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EPISODE 9 (7/26)



(The screen turns white as the town of Somerset is drawn line by line on the screen, and the music swells)

This... is Somerset.


The words "Washington D.C." appear on the screen as we see stock footage of the city with the Capitol building and Pennsylvania Avenue in the foreground. The scene dissolves to a hotel room, where Nick is on his cell phone dialing someone. The word "hello" gives away that Nick is dialing Jack Martin.

NICK: Just wanted to let you know I'm among the living down here... if the seminars aren't putting me to sleep, that is.

JACK: (Sitting at his desk with coffee, scanning some sheets) And a good afternoon to you too! You left yesterday to get down there and I didn't have a chance to say goodbye before you did.

NICK: (Looking out window) Ah, don't worry about it. You had your hands full with your dinner guests. Everything OK there?

JACK: Oh yeah, everything's fine. Sam and Lahoma left earlier today and I still haven't heard if anything went wrong. I did hear Zachary banged up his ankle, though.

NICK: Dear Lord, I hope it wasn't a result of the car accident. George will never let Susannah forget that.

JACK: Don't worry about that. You leave Susannah and George and company to me. You just bring back some knowledge on how to further your political career.

NICK: How can Somerset's youngest city manager go even further? It would involve leaving the area.

JACK: You could run for anything... mayor of Somerset, if they'd decide to create a mayor's position. You could run for state office. You could be a US senator.

NICK: I can dream about that, right?

JACK: Hey, at least you've lived in this state all your life. How long does the seminar go?

NICK: There's some stuff tonight and tomorrow. In all seriousness, it's all right, if you call seminars for city managers your cup of tea.

JACK: Well, by all means, have fun in Washington and make sure you sample some of the nightlife tonight.

NICK: I may sneak out and grab a drink. The Nationals are playing Florida tonight, so I might head to a bar and watch the game.

JACK: That's the spirit. Let me know how things go, OK?

NICK: You bet. Take care. (Hangs up) If I don't die of boredom first. (Laughs to himself as he sips coffee)

(The music builds as the picture fades to black and the Somerset logo reappears)

Somerset. Brought to you today by Ivory soap, the soap without a lot of extra ingredients. For a pure and natural kind of clean, lather up with Ivory.


The outside of Somerset Hospital appears, as we fade in on Zachary's room. Patrick is examining Zachary's ankle.

PATRICK: Zach, I didn't know you wanted to stay here so much. Here you were all set to leave our care, and...

ZACHARY: And like an idiot, I stumbled. I think I may have twisted my ankle in the accident and just aggravated it banging the ankle against the bed.

(An off-camera voice can be heard yelling "where is my son?")

ZACHARY: Oh God, the cavalry's here. (Covers face with hands) Get ready.

GEORGE: (Coming in yelling) What the hell did you do to my son? (Yells at Patrick) You call yourself a doctor?

PATRICK: Mr. Cleypool, need I remind you this is a hospital?

GEORGE: Is it? I thought I walked into the country club. (Looks at Zachary) The last I knew you were supposed to be discharged this morning following your accident.

ZACHARY: And I'm still being discharged, Dad. Just a bit later on today. They're running a few tests.

GEORGE: (Looks at Patrick and Victoria, who just walked in the room) And then he can go, right? Away from any further poking and prodding...

ZACHARY: Dad... I did this on my own. I just used the bathroom and banged my shin against the bed on the way out.

GEORGE: I should take that motorcycle away from you... (catches what he said) but I can't because you're free and over 21 years old.

ZACHARY: You keep thinking I'm a child, in other words.

GEORGE: Well, get the hell out of that bed as soon as you can. I'm just headed upstairs for a board meeting.

PATRICK: Mr. Cleypool, by the time your meeting is over, your son should be ready to go.

GEORGE: Good. (Turns and walks out of the room)

VICTORIA: (Swallows and gulps a bit) Your dad always like that?

ZACHARY: I'm sorry you had to see that. You actually helped me out this morning when I fell.

VICTORIA: All in a day's work. I'll be back in shortly.

(Victoria goes out to the nurses station, where the phone rings)

VICTORIA: (Picks up) Fourth floor, Nurse Petterino? (Alana walks into the scene and checks her mail cubicle as Victoria is on the phone writing down information. As Alana reads the note Victoria's voice picks back up) OK, I'll make sure Dr. Kettering gets this note immediately. Thank you. (Puts down phone, looks up and smiles) Reading your latest love note?

ALANA: (Shakes her head) Don't tell me you read this. If you did...

VICTORIA: I certainly did not. If he's whispering sweet nothings to you... (giggles)

ALANA: (Whacks Victoria over head with cardboard folder) See if I ever invite you over for mint chocolate chip ice cream again. For your information, Tori, he just wondered if I'd be free for coffee some night this week. And if not, he'd be happy to come to the hospital for coffee in the cafeteria.

VICTORIA: Well, isn't that nice. Sounds like all he wants is to have a little coffee with his favorite nurse.

ALANA: I think the boy is lovesick.

VICTORIA: After some of what you told me last night... I think you might be too.

(Victoria gets an incredulous look on her face as the picture fades to black)

We'll return to Somerset in just a moment.


The scene is a direct pickup from before the break.

VICTORIA: Did I strike a nerve?

ALANA: No, no, you didn't. Is it that obvious? Tori, I can get along just fine without someone in my life. You're doing just fine.

VICTORIA: I didn't say you had to marry the guy now, did I?

ALANA: No, you didn't. It just seems like ever since Mike got roughed up a bit when there was that protest demonstration downtown and I checked him out, he's been smitten.

VICTORIA: I don't think he's smitten, Alana. He just wants to share a cup of joe with his favorite nurse.

ALANA: I should see if Taylor's looking for a date. (Laughs)

(Victoria laughs too, shaking her head and thinking Alana is missing out)

CUT TO: Jack Martin's office, where his phone buzzes.

JACK: (Picks up) Yes, Joanne? (Face brightens) Ahhh, good! Send her right in, please.

The door opens and we see Susannah enter the room.

JOANNE: Would you like anything, Miss Lucas?

SUSANNAH: A coffee would be nice, thanks.

JOANNE: Jack, are you OK?

JACK: I'll have what she's having, thanks. (The door closes) Susannah, how are you?

SUSANNAH: Doing well. Mom and Dad are off to Oklahoma, so I can safely ask you this one question. Did Dad ask you to hire me?

(Jack looks shocked that Susannah asked him, as the music builds and the picture fades. The Somerset credits roll)

Join us each weekday afternoon at this time for the continuing story of Somerset. And on most of these same computers, be sure to watch Return to Santa Barbara, weekdays on SONBC. The preceding program was recorded.


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