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EPISODE 24 (8/16)



Episode 24 of Somerset picks up in Nick’s apartment, as the music begins playing while Nick is looking at the Bid for Bachelors brochure Mike has dropped off.

NICK: I don’t know, Mike. Bid for Bachelors?

MIKE: (Takes a sip of beer) Hey, Nick… remember a few years ago when you took part in this? Who bid $2,300 for a night with you that included a tour of Somerset’s wine country and an eight-course dinner at Giovanni’s?

NICK: (Nods) I know, I know… and Alana and I ended up spending three wonderful years together. Newsflash, Mr. Journalist… we’re two years broken up and, if I recall, you’re the one interested in going after my ex?

MIKE: With your blessing, of course.

NICK: Oh, of course. Look, am I committed to this?

MIKE: Absolutely not. If you want, you can donate money…

NICK: Afraid I can’t. I can’t put myself in any compromised position with the city.

MIKE: Even with personal donations?

NICK: Any gift I give is considered anonymous. Prying eyes like you can’t look into my giving history.

MIKE: All I’m saying is it’ll help take your mind off of things… or certain people you met in bars out of town.

NICK: I know that, too. (Looks at brochure again) You’re going to think I’m nuts, but can I think this over for a few days?

MIKE: Take all the time you need.

As Nick looks at the brochure, the music plays and the scene changes over to Giovanni’s, where Annabella is busy doling out drinks to the bar patrons. Patrick walks in and takes a seat.

ANNABELLA: (Coming over to seat) Hey, stranger, want a brew?

PATRICK: (Looks up and smiles) Wow! (Hugs Annabella) Welcome back to Somerset… how long have you been back?

ANNABELLA: Several days now. I’ve been keeping a low profile.

PATRICK: They’re probably happy to have you back.

ANNABELLA: You talking about Mom and Dad?

PATRICK: Who else?

ANNABELLA: Yes, they are. They even took some time off tonight to get away. I’m running the bar while they’re gone.

PATRICK: You actually got them to take time off?

ANNABELLA: Yes. Am I a genius or what?

Patrick snickers and lifts his beer to drink…

The Somerset theme begins playing as we see an overhead shot of downtown, with the camera slowly pulling away from the buildings. The Somerset logo pops on the screen and goes into position at the center.

This… is Somerset. This portion brought to you today by Jif, the only peanut butter with that fresh, roasted, peanutty taste. Choosy Moms choose Jif… and by Charmin, the squeezably soft, irresistible tissue your whole family will love.


At the Petterino house, Giovanni and Rose have come through the door just as Victoria was talking about the drink with Zachary.

GIOVANNI: Victoria, have you accepted somebody’s offer for a date?

VICTORIA: Dad… while I was out with the girls someone bought me a drink, and we’re going to head out tomorrow night after I’m done with work.

GIOVANNI: Well now… I’m glad to see the phrase “all work and no play” doesn’t apply to my bella figlia.

VICTORIA: It’s nothing major, Dad. Don’t order the wedding dress or anything.

ROSE: Your dad’s just giving you a hard time. (Yawns) I don’t know about you, honey, but I think we’d best leave Alana and Tori to talk about whatever it is nurses talk about at this hour.

GIOVANNI: You’ve got that right. Buonanotte Stella, you two.

VICTORIA: Buonanotte, Dad. (Giovanni and Rose exit upstairs… Tori turns to Alana) Thanks a lot… are you trying to get me into trouble?

ALANA: Me? What did I do?

VICTORIA: I don’t want Dad knowing Zachary asked me for a drink. I don’t think he and Zachary’s dad have had a good history together.

ALANA: Oh… kind of like sleeping with the enemy?

VICTORIA: Except I’m not Julia Roberts and this isn’t going to involve a bed.

Alana nods as Victoria looks up, hoping Giovanni and Rose didn’t hear the last part of the conversation. Without music, the scene cuts back to:

Giovanni’s, where Annabella is wiping down a counter as Patrick is drinking a beer.

PATRICK: So how was the latest visit to Italy?

ANNABELLA: Oh, not bad. A couple of modeling assignments and much talk about a TV campaign where I pitch makeup. In short, just another boring day in the life of Annabella Petterino.

PATRICK: I can’t believe you can keep quiet like that over here. Especially with the internet. Someone’s going to see your face on there one day and freak when they see you here in Somerset.

ANNABELLA: That’s not going to happen, if I have anything to say about it. I’ve done a good job of keeping my Italian life over there and my life here something separate. Did I tell you I met a guy over in Italy?

PATRICK: No! Congratulations… only when do you get back there to see him?

ANNABELLA: He lives over here. He said he’d eventually look me up. He also told me that if it wasn’t going to work out he’d break my heart gently.

PATRICK: And Scott (sips) can pick up the pieces.

ANNABELLA: Oh no… not you too.

PATRICK: What… what did I do?

ANNABELLA: My mom and dad wondered about Scott and whether or not he’d make a good boyfriend for me. I told them we’re not interested in anything like that.

PATRICK: Stood your ground, huh? Good for you.

ANNABELLA: What about you, Dr. Kurtz? Any patients causing you to feel flush and weak in the knees?

PATRICK: Well… an old family friend is working here in Somerset now. You’ll eventually meet her. Her name is Susannah…

ANNABELLA: Lucas? Sam and Lahoma’s daughter?

PATRICK: (Sets empty glass down) I didn’t think you knew the family!

ANNABELLA: I know the Lucases through Mom and Dad. Well, I’ll have to play catch-up with Susannah when she comes around.

PATRICK: She’s a really good person. Just moved here from Oklahoma City, and we’ve had opportunity to hang out a bit. Nothing more… we’re both too busy.

ANNABELLA: A likely story.

Patrick smiles as Annabella takes the glass he had and fills it with beer; the music plays and it’s a commercial break.

We’ll return to Somerset in just a moment.

Have you missed The City? Did you watch when it was on before and were you upset when it was canceled? Don’t be disappointed any longer. New to SONBC, The City is back in all its glory. Consult your local listings for time and station.


At Nick’s apartment, Nick is alone reading the brochure. He thinks back to the bar, to the young woman with whom he shared fleeting moments and a few drinks.

The scene then changes to time he spent with Alana. We see Alana and Nick in normal flashback scenes, like kissing as they’re walking along the river, etc., as Nick remembers back to happy times.

Cutting back to the present, Nick looks at the brochure again.

NICK: Don’t be too rash… but maybe this would be a good thing for you.

The scene changes as Nick settles in on the couch and sets down the brochure… we cut back to the Petterino house, as Victoria has brought down two items of clothing.

VICTORIA: What do you think, Alana… (holds up short skirt)

ALANA: (Shakes head) You don’t want to give off a flirty aura, do you?

VICTORIA: Okay… (holds up longer skirt)

ALANA: Good. Pair that with something demure and you’ll be fine.

VICTORIA: I wish this drink were here and gone.


VICTORIA: Because if it doesn’t work out then I’m going to look like a fool.

ALANA: Just because you told a guy you’d meet him for a drink. Puh-leez, Tori, give yourself more credit than that.

VICTORIA: Then why are you holding Mike at arm’s length? Don’t you have more feelings for him than I do for Zachary?

ALANA: Well…

VICTORIA: You know something, Alana… I think you may be denying yourself true happiness. And you can quote me on that. (Smiles and takes the clothes back upstairs)

As the music plays, Alana gets a quizzical look on her face, wondering if indeed she is costing herself a shot at happiness. The scene fades to black, and the Somerset logo and credits appear following commercials.

Stay tuned for Salem Lives, coming up next over most of these SONBC stations… Join us each weekday afternoon at this time for the continuing story of Somerset.

This program was pre-recorded.


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