Caroline is at the bar with Bo, Kayla, Max, Stephanie, and Frankie when Marlena comes in with Belle. Marlena asks if Jean and Alyson arrived yet. Caroline says they haven't but they should be there soon. Marlena is very curious to here what they have to say about Eric and asks Caroline if they seem like the type of women to run a scam for some reason. Caroline shakes her head, saying they seem fine. Alyson got hurt at the Pub and didn't even make a stink. Caroline explains that Alyson and Eric dated and even mentioned a time when they went to a gala event in Washington.
Will then walks in and asks if he missed anything. Marlena is shocked to see him. Caroline says she called him because Eric was his uncle and he is family. Marlena says it's fine. He should be there. She asks him how his father is. Will says he's fine but is working an awful alot. Marlena asks how he is. Will tells Marlena he would like to talk to her alone. Marlena excuses herself and goes off into a corner with Will. Will asks if they can meet to talk about some stuff. Marlena asks him if he is having trouble dealing with what Alan did to him. Will nods and says that the thing with this rapist on the loose in the Midwest and Alan's body not being found is just causing some horrible nightmares, on top of the fact that he has lost so many people in his life. Will tells Marlena he doesn't want to bother his dad with all this.
Marlena understands and tells Will she is there for him but is also trying to recover from her own demons. Will asks Marlena if she doesn't want to help him. Marlena says she will help as his grandmother but she thinks he needs counseling from a professional. She isn't capable of that right now. She can listen and advise but he needs therapy to get past all that he has been through before it develops into something more. She tells him to see Barbara. She helped Bo and she will be treating her. Marlena adds that she is very good. Will doesn't like the idea of talking to a stranger but Marlena reminds him it's all kept confidential and it's worth a shot. She promises to also be there for him too. Will hesitantly agrees, saying he has to do something. Marlena embraces him and tells him he is doing the right thing and she thinks he will get the peace he is searching for. Will says he hopes so.
Just then, Alyson and Jean arrive outside the Pub. Alyson begins to have cold feet. Jean tells her it's the right thing to do for everyone and that Eric would want her to do this. His family has a right to know. Alyson nods but admits she is nervous. Jean says she will be right there with her as soon as she gets back. Alyson asks where she is going. Jean says she needs to go get the "guest of honor." Alyson reminds her they agreed not to go that route. Jean says they will have to do it sooner or later and they may as well handle it all now and deal with everything head on. Alyson reluctantly agrees and says she will see her insider. Jean smiles and takes off as Alyson enters the Pub.
Upon entering the Pub, everyone's attention turns to her as they greet her. Caroline asks how her ankle is. Alyson smiles, saying it's fine. She thanks her for asking. Marlena and Belle introduce themselves and say they are proud to meet a friend of Eric's. Alyson says that Eric was a wonderful man and she was so happy to know him. Marlena nods in agreement and then admits they are all curious as to what she has to say. Nicole then enters the Pub and says:
Nicole: That includes me too. Come on, Aly? Fill us in on this big secret you and mommy dearest are keeping.
Alyson nervously looks around at everyone around her and then runs out of the room and into the ladies room, shocking everyone and causing Nicole to chuckle and roll her eyes.

Cassie awakens in her room to find Stefano at her bedside. Cassie smiles and asks how long he has been there. Stefano says all night. He tells her that she is going to be fine and that Alexandra agreed with the prognosis. She just needs to get some rest. Cassie asks what happened. Stefano fills her in about the explosion and then mentions that he knows she was on her way out of Salem. Stefano mentions that they found her luggage next to her and that one of the servants mentioned her telling him she was going on a trip before going back in to get the brush she forgot. Cassie says she felt she had no choice as he had turned his back on her.
Stefano sighs and says he was angry and still is. However, he had not turned his back on her. He is disappointed but still sees much potential in her. Stefano admits he was wrong to be so harsh and to give her the cold shoulder. Cassie tells him again how sorry she is. Stefano says he knows but she is in quite a mess and it's going to take alot to get her out. Cassie's eyes light up as she asks if he is going to help her. Stefano nods, saying he needs her. His house is gone and he is not going to stand for anyone destroying what is his and targeting his family. Cassie isn't so sure he should trust her. Stefano takes her hand and kisses it, saying that she just needs to listen to what he says and to not act without his permission. He feels that is the only way she can live up to the potential he sees in her. He asks Cassie if she can cooperate and do that.
Meanwhile, Anna walks up and wonders how long Stefano is going to be in the room. She needs to speak with him to try to get his help in finding Carrie and Evan. Anna looks in on Stefano and Cassie and is intrigued by their reactions to whatever they are discussing. She opens the door a bit and begins to eavesdrop on what is being said.

Joelle returns to the bar, putting her purse on the table. Lucas asks if she is alright. Joelle says she will be after a few more drinks. Lucas begs her to stop. Joelle says it makes her feel good and it would do the same for him if he had one too. Lucas shakes his head in disgust. Joelle then reaches over with her shot glass and tells Lucas to down one. As she reaches over, she knocks over her purse. Joelle says oops and calls herself a klutz. Lucas says he will get it and adds that things like that wouldn't happen if she just stopped with the booze. Joelle apologizes as she slips a pill into Lucas' drink, which begins to dissolve in the drink. The bartender and another patron see this and wonder what is going on. Lucas puts everything back in Joelle's purse and puts it back on the bar. He begs her to stop and to go back to the hospital with him. Her mother needs her. Joelle shakes her head and says she is staying.
The bartender then comes over after talking with the patron and asks Joelle what she thinks she is doing. Joelle is confused, as is Lucas. The bartender says that he and his buddy say what she did. A quick thinking Joelle slyly pulls out her cell slightly from her purse and calls Lucas' number, which is on speed dial for business reasons. Lucas' cell rings and Joelle tells him he better take it. Lucas doesn't like leaving her with the bartender and wants to hear what he has to say. Joelle tells him to take the call and to hurry back. Lucas walks off, leaving Joelle with the bartender, who asks her why she put a pill in her friend's drink. Joelle mentions how Lucas' girlfriend just died and how hard it has hit him. He has alot going on and hasn't been able to sleep and won't do anything to help himself so she put a sleeping pill in his drink. She hates deceiving him but feels it's the only way and for the best.
The bartender mentions knowing Lucas from his drinking days and recalls how hard he can take things. Joelle says he is her boss and she knows he just needs some rest or else he and his son will suffer. The bartender says he understands why she did what she did. Joelle begs him not to say anything. She will make sure he gets home ok and she mentions she isn't driving so he doesn't have to worry about the both of them being under the influence and driving. The bartender says that's good and says he will stay silent but hopes that what she said is true. Joelle says it is. It's too horrible to lie about. The bartender walks off as Lucas comes back, saying no one was on the line and the call came from her phone. Joelle says something must have hit her cell inside her purse and dialed Lucas' number via speed dial.
Lucas asks what happened with the bartender. Joelle lies and says he caught her filling her shot glass with vodka behind his back. She just couldn't wait for him any longer and she knew Lucas didn't want her to have another. She mentions the bartender thought she was trying to score a free drink but she planned on paying for it. Lucas takes her glass and says she is done. Joelle agrees not to drink anymore as long as they don't have to go back to the hospital. Lucas shakes her hand and says it's a deal. Joelle asks for a club soda. The bartender gets her one. Lucas smiles and says that she is doing the right thing. Joelle nods and then smiles as Lucas takes a sip of the drugged drink, whispering:
Joelle: I'm doing this for us, mom. For us and for Joey.
A pleased Joelle then continues to look on as Lucas takes yet another sip.

Kate is walking through the park, thinking about how she is going to get her life back on track and how she is going to get back into Lucas and Philip's good graces. She looks up to the heavens and tells Austin how much she misses him. He would always listen to her and offer good advice, even though she never listened to it. Kate says she made so many mistakes in her life and now she has nothing and has no one to blame but herself. Miranda then comes up from behind and says she's right about that. Kate turns and asks what she wants this time.
Miranda: I want redemption. I want you to hurt just as much as I did. You should suffer just as much as the people you claimed to love.
Kate: What is wrong with you? Yes, you have a reason to be upset with me but to be so vile and...cold and...
Miranda: Me? No, honey, that's you. I can't believe you. Your trying to diminish what you did to all of us. You know, your recent behavior is pretty despicable but that is nothing compared to what you were back in your whore days. Oh, wait, your still in your whore days. Sorry!
Kate: You...
Miranda: When we were younger, I idolized you. I used to tell all my friends how I wanted to be just like you. God, now the sight of you makes me want to vomit. You destroyed our lives, Kate. Damnit, you destroyed yourself and you took the rest of us down with you? You deserve to rot in hell!!
Kate: You don't mean that. Somewhere, deep down, you still care about me. You still love me.
Miranda: That is so typical of you. You always believe you can get off scott-free and that you deserve to. You don't deserve nothing, Kate, least of all my love and my mother's love.
Kate: Don't you mean...
Miranda: What? "Our" mother? No. Not anymore. You lost that right a long time ago. She's nothing to you. Danielle is nothing to you. I'm nothing to you.
Kate: Oh, come on, Miranda! We'll always be...
Miranda: No!! No!! Don't even say it!! You stopped being my sister the day you turned your back on us and never looked back. Your no daughter to mom. Your no sister to Danielle. and, you certainly are no sister to me you cold-hearted slut!!!
Kate hauls back and slaps Miranda, who coldly looks at her and says:
Miranda: You bitch!! You have no right...
Miranda then lunges for Kate and both women fall on the grass and go at it, slapping and kicking.

As Anna listens outside Cassie's room, Stefano waits for an answer from Cassie. Cassie says she can do that and promises she will listen to his every word and won't act without his permission. Stefano smiles and says that's good. He then kisses her hand and says he is happy to give her another chance providing she has learned from her mistake. Cassie nods, saying she has. Stefano smiles and says he believes her. Cassie asks what they are going to do about Greta. Stefano says he will think of something as, so far, the police only seem to know it was one of his cars. They have no description of the driver. Cassie tells him she doesn't want him taking the fall for her. Stefano tells her to trust him. She won't go down for Greta's hit and run and he promises her he knows how to handle situations like this. Cassie nods, saying she knows he does. She then embraces him and thanks him for forgiving her and helping her. His giving her a second chance means the world to her.
Just as Stefano is about to say something, Anna walks in and says:
Anna: I hate to interrupt this heartwarming family moment but I feel it's my duty considering it seems there is a criminal in our midst. Well, other then you, Stefano.
Stefano (frustrated): Anna....
Anna: Hello to you, too, Stefano. (smiles sarcastically) Anyway, it seems Cassie's become a junior felon and, wow, this has put me in such a difficult position, Oh, horrors, what do I do? So young...beautiful girl you are, Cassie (looks at a worried and bewildered Cassie). I hate to do this but I must. It's right to report a crime to the proper (pulls out cell phone)...
Stefano: Ok, enough of this, Anna. What do you want?
Anna: How about you and me finally have that talk I have been clamoring for, eh? I think we can hammer out terms to a nice, beneficial agreement for the both us.
Anna smiles as a worried Cassie and a frustrated and angry Stefano look on.

Marlena and Caroline beg Alyson to come out of the ladies room but she refuses, saying she just can't do this. Marlena wonders what would cause her to be so fearful of simply sharing something about Eric with them. Nicole thinks Alyson is just a flake and no longer thinks she is anything but someone trying to con them for some reason. Caroline tells Nicole no one invited her and orders her to leave since she is the one that caused Alyson to get upset. Nicole says she merely walked into the Pub and said she was curious. She can't help the girl is oversensitive. Caroline would like to know how Nicole even found out they were gathering. Bo mentions that she probably eavesdropped. Nicole tells Bo no comments from the peanut gallery are allowed.
Just then, everyone hears a cell phone ring in the bathroom and hears Alyson answer it by saying "Hello." A few moments later, Alyson emerges from the bathroom. Caroline asks if she is alright. Alyson nods, saying her mother called and is right outside so there is no turning back now. Marlena asks what she means.
The door of the Pub then opens. Jean enters.....
Bo, Kayla, Max, Stephanie, Frankie, Will, Caroline, Belle, Marlena, and even Nicole look on, confused at what is happening. Jean walks over to near Alyson and places the baby boy, which looks about 8-10 months old, in her arms. She tells Alyson to introduce the child to his family. Everyone in the Pub is stunned.
Alyson: Uh...everyone. I would like you to meet Samuel. My son. My son with Eric.
Nicole: What?!
Jean: You heard her. This gorgeous little boy here belongs to Eric and my daughter. He is their son.
Nicole's jaw practically drops, along with everyone's at the Pub as camera pans in on a close up of little Samuel. The scene then freezes on baby Samuel and fades to black.
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