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May 14, 2007




-On the cruise ship, Lexie is still angry with Abe and Celeste for following her. Abe tells her lay off and worry about how they are going to escape and deal with their current situation. Lexie tells Abe it will be his fault that Theo has no family if something happens to all of them. This is why he shouldn't have custody. As Abe and Lexie bicker back and forth, Celeste shivers as more visions come to her. One is of flames and the sound of many agonizing screams. Then, soon after that one, Celeste has another run of the sound of rushing water and more agonizing screams.

Celeste: These visions...DEAR GOD!!

Lexie: Mom...what's wrong? Having visions again?

Celeste: Yes, Alexandra. Of what is to come. It's not good...destruction, heartache, doom. Death. DEAR GOD!!! WE'RE ALL DOOMED!!

A worried Lexie turns to look at an egually worried Abe.

On another part of the ship, Tony is sitting with Anna as she is getting cabin fever. They have been locked up for months and she can't stand it. She just isn't the type to sit around for this long, especially not knowing why they are being held captive and what is going on. Tony smiles and says:

Tony: Yes. You never were one to be that dull. Sitting around and doing nothing never suited you. Always on the go but still enjoying the finer things in life. Just one of the many things I love about you.

Anna smiles and then, as her face turns to one of curiosity, asks:

Anna: Wait...you said "love." Not loved. You said love in the present tense.

Tony: Well, I suppose I did.

Anna: What does that mean?

Tony: What I said.

Anna: Tony...I (turning away and then back towards him)...

Tony: Ok, Anna. Enough of this beating around the bush. There is something I want to tell you. Something I need to tell you and should've a long time ago.

The scene then shifts to another end of the ship where Forest is awake and lost in his thoughts. Abby and Chelsea are both asleep until Abby stirs and gets up, asking Forest if he is ok. Forest smiles, saying he is fine. He has slept enough and it seems all he does is sleep due to the lack of things to do. It's so hard to sleep now. Abby says she knows the feeling and she hasn't even been there that long. She still doesn't understand why her and Chelsea are there. Forest smiles and says he doesn't understand why he is there. No one even knows he is alive. Abby asks why that is. Forest smiles and says he would prefer not to get into his life story. Abby says she understands but she would like to know more about him. He is nice enough but she has told him so much about her already and all they have is time being locked up like they are.

Forest says he just doesn't want to get into the life he has been leading. He has his reasons. Abby asks if he did something wrong or was arrested or something. Forest turns around and snaps, telling Abby to back off. Abby jumps back and apologizes. Forest apologizes too for snapping. There is just some things in his past he wants to leave alone. Abby says she is sorry again and she will leave it alone. She just wanted to learn some things so that she would know he isn't a serial killer or something. Forest laughs and asks where she would get that idea. She says Chelsea was worried about how much they were getting along and warned her that she hardly knew him. She just didn't want her to get hurt.

Forrest (gently touching Abby's face): You have nothing to worry about. I would never think of hurting you.

Abby (smiling): That's good to hear that and, somehow, I knew you wouldn't even before you said that. I just feel...comfortable...safe with you. If I have to be locked up God knows where with someone, I am glad it's with you and my best friend.

Forest: Well, happy to be locked up with you two. It's good to have some company in here after being alone for however long I have been here.

They both laugh and smile at each other as Chelsea wakes up and looks at them, showing a look of concern and dread over what she is seeing and what may be ahead yet.

-Back in Salem, at St. Luke's, Carrie and Austin's wedding is underway. Alice, Maggie, Julie, Doug, Hope, Bo, JT, Caroline, Victor, Frankie, Greta, Shane, Kim, Kayla, Jack, Kate, Nicole, Cal, Katherine, and Max are all present with Belle (holding Claire), Billie, Sami, Will, Philip, and Lucas making up the wedding party.

The bridal march (PLAY THIS TO PLAY THE BRIDAL MARCH SONG TO ENHANCE THE SCENE!!!) continues to play as Roman continues to ask Carrie if something is wrong. Carrie remains silent, staring down the aisle at Austin. Austin's face has gone from smiling to one of worry. Roman asks Carrie if she is ok and then says:

Roman: Tell me, sweetheart. Do you want to marry Austin or not? Your hesistating and it seems like you have something on your mind. Like...you may have reservations about this. You love Austin. You always have. I thought this would be a happy day for you after everything you have been through.

Carrie is still silent. Meanwhile, outside the church, in the bushes nearby, the MCF is lurking and watching the events, unaware of the cameras Shane set up around the outside of the church.

MCF (with voice changer): This wedding may not happen afterall (laughs).

Back inside, Austin and everyone in the church is wondering what is going on as Roman asks Carrie again if this is not what she wants to do. Carrie finally breaks from her stare at the altar and turns to Roman, apologizing. She says that she froze up and was thinking about her baby. Roman tells her to just think happy thoughts on this day. Her baby is looking down on her from heaven as an angel and would want her to be happy today. Carrie smiles. Roman asks if is ready to do this. Carrie smiles and looks ahead. She catches a glimpse of Kate, recalling what she said to her earlier. Kate nods at her as Carrie then turns towards Roman and tells him she wants to do this. She needs to and it's time for them to get going.

Roman and Carrie then begin their march down the aisle, arm and arm. Everyone in the church is fixated on her. Austin's smile has returned. Upon reaching the aisle, Roman takes Carrie's hand and puts it in Austin's, saying:

Roman: Love one another and be good to each other.

Austin shakes Roman's hands and then Carrie gives him a kiss as Roman takes his seat.

Fr. Jansen: Dearly beloved, we are gather here today, in the sight of God, to witness this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Now, I have seen Austin and Carrie go through this blessed sacrament before. While I am aware that their first attempt at marriage failed, I do know that they love each other and that it can't be a coincidence that these two found their way back to one another. They have been together for years and, sometimes in life, we must face great challenges brought on by our Lord. Those challenges make us stronger...our relationships stronger. That is what happened with Carrie and Austin. There love has grown with time, even in separation. It is a love that has survived over many years and many great trials and tribulations. They both stand here, today, in front of God and all of us, to profess this great love and to committ to one another once again in marriage. Hope springs enternal for them this time around. Now, Austin and Carrie, let's get right into it, per your instructions, and get started.

Fr. Jansen points to a long, white candle.

Fr. Jansen: This candle represents an enternal flame. A symbol...in this case, a symbol of your undying love.

Fr. Jansen hands them both long matches.

Fr. Jansen: Please, light the candle together to symbolize the great love you two share.

Carrie and Austin light the candle and return to their spots.

Fr. Jansen: Ok, before I go on, is there anyone here who knows any reason why these two should not be wed? Please speak now or forever hold your peace.

No one in the congregation stands but they do look around to see if anyone stands or reacts. After a short time, Fr. Jansen says:

Fr. Jansen: So be it. Now, I am told Austin has wrote his own vows.

Carrie: You have?

Austin (smiling): Surprise! Uh...the vows I have...well, it's a poem. It's actually a poem that I recited at our first wedding. Not the one where we actually got married but the one...uh, Sami interupted.

Everyone in the congregation laughs. Sami smiles and chuckles.

Austin: Well, that is in the past but I feel these words apply very much to today still. Even if it's more then a decade later. So, here goes:

I love you. Not just for who you are,

but for who I am when I'm with you. I love you.

Not for what you've done with your life...

...but for what you're doing to mine.

I love you for making me good...and happy. And whole.

Because that is what you do, Carrie.

Without a word. Without a gesture. Without a doubt.

Just by being yourself. Such a simple thing...

but no one else in the world could do it.

Only you.

Not many people get a second chance, and I just want you to know that I'm never going to take that for granite. I promise you I'll never let anyone come between us ever again. Here we are, finally going to begin our life together. I know we have been here before and said it but, this time, it's forever. We have been apart. We know this is where we both belong. I know I never stopped loving you. The years we were apart...my love grew stronger. I think our separation was actually a good thing. It taught me never to take our love for granted. To enjoy it and to hold on to it for the rest of my life. I learned that you and I are meant to be. There will never be anyone else for me but you, Carrie. You know if this was a movie or romance novel, we would know how it ends, how it works out. Life's not like that. I mean, I... I...I can't promise you a happy ending, or a long life, and I can't even promise you tomorrow. But no matter where we are, or what we're doin, and how long we have together, or if we lose our fortune or health.. or our way, I can promise you this: I will always love you, Carrie. I will always be by your side. No matter what. We have been through alot. You have been through alot, especially lately. I will be there. We will heal together. Our love is strong and, as long as we have it, we can get through anything.

Carrie (in tears): Wow, how do I follow that?

Everyone in the congregation laughs.

Carrie: Do you know why I love you Austin? Because in your eyes, I always shine. You love me for me. I don't even have to do anything or be anything, I just have to get up in the morning. And that's an amazing gift to give someone and you give it to me everyday. And I want to give that gift to you. I want to be there for you, just like you have promised to be there for me. I've been through alot but so have you. This needs to be a two way street and it will be. During the years we were apart, my love for you only got stronger, much like yours did for me. I realized the mistakes I made and I realized there can and would be only one man for me...you. You own my heart. Always have and always will. I know that now. I appreciate it now. I want to spend the rest of my life being a good wife to you. Making it work this time. Trusting in our love. Being right there by your side. I want to make you just as happy as you promised to make me for the rest of our days. I love you, Austin. With all of my heart and soul.

Carrie breaks down in tears, recalling the secret she is keeping but knowing she isn't doing it willingly and that marrying Austin is what she has to do.

Austin: It's ok, baby. I love you too. With everything I am.

Carrie and Austin then kiss as Fr. Jansen interupts, saying:

Fr. Jansen: Hey now, save it until we are finished.

The congregation laughs. Carrie and Austin apologize. Austin says he just couldn't wait. Carrie laughs.

-Back on the cruise ship, Lexie tries to calm down Celeste. Celeste says she can't calm down. The visions won't stop. Not only are they in great danger but so is everyone they know and love. Lexie tells Abe that they need to get out of there. Abe agrees but doesn't have a clue how. Celeste says they need to figure out a way. Those they love and care about need to be warned...time is running out. Abe and Lexie both look at each other, horrified, as a trembling Celeste prays that she is wrong but feels that she isn't and that the worst is truly yet to come.

On another end of the ship, Anna asks Tony what he has to tell her.

Tony: I never stopped loving you, Anna. I know I sent you divorce papers years ago and...at that time, I thought. I don't know what I was thinking but being with you all these months, locked in here, it forced me to confront the feelings I seemed to have held within me for so long. They have reawakened in me and I guess I locked them away. Maybe I was protecting myself from being hurt or...whatever the case, I love you. I love you...Anna.

Anna is silent.

Tony: Anna, are you ok? Perhaps, saying something wasc a mistake but it's been on my mind for weeks and...

Anna: Ok, so...what? I am assuming you expect me to confess my love for you too, right?

Tony: I wasn't expect...

Anna: You know what? Shutup!! I don't want to talk to you for the rest of the night. Actually, don't talk to me until I give you permission. I don't care if you die from boredom. No more love declarations...nothing. Just keep quiet.

Tony: What's wrong? I'm afraid I'm not following.

Anna: Tony!!

Tony: Very well.

Tony turns away from Anna and beings pacing the room as Anna looks at him lovingly, thinking about what he said and contemplating her feelings.

-Back in Salem, at St. Luke's, the wedding continues.

Fr. Jansen: Ok Austin, repeat after me...I, Austin, take you, Carrie, to be my wife...

Austin: I, Austin, take you, Carrie, to be my wife...

Fr. Jansen: To have and to hold from this day forward...

Austin: To have and to hold from this day forward...

Fr. Jansen: For better for worse, for richer for poorer...

Austin: For better for worse, for richer for poorer...

Fr. Jansen: In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

Austin: In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

Fr. Jansen: Carrie, repeat after me...I, Carrie, take you, Austin, to be my husband...

Carrie: I, Carrie, take you, Austin, to be my husband...

Fr. Jansen: To have and to hold from this day forward...

Carrie: To have and to hold from this day forward...

Fr. Jansen: For better for worse, for richer for poorer...

Carrie: For better for worse, For richer for poorer...

Fr. Jansen: In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, til death do us part.

Carrie: In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, til death do us part.

Fr. Jansen: Do you have the rings?

Carrie: Yeah, we have em.

Austin: Oh yeah...we better!!

(Both chuckle as Carrie gets her ring for Austin from Sami and Austin gets his ring for Carrie from Lucas.)

Austin: (sliding the ring on Carrie's finger) Carrie, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity...in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.

Carrie: (sliding a ring on Austin's finger) Austin, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity...in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.

Carrie and Austin both smile.

Fr. Jansen: Austin and Carrie, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in matrimony yet again and, promised your love for each other by these vows, by the powers invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife...you may now kiss the bride.

Austin: YES! (They kiss as Austin dips her and the congregation applauds)

As they break from their kiss and Austin stands Carrie up, Fr. Jansen says:


The congregation continues to applaud as Austin and Carrie make their way down the aisle, greeting and kissing and embracing friends and family as the wedding party follows. Kate whispers to Carrie she did the right thing. Carrie smiles and nods. As she walks down the aisle, Carrie sees Nicole holding Evan and blows him a kiss as Nicole's face turns to one of annoyanace and disgust. Chursh bells can be heard, mixed in with joyous laughter and cheers.

Hope goes over to Alice, who is deep in thought. She asks her if she is ok. Alice says she is fine and is just hoping things work out for Austin and Carrie this time. They are so in love. Hope agrees. Alice says that she always knew Carrie and Austin were meant to be, just like so many of the other great love stories Salem has seen.

Hope: You mean...like your's and grandpa's?

Alice: Well, yes. I was also thinking about others...like yours? You see, Hope, I thing love stories like you and Bo, Roman and Marlena, Kimberly and Shane, Steve and Kayla...they gave the young generation like Austin and Carrie hope? You all were the bridge to teaching them the same values we all instilled in you. Now, someday, they will pass it on. Such is life...ah...and destiny.

A montage of several of Salem's greatest supercouples and love stories plays. Click on the link to play it=(SUPERCOUPLE MONTAGE)

Hope: Yes, exactly. I am thankful everyday for all you taught me, Gran. You taught me how to love. Bo and I would've never been together if not for you.

Alice: Oh, you would've managed. Your a smart girl. Plus, it was destiny. You two were written in the stars, much like many couples here in Salem.

Hope: Well, I learned from the best and brightest.

Alice: Oh dear, you will make me blush.

They both laugh.

In the back of the church, Carrie and Austin are kissing.

Austin: Are you happy, Mrs. Reed?

Carrie: Very, Mr. Reed. After all this time, after everything, finally. This time it will work...this time it's forever.

Austin: AMEN!!! This time...nothing will come between us. It's you and me baby...to the end of time.

Austin kisses Carrie and takes her in his arms, swinging her around as a Carrie/Austin montage plays (CLICK HERE TO PLAY IT!!)

As the montage ends, the scene freezes on Austin and Carrie kissing and their family and friends throwing rice around them and then fades to black.


Austin to Carrie: This is my wedding gift to you, my bride.

Carrie to Austin: Oh my God!!

Billie to Jack: Time to put this plan into action.

Kate to Nicole: The minute that cloaked person is caught, it's curtains for you.

Eric to Victor: I would like to talk to you about Nicole (as a worried Nicole watches).



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