Nico walks into the living room and tells Victor that all their men are in position. Victor is pleased and tells Nico to keep him updated on any happenings with Stefano and if they locate Orpheus. He tells Nico they must strike soon. They just need to wait for the right opportunity. Victor admits things will be interesting now with Orpheus being Stefano's son. He admits being curious as to how they will both handle that. Nico agrees it will be interesting. Henderson then walks in and tells Victor the surprise for Mrs. Horton is all ready. Victor smiles and says good. Maggie will be very surprised when she gets home.

Bo opens the door and lets Kayla in with JT. Bo thanks her for picking him up as he wasn't sure he would make it out of work to get him. He asks JT how school was. JT says good and then goes running upstairs. Kayla says it was no problem and asks if there is any word. Bo shakes his head, saying his contacts have nothing. Just then, Hope and Steve come through the door and an overjoyed Bo and Kayla embrace their spouses and then Hope and Kayla and Steve and Bo embrace.
Bo asks where they have been. Hope apologizes to Bo for running off again. Steve interjects and says he got another lead on his missing years and wanted to make a move on it before Stefano was hot on his trail. He brought Tony with him to help but Hope wanted in too. Steve reminds Bo of how stubborn Hope is. Bo says he knows but says he can't help wondering if there is more to this. This is the second time they ran off and only left a note behind and, this time, they didn't even contact them to let them know they were ok.
Hope apologizes, saying everything happened so fast and they wanted to be careful not to tip Stefano off. Bo tells Hope and Steve he doesn't want them taking off like this anymore. Next time, he is going with them. It's too dangerous. Kayla agrees, telling Steve they are a team and are in this together. Hope and Steve agree and promise not to run off anymore, at least without talking to them first in person. Bo and Kayla are pleased. Bo asks if they found anything. Hope is about to answer when Steve interrupts, shaking his head and saying the trail was cold. Stefano must have gotten rid of any evidence that proved he was in some of these places.
Bo asks where they went. Hope says they checked out some more Dimera lairs and tunnels in the Midwest and on west coast. She tells Bo he would be surprised to see how many secret hideaways Stefano has. Bo says he doubts he would and says he is just happy to see them both. Kayla agrees, begging them both not to leave like that ever again. Hope and Steve embrace their spouses again and assure them they won't as they longingly glance at each other.

Elizabeth, Jack, and Alex are finishing their lunch as Jack looks over an article Alex wrote. Jack tells Alex that he is fantastic. Alex thinks he is just saying that to get him to like him. Jack tells him that isn't it. He tells Alex he is a great writer and would make a fine reporter or, even, author. Alex says he hopes Jack is right. He loves to write. Elizabeth tells Jack it's all Alex ever seems to do as he never had much of a social life. Jack says that clearly practice made perfect because Alex's writing skills are at the pro level. Alex is pleased to hear that and says he has more writings in the car. He tells Elizabeth he is going to go get them and says he will be like back.
After Alex leaves, Elizabeth asks Jack if everything is ok. Jack nods and says it is. Elizabeth admits that she can tell something is wrong and could see it from the moment he showed up today. She tells him she always could tell when he was upset or bothered by something. Jack tells Elizabeth she really does know him. Elizabeth smiles. Jack says he is still having problems with Billie. Elizabeth asks if she is still on her kick about her trying to break him and Billie up. Jack nods, saying that she is adamant.
At that moment, Billie walks in and sees Jack and Elizabeth. She sneaks over to a booth, not wanting to disturb them or to be seen. Elizabeth tells Jack she would never do what Billie is accusing her of. She admits to Jack she does still love him and always will. He owns a special place in her heart and that will never change. She then goes on to say that she would never scheme to tear him and Billie, or any other woman, apart. She tells Jack that she knows whatever happened between them is in the past and she would never want to risk hurting him or his family, or even Alex.
Elizabeth asks if Jack believes her. After a few moments, Jack says he does. He's known her for too long and he can see she means what she is saying. He tells her he is relieved to hear her say what she just said. He just wishes Billie could and that she would believe it. Alex then returns and, as Jack turns slightly around, he notices that Billie is there. He asks if they would both excuse him and leaves. Elizabeth sees him go over to Billie. Alex tells her to just back off and leave them alone. Elizabeth smiles and tells Alex she isn't doing anything, really. Jack and Billie are tearing themselves apart and she doesn't have to lift a single finger.
Billie asks Jack why he came over to her. Jack says they need to talk. Billie reminds him of where their attempts at talking got them this morning. Jack asks about Lucas. Billie says nothing really happened. She then tells Jack to just say what he wants to so he can go. She can't talk to him right now with the way things have been going. She tells him she just doesn't have the energy. Jack sits down and fills her in on what Elizabeth just told him. Billie can't believe he believes that BS. Jack says he knows Elizabeth and it isn't BS. Billie tells him to look inside himself. He knows she is right.
Jack asks Billie why she is being so difficult. He asks her to give Elizabeth a chance. Billie tells him she did and she quickly found out that the woman is a snake. Jack tells her he doesn't know what else to do or say. He is just torn right now because he is being pulled in two directions. Billie says that wouldn't be happening if he didn't let it. Jack asks what he is supposed to do. Billie says nevermind and gets up. Jack tells her that he doesn't know what else she wants from him. Billie says nothing. He can't give her anything right now since he is in denial. She tells him all she wants is for Elizabeth to disappear from their lives...permanently.
Alex and Elizabeth overhear and Jack asks if Billie means that. Billie says she does. She wants the woman out of both their lives and doesn't care how it happens. She adds that she would even make it happen if she could. Jack is shocked she is saying all this. Billie tells him that she only wishes that her wish would come true. They would all be much better off. Billie then grabs her purse, leaves money for a tip on the table, and leaves. Jack returns to Elizabeth and Alex, both of whom can't believe Billie would say such a think. Jack doesn't think she means it. Elizabeth thinks she does and says that Billie hates her and has hated her all along. Jack tells Elizabeth that he knows Billie and she won't harm her. Elizabeth says she doesn't have to herself. The mere fact she was wishing for her to disappear for good is enough of a jinx and she tells Jack she is really worried. An upset Elizabeth lies in Alex's arms for comfort as Alex stares at a frustrated Jack.

Doug races in and embraces Hope lovingly. Bo comes in and says he called Doug and that he has another surprise that he wanted to be just right for her. JT then comes in with a "I love Mommy" cake. Bo says he had it all ready for when she came home as he thought and hoped she would. Hope embraces and kisses both JT and Bo and thanks them. She then begins to fill Doug in on where she has been.
Meanwhile, Stephanie walks in and races into Steve's arms. Kayla tells Steve she called her over. Steve and Stephanie are overjoyed to see each other. Stephanie begs him not to run off again. They still have to get to know each other. Steve smiles, saying he won't and that he looks forward to spending time with his little "Sweetness." Bo then calls over to Steve, Kayla, and Stephanie and asks if they want cake. JT then gets cake all over his shirt. Hope tells JT to go right up and take it off so that he doesn't make anymore of a mess. Bo says that he didn't take all of JT's shirts out of the laundry basket and tells JT he will go up with him to find him another shirt. They both leave.

You've watched them fall in love. You've watched their love grow in spite of interference. Now...watch their love reach new heights with the creation of their miracle child.
Hope tells Steve, Kayla, and Stephanie to help themselves to the cake. Hope then asks Doug how things are with Julie. Doug catches her up on things and Hope asks if he really thinks ending it is the best thing. Doug reminds Hope she was just as mad at Julie. Hope tells Doug that sometimes circumstances can drive a person to do things they don't want to do, especially when it comes to their family. Doug asks if something is going on with her. Hope shakes her head, saying no. She just thinks he should give Julie another chance. She just doesn't think what happened is worth throwing away so many years of marriage and love. She then tells Doug it's her decision though and she will support him no matter what. A shocked Doug nods, saying he has alot to think about.
As Steve gets himself some cake, Kayla fills in Stephanie on where her father has been. Stephanie asks Kayla if she thinks dad is hiding something. After a few moments and a brief look over at Steve, Kayla says she doesn't think her father would do that. Stephanie says she is just happy he is back. Kayla looks over at him and says she is too.

Maggie walks Alice into the house and they are both shocked to see a devastated Julie lying on the sofa. They both ask what happened. Julie fills them in on what happened with Doug and says it;s over. Maggie urges her not to say that. Julie says she has to say it because she has to accept it. It's over. Doug and her are through. Julie then breaks down again in Maggie's arms as a heartbroken Alice watches.

Kayla announces that they must be going. She embraces Bo and thanks him for all his help. He does the same. Steve sneaks over to Hope and tells her they have to talk. Hope says she will tell him when and if she is ready to. He asks what her problem is. Hope says he knows what it is and tells him to do everyone a favor and leave the past and everything that happened between them the past few weeks where it belongs...in the rear view mirror. She tells Steve she is not going to destroy her family. Steve agrees but still thinks they need to talk. Hope wishes him a good night and goes over to say goodbye to Doug. Stephanie comes over and asks if Steve is alright. Steve nods, saying it's good to be home. Steve then embraces Stephanie as he and Hope stare at each other from across the room.
Marlena comes home and is shocked to find what appears to be Roman's luggage in the living room. She then sees Roman comes out from the kitchen and asks what the hell he is doing there. Roman says that it's his house too. Marlena reminds him that she kicked him out last night. Roman tells her that he isn't just going to give up on their marriage. She should know that by now. Marlena says she isn't giving up. He is the one giving up and compounding problems they already have.
Roman tells Marlena he is sorry if what he is doing is worrying her but he tells her she just needs to accept it. He is doing this for her and for their family. Eric and Sami's deaths will not go unpunished.
Marlena: Alrighty then. Go back to the force. Stop with all of this mafia and vigilante justice [!@#$%^&*]. That is the problem here, Roman. Your going to get yourself killed and then what good does that do? Your family needs you. I need you. We've needed you for months yet there you go every night to help Victor or go after Orpheus or to do God knows what.
Roman: I just can't stand around and do nothing!
Marlena: No one said you had to. Why not do this the right way? With the support of your friends and family. With all of us around you. We can all unite and work as a team.
Roman: Oh, yeah. That will work. Then, when we are finished, we can go home for tea and crumpets. Come on, doc. This thing isn't going to end using that stupid approach. I am handling this the best way I know how and I'm not going to change my mind. You will just have to accept that.
Marlena: I don't have to accept anything.
Roman: No, you don't. I just wish you would. (gently touches Marlena's cheek) I just hate all this fighting.
Marlena: So do I. I just want you to hold me and to tell me it's going to be ok. That is what I have wanted for so long, Roman. That is what your family wants. We need you here with us. I need you here with me.
Roman: I know and I'm trying. Look, I'm here now. Let's just forget all the other [!@#$%^&*] and live in this moment, right now. Come here.
Roman takes Marlena in his arms and kisses her on the forehead.
Marlena: Being here in your arms, I feel so safe. For the first time in so long, I feel like nothing can hurt us.
Roman: That's because nothing can. I won't let it. I promise you, doc. I will make everything alright again. I can't bring Sami and Eric back but I can make sure they rest in peace. I owe them and you that much.
Marlena: Right now, all I want is for you to hold me close and not let go.
Roman: Your wish is my command.
Roman and Marlena then sit down on the couch as he wraps his arms tightly around her even more before telling her he loves her. They then kiss as Marlena tells him she loves him too and that it feels good that they are both back where they belong...in each other's arms. Roman smiles, saying it sure does, and then pulls Marlena into another kiss.

Alice sits in her chair in the living room and watches Julie as she lies on the couch. She asks her if she is ready for all the trick or treaters tomorrow night. Julie doesn't answer. Alice tells her not to give up. Julie tells Alice that she has no choice. All good things come to an end and her marriage just did. She tells Alice her time is up and she has lost the love of her life. Alice reaches out and takes her hand. Julie then falls apart yet again and breaks down in her grandmother's arms.

Maggie walks in the front door and is greeted by Nico, who tells her that Mr. Kiriakis would like to see her upstairs. A confused Maggie asks what is going on. Nico smiles and tells her to go upstairs and find out. Maggie walks upstairs and hears some romantic music playing from Victor's room. She enters and finds the room covered in roses and rose petals with a candlelight dinner set up. Victor then appears out of the bathroom in a tux and says he thought they might enjoy some special alone time together, something they never seem to have nearly enough.
Maggie asks what he had in mind. Victor takes her in his arms and says a romantic dinner, maybe a dance or two, and then who knows. They kiss as Maggie says she likes the who knows part. They both laugh. Maggie suggests she get into something more comfortable and tells Victor to make sure they're not disturbed for while. Victor says he will get right on that. Maggie then slowly walks away, twirling her hair and telling a smiling Victor she will be right back. Victor then opens the door and calls out to Nico, who races upstairs.
Victor tells Nico that he and Maggie are not to be disturbed. Nico nods and says he understands. Victor dismisses him and then smiles as he leaves. He then turns around to see Maggie in a beautiful red cocktail dress. Maggie thinks it's time to get their evening started. Victor agrees and then leans in and passionately kisses Maggie.

Steve and Kayla are back at their suite. Steve comes out of the bathroom after showering and is shocked to see Kayla lying on the bed in a negligee. He smiles and asks what she is up to. Kayla says it's been awhile and she has missed him greatly. She thought he may be in the mood for some good, old fashioned loving from his favorite girl. Steve jumps on the bed and says he is intrigued. Kayla smiles and says she thought he would be. They kiss but, as they kiss, Steve recalls kissing Hope and them nearly making love at Maison Blanche.
Steve jumps back. Kayla asks if he is ok. Steve lies and says he is just fine. Kayla says good and goes back to kissing him all over his neck as Steve looks off in the distance, his mind seemingly elsewhere...

Hope enters her and Bo's bedroom and tells Bo that JT has already gone to be. He is so excited about trick or treating tomorrow he thinks the day will get here faster by going to bed early. She then finally notices something is off about the room and is shocked to see the room dimly lit by nothing but candles with Bo lying on the bed with champagne on ice right next to him. Bo smiles and tells Hope he missed her and thought she may like to do some catching up. Afterall, it has been a long time. Hope slowly walks over. Bo takes her hand and drags her down onto the bed, kissing her passionately.
As Bo kisses her, Hope recalls kissing Steve passionately in the cabin on the grounds at Maison Blanche. Hope pulls away. Bo asks if she is ok. Hope says she thought she heard something and she was startled. Bo says it's probably the earth moving. They both laugh as Bo tells her to come here. He begins to kiss her again as Hope looks off into the distance and sighs deeply before whispering:
Hope: What...is wrong with me?
Bo (as he kisses Hope): Did you say something, Fancy Face?
Hope: No. Nothing at all.
Bo continues to kiss Hope as the scene freezes on her face as a look of anguish and confusion crosses it and then fades to black.
IT'S COMING........
TO SALEM..........

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