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Episode 067, Part Two: THE GUIDING LIGHT




The Guiding Light: Episode 067, Part Two
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Written By: Josh Hawkins & Dan Gobble



“George Washington University.”

“In DC?”

Tammy shook her head yes. “And I got accepted!” She beamed.

“Really?” Shayne forced a smiled. “Are you, um, ready for another movie? Your choice.”

Tammy put the envelope back in her purse she hadn’t even told Cassie yet about the development. “No. Shayne what’s your problem? We were just talking about colleges and you seemed so happy and then I tell you some of the best news of my life and you shut down. What gives?”

“I’m sorry Tammy.” Shayne apologized. “I am so happy for you, I just thought I would be able to talk you into staying? Since Roxanne arrived and caused so much havoc it seems like you’re the only person I can really talk to and if you move away…”

“Come with me Shayne. We could live in the student housing for a semester and then get a cheap apartment or something. We could have so much fun, go out on double dates, be tourists everyday that we were there.”

“My place is here in Springfield.” He somberly replied and turned the television back on. “Let’s just watch Dreamgirls, that’s what you wanted to watch next wasn’t it.”

She turned the TV off as a clap of thunder roared in the background, “Something else is going on and before you put the blame off on Marah and Reva’s fighting you should know that I’m not buying it.” Tammy demanded, “What’s going on Shayne? And don’t you dare lie to me.”


And Now "The Guiding Light"

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Inside the car Holly cranked the radio up in an effort to drown out Ed’s warnings. “Leave me alone.”

“Not a chance in hell.” Ed whispered as the rain fell harder and harder. In the distance he heard the train whistle blow, “HOLLY!” Ed screamed, “There’s a train coming.”

She closed her eyes and swayed her head back and forth. “I know you can hear me.” She heard him say, “Turn your head.” Ed warned and then without a pause he busted the glass.


Ed quickly lifted her out of the seat and she didn’t even bother to fight him. “Roger.” Holly softly as Ed shook his head in disgust once more. “Put me down.” She finally spoke, “I don’t need you to save me.”

“Do you know what is happening?” He shouted full of anger, “You keep saying the same damn thing over and over, but look.” She jerked her head away in spite, “Look…” Ed grabbed her cheeks and they both watched as the train suddenly hit Holly’s black sedan…as she witnessed the events Holly crumbled into Ed’s arms in tears beyond control.


At Cedars, Sandra questions what just happened as Lillian looks back in sheer amazement.

“I’m sorry I don’t mean to stare.” Lillian told her as she hung up the emergency phone.

“Then stop it.” Sandra shot back. “What’s your problem anyway?” She looked in her purse, “How long did they say it was going to be?”

“Ten to fifteen minutes.” Lillian answered. “I’m Lillian Raines, the head nurse here at Cedars.”


“If I introduce myself will you stop gawking at me Lillian?”

“I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. It’s just that you resemble someone I used to know many years ago,” Lillian paused, “a friend of mine actually.”

She forced a smile, “I see. Sandra O’Dell.” She introduced, “How do you do?”

Lillian shook her hand and an eerie feeling overwhelmed her, “O’Dell?”

She shook her, “Yes. Why?”

Lillian raised her eyebrows and thought back to her last visit with Susan Stewart in Oakdale.


“Oh nothing, probably just a coincides of sorts.” She blew it off. “So what brings you to Cedars tonight?”


Alexandra further explains that a few days later Vera arrived, Brandon had sent her to bring Alex home. Alexandra says that a few days later she found out she was pregnant again.

“I knew that Brandon would never let me keep you. So Vera and I came up with a plan. She hid me in Chicago for nine months and continued to go to work everyday at the Spaulding house pretending to be pregnant.”

”How did my parents come into this?”

“I met Angela at the market one day when I was about three months pregnant. We talked and developed a friendship. By my eighth month, Vera died and we faked her death, right along with the babies.”

“And my father helped?”

Alexandra shook her head, and smiled “Yes, he did. I gave Vera the bracelet and that was the evidence found in her murder. Joe opened the case and within a few week or so it closed, she was a Jane Doe. A month later in February you were born. I held you for about an hour and then I knew what I had to do.”

“Give me away.”

“For your safety, not only from Alan and Brandon but from Roy Baker. He was drunk and worthless piece of trash, but he wasn’t stupid. If he knew you were his son and I your mother…he would have made both our lives a living hell.”

“And what he found out?”

“Yes about year ago. He finally put two and two together and came up with four. Go figure. He had to believe that Vera was your mother and that you had no connection to him.”

Gus stands in shock! Alexandra apologizes profusely. She says that after he was born and settled she returned to the Spaulding mansion insisting that Vera had never found, which was their cover story.

“I did what was best for you, what I thought I had to do. You remember that Gus.” Alexandra told him. “I named you for God’s sake. Don’t ask me why I named you Nicholas but did.”

“But why keep lying?”


Alex shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I was still scared. The truth is when I found Nick and invaded his life in a way that almost drove he and I apart. It’s something that I am not proud of. I guess I just figured that I would keep my distance like I’ve done all of your life.”

Gus walked down the isle towards the door and stopped midway. “So what’s changed?”

“I realized that my father is dead. Lujack is gone and Nick barely calls me on the holidays. I realized that I’m much stronger than I was almost forty years ago when I heard that car explode.” Tears streamed down her face. “I have to change, I need to change and I’m so sorry for lying to you. I’m so sorry for Harley’s condition, but Gus I’m not sorry for giving you away. I had to do it, for your sake and mine.”

The church fell silent. “You can hate me or you can love. I’ll survive either way. Just don’t shut the door on us completely. Okay?” Alexandra kissed his cheek and walked out of the church into the storm.


“Even if you had an affair. My father has justice coming to him and if we work together Olivia we can get back at him for every wrong thing he’s done.”


“What do you mean? Why do you want to get back at your father?”

“He’s taken everything I’ve ever wanted from me. Can I be perfectly honest with you?”

“Go ahead.”

“Marrying Beth was a mistake. We rushed into blindly and I really think that Alan is the one who pushed her towards me.”


Phillip shook his head. “I love Beth, I have my entire life but I think we’ve been pulled apart once to many times and we will never recapture…” he took a seat next to her, “it’s time you and I both got what we want Olivia.” They both moved in to one another and she could feel his breath on her face.

“This will never work.” She backed away at the last possible second. “Alan will never buy it for one second and you will destroy Beth. How do you think she will handle that?”

“I love Beth but sometimes love isn’t enough. This will work we’ll convince this baby is mine. It’s not out of the realm of possibilities.” He flashed his handsome smile.

“And Alan will kick me out in a New York second and I still lose everything Phillip. It won’t work.”


“Yes it will. He’ll hate you that’s true and he’ll try to push the divorce, but don’t give in.”

“And I ask again Phillip, what about Beth? This will destroy her and I don’t think much of her, but you do.”

“It’s just how it would have to be I suppose.” He answered as she stood up. “Where are you going?”

“Upstairs. I need to lie down and think about this, it’s a complicated decision.”

“One that could work Olivia. Trust me.”

She left the study and began to climb the stairs as Phillip put the fire out. “PHILLIP!” She screamed out as he raced to her.

“What is it?”

“Phillip, my water…” she cried out in fear, “my water just broke.”


Blake replied softly, “Sure.”


“I kept everything about my position at the university from you because I didn’t think you were strong enough to handle it or accept the fact that I wanted to go back there.”

“Ross…” she tried to speak.

He put his finger to her lips, “No, don’t say anything. There’s more. Even after the truth came out I still thought you weren’t strong enough to handle my desire to want to go back. But you know what?”


“You’ve proved me wrong.” Ross kissed her again. “These last few days watching you with Holly, watching you hold your composure around Amanda I realized that you are so much stronger than I have ever given you credit for. You didn’t need me standing there with you holding your hand, you stood by yourself Blake.”

“I’ve always known I could stand alone Ross. I just don’t want to. You didn’t tell me about your involvement with the university because you wanted to protect me, keep me safe from harm or danger, but I don’t need that. I’m a grown woman who has made many good and many bad choices in her life. I’m a mother, a daughter, a friend…I don’t need your protection, but I want it. Do you understand what I’m saying? You and I we’re a team and I want your protection. But you have to let me know what dangers are out there lurking. Okay?”


“I love you so much.” She finally said for the first time in months. “Right now, it doesn’t matter if you were right and I was wrong or the other way around. I want you in my life…Ross…”

“Can I tell you something?” She shook her head yes. “The morning that Holly called and told you about Roger I was planning something for you.”

“What?” She asked.

Ross walked across to his jacket and pulled out a small velvet box. “I was going to ask you to be my wife again.” He announced.

“Ross!” Blake gasped and covered her mouth, “Are you serious?”

“More serious tonight than I was then. Blake we’ve survived a deranged madwoman, secrets, deception, the death of your father and you know what?”

She shook her head, “Yeah I do know. We’re still standing together. Ask me Ross.” She cried out in excitement!

“Blake Thorpe-Marler, will you marry me? Again?”


She let him slip the ring on her finger, “YES!” She exclaimed! “Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! I thought I had wrecked it forever and that you would never ask.” She kissed him on the lips and they fell to the couch together. He would later take her to the bedroom where they would make love and listen as the storm raged outside!

:Fade to Black:

Next on “The Guiding Light!”
- Part Two of this episode...
- Phillip's confession to Olivia!
- Ed's dramatic life changing move!


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