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MAY 22, 2007




-At the Brady Pub, it's a new day as Kayla is helping Caroline prepare for the Memorial Day picnic. Caroline tells Kayla she hopes that this day will bring the familt together. Kayla promises Caroline that she will try to keep the peace and get along with Kim and Roman but she won't be forgiving them. Caroline says she knows it's going to be a long road to recovery for their family but them all just getting along for the day is a start.

Caroline asks Kayla if there is any word on Steve. Kayla says not yet but she is frustrated and has had enough. She says she is giving the police and Roman 24 hours. That's it. Then, she has to go off and find Steve. Before it's too late.

-At the MCF lair in the abandoned warehouse office, Roman and his SPD team are searching the premises still as Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta watch. Shane returns and tells them that the SPD has searched the rest of the warehouse district and the MCF is nowhere to be found. He asks where Victor and Max are. Frankie says Max went home to shower and Victor had business to tend to. They will be back and Frankie says they promised to call them with updates. Shane goes to update Roman as Greta asks Billie if she could talk to her for a minute. Her and Billie go off to talk as Jack wonders what that is about. Frankie says he thinks he knows. Jack asks what he meants. Frankie reminds Jack of how relieved he was to find Billie ok last night. Jack reminds Frankie that they are longtime friends so, of course, he was happy. He cares about her.

Frankie: That was different Jack. Very different and you know it. You two have been through alot in the last year so it's no surprise you have gotten closer. Through good times and bad, you two have been there for each other. I can see it in both your eyes. Billie is more then a friend to you, huh?

Meanwhile, Billie asks Greta what is wrong. Greta tells Billie she has known her for a bit, since her days in the swamp. She knows things were tense between them early on but she still thinks they are friends. Billie agrees, especially working together right now. Greta tells Billie she can confide in her and talk about anything. She cares about Jack too and he is a dear friend and she just felt like inviting Billie to open up to her. Billie is confused.

Greta: I saw...look. You two have been through alot. The island, Jennifer's death, everything with your daughters, and now the cloaked figure...you two have grown closer then ever this past year. You helped each other through the dark times and enjoyed each other in the good times. Last night, the worry in Jack's eyes when you were missing and the relief when he found you...wow. Billie, I know you two have always been close but that was different. Then, your face. The comfort you showed on your face while in his arms. You seemed so...at home. The whole thing felt right. I just see how you look at hime and...

Billie: Greta? What are you getting at?

Greta: Ok I will just be blunt, I guess. Admit it. Your in love with Jack.

-Back at the Brady Pub, Caroline advises Kayla not to do that but Kayla says she has waited long enough and she has this terrible feeling Steve is in trouble. They are both interupted by Kim's arrival. She wheels herself in. Caroline welcomes her with an embrace. She is so glad Kim made it. Kim says she didn't want to come and cause problems. Caroline says she belongs there. Kayla gives a cold look to Kim. Kim says hello to her, to which Kayla replies with a simple "Hello." Kayl then walks into the kitchen to check on some of the food. Kim gets upset and fights back tears, telling her mother she knew this would happen. She is ruining the picnic and should've just stayed away. Caroline says that is nonsense and this has to stop. She is a part of this family and Caroline vows to make sure the family is united together again, beginning today.

-Back at the warehouse, Jack tells Frankie he and Billie are no more then really good friends. Frankie smiles and says if he says so. Jack reluctantly comes out and says:

Jack: Fine. Off the record. I feel something more for her. I'm not sure if it's something even close to what I had for Jennifer. I am not sure how I feel right now nor do I care. I am only worried for my daughter and about catching this cloaked figure. Everything else takes a back seat.

Frankie: That's fine, man. But...you have to deal with however you feel eventually. And, don't worry. I won't tell anyone about this discussion.

Jack: I know and thanks.

Meanwhile, Billie denies having strong feelings like that for Jack but Greta doesn't let up. She tells Billie it's ok to tell her. Billie says:

Billie: Maybe I do feel something more for Jack but I don't have time to deal with that right now. My daughter has been kidnapped by this cloaked person. My main concern is that. I mean, Greta...I've been down the love road before and failed. I'm not even sure if I feel love for Jack. I'm not sure what I feel. I mean, if it is love, I'm not even sure if I will pursue it. I have been hurt too many times and I would hate to destroy a good friendship.

Greta: You won't. You both would be ok in the end. Besides, life is about taking risks.

Billie: Well, maybe. I just can't deal with all that now. Just promise me you will keep all this between us?

Greta: Sure. But...I will hold you too what you said. As soon as the cloaked figure is busted and we save Chelsea and Abby from his or her clutches, you need to work through your feelings for Jack.

Billie: Fine. I will. Now, on to more important matters, like finding Chelsea and Abby and getting them away from that cloaked creep.

Roman then overhears and interupts, asking what they are talking about. Frankie, Jack, and Shane walk outside and hear what is going on and worry about what this means. Billie tries to think up a cover story but realizes it's no use. Roman will just see right through them. Billie admits to Roman Chelsea and Abby never ran away. She lied to him because she was afraid the MCF would hurt them. He or she threatened in the letter not to tell the police so she didn't. Roman is furious and says now this gets more serious. He knew something more was up and reminds Billie and Jack he told them their investigation would endanger lives. Jack says it would've happened anyway to someone else, even if it weren't for their investigation. Roman reminds them of what happened with the McCluer's and asks if they learned from that. Jack says they did and they feel awful but they couldn't just give up. Their investigation was effective and they are closer to the truth about the MCF then the SPD is.

Shane tells Roman that Jack has a point. Roman says that even so, both girls are in danger because of the investigation. Jack says they will continue the investigation because they get more done then the SPD does. Roman waves his hand in frustration and says whatever. He can't stop them and he orders them to report to him their findings. He doesn't have the energy to fight. He has things to do and now he needs to make this MCF case into a kidnapping case. Billie begs him not to. The MCF may do something rash if he or she learns the SPD knows about the kidnappings. Shane agrees and Roman reluctantly agrees to keep it on the low profile and to tell his officers to do the same. Roman leaves.

Kate then arrives and says she called around looking for Billie. The Spectator office said Jack was down there so she figured Billie was there. Billie is stunned to see her and asks what she wants. Kate says she needs to talk to her in private. Billie and he go back outside the warehouse and Kate says she just wanted to ask if Billie knows anything about what is going on with Will. Kate says she just wants to make sure Lucas didn't leave anything out. She figured since Billie is a PI that maybe Lucas and Sami came to her for help or something in finding Will. Billie says she knows nothing of it. Kate fills her in and Billie says they know for a fact Alan is linked to the MCF but she has no idea if something has happened to Will. If something did, it probably isn't good with the MCF involved.

Kate says she knows. The MCF had her hostage last night. Billie is shocked and asks if she is ok. Kate says she is fine. He or she let her go and only used her as a sheild because he or she was being chased. Billie says that she was chasing him or her. She tells Kate to tell the police but Kate says there is no need. It won't help and they don't need the MCF getting angry and coming after their family anymore. Billie agrees, saying there has already been enough of that. Roman is then walking out of the warehouse when he whispers to Billie that he has his men looking out for any sign of Chelsea and Abby. Billie thanks him. Roman leaves and Kate says she heard a bit of that and asks what Roman said about Chelsea and why he felt the need to whisper. Billie looks down and Kate demands she tell her what is wrong. Billie realizes she may as well tell and warns Kate not to tell a soul. Kate promises. Billie fills her in on Abby and Chelsea being kidnapped. They didn't run away. It was to send a message to her and Jack since they had been investigating the MCF for months.

Kate is stunned and asks if she is sure. Billie nods. Kate says she is sick of the MCF screwing with their family. She tells Billie she has to go. Billie begs her mom not to tell anyone or do anything stupid. Kate says she won't. Billie warns her that she better not be leaving now to plot something. She needs to leave the MCF to the SPD and those that have experience in dealing with situations like this. Kate says she knows. Billie hopes she isn't lying. Kate tells her goodbye and tells her they will talk later. Billie prays that Kate doesn't do anything stupid. She has seen that look before and it usually means she is up to something. She also wonders why the MCF look take Kate hostage. Maybe it was a coincidence but it's so random. She just hopes her mother isn't in any trouble and that she doesn't get into any.

Meanwhile, Kate hangs up her cell phone after making a phone call and says she will make the MCF talk. It's about time she gets answers and makes the MCF pay for what he or she is doing to her family. This ends now...today.

-Back at the Brady Pub, Caroline promises Kim it will all be ok. Kayla walks back in the room and ignores Kim. Caroline reminds Kayla of her promise to get along. Kayla says she is. It's better to not say anything then to say what she really wants to. Roman then walks in and apologizes for being late. He had police business and isn't sure how long he can stay. Kayal sees him and prepares to walk out of the room. Caroline grabs her and says enough. They can at least be in the same room together. She asks them all to show some maturity and thinks maybe it's time that they all vent and let everything out. It may help them work things out. Kayla doubts it. Not after all that Kim and Roman did. Hope walks in with JT and asks what exactly they did. Everyone clams up. Hope tells them she just wants to know what is going on. She has a right to know and she wonders why they won't just tell her.

Bo then shows up right behind her and says it's because it's none of her business. Hope turns around and coldly looks at Bo as Caroline, Kayla, and Kim look on and the screen fades to black.


Hope to Bo: I am yoru wife. I have a right to know.

Caroline to Hope, Bo, Kayla, Kim, and Roman: I want this family to be whole again and damnit it will be!!

Katherine to Cal: Are you ready to get started?

Cal to Katherine: As ready as I will ever be...

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I so want to see Jack and Billie together! I love seeing Greta and Billie bonding, it seems natural for it to happen.

Poor Kim, but damn, Kayla is one unforgiving woman!

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