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WICKED: Episode 29




Lorenzo's Penthouse --

"Zander's still alive and latest report is that he's going to make a full recovery." said the voice on the other end of Lorenzo's cell phone.

"Dammit!!! I swear that guy has 9 lives!" Lorenzo shouted as he took his anger and frustration out on his cell phone and threw it against the wall of his apartment.

"Look on the bright side, boss, he's only got 5 more lives left."

"He wouldn't have any more lives left if you would of done a better job!"

"Hey we can try again .."

"No ... we can't Greg, this was a one shot deal! The cops are going to be all over this like ugly on an ape, we can't take the chance try it again."

"Look, Zander trusts me, he's got me second in command now, there's no way he suspects one of his own. Lorenzo, I can do this .. I want to do this."

"My question to is why? Why do want Zander dead? He's been good to you for a long time, Greg."

"I'm tired of being the second, I want to be first for a change. You know how it works in this business Lorenzo, never getting your hands dirty, it's always the other guy who takes care of things for you, yet you get all the credit. Zander would be a big feather in my cap, Lorenzo."

"Oh so your doing this for notoriety? You want your name in the paper saying that you were the one who took out Zander Smith, big time mob boss? Are you crazy or just plain stupid? No one does this for the glory, it's all about money and power, not for some front page news story!"

"Look, I pretty much come from nothing, Lorenzo. Yeah the money is a major part of it, but so is recognition, acceptance from others like Zander. I've been his henchman for far too long, it's time for me to move up on the food chain. And if that means killing Zander, then .... then so be it."

"But see, that's just it ... you had your chance and you fucked it up. I can't take this chance again, Greg. There's too much police activity right now about this shooting. They're soon going to put two and two together and get Lorenzo Alcazar."

Greg was obviously disappointed that Lorenzo wasn't going to give him another shot at Zander. In Greg's mind, he didn't need Lorenzo take Zander out and to make it worth his while, he was in perfect position to frame Lorenzo for a killing that he did. A devilish smile came across Greg's face as these thoughts entered his mind, the plan was starting fall into place.

"Okay fine. You take care of Zander yourself, Lorenzo. But just know that Zander will be back in business and he will still be a thorn in your ass." Greg replied and turned to leave Lorenzo's apartment.

"Greg, wait." Lorenzo walked towards his desk and then pulled on the drawer to open it up. "Here, it's the last installment." Lorenzo handing Greg a overstuffed white envelope.

Greg pulled open the envelope and exposed a wad of hundred dollar bills. "What's this for?" he asked shocked that Lorenzo was giving him the money.

"Consider it severance pay." Lorenzo replied, his eyes stone cold. "Now get out and if you tell anyone about our arrangement, you won't get time to spend it." he threatened.

Greg left Lorenzo's apartment and stood out in the hallway, grinning once again, the pieces to his plan were falling very nicely into place. He stuffed the envelope in his jacket pocket and left the apartment building, heading back to the warehouse. With Thomas and Zander both in the hospital, the warehouse was in need of someone to look after the shipment that was due later that night.

On the docks --

As Greg walked down on the docks towards the warehouse, he was met by a few of Zander's other hired hands. Greg stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed them blocking his path.

"Gregory ... in a hurry to get someplace?" Cory asked as he smoothed out Gregory's suit jacket with his strong hands.

"I'm heading over to the warehouse." he replied standing his ground and not letting on that he had just come from seeing Lorenzo by being nervous.

"Oh, well ... we got the warehouse covered, we just came from there. Unless there was another reason you were headed there?" Cory said suspicious about Greg's motives for wanting to be at the warehouse.

"Oh, okay .. I just wanted to check a few things out .. thinking you guys might need some help, you know with Thomas and the boss in ...."

"Yeah we know ... I have one question for you though before you go." Cory replied as Greg made a step to walk away and Cory stopped him.

"What's that?" Greg asked as he felt his heart racing, hoping they didn't notice the over stuffed pocket of his suit jacket.

"If you're here, then who's at the hospital protecting Zander and Emily? Weren't you on guard detail?"

Greg sighed a relief. "Frank's on Zander and I got Marcus to cover Emily's room. Don't worry, about it, I got it handled." he smiled.

Cory raised an eye brow suspiciously and then left Greg go. He had a feeling there was more to Greg then any of them knew. He wasn't ready to bring his suspicions to Zander just yet, he wanted more proof that Greg had betrayed the organization.

Cory pulled two of them with him closer. "You watch him like a hawk. You got me. I don't want him out of your sight for a minute."

"You think something's up?" Trent asked as he watched Greg walk further and further away from them.

"Yeah I do .. and it isn't good." Cory replied and then motioned for them to go.

"You really think there's something going on, Cor?" Wade asked.

"Yeah I do ... there's just something going on with Greg, I just can't put my finger on it. Come on, let's go see Zander and Thomas."


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