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The MCF looks out a porthole in the captain's quarters of the cruise ship. Ernesto enters.

Ernesto: Almost everyone is either in attendance or on their way. Looks like everything has come together as we envisioned it.

MCF (via voice changer): Yes...and to think so many of these Salemites aided us greatly in accomplishing our plans. The irony is hilarious.

Ernesto: It really s.

Ernesto pours some brandy.

Ernesto: Would you like some?

MCF: No. I must remain clear headed. This is a big night and I must go prepare. There is much to do.

Ernesto: Oh, wait a second. Remember, not a word about that little matter we discussed. You and me had an understanding and I expect you to remember and honor that.

MCF: Not to worry, partner. I will not go against your wishes.

Ernesto: Thank you. Let me know when to be in position.

MCF: Will do.

The MCF leaves and then snickers.

MCF: Your evening is going to be just as painful as everyone else's, Ernesto. I have used you for my means and no longer need you.

The MCF pulls out a gun and admires it.

MCF: Can't leave any loose threads. Sorry, Ernie. Everything ends tonight...including our partnership.

The MCF laughs and then says:

MCF: Time to go get ready. This will truly be a night that my foes won't even forget. Hell, they will take these lasting memories to the grave.

The MCF laughs sadistically as the screen fades to black and then into...



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