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9/19/07-WELCOME HOME!!!



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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    • Kendall
    • Greenlee





Will is still in bed, tossing and turning. He starts crying out in his sleep for help and then jumps up, sweaty and clearly affected by the nightmare he seemingly just had. Will then wonders why these nightmares are coming back after being gone for so long. He thought he was finally moving on from what Alan did to him. Will then looks at the clock and realizes he overslept and is an hour late for school. He gets out of bed and goes into the living room. He sees a newspaper with the headline "SERIAL RAPIST STRIKES AGAIN!!!" He picks it up and stares at it. Will's eyes fill with terror as he remembers that infamous night with Alan. Will begins to tremble and shakes his head in disbelief, saying:

Will: He can't be back. He's dead. HE'S DEAD!!

Will's hands shake so much that he drops the newspaper. He then says repeatedly he needs to tell someone and races back into his room.


Lucas brings some coffee to Joelle in the waiting area. She thanks him for staying with her. He says it's no problem and that he called in to work so they both don't have to go in. Joelle can't beleive her mother had a stroke. She was doing so well with her diabetes and blood pressure. She admits she had a mild heart attack a few years back but she has been going strong ever since. Lucas reminds her the doctor said it was only a mild stroke. She will be fine. Joelle tells him she is grateful but she doesn't know how they are going to afford the medical bills, especially if she needs physical therapy or some other special needs. Lucas asks if she has insurance. Joelle says she does but it doesn't cover everything. She doesn't know what she is going to do.

Joelle begins to break down in tears, asking why life has to be so hard. Lucas says he asks himself that question everyday. He embraces her and tells her it will work out and he will help in any way he can. She thanks him for everything. A nurse approaches them and tells Lucas he has a call from someone from his office at the nurses desk. Lucas thanks the nurse. Joelle tells him to take the call. She will be fine. Lucas asks if she is sure. Joelle nods. Lucas tells her he will be back and leaves. After he leaves, Joelle smiles and says:

Joelle: It's time to take this horrible situation and use it to our advantage, mother.

Joelle then gets up and walks off.



Caroline, Stephanie, Frankie, Max, Bo, Kayla, Alice, Julie, and Maggie are all together at the Pub for Jack and Billie's welcome home party. Caroline tells Frankie that Jack and Billie would've understood if he didn't make it. Frankie tells her there was nothing to be done at the hospital and he wanted to be there. Philip then shows up and walks up to the bar, asking if it's ok that he is there. Caroline nods, saying Billie is his sister. Kate then walks up and asks if that same compassion applies to her. Caroline nods and smiles, saying Kate has a right to be present. Billie will want to see her.

Kate smiles and turns to Philip, asking how he is. Philip says he could be better. Kate tells him she would like to talk with him and settle their differences. Philip shakes his head, saying not right now. He already has enough to deal with. He then excuses himself, leaving behind a heartbroken Kate.

At the bar, Kayla asks Bo if he heard anything back yet from his contacts. Bo shakes his head, saying they haven't tracked down Hope or Steve yet. Kayla says she is really worried. Bo admits he is too but advises her to keep what is going on quiet for the time being, just in case Hope and Steve are embroiled in something heavy. Kayla agrees.

Max and Stephanie are talking when they see Abby wheeled in with Forrest. Everyone in the Pub turns and looks at Abby and Forrest tentatively. Abby sees that everyone seems unsettled and apologizes to Forrest that her family and friends are treating him this way. Forrest smiles and says it's ok. They all just need to get used to him and to get to know him a bit. Abby smiles, saying he is taking this all so well. Forrest smiles and wheels her over to be with her Alice, Julie, and Maggie.

Doug then walks in, shocking Julie. Julie walks over slowly to him, expressing her surprise that he came. She hasn't seem him in days. She asks how he is doing. Doug says he is better but that isn't saying much. Julie tells him she would like to talk. Just as Doug is about to answer, Jack and Billie walk in. Everyone in the Pub races over to them, greeting and hugging them. Jack walks over to Alice and tenderly embraces her. Alice tells him he was missed. Abby embraces her father and cries in his arms as Jack finds himself in tears as well. Abby tells him she was so scared she would never see him again. Jack tells her that won't happen. He promises her mother he would be there for her to guide her and to take care of her and JJ. Abby smiles and embraces him again, saying she is so happy he is back.

Billie shares a happy reunion with Kate and Philip. Kate is so happy she didn't lose another child. Billie feels horrible she missed Austin's funeral. Kate tells her he would understand. She is just happy she is back. Bo comes over and embraces Billie. He tells her he hates to bring her bad news so soon but there is something he has to tell her about Chelsea.

Meanwhile, Jack embraces Kayla and asks about Steve. Kayla says he and Hope are out of town handling something. Jack is intrigued but Kayla tells him it's nothing he would be interested in. Maggie then brings JJ out from around back and Jack takes him in his arms and shares a tearful reunion with his son. Jack thanks everyone for watching over his family. He thanks Frankie and Max for looking out for her. Frankie reminds Jack he made a promise to Jennifer. Jack nods and then thanks Alice for letting Abby stay with her. Alice smiles and says it's no problem.

Bo fills Billie in on how Orpheus sent a tape of Chelsea killing her rapists to the SPD and explains how Stefano interfered to have her sent to a psych ward out of state. Billie is devastated. Bo tells her that Abe had the hospital checked out and it seems on the up and up but they can't visit her until after a certain period. They want her to get settled. Billie can't believe this. Bo comforts her and says their daughter will be fine. She's strong, just like she is. Billie smiles and says:

Billie: Just like we both are.


Lucas returns from his phone call and finds that Joelle is gone. He asks some of the nurses if they have seen her and describes what she looks like. One nurse says she saw her leave the hospital via the ambulance bay and she was headed toward the pier. Lucas thanks her and takes off.



Jack and Billie thank Caroline for the party. She says it was no problem. She is just happy they are home. Jack sits down with Abby and says he wants to hear about everything that has happened while he was gone. Abby fills him in on how "Fred" found a doctor that found a new treatment to help her walk again. She explains she is involved in his therapy program and is taking new medication. She also mentions how "Fred" has been so good to her and how he tried to help Chelsea and to help find him and Billie. Jack is suspicious and asks how "Fred" has so much influence and power.

Fred/Forrest says he just knows people in high places. He wouldn't say he has power. Max, Frankie, and Stephanie watch this scene and wonder if they should tell Jack who "Fred" is. Frankie doesn't think it's the time and place seeing as Jack just came home and Forrest is right there. It could put Abby in danger, along with everyone else. They have no idea what Forrest is capable of. Max and Stephanie see his point and agree that it's not the right time.

Jack reluctantly thanks Fred/Forrest for all he has done to help Abby. Abby notes that his expression of gratitude seemed forced. Jack thinks they should change the subject and discuss "Fred" later. Forrest then excuses himself, saying he has to make a phone call. Forrest leaves as Jack tells Abby he knows he just got home but he doesn't want to wait to tell her this. Abby tells Jack he is worrying her and asks if something is wrong. Jack fills her in on how close he and Billie have gotten. Abby says she knew they would get together and she is fine with that now. She just wants him to be happy and Billie is great. Jack smiles and is glad she is happy but says there is something else. Jack then tells her about how Elizabeth and Alexander rescued him and Billie and how Elizabeth is a old flame of his. He then says that Elizabeth told him Alexander is his son. Abby is stunned. Billie interjects and says that they are going to have a DNA test done to make sure and then mentions to Jack that Elizabeth called and left the number for her room at the Salem Inn.

Nearby, Julie walks over to Doug and wants to pick up where they left off before Jack and Billie arrived. She asks him again if they can talk. Doug says he isn't really interested in doing that and doesn't really have the time. Julie tells him it won't take long. Doug says he doesn't want to see or talk to her. Julie says she will give him more time. She thinks that may help and then they can talk. Julie tells him she is willing to wait for as long as she has to. Doug shakes his head and says she will have to wait a long time because he is leaving Salem...tomorrow!! Julie is stunned. Doug then turns and walks out. Maggie comes over and embraces Julie, saying she heard the whole thing. Maggie apologizes. Tears stream down Julie's face as she looks at Maggie and tells her she has lost Doug and it's for good this time. Julie then falls into Maggie's arms as Maggie comforts her.

Meanwhile, Abby is still stunned by Alexander possibly being her half brother. Billie reminds her they know nothing yet and then tells Jack they should go do the test now. The sooner the better. Jack agrees. It's better to get it out of the way and to know. Billie says she will call Elizabeth to meet them there. Frankie interjects and says they can go see Greta if they want. He is on his way there. Jack and Billie think that is a good idea. Jack kisses and embraces Abby, telling her they will talk later. Abby nods and smiles, saying she is glad to have him back. Jack then gives JJ a kiss and he and Billie then thank Caroline and everyone else for the party and for being there before leaving. Abby then looks around and wonders where Forrest is. Alice tells Abby if she is looking for 'Fred" he is still outside on the phone. Abby thanks her.

Outside the Pub, Jack sees Fred/Forrest on the phone and tells Billie and Frankie he does not like that guy. Frankie tells Jack he isn't the only one. They then begin to walk to the parking lot as Billie calls Elizabeth. Elizabeth is at her room at the Salem Inn when she answers and asks what is going on. Billie tells her to get Alexander and head for the hospital. They are doing the DNA test now. A worried expression crosses Elizabeth's face. Elizabeth then says she will go over to Alexander's room and get him and they will be there soon. Billi says ok and hangs up. Elizabeth then throws her phone to the ground in anger and says:

Billie has become a major problem. One that I will have to remove from the picture...permanently.

Back inside the Pub, Bo's cell rings while he is at the bar with Caroline and Kayla. He excuses himself and answers it. It's Will, who is very upset and desperately asks Bo to meet him. Bo asks if he is ok. Will says he thinks he is but he just really needs to talk to someone. Bo tells him to meet him at the pier in a half hour. Will agrees. Bo hangs up, wondering what is going on. Meanwhile, Will looks at the newspaper and tries to convince himself he is being paranoid and that it's because of the nightmares about Alan he is having. Will hopes that talking to Bo will help. He then grabs his keys and leaves the apartment.



Joelle sits at the bar, downing shots of Alabama Slammers when Lucas walks in, looking around and then noticing Joelle. He walks up, telling her he has been looking all over for her. Joelle says she just needed to get out of there and needed a drink so bad. Lucas tells her that's the long way to think. He knows. He is a recovering alcoholic and recently fell off the wagon because of Sami's death. He tells her drinking won't help the pain. It only makes things worse. Joelle then downs another shot and calls out to the bartender for another. Lucas tells the bartender not to get her one but Joelle orders him to. Lucas shakes his head in disgust as Joelle is given another shot, which she quickly chugs, and then yells out to the bartender to keep them coming.


Forrest is still on the phone. He looks in at Abby and the remaining party guests and says:

Forrest: Yes. We have to move up our plans. We have no choice. With Deveraux back in town, we can't take the risk of him ruining everything. (looks at Abby inside the Pub) We need to act and we need to act now!!!

The scene then freezes on a split screen of a determined Forrest's face and Abby sitting in the Pub and then fades to black.




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