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Things are heating up In Pasadena....



"The story lines will continue to build in week 3 on S.T.E.A.M." reveals Head writer, ML Cooks.

"Sabryn finds out why Bryan stood her up at the Hotel Gala. And She's not to happy about it!"

"She's hot with rage and anger, hurt that she has been played. She put her heart into this man and He stomped on it. She's not going to take it, being the strong woman she is. Ashley and Sabryn both will let Bryan have it. It will come down to a decision that will lead up to an unavoidable showdown between 2313416530.jpgSabryn and ashleysmall.jpgAshley"

envy-1.jpg"The mysterious, Lady in Black continues with her agenda. It was revealed that "LiB" and 3_thumb.jpgDaniel were working together. I also reveled another accomplice, did you catch it? I

slipped it in, but if you did miss it, it's going to come out soon any way. He has lost Lauren and now maybe his

freedom being a person of interest in the crime at the Hotel. So Daniel will try to save his own skin, by backing

out of his unholy alliance."LiB" , feeling this is double crossing her, makes an example out of Daniel, sending a

clear message….She is not to be double crossed.

We also learn about the identity of the woman who was pushed from the 4th floor window of TC Hotel. It's part

of a bigger mystery" the writer reveals. "The dots will begin to connect. Clues and hints are all over the place.

Can you pick them up?"

Other tidbits this week

dondre1.jpgDondre makes a play for Sharansharansmall.jpg, which backfires.

nattysm.jpgNatalia meets the wrong man of her dreams.mark_mortimer.jpg

Is jhammon5.jpgJenn developing feelings for Tytysm.jpg?


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