she is happy he is going. They both need to move on. Jack hears this and silently walks off. Kate asks where this is coming from. Billie tells Kate to just back off. She doesn't want to speak with her now. Not after what has happened. Billie walks off leaving behind a saddened and worried Kate.

Victor approaches Lucas and takes him aside as he is prepared for booking. Victor says he knows Lucas and his family are dealing with alot but he felt he should ask him something given what is going on and his relationship with Maggie. He just hopes it's not inappropriate. Lucas tells him to go ahead and that it's ok as he will hopefully be out on bail soon. Victor asks Lucas for his permission to propose to and marry Maggie. Lucas is silent for a few moments and says he doesn't care for Victor's lifestyle but, if he can promise to protect his aunt, he approves. He can see how much Victor loves her. Victor thanks him, saying that means alot to him. The men shake hands. Victor walks off.

Marlena asks Lucas if there is anything she can do. He tells her and Roman to go to Sami. He tells them to give her his love and says she needs all the love and strength she can get. Marlena nods and embraces him and Will. She thinks Will should come with her but Will insists on staying since Abe said Lucas may be released on bail soon. Abe says there is no guarantee but Will is determined to stay. Abe promises to look out for him and says he will send him home if nothing happens or Lucas isn't released. Marlena and Lucas both thank Abe as a worried Will looks on.

Doug walks around aimlessly and goes to get coffee. He thinks about what Maggie said earlier about how he needs to make a move. Doug then tells himself he has put this off and struggled with this long enough and it's no use stringing along Julie or himself. He looks over at Julie and sees Victor over with her and Alice, reminding him of what Julie did. Doug closes his eyes, sighs heavily, takes out his cell, and makes a call.

Victor tells Julie and Alice he knows alot is going on but he really needs to talk to them as they are important people to Maggie . He knows it's a bit inappropriate but he wants to ask them for permission to marry Maggie as he intends to propose tonight. Life is just too short and he doesn't want to waste anymore time. Alice tells Victor that they don't necessarily endorse his lifestyle and they worry about Maggie's safety but they see that he loves her and that is all that matters. Julie embraces Victor and says he has their blessing. Victor thanks them both and says that means alot. Julie just tells Victor to make her aunt happy and to protect her. Victor promises that he will.

Doug hangs up his phone and watches Julie with Victor and Alice. He says that it will all be over soon enough. He then looks over at Hope. She is with Bo, Steve, Kayla, Roman, Marlena and Caroline. Doug says he is sorry that he will be leaving without saying goodbye but he can't let Hope stop him. Doug says that he has to do this...for the good of Julie and himself. The scene then freezes on Doug and fades to black.




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