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May 16, 2007




-At the Penthouse Grille, Austin and Carrie's wedding reception continues. Doug goes to get some more drinks for everyone, leaving Alice with Julie and Maggie. Alice asks them if they are both ok. They seem like they have much on their mind. Julie lies says it's just that the wedding reminds her of all that she has been through with Doug and how close she came to losing Doug. Maggie lies and says that the wedding reminds her of Mickey. Alice explains how Doug had told her he was concerned about them since they have seemed rather different she he woke up. Alice notes how stressed they seem.

Julie reminds Alice that it's been a rough few months. Alice understands that but says she and Doug can't help but wonder if it's something else. Maggie jumps in and says it's just everything they have been through this past year. That's all. Alice smiles and tells them both that things will get better. They already are. Doug returns with drinks and asks if everything is ok. Julie smiles and says they couldn't be better as she looks at a guilt-ridden Maggie.

Max, Frankie, Greta, Victor, Shane, Jack, and Billie are all spread out around the Penthouse Grille. Billie recieves a call from Nico, who is monitoring the surveilance monitors at Victor's mansion. Nico tells Billie that Alan and James are at the reception. He IDed them. They are disguised as waiters. Nico directs Billie to them and she sees them, both wearing glasses. Alan is wearing a fake beard and wig while James is wearing a wig and false moustache. Billie then radios to Jack, Victor, Max, Frankie, and Greta they Alan and James are there. Billie tells Nico to let her or Shane know when the MCF arrivees. Nico agrees. Billie tells Jack through her radio that everything is on schedule. She just hopes things continue to go according to plan.

Carrie and Austin are kissing as she is thanking him for her surprise. His having The Flamingos sing their song was so special. Sami and Lucas come over while they take a break from dancing and remark on how happy they are. Carrie tells Sami that her and Lucas will be this way soon. Sami says she hopes so.

Hope and Bo are with JT, watching him eat some food. Hope asks Bo if he is enjoying himself. Bo reminds her that there was to be no questions tonight. Hope says she was only asking a general question that anyone would ask at a reception. Bo smiles and says it's ok so far. Hope smiles as Caroline and Kayla come over, remarking on how nice it is to see them together as a family. Bo is about to say something but stops himself when JT says he is glad that his daddy is back. It makes mommy happy. Hope smiles and looks at Bo, who looks back at her, not knowing what to say.

Cal and Katherine are dancing. She tells him she is so happy to be out with him in public for the first time as husband and wife. She thinks they made the right choice coming back to Salem. He agrees. She reminds him that he picks up his therapy again tomarrow so he better not drink too much. Cal says he doesn't plan to. Roman comes over and tells them both again congratulations. Roman tells Cal he is glad things are going well for him. Cal thanks him and tells Roman he hopes things go better for "Doc." Roman thanks him as Caroline and Kayla come over and express warn wishes again to Cal and Katherine.

Will is sitting all alone when Kim wheels over. She asks him why he is alone in a corner. Will says he is just bored and doesn't like big family things like this. Kim says she is sure there are some young girls there who would want to dance with him. Will looks down. Kim asks if she said something wrong. Will says she hasn't but he has to go to the bathroom. He excuses himself and leaves. Sami and Lucas see him fly right by them. Sami tells Lucas she is really worried about him. He is distant from everyone and she thinks they need to find out what is going on with him and if it has anything to do with Alan. Lucas agrees. There son has something in his mind and may be in alot of trouble. They need to get to the bottom of this and fast.

Kim sees Shane in a corner and asks what he is doing. Shane tells Kim to go back to their table. He knows she is lonely but there is something he needs to take care. Kim says that she has hardly anyone to talk to without him, given nearly her whole family is upset with her. Shane tells her he will return to her as soon as he does what he needs to. Kim says ok and wheels back to her table, depressed about how isolated she is from everyone and wondering what Shane is up to.

Eric approaches Victor again and tells Victor he knows that Nicole had to give him something in exchange for his giving her a job and helping her adopt Evan. Victor tells Eric to back off. He has something to handle and Eric needs to get out of his way. Eric asks Victor what he could possibly have to handle at a wedding reception. Nicole is walking by and watching this scene with great interest, hoping Victor stands his ground and doesn't drop so much as a hint about what she is hiding. Victor tells Eric what he does is none of Eric's business and to go mingle with his family and friends. Eric tries to stop Victor from leaving but Victor pulls Eric's arm off him and warns him to back off...or else. Eric backs off as Victor walks away. Eric promises that this isn't over yet as Nicole watches, pleased that Victor revealed nothing.

Kate is congratulating Austin and Carrie. She tells them it's years overdue and that this time it will work out. They both thank her. Austin goes to get them more champaigne. While alone, Kate tells Carrie she made the right choice. Once the MCF is exposed, Nicole will be too and she can get Evan back. At least, now, her and Austin are married and they can all be a family again someday. Carrie says it's still hard, seeing Nicole walk around with Evan breaks her heart everytime sher looks at them. Kate tells Carrie not to worry. It will end sooner or later and then Nicole will lose everything and all will be right with the world.

Belle is feeding Claire some crackers when Philip comes up. Belle can see he is drunk and tells Philip not to come near Claire. Philip stutters while saying she is his daughter and he wants to spend time with her too at her uncle Austin's wedding. Belle tells him to back off or she will scream and her dad and the rest of her family and friends will come to her defense. Philip laughs and tells Belle whatever. He will have Claire and everything he wants soon. He then walks away as Belle wonders what he blabbering about. Philip looks at his cell phone and sees there are no new calls. He wonders when the MCF will call him about the deal they had. He needs to get his dad out of the picture soon so he can get Belle and Claire back and acquire the power he so deserves. His time is now and he is not going to wait any longer.

Sami comes over to Carrie and tells her it's time for the bouquet toss. Carrie gets up and tells all the single girls to line up. Maggie and Caroline don't get up but some convincing and forcing by Sami, Belle, and Hope gets them up. Billie and Greta try to monitor the happenings but Sami sees them and forces them to participate. Nicole puts Evan in his stroller and wheels him near the dance floor and tries to participate herself. Eric sees her and reminds her she is married. Nicole laughs and tells Eric he knows they are through so why deny it? Eric shakes his head and walks away. Carrie asks all the women if they are ready. They all scream they are as Carrie tosses it...to SAMI!! The crowd claps, except for Nicole who walks away mumbling under her breath it was fixed. Carrie hugs Sami and says she was aiming for her. Sami smiles and says she hopes it is a good omen. Carrie says it is and that she and Lucas will get it right this time too, just like her and Austin.

Lucas announces it's time for the tossing of the garter. Austin comes over to get Carrie and sits her down. Shane, Victor, Max, Jack, and Frankie don't want to participate but Sami and Lucas push them to go out there and they oblige, knowing full well they won't give up unless they do. A drunk Philip even makes his way on to the floot. Austin then pulls the garter off with his teeth as sexy music plays and tosses the garter behind his back. It is caught by...LUCAS!!! Austin embraces him, saying it must be meant to be. Lucas looks at Sami and agrees. Carrie hugs him, saying she is so happy for them as a drunk Philip yells out that the game was fixed. The crowd laughs as Belle yells out to Philip to go home. Philip goes back to the bar as Victor shakes his head in disgust upon seeing that sight.

The wedding cake is then wheeled out as the crowd gather around to see Carrie and Austin cut the cake. They each take a small piece and smile. Carrie begs Austin not to get any on the dress. He tells her not to get any on the suit. They both laugh and feed each other. A little drops on to Austin's shirt, who them makes sure a little drops on Carrie's dress. She's appalled and tells him he will have to pay for that. He asks her what she is going to do. She kisses him and tells him he will find out later. They then kiss passionately as they begin to dance.

Doug thinks it's time for them to head home as it's been a long day. He goes to bring the car around while Julie and Maggie help Alice. Julie whispers to Maggie she is doing good. Maggie says she hates lying like this. Julie reminds her it's for the best.

Carrie sees Evan with Nicole while she isa dancing with Austin. She longs to hold him in her arms and for the three of them to be a family, even if he really isn't Austin's baby. Austin can hear her crying and he asks if she is ok. Carrie says she is crying because of the wedding and her being so happy. It's so perfect. Austin is glad she is happy but wonders if she is crying because of another reason. Carrie admits thinking about her baby and what she has been going through but she hasn't been thinking of that during the reception much. Austin is happy to hear that and then says that he almost forgot but he did want to ask her something. He asks her why she hesistated and waited so long before walking down the aisle at St. Luke's. He thought she was just thinking of all the horrible things that happened but she seemed frozen, almost like she had done something wrong and felt bad or something. He adds how she seemed to be thinking alot and he couldn't help but think it seemed like she felt guilty about something.

Austin: Anyway, is something wrong? Is there something you want to tell me? I mean, it just seemed like there was something when you were on your father's arm about to walk down to me. It's not like you to keep something from me or to go into a marriage with a secret but, if there is something, please tell me.

Carrie is silent.

Billie follows a disguised James and Alan around the restaurant. She overhears them talking about why the boss would have them go to the reception when it's a big risk of them getting caught. It's just confusing. James tells Alan they should know soon enough but something seemed weird with the phone call and with what they are being told to do.

Meanwhile, Shane gets a phone call from Nico, telling Shane to spread the word. THE MCF IS THERE!! Shane asks where. Nico says that the MCF is on the second floor of the Titan building. He or she appears to be biding there time or waiting for something. Shane thanks Nico and says he will spread the word. Shane then radios to Max, Victor, Greta, Frankie, Jack, and Billie and tells them the target is there and it's gametime. They need to move in cautiously. Billie thinks Shane should lead Max and Victor in through the elevator and she, Jack, Frankie, and Greta will enter through the stairs so they can trap the MCF. Shane thinks that is a good idea and says they need to move now. Billie agrees and radios the instructions to everyone, telling them to make their move now.

Billie: This is it. It could be our only chance. Let's make the most of it. It's make it or break it time!

The screen then divides into a split-screen of Max, Victor, Frankie, Greta, Shane, Jack, and Billie all heading for the elevator and staircase as the MCF appears in the middle of the screen as the scene then fades to black.


Eric to Carrie: What is going on with you and Kate?

Austin to Nicole: Why does you being around upset my wife so much?

Katherine to Cal: What's wrong? Is it more memories?

Sami (with Lucas) to Will: What is going on?!

Jack (with Frankie, Shane, and Greta): BILLIE!!! NO!!!


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