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June 19, 2007




-On the cruise ship, Tony sits in a chair and looks at Anna, who is sitting on their bed. He quietly asks her what is wrong with her. She says she’s fine but Tony says he knows differently. She can’t hide anything from him. So, since they have so much time on their hands, she might as well tell him what is the matter. Anna stands up from the bed and walks towards the window of their room and looks out. She turns and starts to tell Tony but then stops herself and starts walking towards the door.

Tony jumps up and grabs her by the arm, telling her that the time may come where she will wish she had this moment to live again. Anna stares at him with anger....and lust. She then jerks her arm away and tells Tony to leave her the hell alone. All he can think about is his own feelings while some nutcase has them trapped on a ship in the middle of Salem. She is still wondering how a cruise ship that big got into the harbor in the first damn place.

Tony says he doesn’t care. All he cares about....is her. And she knows that. He wants her to tell him that she feels the same. Anna looks at him.....and then walks away. Tony tells her that she will admit her feelings....sooner or later. Anna turns away from Tony and stares at the wall, barely able to hide her true feelings from him.

-Celeste is still upset at the thoughts she had. Abe sees that she is uneasy and he asks why. All Celeste can say is that what happened to them must never happen again. When Abe asks her what the hell she is talking about, Celeste just tells him that it is all in her head. Abe looks at her strangely, saying that these visions are getting quite old, and he wishes that she would come up with some honest emotion for once.

Celeste once again thinks back to her and Abe kissing and tells Abe that he just doesn’t know when to be quiet. She then walks off and leaves a bewildered Abe behind. Lexie wakes up and gets up off the bed. She overheard the exchange between Abe and Celeste and asks him what happened. Abe says it's nothing...at least he hopes it is.

-Forrest looks at Abby and asks her what is she thinking. Abby is wondering who has them and if they will ever get off this ship alive. Chelsea tells her not to bring death into it. Chelsea knows that if her father were there, they would be long gone and whoever has them would be locked up. Abby agrees with her but Forrest asks the girls a simple question. He wants to know that, if and/or when they are found, could they keep his identity a secret.

Chelsea walks up to Forrest and asks him about what he may be hiding. When Abby tells her to back off, Forrest calms Abby down, and then looks at Chelsea and says that there are certain people in Salem who he really doesn’t want to confront right now. Chelsea looks at him strangely and Abby walks over to him, taking his arm, and telling Chelsea that there is no reason for Forrest to put their lives in danger just to avoid seeing some people in Salem.

Abby then looks at Chelsea and stares at her menacingly and Chelsea, after a few moments, gets the hint. Chelsea agrees, for now, and for Abby, not to say a word. But.....if any harm comes to Abby, Forrest WILL be ratted out. Forrest looks at Chelsea and then at Abby, who looks at Chelsea with a worried look in her eyes.

-Kayla, meanwhile, is at the cruise ship trying to stow on board. She sees guards walking the perimeter and ducks behind some crates that are about to get loaded on the ship. As the guards pick up one of the bigger crates, Kayla trots along side of it, unseen by the guards. Kayla then ducks into a side room and, when the hallway is clear, runs down it towards the elevators. An elevator comes down and opens up and Kayla jumps on, pressing the button for the floor above her.

As the elevator opens on one of the main floors above her, Kayla hears nothing but silence. She slowly walks down the hallway, looking into every single window to see if she can spot Steve. She keeps walking down the hallway until she sees Steve running around the corner. Kayla’s eyes grow wide with shock as Steve yells at her to run back down the hall. Kayla obeys and Steve catches up with her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her along with him.

As they allude the guards after several quick turns, they bust their way into a room where Kayla is shocked to find other inhabitants on board. Kayla is then beyond shocked when she sees that it is Abby and Chelsea, along with a silent Forest, whose identity is unknown to Steve and Kayla. All five people look at each other as Kayla wonders how any of them will get out of this alive.

-Alan is now toying with a very distraught Will, while his family looks on in anger at Alan. Bo tells Alan that this isn’t the time or place for something like this and Alan holds a gun on Will, telling Bo and the rest that he really doesn’t care. He just wanted to always say that he had had the mother and the son. Alan laughs evilly as Will looks at Sami, crying. Sami tells Will that it will be alright. He can tell her anything and it will never change how much she truly loves him.

Will starts to calm down just a little as his family looks on. Kate is being held by Roman and Hope holds onto Bo’s arm tightly. Caroline tells Alan that he will pay for what he’s done to her grandson. Alan points the gun at Caroline and tells her to shut up before the Bradys lose the lady of the family. Roman steps forward in a menacing gesture but Alan points the gun back at Will’s head, telling Roman that if he so much as flinches, Will is dead meat.

Austin and Carrie look on as Sami tearfully asks Will what happened to him. Will starts to explain how he met Alan and how Alan became his friend.....

Will: It was not my fault, Mom. I didn’t know. (Crying) He acted like he cared about me. He made it seem like I was like his best friend.

Sami: And then what? Keep going, baby. Mama’s here for you, ok?

Will: Ok. So, he ended up...he ended up....

Lucas: (To Sami) I don’t think this is a good idea, Sami. He’s doing this in front of everyone. How degrading is this for him?!

Sami: About the same way it was for me when I had to do it on the witness stand all those years ago. (Looking at Alan) And, I took your power away then. And a couple of other things. So, Will is doing the same thing now.........you sick, mother [!@#$%^&*] bastard!

Alan: (Pointing the gun at Sami) SHUT UP, BITCH!! I didn’t take lip from you then and I won’t take it now. And...tell this brat of yours to shut up and listen to me.....before I blow his brains out!

Sami (Looking At Will): Don’t listen to him, honey. He doesn’t have the guts. Just look right at me, ok? There is no one else here but me and you, ok? Just tell me. What did this bastard do to you?

Will focuses on Sami, while all of the pain and torment run back in his head. The kidnapping. The rape. The glee that Alan took as he inflicted so much pain on Will. And then, just when he gets to the point where he can’t take anymore suffering, Will grabs the sides of his head and then blurts out to his mother...


Will starts to collapse as Sami runs towards him and catches him before he hits the ground. Sami rocks Will back and forth in her arms as he sobs uncontrollably. Roman, Caroline, Austin, Carrie and Eric watch on and cry as well as Lucas slowly walks over to Sami and Will, bends down, and pants his son on his head. And then, at that moment, they both look up....

And stare daggers of hell-like hatred at Alan. Lucas stands and stares at Alan, telling him that...

Lucas: You do realize.......that you’re a dead man, don’t you?

Alan looks at Lucas, terrified, as the scene freeze-frames on his face and then slowly fades to black.


Marlena (looking at a crate, smiling): This could be easier then I thought.

James: Could I be wrong? What if I am making a big mistake?

Katherine to Cal (looking at the envelope): Oh my God...

Sami to Alan: You will pay. Mark my words. You will not live to see another sunrise.

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ROFL @ Kayla sneaking aboard. I could hear the "comic" music in the background and the bewildered look on Mary Beth's face.

Yay Tony/Anna!!!

Hmm, Have the tables finally turned for Alan and Nicole? Interesting...

EEE! Celeste is a real character!!

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