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Previously on "The Guiding Light"
    - Michelle and Danny talked about the baby and then shared a kiss as Marah looked on!
    - Ross revealed that Blake could now have a major say in Spaulding Enterprises!
    - Gus and Harley came to blows!
    - A thunderstorm rocked Springfield, as Beth had a car accident and Olivia gave birth.
The Guiding Light
Episode 074
Written By: Josh Hawkins & Dan Gobble


At Cedars, both Olivia Spencer-Spaulding and Beth Spaulding are waking from their slumber. Lillian has made a vigil at Beth’s bedside, her head resting on a small portion of the free bed she feels Beth move her leg.

“Beth?” Lillian manages to speak half asleep. “Oh Beth!” She exclaims. “You gave me quite a scare.” She softly wiped her daughter’s forehead.

With her eyes closed Beth spoke in a broken voice. “What happened?”


“You don’t remember?” Lillian kissed Beth’s hand. “You had a car accident during the rainstorm. Someone found you…”

“Is Phillip here?”


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And Now "The Guiding Light"


Josh and Billy are at the Lewis Construction offices going over their Cedars proposal. Both are deep in thought having worked on this proposal for months. There was just no way that the hospital could possibly give a job of this magnitude to Spaulding Enterprises.

“What?” Josh questioned.

“I didn’t say anything.” Billy responded.

“I’m aware of that, but you have that look on you face.”

“What look?”

“Like you forgot to do something important and you're thinking of a way to not tell your little brother.” Wanda said as she passed through the office. “Bill said he needs to talk to you when you get a free minute.”

Billy rolled his eyes as Wanda went back to her desk. “She’s right though.” Josh told him. “Do you think there’s a problem with the presentation?”

“Not one that we can fix this late in the game. Besides what do we really have to worry about?
Alan-Michael is the point man for this project and we both know how long he’s been out of commission. We’re fine.”

“I guess you’re right.” Josh reached for his umbrella.

“Where you headed off to?”


“The airport,” Josh told him, “Reva…my missing in action wife has decided to return home for what is going to be a week of pictures and tears.”

“Shayne excited about the prom?”

“I think it’s more like he’s ready for it to be over. He’s not like you and I were back in our day, he’s much more grounded, mature.”

“That’s because you raised a fine boy.”

“Speaking of which.” Josh gestured towards the door. “Come on in Bill.”

“Uncle Josh. Dad, do you have a free minute? There’s something I need to run by you.”

“Sure. Sure, come on in.” Billy moved some papers from one of the chairs. “Josh you give Reva my love all right?”

“I will. See you guys tomorrow.”

The men said there farewells and Bill took a seat. Bill took the time to give his father a lecture about proper funeral etiquette: you do not bring a gun and shot the coffin of the deceased, even if they did deserve it.

“Something tells me there’s another reason you’re here.” Billy informed his son. “What’s on your mind boy?”


“Someone’s here. Let me call you back. Okay, bye.” Derek hung up the phone and opened the door to find Shayne standing there.

“It’s about time.” Shayne told him. “I was just about to leave you a note. Can I come in?”

“Yeah, of course. So your text message said that you had some exciting news about something or another.”

“Guess who you are looking at?” Shayne struck a model pose for a split second and then burst into laughter.

“I don’t know, a bad Vanna White impression, I’m guessing.”

“Um no…” he replied in a sad voice, “the Valedictorian of the Springfield High School graduating class of 2007!”

“That’s awesome, congratulations.” Derek went into to kiss Shayne but he quickly pulled away turning the joyous moment into something opposite.

“What’s wrong?”

“What do you mean?” Shayne asked.

“Don’t play the question-answer game with me. You know what I mean, I just tried to kiss you and you pulled away. And it’s not the first time it’s happened Shayne.”

“I know. I don’t know what to say. Derek…”

“You’ve been acting this way ever since that night on the docks by the lake. You seemed so excited, so happy to see me and then all of sudden something changed and you’re pulling away from me when I try to kiss you. What’s up Shayne?”


“This? I have my sources. But wouldn’t The Mirror love this headline: Talk show Host’s Son Gay! And of all people Reva. What delicious irony. I hope you both don’t have the same taste in men.”

Shayne knew all to well exactly what Derek was talking about and it worried him. He wanted this year to be over already and it only had just begun. Shayne tried to convince himself that things would be better after graduation, after prom and after the Cedars project was locked up.

“I just think at times that we’re moving to fast.” Shayne lied. “You have a lot more experience than I do and sometimes I feel like we’re going ninety to nothing.”

“I never thought about that. I’m sorry if you feel that way.”


“And this…” Shayne began, “you apologizing for being you, this is not what I wanted. Damnit! I hate this Derek, you have to know that.”


“I had a meeting with Ross the other day in regards to if the baby is mine.” Bill explained

“That’s smart, to work out a custody arrangement.” Billy replied. “How is little Michelle doing?”

“For starters she’s not little, she’s past her due date and running the birth of what could be my child like the Bauer BBQ.”

“Ouch. So this meeting with Ross what was it about?”

“Right after the baby is born we’re going to have a DNA test ran to see who the father is. And if it’s me, I’m going to sue Michelle for full custody.”

Billy took a minute and let the words sink in. “That’s a big step Bill. Are you sure about this?”

“I’m hundred percent sure and please don’t try and talk me out of it, Ross already did.”

“Okay, okay I won’t. I just can’t imagine that Ross agreed to represent you.”

“He didn’t. That’s one of the reasons I’m telling you all of this, he recommend an attorney in Oakdale and I have a meeting with her in a couple of days.”


“If this is what you want Bill then I’ll stand by you but maybe you try to work something out with Michelle. The two of you have been friends since you were knee high to a grasshopper. I would hate to see this friendship ruined over all of this.”

“All of this? Dad do you hear yourself? You are talking about what could possibly by your grandchild. Michelle kept this from me and if Mom hadn’t found out she was pregnant there is a chance Michelle never would have told me she was pregnant.”

“Believe me I understand and like I said I support you a hundred percent. Whatever you decide and I’m sure your mother will feel the same way.”

“So you don’t think this is a bad idea?”

“You want to make a point and to me that’s never a bad idea Bill. I just think that there are ways that you could go about doing the same thing without trying to take the baby away from it’s mother.”

Bill rubbed his forehead and shook his head. “Why don’t you go back to your loft, think about it a little more before making in rash decisions. Call Vanessa, call Mindy talk to them about it and see what they think. We’ll all support you no matter what, we just want what’s best for you?”


Bill stood up. “When did you become so smart?”

“Boy it beats the hell out of me.” Billy laughed!


They both took a minute to think before speaking again. “I know that you and I have something, a connection and it’s one that I’ve never had with anyone else. But so many things, great things are happening for you right now, graduation, prom and this summer is going to be huge for you.”

“I’ve never done this before. You knew this when we began…whatever this is.”

“The thing is Shayne I don’t think we know what this is yet and we need to take a step back.”

“So that’s what we’re doing, taking a break? Because standing here right now it feels like something more concrete, more permanent than a break.”

“I don’t want you to feel like that Shayne…”

“Well then how the hell do you want me to feel?” He fired back only to get a silent response. “Answer the damn question Derek. You came to Springfield, you pursued me and now all of a sudden you think we’re in to deep? Maybe this is what taking a break is like, I don’t know. I haven’t done it enough to know but I’ve seen Marah do it, Tammy and Lizzie.” Shayne grabbed his bag from the chair by the door. “Derek?”

“We are taking a break. I haven’t ever lied to you about who I was, you know that I’ve been with other guys before. I fall hard and fall fast Shayne and usually after four months, six months it’s over and I move on. It’s who I am, but with you…” Derek smiled, “with you there it’s so easy to just be me and that scares me.”


Derek took Shayne’s hand in his. “I want this to work. I don’t want you to be one of those guys I ditched after four months so you’re just going to have to give me some time. And it’s time that you need too.”

“So you and I we’re not over?”

Derek shook his head. “No. We just need our space with one another, we have all the time in the world Shayne to progress this relationship.” He shook his head in agreement. “So we’re okay?”

“Yeah.” Shayne answered shyly. “So, can I get a not-so-farewell-non-break-up kiss before I leave?”

Their lips locked for what seemed like hours, but only mere seconds. Shayne blew out of the apartment almost as quickly as he had entered. Derek raced for his cell phone.

“What took you so long?” A male voice answered, not even a hello.

“I told you it was the landlord. He had to check the air conditioning unit and some other things around the place.” Derek sat down on his bed and a worried looked wiped over his face. “So when did you say you were coming to town Dad?”


“The end of next week.” Trevor Bowden answered. “Is that a problem?”

“Problem?” Derek replied. “Why would it be a problem, unless you haven’t told Mom you were coming.”

“Well you just leave her to me, I’ll deal with you mother.”


“I’ve been trying to call him all night. There’s probably something wrong with his phone, the whole town has been in shambles after the storm.” Lillian explained. “Beth you had severe internal bleeding…” her eyes filled with tears as she thought back, “Ed said you flat-lined on the table at least twice. You have to understand how lucky you are.”

“I need Phillip…” Beth also began to tear up. “Find my husband please.”

Lillian kissed Beth on the cheek and quickly left the room, in the doorway she spoke. “I almost love you Beth and that scared me to death.”

“I promise it won’t happen again.” She replied from her bed. “I love you far too much to leave you.”

“So it wasn’t a dream.” Olivia smiled. “You’re really here aren’t you?”

“Did you think I would leave you?”

“I just figured you would call Alan and then go back to be with Beth.” Olivia turned her head away from him. “Is the baby okay?”

“She’s healthy, strong and just as beautiful as her mother.” Phillip touched her chin and turned her head back towards him. “You asked me a question at the mansion before all hell broke lose. Do you remember what it was?”

“Do I remember?” Olivia retorted. “Phillip how could I have forgotten.” She paused and touched his hand. “Did you make a decision?”

Phillip ran his fingers through his hair. He was tired and hadn’t slept in what felt like hours. “That’s all I’ve thought about, all night. Sitting with you, watching you sleep, seeing your baby girl. And Beth…”

“Beth’s here?”

Phillip nodded his head. “She was in a car accident. No one even knows that I’m here or that I even know.”

“You should go to her Phillip.” Olivia told him. “I’m not your problem. She’s your wife, not me.”

“I stood in the doorway of your room and her room watching you both sleep and I realized something. God, I don’t know it has happened again but I’ve allowed myself to fall in love with two very different women. I have feelings for Beth that’s a given considering our history, but Olivia there’s something that pulls me back to you everytime I see your smiling face or hear your name.”

“And I feel the same way. I care for you very much, but the simple fact of the matter is this Phillip at any minute my husband, your father is going to come through that door I have to tell him what’s going on and I don’t even know.” Olivia paused. “The baby and I though, we’re a package deal so you need to decide. Pick me or pick Beth but I need to know, now Phillip.”

“I’ve never been good with ultimatums.” He told her.


“Well, I’m sorry. I don’t really know what to tell you. I competed with Reva for Josh’s love and when I escaped that I promised myself I wouldn’t do anything like that again. I can’t, not now I have to think about my child now.”

“The last thing I want to do is put you in a position like that again Olivia.” Phillip told her. “I had Rick run a DNA test late last night on the baby. We won’t have to play games to be together Olivia.” He smiled.

“What do you mean?”

In the corridor of Cedars a woman in black high heels walked down the hallway toward Olivia’s room.

Olivia smiled and choked back her own tears of joy. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? Phillip…Phillip answer me. Are you saying that my daughter is your daughter?”


Phillip shook his head. “She is.” He said as their lips suddenly met and the door pushed opened. Standing there watching, unnoticed was none other than Alexandra!


:Fade to Black:


On the Next Episode…
- Olivia names the baby!
- Tammy seeks Holly's advice.
- Spaulding Enterprises vs. Lewis Construction
- Episode 076: IN the LIGHT: Affairs of the Heart


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