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The Grand Tour - Ric/Alexis ficlette



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The Grand Tour

by George Jones

Performed by Aaron Neville

Ric returned home after a late night at the office, and he wasn't looking forward to spending another night alone in the empty house that once was filled with love and laughter of his wife and children. It had been a few months since he and Alexis separated, and he still lived in the house he had bought for her, he couldn't bare to part with it or the memories that still lingered. As he turned the key and opened the front door, he reached in the mailbox that hung on the wall, and grabbed the mail from that day to take into the house with him. He stepped inside the cold house and threw his keys on the table in the foyer. He sifted through the mail hoping there was a letter or something from Alexis. She didn't tell him where she had gone, but he knew it was probably to the furthest corners of the earth to get away from him and the life they had together. He had confessed to the one night he had with another, and Alexis couldn't forgive him, not yet .... it would take time. Time and space was what she wanted, so he left her go, hoping that in time she'd return to him and their life together.

As he moved to the living room, he removed his blazer and then unfolded his newspaper as he took a seat in the oversized chair. The frontpage headlines read nothing new, the mob war was escalating, another reason Alexis had for leaving him. He paged through the afternoon edition, reading the sports scores for the night before and then flipping to the stock market section. He quickly folded up the paper and laid it down on the coffee table in front of him. "Well, that took 5 minutes ...." he said to himself.

He poured himself a glass of bourbon and sat back down in the chair. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top button of his dress shirt as he leaned his head back and began to remember the days when he and Alexis would cuddle together after a long day at work. He sighed heavily and took a long sip from his glass. "There's no reason to dwell on the past, Ric." he scolded himself for remembering the good times he and Alexis shared. He got up off the chair and headed for the grand staircase that led him to the upstairs bedrooms. Her smell still lingered in the air as he breathed in deeply and remembered.

As he walked into the master suite, the king sized bed brought back more memories for him. He could picture there waiting for him in her black teddy, the one he loved so much just inviting him to her. He shook off the visions and undid his tie. He pulled it through the collar of his shirt in frustration and threw it towards the bed. He unbuttoned the top button of his dress shirt as he walked over to his closet to find something more comfortable to wear. As he passed the mahogany dresser, Alexis jewelry glittered a hello and reminded him of the time he gave her the diamond bracelet at the Cellar on their 2nd anniversary. They were happy together, she knew how much he loved her, now .... now she doubted his love and couldn't trust him. He threw it all away with one night that he couldn't take back, even because he wanted to. She needed time, and he was going to do everything in his power to give it to her.

He picked up the picture that sat on the nightstand and ran his index finger across the face that stared back at him. A lonely tear trickled from his eye as memories of her leaving flooded his thoughts. He swiped away the moistness from his eye and composed himself. He changed his clothes and headed for the door. As he stepped out into the hallway, his eye caught a glimpse of the nursery that they had decorated together.

His eyes filled with tears and his heart with love, as he remembered the long hours he and Alexis spent painting and decorating the nursery. It had taken months for them to decide on the pattern they should use for the curtains so they'd match the decor. He smiled as he remembered the day the baby furniture had arrived and Alexis sat in the rocker for the first time. He knew one day he would have her back with him, but until that time came, his would miss all the new things his daughter would be learning without him. He wiped the tears from his cheeks and turned towards the staircase. As he reached the top of the stairs, his cell phone began to ring. He flipped it open to answer it.

"Hello ...." he answered.

"Ric ..... it's me .." he recognized the voice was Alexis. ".... I'm ready to come home ..."


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