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Episode 77: Hearbreaks, Exits, and Nan's Revenge (Season 3 Finale)

Matt P.


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    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

Previously on Point Palace:

- Peggy was hauled off to an insane asylum but before she went, she admitted to James that she was always in love with him and how jealous she was of both Laney and Ava. James and Ava wants her gone and when she is put in the back of the truck, she screams how "she'll always be misses Peggy Vaughne." Officer Wendell gets the whole story and finds out what really happened to Laney. James informs Ava that the saga with Peggy is officially over.

- London and Tanisha try to convince Alexia to tell her mom about what happened. She was reluctant to do it but got good news when Blake called and offered her a job to plan the gala. She willingly accepted only if Tanisha would help her.

- John and Alley decide to want to leave "Point Palace" just to get away for sometime, but Dylan tries to stop them. He then brings in someone who could...Blake. Blake tries to reason with Alley and threatens John by telling him that if he leaves and takes Alley with him, then he won't see his child when the baby is born.

- Carlos didn't listen to Jenny's ultimatum to leave the show so she watches from a far as both C.C. and Carlos have a bed scene together. Carlos tries to talk to Jenny but is interrupted by C.C. who unveils a sexy bikini for their next scene. Jenny leaves the set and Carlos is left confused and hurt.

- While shopping with Lenvy, Will runs into Carrie and for the first time Carrie and Lenvy see each other. They both faint but then regain conciseness and meet each other. Both want to be friends with one another and Carrie tells Will that although she despises him, she likes his taste in woman.

- Nan finds out about Blake's plans for the gala and begins to have flashbacks of all of the battles they had. From the time until they broke up to the most recent incident of the boardroom battle, she is determined not to give up. She then gets an idea to have one last battle!

- After calming down about Frank kidnapping Alexia, he then goes back to his love triangle with Ginny and Tanisha. Ginny makes plans with him but then Owen also agrees to go out with Tanisha at the same time. And both girls live next door one another. When the time comes, he asks himself. Which door will he choose?
Episode 78:
Heartbreak, Exits, and Nan's Revenge
(Season 3 Finale)

Executive Story Consultant & Head Writer:
Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman

(Owen walks into the door and looks at Ginny. She is happy to see him there.)

You know how I feel about you.

And you know how I feel about you. For someone who lied to me, I forgave you, easily.

And I appreciate that. I love you.

(Owen disapears and Ginny wakes up in total darkness. She hadn't even gotten ready for her date with Owen. He was a little late. There is a knock on her door. Ginny looks in the mirror and mats her hair down a bit. She looked fine enough to just hang out, and if that lead to other things, so be it. Ginny opens the door and Owen stands in front of her with a stoic look upon his face.)
(Later that night, Ava rings James's doorbell. Wearing a jacket and jeans, he answers it. The night is a bit chilly and Ava folds her arms in her chest and clings on to the thin sweater she has on.)

May I come in?


(Ava walks in. She looks around and sees luggage everywhere. The house is practically bare.)

You sounded so serious on the phone.

That's because I was.

Do you seriously think that this is the best thing to do?

My reputation is tarnished. My colleagues, the ones that respected me, talk about what happened behind my back.

Screw them. How do you think I felt? All of my friends and the students looked at me differently because they thought I was a killer.

Then you have a hell of a lot more guts then I do to stay here.

Where did all of your stuff go?

Right after Peggy was hauled off and you had left, I decided to give my house to someone who actually needed it.

Like who?

The name doesn't matter, what matters is, it sold at market value.

What? That is absolutely crazy! It takes like months to sell a house.

You are such a smart girl. Someone will eventually buy it. I just want to leave as soon as possible. The rest of my stuff is in a van.

Shouldn't you be here for the buyer?

Would you want to buy a house where someone died in? I think not. The doors will be locked and the neighbors will watch the house from time to time.

(James proceeds to take some boxes and luggage to his car. Ava follows.)

Just like that? What happened to the smart psychologist professor who helped me when I needed him the most? Everyone is gone and out of our lives. You and I can live happily ever after! Why won't you let that happen?

(James continues to pack his things in his car.)

Ava you're living in a fantasy world. I know how you feel about me and I can't say that I don't feel the same way, but it just would never work out.

The age difference is obviously bothering you. It didn't when we were messing around behind your wife's back.

Then Laney died. Here. In this house.

Please don't leave me here. I'm lost without you.

Ava you are the smartest girl I know. One of the best student's ever. I know for a fact that you're not in the least bit lost.

(James puts the last box into his car and goes back to the door. All of the lights are off except for one that lights up the curtains in the inside of the house. Just to look like someone is in the house. James turns the key and locks it.)

What about a job? Where are you going to stay? Have you thought that through?

If I gave you the keys to the house do you want it?

Are you serious? You would do that for me?

Of course.

There are too many memories here and I'm sure that your dead ex-wife would haunt me in my sleep.

Then you know why I'm leaving. But, when everything was going down, I applied to a bunch of colleges and offices. I found somewhere that was in dire need of someone. I jumped at the opportunity.

You mean to tell me that you knew all this time that you were going to leave Cody and Point Palace? So then I was left in the dark.

I was going to tell you eventually.

When? In a postcard?

(James leans in and kisses Ava one last time.)

The house is locked up and I suggest that you go home and get some sleep.

So that's it? You're leaving. Was I just some mistress to you?

You were special to me. Goodbye.

Ava: (pleading)
Please don't go!

(James opens the car door and starts the car. He looks at her as he starts his car up. He then drives away, passing Ava's truck. Ava freezes and can't believe that he is leaving her. She watches with tears streaming down her eyes. She then falls to her knees crying.)

(Owen hasn’t made himself quite at home in Ginny's room. The mood is tension filled though. He continues to lean against the door frame, crossing his arms.)

What's wrong?

It's funny. You know when something is wrong, even when I don't say a word.

Wow. What an introduction. Not even a simple hi or hey or I missed you so much.

We need to talk.

This doesn't sound good at all.

How did you feel when I lied to you about not being British?

I was upset. I slapped you across the face. You deserved it.

You hated me at that point.

This is my dream all over again.

You had a dream about me?

Yeah but it's not the way that I dreamt it. You and I aren't going at it.

(Owen snickers.)

It was in the past. We can forget about it and move on.

Do you want to hit me again?

No. What is going on?

I just feel as if you and I should just be friends.

Fine. Then I feel the same way.


(Owen swoops in for a hug, but Ginny declines.)

Don't touch me. Like you said...we're just friends.

Then I'll see you around campus. Or in the cafe. I'm sorry. I seem to say that a lot to you.

No. Don't apologize. I feel the same way. Just didn't see it coming.


Don't apologize. Just go and sever up your dignity. Be a man about it. Don't worry about me Owen. I'll be just fine. Besides, what are friends for?

(Owen feels weird but smiles at her wanly. He then leaves and looks at Tanisha's door.)

And the winner is. Door Number two.

(Back in Ginny's room. She hugs herself and begins to eat some ice cream.)

Of course. I get hurt once again.

(Owen knocks on Tanisha's door. She opens it and smiles.)

I just broke up with Ginny. I realized that you're the girl I want.

Just shut up and kiss me.

(Tanisha pulls Owen in for a romantically entwined kiss. They almost fall over but Owen kicks the door behind him.)
(Alexia is on her phone with a clip board in her hand. People are frantically moving around placing decorations everywhere.)

Tanisha if you get this message, when you're done with trying to go after my brother, please call me back. The decorating committee is staying late and if you could maybe swing by later to help then that would be awesome. Everything is looking nice and I hope that you're having fun.

(Alexia hangs up with Tanisha's answering machine.)

Where do you think I should place these banners?

Just place them along the wall. Except for the welcoming one. That should be in the upper middle balcony. Please be careful putting that up.

(The student exits. Alexia turns around to find Blake in front of her. Lanoi, Benjamin, Bryan, and Dylan are behind her.)

And here is our decorator future wedding slash party planner, Alexia Newlan. Alexia this is Secretary Lanoi Dickson, Treasurer Benjamin Cliffside, the new presidential assistant who came up with this idea, Dylan. And vice president Bryan Daniels.

It's nice to meet you all. Dylan, it's good to see you again.

Do you mind if we can get a tour of what the gala will look like?

Sure thing.

I thought I read somewhere that you had an assistant with you. Is he or she around somewhere?

She will be here later. She’s busy.

I like it already. It's hip and trendy. It's what the kids want these days. Great idea Dylan.

This is only half of it. I'm sure after we talk to Alexia, she will make it sound and look even better.

Alexia, please lead the way.

Follow me.

(Alexia and the others walk off. Bryan looks around before he leaves and spots Nan. She nods at him as they go off. A student hands her a box.)

Student #2:
What are you doing standing around? Get to work. Here why don't you go place some napkins around the table.

Sure thing.

(The student exits. Nan throws the box on the ground.)

Yeah right.

(Nan begins to snoop around. She walks toward a giant waterfall. It's empty, but sure enough, it would be filled with rushing water. She then goes into the back of kitchen. The light is on.)

What's this?

(She finds a switch to turn the waterfall on, it has varying speeds. Nan lightly touches it. Nan also notices a line of gas ovens.)

This is going to be perfect!

(The next morning, John and Alley begin to pack their stuff into John's car. Alley has all of her stuff with her. Only a suitcase and a duffel bag as does John.)

Are we doing this or what?

It's not like we're leaving for good. Just for a few weeks and if that turns into a few months and maybe a few years so be it.

It will feel good to be out of here as soon as possible for as long as possible. We should go to a place that's not full of...petty bull-

Deception. Somewhere where we can't get hurt.

Plus you and I can reconnect again.

Look, I'm not sure if I have said this before, but if I haven't, I'm going to say it now. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for that stuff that I did to you with Dylan. It was a mistake and I apologize.

You're already forgiven. Remember I’m cutting the tough guy act?

Then I guess that's it.

(John's cell phone rings.)


Hey. What's this I hear you're leaving?

You and your ex pushed us to do it. Or whatever he is to you now. Everyone has tried to make us stop but guess what we're not. Our classes have been postponed, our rooms will still be here if we decide to come back and retrieve some more stuff. We need a break from this whole lying scheme of things. It's so bad that I even think the bathroom mirrors are two faced.

(Alley grabs the phone off of John.)

Why do you have to call him?

Trying to make you two see that-

That what we're doing is some sort of mistake? Save it. Everyone's been preaching that one. I'm surprised that London hasn't yet.

Could you just be rational for once?

Rational? Were you being rational when you slept with Dylan?

(John grabs the phone back off of Alley.)

Carrie, look, Alley and I have a bus to catch and we're going to somewhere in Philadelphia. You basically know our plans and there will be no need to go and look for us. So don't call back because I'll ignore all of your phone calls! Bye slut.

(John hangs up the phone.)

You ready?

Are you?


(Alley pauses and looks around the room.)

Yeah I'm serious about it.

Let's get the hell out of here! For a short time or forever. Just as long as we're gone.

(Alley walks out first and John shuts the door behind him.)
(London is alone in her room. She dials a number on her cell phone and calls Dr. Harnlo.)

Hi Doctor Harnlo, it's London Tyler Hammerton.

Dr. Harnlo:
London. How are you doing?

I'm doing fine, but I needed to talk to you about something.

Dr. Harnlo:
Please go on.

I've been having sharp pains in my stomach. At first I thought it was the baby kicking, but it wasn't.

Dr. Harnlo:
Are you having any signs of bleeding?

No. I wouldn't want to have you make a house call.

Dr. Harnlo:
I would love to, but I'm so busy in Ohio.

Then that's fine. How about next week I'll fly in to see you?

Dr. Harnlo:
I advise that you do. Any time is fine for me. You're one of my special patients.

Doctor Harnlo, you were one of the first people I told about my pregnancy. I couldn't tell my parents but if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't even be where I am today.

Dr. Harnlo:
Just being a good person as well as a good doctor.

Everything is going great in my life. My marriage is top notch, he's the president of the school, my parents respect us. This beats sitting in Ohio waiting for John to come back to me with opening arms just because we weren't smart one night.

Dr. Harnlo:
It seems as if your happy with your new hubby. In speaking of John, are you two still friends?

Yes. It's weird but we are sort of supportive of one another. He has his new life and I have mine.

Dr. Harnlo:
What do you plan on doing about the issue of who is going to be the father, because I remember how you told me that you wanted to strip John's parenting rights away from him, have you changed your mind at all?

I...I don't know. Only time will tell.

Dr. Harnlo: (stern)

In the end, it'll all work out. I just hope and pray that my baby is okay.

(London hangs up with Dr. Harnlo who buries her face in her hands.)

Dr. Harnlo:
You’re too happy and time’s running out to tell you the truth.

(Later that night, everyone is gathered at the gala. The ambience is beautiful. Dimmed lighting, nice decorations, and updated music. All of the students that attend are dressed up fancy, as if they were at a homecoming dance or a prom. There are people on the dance floor dancing and people sitting down on the side of the tables. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. The waterfall is in full stream. Blake is in the center of the entrance greeting everyone, with London on his left side and Alexia on his right, making sure that everything is going as planned.)

Alexia you really outdid yourself this time.

Thank you. It took so much damn work and I can't wait to have a long sleep.

You deserve it.

(Alexia's cell phone goes off in her purse.)

Please excuse me.

(Dylan comes up to greet them, with Carrie at hand.)

This. This is just awesome.

You were the one who came up with the whole idea.

I have some bad news though.

Great. Just what we need.

It's not that bad, but I know you'll freak out Blake when you hear it.

Then what is it?

John and Alley left for supposedly Philly. We don't know if they're coming back or not.

(Blake is angered by what Dylan has just told them.)

You know I thought that acting like a brat would sink in to her. This is all his fault. Sorry London...and Carrie but John is truly ridiculous. He probably put it through her head.
(to London)
I'm glad you're not letting him see your child when they're born!

(Nan and Bryan walk in together, but do not go directly to Blake.)

Do you have what you need?

Of course I do.

Shouldn't we taunt Blake a little bit?

I've done that enough over the years. It's time to get payback in the most drastic way possible!

(Alexia goes off to the side and talks on her cell phone.)



Yeah. Mom is that you?

Yeah. Where are you at?

A gala that I planned.

I'm proud of you. Plus I heard about Frank.

You did? How?


That son of a bitch!

I'm just happy that your safe and Frank's dead. Whenever Owen got hurt, what was the first thing I told you both.

You said-

To call me anytime you were in trouble, but under the circumstances you were in, I know that it was impossible.

Wonderful. Anything else?

Yes. Would there be a chance that you and Owen might be able to come home?

Not really sure. Classes are getting heavy and, I've just been busy. Is there something wrong?

Yeah. I- I have breast cancer.

(Ava walks in alone. Some people begin to look at her but she ignores them.)


(Ava walks up to Blake and London. She hugs both of them.)

How is everything going for you?

Got my heart broken. James left for good because of everything that happened. It turns out that he had it planned the whole damn time.

And you were the last to know?


There are tons of single college guys here. Surely you'll find someone.

And maybe one of them will slip something into my drink and I can wake up with them zippering their pants back up and kicking me out of their frat house.

Be nice.

Most guys are ass holes. I totally agree with you and I hope that you’re safe.

See Blake, us women understand each other.

(Ava walks away. A female student walks up to Ava and taps her on the shoulder.)

Female Student:
Aren't you-?

No I'm not who you think I am.

Female Student:
No. No. You're Ava Ceceleneli or however you pronounce your name.

You pronounced it correctly.

Female Student:
What was it like to have an affair with a professor and then get involved with the whole murdering scandal? It is so deliciously scandalous.

You're apart of the newspaper aren't you?

Female Student:
Gossip Columnist.

Then you must work very closely with Leon Kain. I know him personally. If you don't leave me alone, I'll guarantee- More like promise, that you will not have a job anymore.

Female Student:

It's okay. You're just doing your job. Let me ask you something. Have you ever had Professor Lowrie?

Female Student:
Yeah I had her for English 22. Why?

Then I'm sure you, as well as the school. Cody, Colorado. And maybe even America, will know that Professor Peggy Lowrie, was the one who had planned to frame me. To make it look like I was the one who hurt her. She wanted to hurt her but Laney was killed accidentally. You already knew that though. She was hauled off to a mental institution yesterday. Admitted to always being in love with Professor Vaughne.

Female Student:
Thank you for that vital information.

(Ava begins to walk away from her but then turns around.)

Here's something that I want you to put in the Point Palace Inquiry. I should have taken a regular or maybe even a failing grade, because Professor Vaughne was lousy in bed.

(Carlos and Jenny begin to slow dance with one another.)

You're still mad about something aren't you?


Just let the music take us away.

You are so lucky that I even agreed to come here tonight.

I know that you like to dress up and go out. You always complain that I never take you out enough.

(Jenny snickers.)

Listen to you.

Carlos: (smiling)

You're making us sound like a married couple.

I also know another thing that you're complaining about.


Yeah and I did something about it.

Sure you did.

Actually I did. I decided to make a decision about your little ultimatum.

You quit the show?

I'm not saying that I did and I'm not saying that I didn't.

Then where's the proof?

I have a tape of the episode. You can see what I did.

(On the back deck, Lenvy and Will lean over and look at the moon together.)

This is a romantic night.

Are you being sarcastic?

In a way yes. And in a way...yes.

I still can't get over the fact that I met Carrie. She looks just like me. What if we're like really twins or something. There's no way that would happen but, it would be kind of cool.


(Trella and Brandon come from behind to talk to them.)

Well, well, well. Don't we look all nice.

You do look very pretty, Trella.

Hello again.

This might just be the last time that you actually will see us ever again.

Why? Are you leaving?

Not if you're life depended on it.

Trella, why don't you tell Lenvy and Will your great news.

With pleasure 'B.'

'B?' Is that 'B' as in 'bitch?'

No. It's 'B' as in I'm going to break your face if you don't shut up.

Can't you two just get along? Every time you see each other it's like a damn fight has to break out.

I've decided to take action against you Will.


Lenvy you didn't follow what I said. I was willing to drop everything. Just to forget about it and move on. If and only if you left Will. We could have had the perfect friendship.

What kind of action?

This part is good.

I've decided to tell the police about how you killed Zak. By tomorrow you'll be locked up and hopefully, someone's prison bitch. Maybe that's what the 'B' should stand for.

(Back inside, Owen has a good time dancing with Tanisha. Ginny watches from a far. She smiles at the guys who give her an affectionate eye. Being legal enough to drink, she goes over to the bar and downs another drink. Before making her way to the new happy couple, she gets another drink.)

Let’s make this interesting.

(Ginny walks over to Owen and begins to dance with him.)

Excuse you?

It’s a party and we’re friends.

Get off my man bitch!

Bitch? You’re callin me a bitch?

Alright girls that’s enough.

Was it enough when you told me how he wasn’t a sexy British gent?

Owen: (shocked)
You told her?

Um…yeah…maybe. She had a right to know.

All I know now is how selfish and pathetic you really are.

(Ginny throws her drink at Tanisha who in turn slaps her across the face.)

Girls! Stop it! You’re embarrassing me.

(Both girls are ready to fight each other until a co-worker from The Palace Café pulls Ginny away. Owen looks at Tanisha who is drying herself off.)

Don’t look at me like that.

(Owen shakes his head and walks away.)
(Blake takes a microphone and has a spotlight on him.)

May I have everyone's attention. If everyone would follow me. We are going to have a fireworks presentation on the outside balcony.

(All of the students and guests follow to the outside balcony. Lenvy, Trella, Brandon, and Will still are fighting.)

This is so stupid and ridiculous!

I'm going to go and have a cigarette. As always...Trella, Brandon. Go to hell.

See you there first!

(The fireworks start. Everyone is mesmerized by them.)

Dylan, it's beautiful.

You're the one who is beautiful.

(Carrie's cell phone goes off.)

Who is it?

Not a who, more like a what. It's some sort of stupid news alert that I get with my cell phone plan. Someone probably won the lottery or something dumb like that. It even picks up our school’s newspaper.

(Carrie opens it and begins to read. She freezes with horror.)

What is it?

You're not going to believe this. A bus going to Philly, just crashed off of a bridge. There are no known survivors. Alley and John were taking a bus to Philly! They could have been involved!

(Behind them is the dark kitchen. One by one, Nan begins to turn on the gas pedals to all of the stoves. Nan then sneaks in further and finds the switch to the waterfall.)

This is perfect. The room will be flooded. And everyone will think that Blake tried to have them all killed! This will teach him to mess with Nan Sheridan.

(Nan fiddles with the switch until it's under full pressure. The waterfall begins to flood everywhere. Some wires begin to catch on fire, but not a lot of people are aware of it.)

Goodbye Point Palace!

(Nan gets a small gasoline can out of her big purse. She splashes it around everywhere.)

Once the fire from the inside reaches back here. Everyone will be toast. Electrical fires are so much fun. Oops, someone turned all of the ovens on. That Blake Hammerton is so dangerous.

(Nan goes through her purse again and calls Bryan.)

What are you doing?

Watching everyone enjoying the fireworks.

Did you do what I asked?

No, but I'm on it.

(Bryan walks up to Blake who is watching the fireworks like everyone else. He then slips a packet of matches into Blake's suit pocket. It grabs Blake's attention.)

Just wanted to say that although we dislike each other, you sure did well for this school.

Somehow I don't believe you mean that but thank you.

(Nan begins to walk away, until her dress becomes caught on the part of the stove. She tries so hard to turn off the stove, but can't reach it.)

What the hell?

(Nan begins to struggle with her dress, but it's still stuck. From a distance, Will is sitting on the front door step to the back kitchen. He watches Lenvy as she argues with Trella and Brandon.)

Will: (to himself)
She's fighting for me. Now that is true love.

(Will flicks his cigarette out and walks away. The wind however blows it back into the kitchen. In slow motion, Nan notices it coming towards her.)

Nan: (struggling even more)
Oh no!

(The path of the electrical fire, the open gas ovens/grills, and the gasoline trails meet with the lightly lit cigarette. Suddenly there is a gigantic explosion that engulfs all parts of the gala.)

Who will survive? Find out next week on the season premiere of Point Palace.


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Wow Matt You blew me away. The episode flowed so beautifully.

James is a cold hearted Bastard. I can't believe he left PP like that. James can't be that lousy in bed if three women where fighting over him.

Loved the GOT triangle. I was not expecting O to choose T. Then when G got drunk and made a scenes, I was not xpecting that from her.

You know I can really picture Eric Forrester B&B, John McCook, that's his name in the role of Ben.

I am glad you gave a shot out to my great state.

I would not want Dr. Hanlo as my doctor, I know she's hiding something.

I love John/s comment to Carrie, Slut. I had to do a double take.

Love the "B" in the W/L/T/B scenes. Again, yes I am going to say it again, I would love to see Trella and Lenvy hook up. I can feel deep raging passion between them. I loved how Will called B a bitch.

It was a lot of bluntness in this episode, reminded me of STEAM

And YES WHAT A GREAT CLIFFHANGER. Matt you have a knack for surprises, as I'm reading, I be like, I know where this is going, but then you do a 180 on me. It's been happening in the last few ep's. GREAT JOB!!! You are a GREAT WRITER. I can't wait to read the premiere.

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Here are a few previews that I can give you for the next season. Without giving anything away of course...James's exit was storyline driven because with no Peggy or Laney then it would just be the two of them and I thought that it was boring. However, his exit will affect her heavily.

The GOT drunk catfight scene was written in last miniute because originally it was just O and T dancing together and that wasn't exciting. So I thought to maybe give Ginny a backbone and what better way to do it other then getting her drunk.

John McCook seems very interesting as a choice for Benjamin. I could see that with the Susan Flannery planning.

John's character, ever since the first episode, is a smart alec photographer. I always stayed true to his character so any funny lines or sarcastic lines that I can give him, I do. That was thanks to someone who played him in the demo showed me how much of a comical relief the guy can be amongst all of the drama.

Dr. Harnlo has her reasons for hiding what she's hiding as it is a huge secret. She's a better doctor than Dr. Quarr persay as she has a lot more ethics.

I thought the 'B' scene was comical because Brandon just wants to beat the hell out of Will and of course Will would be ready to throw down. A Trella/Lenvy pairing actually does sound pretty interesting and could be pursued.

Out of all of the cliffhangers I've written this one was my favorite. (I always imagined Will flicking the cigarette in slow motion.) I think that what's great about it is that every character could be affected by Nan's plan, including herself. A lot will be happening the next season thanks to the resident's number one bitch.

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