Episode 62: Sweet Surprises
Previously on Point Palace:
- Dylan walked out on Alley after they fought over Carrie. He later got drunk and ended up on Carrie's door and began to make love to her. Alley went to confront Carrie and almost opened the door to find them together but stopped after getting a call from John and realized that they were still friends and decided to go back to her room.
-Carrie woke up in Dylan's arms and realized that he made a mistake by cheating on Alley.
- Ava meets Jame's colleuge Professor Peggy Lowrie and begins to wonder if Peggy knows abou the affair.
-Alexia visits Owen but instead finds Nan and a cat fight pursues. Owen breaks it up and Alexia tells him that he should even be around Nan.
- Blake talks to London about spending time with her but she has to go shopping for a dress with Alexia and tells him that she will be by later. Blake decides to wait up for her with his door unlocked.
- Nan brainwashes Owen into thinking that Blake set her up into making Owen think that she was Tracie just to have his feelings broken. Owen then gets a nudge from Nan to take action on him.
- When Blake is alone, he hears a noise and thinks that it's London, but instead it is Owen with a gun. Owen pulls the trigger and shoots him in the arm as Blake falls to the ground.

Episode 62:
Sweet Surprises
Executive Story Consultant & Creator:
Matt Politylo
Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman
Sweet Surprises
Executive Story Consultant & Creator:
Matt Politylo
Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman

(After shooting Blake, Owen runs away as fast as he can. London knocks on the door to see if Blake answers it. After getting no response, London walks into Blake's room after finding the door unlocked.)
London: (calling out to him)
Blake? Blake are you awake?
Blake? Blake are you awake?
(London goes into the common area to find Blake's television set on.)
Oh Blake you and your television. You couldn't give it up even if you tried.
Oh Blake you and your television. You couldn't give it up even if you tried.
(London notices Blake's feet in front of the couch.)
Blake did you fall asleep on the floor?
You must've tied a few on.
Blake did you fall asleep on the floor?
You must've tied a few on.
(London lightly kicks Blake's feet with her foot to wake him but he doesn't budge.)
Come on sleepy head it's time to go into your own bed.
Come on sleepy head it's time to go into your own bed.
(London slowly begins to bend down on her knees.)
I will never be doing this again until I have my baby!
I will never be doing this again until I have my baby!
(London turns Blake over to notice a bullet in his shoulder, where blood is running out.)
Blake! Oh my god! You've been shot. Who would do this to you?
Blake! Oh my god! You've been shot. Who would do this to you?

(Later that night, John and Carrie hang out at The Palace Cafe. Carrie is deep in thought and John notices it.)
You look troubled.
I've had a lot on my mind lately.
Like what?
Oh nothing. Just things back in Lexington and stuff like that.
I think I know something that will get anything off of your mind. And it it's-
You look troubled.
I've had a lot on my mind lately.
Like what?
Oh nothing. Just things back in Lexington and stuff like that.
I think I know something that will get anything off of your mind. And it it's-
(Ginny comes to the table to get their orders.)
What can I get you two?
Nothing for me.
Yeah same here.
Wow you two are being pretty cheap tonight. Just kidding. If you want anything you know where you can find me.
Thanks Ginny. Actually maybe I can get your opinion on something.
Ginny: (excited)
Oooh okay. This sounds like fun.
What can I get you two?
Nothing for me.
Yeah same here.
Wow you two are being pretty cheap tonight. Just kidding. If you want anything you know where you can find me.
Thanks Ginny. Actually maybe I can get your opinion on something.
Ginny: (excited)
Oooh okay. This sounds like fun.
(John pulls out a small velvet box from his pocket and opens it revealing a ruby covered bracelet.)
That must have cost you a fortune!
It's settled then. Any girl would like this, right Ginny?
Of course. Any girl would be a fool to give it up.
That must have cost you a fortune!
It's settled then. Any girl would like this, right Ginny?
Of course. Any girl would be a fool to give it up.
(John hands it to Carrie.)
I was thinking of you when I got it.
This is too much. You shouldn't have.
Wow you are so lucky. That would take me like four paychecks to get something as nice as that. A girl can dream I guess.
I was thinking of you when I got it.
This is too much. You shouldn't have.
Wow you are so lucky. That would take me like four paychecks to get something as nice as that. A girl can dream I guess.
(Ginny leaves.)
I didn't know if we were becoming more serious so I thought that maybe this would push the issue further.
You really didn't have to do this.
I wanted to. Spending time with you has gotten me through a lot and any girl who can make me feel this good, is a girl who for sure deserves my heart.
I didn't know if we were becoming more serious so I thought that maybe this would push the issue further.
You really didn't have to do this.
I wanted to. Spending time with you has gotten me through a lot and any girl who can make me feel this good, is a girl who for sure deserves my heart.
(Carrie begins to picture Dylan and her making love.)
Carrie: (feeling guilty)
It's too much. I really don't deserve this.
You really do deserve it. You're like my girl friend and I hope that you would accept it.
It's too much. I really don't deserve this.
You really do deserve it. You're like my girl friend and I hope that you would accept it.
(John leans over to kiss her. She closes her eyes and embraces in their kiss.)
I guess this means that we're going out then.
After that kiss I would think so. And the other one before that.
I can't believe that you still would think of us more than just a team.
I really don't care what happens to Alley and Dylan, well let's not get hectic, I still have hope that their plagued with something. Hopefully they'll break each others hearts and we can both be happy. I have something that Dylan maybe could have taken back but he can't now.
You're right. I'm all-
I guess this means that we're going out then.
After that kiss I would think so. And the other one before that.
I can't believe that you still would think of us more than just a team.
I really don't care what happens to Alley and Dylan, well let's not get hectic, I still have hope that their plagued with something. Hopefully they'll break each others hearts and we can both be happy. I have something that Dylan maybe could have taken back but he can't now.
You're right. I'm all-
(Carrie pauses and flashes him a warm smile.)
I'm all yours.
I'm all yours.

(After getting out of her own shower in her own room, Nan calls Owen while towel drying her hair.)
Owen: (shakey)
Did you think that I was the police?
I didn't know what to think.
Did you pull it off?
Yeah. I shot him once. He was alone and I used the silencer that you gave me. Click. One bullet went off and it struck him in his shoulder or his arm.
You should have went for his heart. I think that you might have given him a chance to survive.
I'm not really a killer so I wasn't aiming for anything special.
At least you did something about it. He manipulated me. He used me to get what he wanted. It was downright deceitful black mail. And why? He did it just to get back at you. Do you have any idea why he would do that?
I can only think of one thing. Whenever I first came to this school I wanted his girl friend and I wasn't going to stop until I had her. He was pretty upset about it but then I met you and I forgot all about her. Plus he's involved with my sister and even she did something bad to him.
Then that's why Blake wanted me to hurt you. I can tell you are shooken up by it. If the police question you, you can use me as an alibi.
Did you think that I was the police?
I didn't know what to think.
Did you pull it off?
Yeah. I shot him once. He was alone and I used the silencer that you gave me. Click. One bullet went off and it struck him in his shoulder or his arm.
You should have went for his heart. I think that you might have given him a chance to survive.
I'm not really a killer so I wasn't aiming for anything special.
At least you did something about it. He manipulated me. He used me to get what he wanted. It was downright deceitful black mail. And why? He did it just to get back at you. Do you have any idea why he would do that?
I can only think of one thing. Whenever I first came to this school I wanted his girl friend and I wasn't going to stop until I had her. He was pretty upset about it but then I met you and I forgot all about her. Plus he's involved with my sister and even she did something bad to him.
Then that's why Blake wanted me to hurt you. I can tell you are shooken up by it. If the police question you, you can use me as an alibi.
(Alexia walks to Owen's room but hears his phone conversation with Nan.)
I just can't believe that I shot him!
You need to get rid of the gun immediately and don't go back to Blake's room. We'll talk later.
I just can't believe that I shot him!
You need to get rid of the gun immediately and don't go back to Blake's room. We'll talk later.
(Owen hangs up with Nan and turns around to see a very stunned Alexia.)
Please say that you were joking.
Joking? What all did you hear?
I heard enough to know that you're almost a criminal.
I shot Blake because I was getting revenge on him! If you can't understand that then I don't know how you can even stand to look at me.
Maybe because I'm your sister. I know that I have told you this so many times before. Even if I might have hated you when we were fighting about something stupid, we're still family. I'm just worried about you and Blake. I don't know if I should talk to either London or Blake, if he is even alive at the moment, because I may be caught in the middle and I don't want to be hated because of something that you did!
Then fine if you don't want to be hated, leave. That's so like you to be worrying about how it involves you! Admit that you put them before me! I don't need you and if you feel as if your reputation with your, quote un quote best friends, who in my opinion is a bastard and deserves to suffer for what he has done to me. Then just go.
No. I've stood with you after you almost killed yourself because of Nan. And then when she acts all nice to you, you end up shooting someone. Is this all registering in with you?
If you're not on my side then go.
I am on your side. I just don't know how I can keep you out of going to jail!
Please say that you were joking.
Joking? What all did you hear?
I heard enough to know that you're almost a criminal.
I shot Blake because I was getting revenge on him! If you can't understand that then I don't know how you can even stand to look at me.
Maybe because I'm your sister. I know that I have told you this so many times before. Even if I might have hated you when we were fighting about something stupid, we're still family. I'm just worried about you and Blake. I don't know if I should talk to either London or Blake, if he is even alive at the moment, because I may be caught in the middle and I don't want to be hated because of something that you did!
Then fine if you don't want to be hated, leave. That's so like you to be worrying about how it involves you! Admit that you put them before me! I don't need you and if you feel as if your reputation with your, quote un quote best friends, who in my opinion is a bastard and deserves to suffer for what he has done to me. Then just go.
No. I've stood with you after you almost killed yourself because of Nan. And then when she acts all nice to you, you end up shooting someone. Is this all registering in with you?
If you're not on my side then go.
I am on your side. I just don't know how I can keep you out of going to jail!

(The next evening, Ava studies at the library.)
Psychology. I shouldn't even be studying.
I can get an A no matter what.
Psychology. I shouldn't even be studying.
I can get an A no matter what.
(Ava pulls out her cell phone to call James.)
So what exactly do we have to know on this test?
I'm surprised that your even studying.
Are you telling me that it's going to be really easy for just one particular student named Ava who is also kissing slash falling for her professor?
If I gave you an A then I think that it would look very suspicious and all of the other students who tried their hardest would begin to wonder a little bit too much. Just study the different theories from the mentioned psychologists.
That easy huh?
There is nothing easy about the human mind or the class that I teach along with it. I'll see you later.
Ava: (sarcastic)
Can't wait.
So what exactly do we have to know on this test?
I'm surprised that your even studying.
Are you telling me that it's going to be really easy for just one particular student named Ava who is also kissing slash falling for her professor?
If I gave you an A then I think that it would look very suspicious and all of the other students who tried their hardest would begin to wonder a little bit too much. Just study the different theories from the mentioned psychologists.
That easy huh?
There is nothing easy about the human mind or the class that I teach along with it. I'll see you later.
Ava: (sarcastic)
Can't wait.
(Ava hangs up with James and notices that Peggy has been eavesdropping.)
I bet you were talking to Professor Vaughne.
Not that it is any of your business but yes that was who I was talking to. I needed to ask him a few questions about a test that he's giving us.
It's very nice to see how active students can be now of days.
You teach English, correct?
Yep I'm just getting ideas for what kind of books we should be reading. There are so many to choose from. Have you ever read the book Lolita?
I think that I have heard of it.
It's all about this young girl who gets involved with an older man. Bad things seem to happen for them.
Oh. Sounds interesting.
It is.
Have you ever read the book Minding Your Own Business?
No I don't think I have ever heard of that one. Who writes it?
I bet you were talking to Professor Vaughne.
Not that it is any of your business but yes that was who I was talking to. I needed to ask him a few questions about a test that he's giving us.
It's very nice to see how active students can be now of days.
You teach English, correct?
Yep I'm just getting ideas for what kind of books we should be reading. There are so many to choose from. Have you ever read the book Lolita?
I think that I have heard of it.
It's all about this young girl who gets involved with an older man. Bad things seem to happen for them.
Oh. Sounds interesting.
It is.
Have you ever read the book Minding Your Own Business?
No I don't think I have ever heard of that one. Who writes it?
(Ava stands up.)
I'm not sure who wrote it or if it even exists. But it's a very suggestive title!
I'm not sure who wrote it or if it even exists. But it's a very suggestive title!
(Ava takes her things and leaves.)

(In Jenny's room, she has set up an evening with romance by dimming the lights for the two of them and having dinner in which she made.)
Tonight is our night.
It sure is. I don't want anyone or anything to distract us.
You're right.
Tonight is our night.
It sure is. I don't want anyone or anything to distract us.
You're right.
(Jenny looks at Carlos's cell phone.)
Jenny: (in regards to the phone)
That thing is going to go off I just know it!
No it's not. Look, I'll turn it off.
Jenny: (in regards to the phone)
That thing is going to go off I just know it!
No it's not. Look, I'll turn it off.
(Before he can turn it off, he gets a call from Nick. Jenny knows exactly who it is.)
Don't answer it!
It's work. I have to.
Don't answer it!
It's work. I have to.
(Carlos answers the call. He leaves the room and then returns to Jenny who's not happy.)
Can I maybe take a rain check?
Jenny: (going balistic after throwing a pillow at him)
You know what? I was going to give it to you. I was going to give it to you so good that you wouldn't be able to see straight! But you know what? Have one of your patients do it for ya because I'm sick of getting let down!
Can I maybe take a rain check?
Jenny: (going balistic after throwing a pillow at him)
You know what? I was going to give it to you. I was going to give it to you so good that you wouldn't be able to see straight! But you know what? Have one of your patients do it for ya because I'm sick of getting let down!

(A completely sober Dylan knocks on Alley's door as she answers it with a big smile on her face.)
I haven't seen you all day. You didn't call me and I was worried about you. I didn't like sleeping alone.
I didn't want to talk to you and I figured that you felt the same way about me.
Please come in.
I haven't seen you all day. You didn't call me and I was worried about you. I didn't like sleeping alone.
I didn't want to talk to you and I figured that you felt the same way about me.
Please come in.
(Dylan walks in to Alley's room as she shuts the door behind him.)
Look since we haven't talked in a while I've been thinking a lot.
So have I.
I 'm sorry for what I said about Carrie. I know now that I made a huge mistake. I only said it because I was just trying to give you a compliment and to show you that you're the one for me, not her.
Yeah I know. And maybe I took it the wrong way but I'm just very touchy when it comes to her. And I know what I did was wrong with the whole making you choose thing because I was going to leave. I'll admit that it was very dumb and very in the heated moment.
I'm glad that we always make up after having a fight.
So am I.
Then what do we do from here?
Look since we haven't talked in a while I've been thinking a lot.
So have I.
I 'm sorry for what I said about Carrie. I know now that I made a huge mistake. I only said it because I was just trying to give you a compliment and to show you that you're the one for me, not her.
Yeah I know. And maybe I took it the wrong way but I'm just very touchy when it comes to her. And I know what I did was wrong with the whole making you choose thing because I was going to leave. I'll admit that it was very dumb and very in the heated moment.
I'm glad that we always make up after having a fight.
So am I.
Then what do we do from here?
(Alley takes off her shirt and takes his hand to caress her bare stomach.)
I can think of something that can result in the both of us not sleeping alone.
I can think of something that can result in the both of us not sleeping alone.

(At Cody Medical Hospital, Blake undergoes surgery and London watches by a window.)
Miss, this isn't really a good place to be in.
But I want to be here. I don't care about how much blood I see or what they cut open. I just want to make sure that he's all right.
Dr. Quarr will be out shortly to tell you how his condition.
Miss, this isn't really a good place to be in.
But I want to be here. I don't care about how much blood I see or what they cut open. I just want to make sure that he's all right.
Dr. Quarr will be out shortly to tell you how his condition.
(Officer Wendell comes to talk to London and the nurse leaves.)
Officer Wendell:
Blake Hammerton is a wonderful guy. It's just a shame because I've seen him in even a worse situation before. How do you know him?
He's my fiancee.
Officer Wendell:
Very lucky girl. I know all about how his father won the lottery.
I just got out of the hospital too.
Officer Wendell:
For what?
A long story that I think other police forces are investigating now.
Officer Wendell:
Do you know who would shoot him?
Blake has so many friends. None of which could or would even do such a thing to him. That reminds me that I have to call all of them, I bet they would like to know what's going on with him. There's only one person that I can think of.
Officer Wendell:
His evil bitch of an ex girl friend, Nan Sheridan!
Blake Hammerton is a wonderful guy. It's just a shame because I've seen him in even a worse situation before. How do you know him?
He's my fiancee.
Officer Wendell:
Very lucky girl. I know all about how his father won the lottery.
I just got out of the hospital too.
Officer Wendell:
For what?
A long story that I think other police forces are investigating now.
Officer Wendell:
Do you know who would shoot him?
Blake has so many friends. None of which could or would even do such a thing to him. That reminds me that I have to call all of them, I bet they would like to know what's going on with him. There's only one person that I can think of.
Officer Wendell:
His evil bitch of an ex girl friend, Nan Sheridan!

(Lenvy begins to walk back to her room from The Palace Cafe until she gets a phone call from Will, which startles her since she is a bit shakey because of the recent news with Patrick's releasing.)
Hey you.
What are you doing right now?
Nothing. I was just going to maybe take a hot bath and then do some homework.
Sounds pretty boring. Did you hear the news today?
Is it about my best friend?
Yeah. Patrick got released on bail.
I knew it. I knew that he was going to be free and now that makes even more scared than I was when the rumors about his bail were being talked about.
Hey you.
What are you doing right now?
Nothing. I was just going to maybe take a hot bath and then do some homework.
Sounds pretty boring. Did you hear the news today?
Is it about my best friend?
Yeah. Patrick got released on bail.
I knew it. I knew that he was going to be free and now that makes even more scared than I was when the rumors about his bail were being talked about.
(Lenvy begins to walk towards Will's room.)
I really want you to come over to my room right now.
I'm already one step ahead of you. See you in a bit.
I really want you to come over to my room right now.
I'm already one step ahead of you. See you in a bit.
(Lenvy hangs up with Will as she gets to his door she goes to knock on it but hears something. She quickly shrugs it off as nothing.)
Money. It can be used for good but mostly for evil.
Money. It can be used for good but mostly for evil.
(All of a sudden Lenvy's vision is covered and all she sees is black as she is blindfolded.)
Join Us Again For Another Exciting Episode of
©2000-2003, 2007
©2000-2003, 2007
On the next episode of Point Palace:
Alexia convinces Owen to stay away from Nan
Dylan and Carrie hide what they did from Alley and John
Ava gets hit with a surprise from Peggy and James.
London gets a shock of her life
Is Patrick going to kidnap Lenvy all over again?
Find out next time on P O I N T P A L A C E
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