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EPISODE 23 (8/15)



The 23rd episode of Somerset opens up with Victoria at home in the Petterino kitchen, reading a magazine while drinking a cup of coffee. The music softly plays in the background as Victoria flips pages. We hear a knock on the door.

VICTORIA: Coming… hold on… (Opens door to see Alana) Hey there! In the neighborhood, I take it?

ALANA: I figured you brought ice cream to me, so I’d return the favor. Only I didn’t have any ice cream in the refrigerator.

VICTORIA: (Pointing below) What’s in the bag, then?

ALANA: Chocolates.

VICTORIA: Oh God, get in here. (Laughs) You’re going to wreck my diet, what’s left of it.

ALANA: What’s a few chocolates between friends? (Looks around) Where the heck is everybody?

VICTORIA: Mom and Dad have a night off, believe it or not… Dad took Mom up to the overlook area. Annabella is at the restaurant helping out so they could have a night free.

ALANA: Well, isn’t she the generous sister!

VICTORIA: I’d have gone down there, except I worked earlier today so I thought I’d take advantage of the peace and quiet.

ALANA: Until I wrecked it.

VICTORIA: Don’t be silly. (Waves hand off at her) You’re family. Now let’s dig into these chocolates before they melt.

(Laughing, the two open up a box and nibble on the contents. The music plays in the background as the scene switches over to the scenic overlook.)

We see several cars parked at the scenic area, overlooking downtown Somerset. The camera slowly pans in on Giovanni’s dark blue sedan, with he and Rose in the back seat.

ROSE: Mmmm. This was a great idea you had, honey.

GIOVANNI: Leave it to the signorina. Victoria’s the one who came up with this idea.

ROSE: (Leans in and whispers) I think she just wanted to get us out of the house.

GIOVANNI: She knows we haven’t had a lot of free time lately. (Leans in and kisses Rose)

ROSE: Careful… I think this is how we conceived Annabella…

GIOVANNI: (Puzzled) In the back of a car? Are you sure?

ROSE: I’m trying to recall…

GIOVANNI: Hey, at least we were married… (kisses Rose) How long did we come up here before the restaurant got in the way?

ROSE: It’s been a while.

GIOVANNI: And I think Bella’s looked forward to running the show for a night. (Kisses Rose) I can only hope that she changes her mind and decides to join us full time as a manager.

Rose finishes kissing Giovanni and pulls back slightly, shaking her head…

The Somerset theme begins playing as we see an overhead shot of downtown, with the camera slowly pulling away from the buildings. The Somerset logo pops on the screen and goes into position at the center.

This… is Somerset. This portion brought to you today by Zest, the deodorant bar that rinses you cleaner than soap. And by Dawn Plus… the only dish detergent that gets grease out of the way and leaves your hands soft and smooth.


In the car up on the scenic overlook, Rose is still shaking her head.

GIOVANNI: I don’t like it when you get that look on your face.

ROSE: It’s not a look, Giovanni. It’s just telling you that you still don’t get it.

GIOVANNI: I don’t get what… I don’t get women? I’d like to think I mastered the art of that by now.

ROSE: You might have. But you still don’t get that Annabella wants to continue her modeling career.

GIOVANNI: She’s made how much money about now?

ROSE: And saved every penny of it, pretty much. The sports car is about the only perk she’s afforded herself. I still think she has the looks to pull it off, so I don’t think we should interfere.

GIOVANNI: How much longer can we run the restaurant before we want the break?

ROSE: Bella will be ready in due time. She’s expressed an interest in taking over the property when we’re ready to step back. Trust her.

GIOVANNI: I was afraid you were going to say that, my dear. (Leans in and kisses Rose)

ROSE: You know me very well, don’t you? Enough to stay married to you over 30 years.

GIOVANNI: And hopefully many, many more where that came from if I have anything to say about it.

As Giovanni and Rose continue to snuggle in the back seat, the music plays and the scene switches back to the Petterino kitchen. Victoria is sampling a chocolate bar and her eyes are closed.

VICTORIA: Alana Singleton, I’ll never forgive you for this.

ALANA: We’ll all go have a workout at lunch tomorrow. Anyhow… (changes subject) What’s this I hear about you finally breaking down and saying yes to some guy?

VICTORIA: (Looks a bit surprised) Was this why you brought the chocolates over… to talk me out of this?

ALANA: Not at all. It just is a bit shocking coming from you… Miss I Can’t Have Anyone In The Way of My Career?

VICTORIA: You know that’s not true. I never really had the chance to entertain anyone like the proposal Zachary gave me… and besides, it’s just…

ALANA: Wait a minute. Zachary… Cleypool?

VICTORIA: Well… yeah.

ALANA: Are you nuts?

The camera focuses in on Victoria, who has a surprised expression on her face as the picture fades to black.

We’ll return to Somerset in just a moment.

Now SONBC features programming devoted to past and present soap operas, including Guiding Light, The Brotherhood… a celebration of TV’s longest running daytime drama. All part of the new SONBC lineup. Also check out MySONTV, with original entries such as Point Palace and Novi.


Nick is on the couch at his apartment when he hears the doorbell. Getting up and gingerly walking over to the door, he sees Mike there with beer.

NICK: Nice. Wagner, you know I can’t drink.

MIKE: Read the label.

NICK: (Takes bottle and scans it) Oh, thanks! Non-alcoholic… I feel like I’m sneaking a drink from the kitchen or something… come on in.

MIKE: Thanks. That won’t affect your prescription, will it?

NICK: Actually, I took the last of it earlier today. Patrick gave me a clean bill of health and he told me I’m back to normal.

MIKE: Watch out, Somerset. (Laughs and twists off the cap) Here you go. I come bearing gifts and a brochure.

NICK: What type of brochure? (Takes it from Mike and his face crinkles) Somerset’s Bid for Bachelors and Bachelorettes?

Mike has a smile on his face as Nick looks at the brochure and then him again.

CUT TO: The Petterino kitchen, where Alana and Victoria are having a discussion about Zachary.

VICTORIA: Alana… Zachary is nothing like his dad.

ALANA: Oh, I know that. Actually, he was a pretty good patient. It was his dad that caused the commotion.

VICTORIA: All it is we’re doing is meeting for a drink. I get off work tomorrow night around 10 and I’m meeting Zachary at Bernard’s. All we’re going to do is have a drink and maybe a small bite to eat…

ALANA: Before long it’s dinner, then afterwards…

VICTORIA: Alana, whoa! If you’re trying to steer me away from Zachary…

ALANA: I’m not. But remember it’s two for the price of one. If George Cleypool gets wind that his son is dating a hospital nurse…

VICTORIA: What, so I’m beneath him? Please.

ALANA: I didn’t mean it that way, Tori. I’m more concerned with what (the Petterinos walk in) your mom and dad will think.

GIOVANNI: Tori! Something wrong we need to know about?

Victoria gives Alana a look like “thanks a lot” and smiles at Giovanni and Rose. The picture fades to black and, following commercials, the Somerset theme and credits roll.

Stay tuned for Salem Lives, coming up next over most of these SONBC stations. Join us again each weekday at this time for the continuing story of Somerset. This program was recorded.


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