EPISODE 14 (8/2)
Thank you for your patience. Episode 15 will be posted later today, followed at some point by Episode 16, and that should bring you up to speed.
The screen turns white as the town of Somerset is drawn line by line and the music swells to its climax...
This... is Somerset.
We fade in on Nick as he is sitting at his desk, staring blankly ahead at the computer screen and trying to do some work. But his thoughts keep going back to Washington and to the bar. As he imagines her flowing red hair and smile, he rests his head on his hands and wonders how the heck he's going to get through the day. He doesn't see Jack standing in the doorway.
JACK: They say a watched computer screen can make you go blind if you stare at it.
NICK: (Startled, nearly falls out of his chair) Hey Jack. About scared me half to death.
JACK: (Laughter) I could have said a watched computer screen could sometimes explode. Just on the way back from Lt. Garfield's office and thought I'd drop in and see how the convention went.
NICK: (Puts hand on big stack of papers next to his desk) All this reading material right here. Want to join in?
JACK: Oooo... (takes one step back) I've got my own reading to do, thanks. How did the convention go?
NICK: You really want to know, don't you? (Shakes his head) It was fine. Until the end.
(Jack gets a quizzical look on his face as the scene shifts to the hospital)
Patrick and another doctor, Tyler Nelson, are looking over Zachary's injured right ankle. It's obvious that Zachary is in some pain, but he's making do as the doctors continue their exam.
TYLER: It looks like you shattered part of the ankle in that fall. Before you wonder, though, I'd say that the motorcycle accident caused part of this damage.
ZACHARY: So in other words, if I'd have zigged instead of zagged I wouldn't have fallen off the bike and busted my ankle.
PATRICK: Looks like you weakened the bone to the point where one fall of any sort would have caused a big problem. I'd say -- and I would have to concur with Tyler on this -- you're looking at about two or three months of rehab.
ZACHARY: (Grimaces) Damn. Dad's just going to be thrilled at this.
PATRICK: He'll be fine, Zachary. You're still here and that's what is important to him. (Calls out of the room) Victoria? Could we have you bandage up Zachary?
VICTORIA: (From offscreen) On my way in.
TYLER: I think we're all set, Patrick. Thanks for consulting on this with me.
PATRICK: Not a problem. Zachary, have a good day and we'll see you in a week or so to check on it.
ZACHARY: Thanks.
As the doctors leave, Zachary slams his hand on the table, just as Victoria walks in.
VICTORIA: Trying to injure something else?
ZACHARY: (Shoots Victoria a look, as if to say "very funny") Just the person I'm looking for, actually.
(Victoria's eyes widen in response as the picture fades to black. The Somerset logo reappears)
Somerset... brought to you today by Charmin. The tissue that's so squeezably soft, it's irresistible... and by Crest Pro Health Rinse, the mouthwash that provides dentist-recommended benefits as well as whiter teeth and fresher breath.
Out in the waiting area at Somerset Hospital, Patrick is looking at a couple charts when Susannah appears in the lobby.
SUSANNAH: If it isn't Somerset's most handsome doctor at work.
PATRICK: (Looks up and around) Where? Where is he? (Turns to look at Susannah) Did you mean me?
SUSANNAH: You don't see Doctor McDreamy around here anywhere, do you?
PATRICK: Please. I preferred Dr. Ross. (Laughs) What brings you to the hospital... and don't tell me it's another checkup.
SUSANNAH: I was in the neighborhood and wondered if you had time to catch a quick bite to eat.
PATRICK: I see. Checking out your new office digs, I take it?
SUSANNAH: I'm on my way over to do it as we speak.
PATRICK: Well, unfortunately I'm on duty... but let me finish rounds for a moment and then we can retire to my office.
SUSANNAH: Ooo, you get an office and everything?
PATRICK: You bet. Wait here and I'll be right with you.
(Susannah smiles as Patrick finishes up with his patients... the scene changes back to City Hall as Nick is filling Jack in on what took place)
JACK: I've had a few flirty encounters at parties, but Nicholas... my boy, it sounds like this one took the cake.
NICK: It wasn't cake, Jack... it was... sinfully rich ice cream. A filling piece of pie... a luscious dessert treat. (Shaking his head) God, I'm making myself hungry thinking about this. Rescue me, Jack.
JACK: And what do you suppose I should do?
NICK: Moral support? Strength? God, Jack, she was beautiful. That hair. That smile. That body. And she even called me out on that.
JACK: The fact you were staring at her body?
NICK: She's got a sense of humor. A great mind for sarcasm. And... I didn't even get her name.
JACK: (Feigns shock by putting hand on heart) Nicholas Barclay, you wound me deeply. Didn't I teach you the right way? When you are at a bar like that, you should always get the woman's name. She never asked you?
NICK: (Shakes his head) Hard to believe, huh? As it is, she did get whisked out of the bar pretty quickly by her friends.
JACK: Well, if anything, Nicholas, this proves one thing.
NICK: I'm just dying to hear it.
JACK: Next time. Names. Places. Faces. Features. Anything... and it also proves you've still got it.
NICK: (Staring ahead at the computer) Yeah. Whatever "it" is.
(Jack pats Nick on the shoulder in consolation as Nick continues staring at the screen... the picture fades to black)
We'll return to Somerset in just a moment.
In the exam room at Somerset Hospital, Victoria is wrapping Zachary's injured ankle.
ZACHARY: I just wanted to apologize for the way my dad behaved toward all of you when I was last here.
VICTORIA: (Looks up) He didn't harm me. I've been around demanding men all of my life.
ZACHARY: What, the doctors at this place? Don't tell me your father is that demanding.
VICTORIA: In a way, he is. But it's a good way. He wants the best from his children. So far, I'm the one that's stayed here and worked very hard, so I guess I get all the spoils from it.
ZACHARY: Is that what they call them? I'm not an only child, but I'm the only one that chose to stay in Somerset and deal with Dad's wrath.
VICTORIA: You're strong enough. You can take it.
ZACHARY: Thanks... (eyes name tag) Victoria. Do you have a last name to go with the tag?
VICTORIA: Petterino.
ZACHARY: (Making the connection) Are you... Giovanni's daughter?
VICTORIA: One of two... why do you ask?
ZACHARY: No reason. I love your dad's restaurant.
VICTORIA: Thanks. It may not be the country club, but it's home.
ZACHARY: Please, Victoria. That's what I like about it. It's NOT the country club.
Zachary and Victoria walk toward the exit and out into the hallway.
VICTORIA: I'm surprised you'd say that.
ZACHARY: There's an awful lot you don't know about me. (Checks watch) Gotta run. Thanks again.
As Zachary walks away, Victoria holds the clipboard tightly against her and smiles.
CUT TO -- Hospital offices
Susannah and Patrick have retired to his office with food from the cafeteria. As they set the food down, Susannah takes a seat.
PATRICK: So when do you start your new gig with Jack?
SUSANNAH: I told him I'd come aboard on Tuesday. I'm still getting some things squared away at the condo and realizing that Grant's Preserve is a nice place to live. How about you? Where are you at now?
PATRICK: This is my home. (Laughter) All kidding aside, it feels like it. I'm actually in a condo myself here in downtown Somerset. Seventh floor of the Woodruff Building.
SUSANNAH: That's a new skyscraper, isn't it?
PATRICK: About 15 stories tall. You'll have to come over and see it.
SUSANNAH: That I will. (Yawns)
PATRICK: Whoa, is your energy level down that far?
SUSANNAH: Naa. I just need to get more sleep, that's all. But who's got the time, right?
Patrick nods in approval as Susannah hides the fact that she had an awful nightmare the night before. The music swells to its climax, albeit a bit ominously knowing what we do about Susannah. The Somerset credits and music roll.
Join us each weekday afternoon at this time for the continuing story of Somerset. And on most of these same computers, be sure to watch Wicked, when an explosion triggers war among the residents of Port Charles. Weekdays on SONBC. The preceding program was pre-recorded.
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