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May 15, 2007





-The wedding has come to an end and the wedding guests have made their way over to the Penthouse Grille for the reception. Music is playing and people are dancing as the festivities are now officially underway. Jack is getting some champaigne when Billie comes up to him and says it's time to put this plan into motion. She tells Jack to spread the word to the others. He agrees and goes off to do just that as Billie goes to find Carrie to obtain Alan's cell number.

Meanwhile, Victor sees Maggie helping herself to some food and approaches her. He asks her how she is doing. She looks at him and reminds him that she asked that he leave her alone. Victor says he was simply asking how she was and asks why they can't at least be friends. Maggie puts her head down and then lifts back up before telling Victor to have a nice evening as she walks away.

Caroline then comes up from behind a frustrated Victor and asks if there is trouble in paradise. Victor says it's nothing he can't handle. Caroline smiles and says that is typical him. Victor turns away and does admit that it doesn't look good for him and Maggie. He messed up and he must live with it now. He tells Caroline that she must be happy with this as she never approved of their relationship. Caroline shocks him by saying that she isn't happy and hopes for the best for the two of them. She tells Victor that it's time to focus on the present and future and not dwell in the past. I can see the love between you two and I beleive it will work out in the end.

Victor admits to Caroline a pieve of his heart will always belong to her. Caroline explains she feels the same way and that they have all been through alot. It's time to heal. Victor agrees. Jack then comes over and whispers something in his ear, causing Victor to say he must go. He thanks Caroline for the talk and tells her to take care as he leaves, leaving Caroline wondering what he is up to as she knows that look he gets when he is up to something.

Maggie returns to her table. Alice asks her if she is ok. Maggie, who is fighting back tears, says she is fine. Doug and Julie return from the dance floor and ask Maggie the same question as they saw Victor with her. Maggie says she is fine. Victor is nothing to her. Not anymore. Doug smiles as Julie's guilt over knowing the truth about Victor and Nicole's "tryst" eats at her. Julie knows full well this is what is keeping Maggie and Victor apart but she also understands they have a bigger issue and, that is, keeping the truth about the fire under wraps. Julie pats Maggie on the back and tells her it's alright. It will all work out for the best.

Cal and Katherine are taking a trip around the dance floor. He sees Kim in a corner, sulking. Katherine asks what is wrong with her. Cal goes to check and asks Kim if she is alright. Kim says she is fine. She just has alot on her mind. Cal admits he can't help wondering something happened in his absence. Kim admits alot happened but now is not the place to get into that. She excuses herself and wheels over to the appettizer table as Cal wonders what is going on.

Bo sees Will by himself and asks how he is holding up. Will says he is the same. The images of Alan doing what he did to him aren't any better. They are worse. Bo says his memories are just bad. He can hardly sleep or stop thinking about it. Bo tries to convince Will once again to go to the police. He understands Will is scared and has a reason to be quiet but he thinks it needs to be done. Will says he can't deal with that and begs Bo not to say anything to the police or anyone. He has kept his secret to this point and he would like it if that continues for his sake and for the sake of everyone he cares about.

Hope comes over with JT and asks if everything is ok. Bo smiles and says that everything is fine. He whispers to Will this isn't right but he knows where he is coming from, which is why he won't spill his secret. It goes against so much of what he beleives in but he will oblige with Will's request and continue to keep the secret. Will thanks him. Hope asks for what. Bo lies to Hope and says he helped keep a bored Will company. Hope buys it and says that JT needs to go to the bathroom and wants daddy to take him. Bo picks JT up and says ok as he puts JT down after a short distance and says he will race him to the men's room. Hope watches them race and smiles.

Roman is trying to call to check on Marlena but there is no answer. He wonders how she is doing and when, or if, he will ever hold her in his arms again. He also wonders why he couldn't get a hold of Anna so she could call Carrie with congratulations and well-wishes. Roman admits he has a weird feeling...a bad one in regards to Anna. He hopes she hasn't gotten into a mess, just like the same old troublemaker she was years ago.

Kayla comes over to ask Caroline where the bride and groom are. Sami, Lucas, and Belle (who is holding Claire) come over and explain that they are having some time to themselves first. Sami says she just hopes the dress doesn't get ripped or anything. Everyone laughs.

Kate is getting some champaigne when Nicole comes up behind her, telling her how nice it is for her and her son to be at the reception. Kate orders Nicole to lay off and to stop twisting the knife. Nicole laughs and says she can't make her do anything but, her friend, the MCF, can.

Kate: The minute that cloaked person is caught, it's curtains for you. You got that?

Nicole: See you around, Kate.

Nicole laughs as she walks away, leaving a determined Kate more obsessed then ever with putting an end to Nicole and the MCF's reign.

Eric sees Victor and recalls that he has yet to really interogate him on whatever the deal Nicole made with him was. Eric approaches Victor and asks if they can talk. Victor, who is with Shane and Frankie, tells Eric it will have to wait. Eric says it can't wait. It's time that the truth comes out, before it's too late. Victor tells him to calm down and to explain what he wants from him.

Eric: Simple...I would like to talk to you about Nicole (as a worried Nicole watches)

Meanwhile, Austin and Carrie are downstairs in a Titan office. They begin to make love on a desk to celebrate their long awaited union as passion ignites. There is then a knock at the door, which panics them both. They collect themselves and try to hide, hoping they won't get arrested on their wedding day for being somewhere they shouldn't. The door opens to reveal Billie, who tells them both to calm down. Carrie and Austin are relieved to see her. Billie laughs at the scare she just gave them and then says she hates to interupt but they do have guests upstairs waiting and she needs a favor from Carrie.

Billie asks Austin if he would wait outside while her and Carrie have girl talk. He agrees and leaves as Billie tells Carrie that she needs Alan's number. Carrie asks why. Billie lies and says she is helping the ISA on a case and they have reason to beleive they can help clear his name a bit from all the suspicious lately concerning his character and all. Carrie is glad to hear that, saying she knows he changed and that he would never hurt or harm her or anyone now, for that matter. Billie says they will find out. Carrie asks Billie if this is a trick. Billie rolls her eyes. Carrie tells Billie she trusts her but she just had to know for sure since this is random. Billie insists everything is on the up and up.

Carrie goes to her bag and gets the number off her cell phone. She writes it on a piece of paper and gives it to Billie. Billie thanks her and Carrie says she is glad she can help and she is happy that Alan is beginning to be proven innocent. She just knows he is. Billie smiles and thanks her as she leaves.

Upstairs, Billie signals to Jack she has the number and to tell everyone to get into positions. Max, Frankie, Greta, Victor, and Shane split up and spread out to differnt corners and areas of the restaurant. Meanwhile, Jack and Billie go in to the stairwell. Billie puts on a voice changer and says here they go.

She dials the number and gets through to Alan, who is with James on the docks. Billie, acting as the MCF, orders Alan and James to get to the wedding reception and wait for a meeting with the MCF or face extreme punishment. Alan notices something odd about the MCF but Billie, as the MCF, tells Alan he or she has a cold and it's affecting the voice. Alan buys it and asks if this is really the plan. Billie says it is and Alan and James agree and say they will be right over. Alan hangs up and the two men think it's weird that the MCF changed plans but begin their walk to the Penthouse Grille anyway.

Billie tells Jack it worked. Jack signals to Max, Frankie, Greta, Victor, and Shane. Jack radios Nico, who is at the Kiriakis Mansion monitoring the surveilance cameras and equipment, and updates him. Billie admits to Jack that this may work this time. They may have finally laid the perfect trap for the MCF. How ironic that his or her two lackeys is going to be what ends the MCF"s run. Jack tells Billie and Max, Frankie, Greta, Victor, and Shane that all they have to do now is wait and hope for the best. This may be the night they have waited and hoped for, if all goes well. Billie and the others hope so too.

Victor tells Eric to just back off as Nicole notices Eric and Victor's exchange and watches, horrified, from nearby. Victor says he has things to handle. Victor excuses himself and promises this isn't over. Eric knows Victor knows alot and he needs to get it out of him somehow, even if it means pissing him off. Meanwhile, Philip watches from nearby. He is already a little shaky and near being a legal drunk. Philip wonders what Eric is trying to find out and get out of his father.

At that moment, Lucas and Sami take control of the microphone and loudly and proudly introduce MR. AND MRS. AUSTIN REED!!! Carrie and Austin make their grand entrance into the Penthouse Grille as the guests applaud and cheer. Carrie and Austin are all smiles. Austin then tells Carrie if she thinks she is smiling now...wait until she sees the gift he has. Carrie gets excited and asks what it is. Austin explains how he was going to wait but thinks maybe this is the right way to do this.

Austin: Now, Carrie. I want to make this day and the rest of our lives special. I want to make this a memorable day for everyone and a day you can look back on and enjoy fond memories of. So, now, without further adieu, this is my wedding gift to you, my bride. Austin, you already have done and do so much and...

Carrie: Oh my God!!

Carrie and everyone else at the reception is stunned to see...THE FLAMINGOS walk in and take to the small stage that was hidden behind a curtain so no one would see. Carrie admits thinking that was construction material or something since the Penthouse Grille is undergoing renovations soon but they also wouldn't leave things around for the wedding. Carrie smiles and says she should've known better. Austin says he just knew they would dance to this song. It was their song and he had to do this right so he got the people that sang it to come here for her. Carrie asks how he swung that. Austin admits using some of his mother's contacts. Austin then tells Carrie enough of that:

Austin: May I have this dance, my bride?

Carrie: Yes, you may.

The Flamingos then begin to play (CLICK HERE TO PLAY I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU!!!) "I Only Have Eyes For You" as Carrie and Austin take to the dance floor for their first dance. As they dance, they recall their past together and how they got to this day. Carrie says:

Carrie: Thank you, Austin. So far this is perfect. I couldn't ask for a better wedding, especially on short notice.

Austin: Glad you are happy.

Carrie: As long as I am with you, I am. And, this time, you and me will be together...forever this time.

Austin: You got that right!!

The guests all watch Carrie and Austin dance as the scene slowly fades to black with Austin and Carrie still dancing and "I Only Have Eyes For You" still playing as the screen now goes completely black.


Eric to Victor: The truth Victor...now (as a horrified Nicole watches).

Nico to Shane: The MCF is here.

Shane to Billie (with Jack): The MCF has arrived. Looks like it's gametime.

Austin to Carrie: Is something wrong? Id there something you want to tell me?


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