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Episode 067, Part One: THE GUIDING LIGHT




The Guiding Light: Episode 067, Part one
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Written By: Josh Hawkins & Dan Gobble



Through the down pouring rain Ed could see Holly’s taillights speeding away from him, she was going faster and faster. “Holly.” He spoke to himself, “Don’t do this.”

In her own car Holly could hear the voices of days gone by: Reva accusing her of being her stalker! Blake’s accusation that her and Ross where having an affair! Ed always trying to save her no matter how much she begged him not to! But the loudest voice of all was that of Roger, “I’m your husband” Holly heard him repeat over and over…it was too much for her to bear. Holly took a sharp turn and knew that she had to make these voices stop!

Ed followed close behind and almost lost Holly after her first turn…when she made a second and then a third he lost her.


Like the rain beating down on the windshield, Holly’s tears fell down her face. “This has got to stop.” She told herself and in sheer desperation she slammed on the brakes and screamed out at the top of her lungs. “I have to save myself!”

Ed finally managed to spot her car, “Oh God what are you doing?” He threw the car into park and raced to the driver side window. “Holly you open this door!” It was locked and she turned her head away from him and screamed out.

“I told you to leave me alone!”


“Do you know where you are?” Ed looked around and tried the handle only to find it locked, “Open the door Holly! I’m not playing games…you want to save yourself, then prove it.” He shouted as he eyes rose to the Railroad crossing sign.


And Now "The Guiding Light"

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“No we are not going to watch another Jim Carey movie tonight!” Tammy tossed a pillow at Shayne from the bed. “You are obsessed!”

“I am not!”

“Shayne!” She lectured sarcastically, “Are you serious? We’ve watched Liar, Liar, The Truman Show and Ace Venture, you are obsessed!”

“You wanted to watch them just as much as I did.” He threw the pillow back at walked over to the desk. “You know we have more pressing issues.”


“Do not pick up another one of those catalogs. I’m serious you’re beginning to sound like my mom. Is that what you what, to sound like Cassie Winslow?”

“If it’ll make you pick a college to apply at then yes. It’s just something that I will have to discuss one day in my future therapy session.” He laughed and flopped down next to her with a stack of catalogs. “This is my personal choice of course.”

“Springfield University?” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to relive high school all over again.”

“Ouch!” Shayne grabbed his chest, “What’s wrong with SU? Lizzie and Marina both got accepted.”

She shook her head, “I don’t know. It’s like ever since Richard died people look at me like, oh poor pitiful Tammy. I just feel so confined here sometimes. You wouldn’t understand.”

Shayne laughed, “Oh please! Cousin you have nothing on me, okay. My mom has been married like what seven times and that includes to my dad, my uncle and my granddad. She jumped in a fountain for God’s sake. If anyone is confined here it’s me sweetheart, I am the offspring of the infamous Reva Shayne Lewis.”

“Yeah…” Tammy agreed, “you have me beat.” They both flipped through some brochures. “I guess SU wouldn’t be so bad but I want to go out and see the world, experience life.”

“You do remember you were a princess once upon time right?”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t remind me. But that’s the thing I want to go to a place where no one has ever heard of San Cristobel. Somewhere that I’m not defined as Cassie’s daughter or…”

“Reva’s niece?” Shayne asked. “I know what you mean.”

“The reason I haven’t been looking at colleges and stuff is because I’ve already applied at three universities.”


“Well of I picked two safe options, here and Tulsa University.”


“Mom’s been pressuring me about TU as well, oh we could go together.” Shayne thought aloud. “Where’s the third?” He questioned as Tammy attempted to avoid answering.


Blake and Ross are at the Carriage house. Ross has been staying over since Roger’s funeral.

“Was that Mrs. Robinson on the phone?” Ross asked.

Blake shook her head, “Yeah. She offered to keep the kids tonight.”

“Clarissa isn’t scared of the thunder?” Ross questioned.

“Apparently not.” She smiled, “Nancy said that the girls were playing dress up and the twins were watching some GI Joe video. They’re fine and you are not going anywhere.” Blake instructed, “I saw you looking for your car keys, it’s much to dangerous for you to be out there.”

“Well we did have an arrangement, after Roger’s funeral I would…”


“Leave?” Blake asked, “Well that’s not happening. I want to thank you though Ross. After what we’ve gone through the last few months,” she rolled her eyes, “the last year with Tory and my craziness I would have understood if you didn’t want to be around.”

“Are you kidding where else would I have been Blake?”

She shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know, but you didn’t have to be here. You’ve been so good to me and mom, especially considering the tirade I went on about the two of you.”

“We’re both to blame there.” Ross admitted. “I should have not went behind your back like I did. That was careless and foolish, considering what you and I had just gone through with Tory.”

Blake wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his, “You are to good for me Ross Marler.”

“I think you’ve got that backwards, you are to good for me.” He kissed her again and they stood there looking at one another, no words were spoken, there was no need for them.


“Can I tell you something that I don’t think you want to hear?” He finally asked still holding Blake in his arms.


At the church Alexandra begins to tell Gus why she thought she had to give him up for adoption. Alexandra explains that she had two sons, Lujack and Nick.

“At the time I didn’t know I had twins. I was drugged up on painkillers, I only got to hold Lujack for a little while before a nurse took him away.”

“And Nick?” Gus questioned.


“I found out about Nick, um sixteen years ago I believe. Billy Lewis’ daughter found him in New York City, his father Eric came to Springfield about year later and confirmed the news.”

“That’s very outlandish…”

“It’s the honest to God truth. You can ask Alan, he’ll tell you. He was there.” Alexandra told him, “Lujack died in an explosion twenty-two years ago. If you don’t believe me ask Beth, he died her arms.”

“Go on. Don’t stop now.”

“The twins father, Eric Luvonaczek…oh God I loved that man. But he had a price, everyone has a price and Brandon found out what it was. He left town with Lujack, Nick went into an orphanage and later was adopted. I begged Alan, I pleaded with Alan to help me…”

“But he didn’t?”

She shook her head no.

“Where do I fit into all of this Alexandra?”

“I ran away, I packed and took a one way flight to Paris and blew through my money faster than I care to think. I partied for a month and by April I was broke. I was at a party one night and met Locke Walls. He was a rocker, everything I needed in my life at that point, he was anti-Spaulding and I loved it.” She sat down on the front pew.

“I thought he was some struggling musician with no money and that’s what I wanted at that point in my life. Gus, your father was Roy Baker. I met him while running around with Locke, they were cousins. One night, we got so drunk and Roy told me that Locke’s mother his aunt married into a wealthy European family. I was so angry and one thing led to another and another and the next morning I woke up next to Roy, naked.”


“And Roy Baker where does he fit into this story Alexandra?” Gus questioned.


Olivia flopped down on the sofa and watched Phillip in front of the fire. “I am so ready for this child to be born.” She patted her stomach.

Phillip laughed, “I suppose you are. Olivia can I ask you a question that is probably going to offend you?”

“And if I said no?” She questioned, “Go ahead.”

“How sure are you about who the father of the baby is?”

“You’re right it does offend me..” She stood up from the sofa, “Why don’t you go ahead and stitch the scarlet A onto my chest right now.”

“That’s not what I meant by it Olivia. There’s just a chance that the baby could be mine we both know it.”

“You can’t be this baby’s father.” Olivia told him. “And the reason I know is because it’s what I want. I wanted Josh, I got Josh and then I lost him to Reva. It’s how my life works Phillip. Whatever I want I lose and it never works any other way.” She picked up a picture of her and Alan on their wedding. “I’ve prayed so hard that this baby would be yours, but God doesn’t hear my prayers.”

“Olivia…” He tried.

“I wanted children and I will love this little boy or this little girl more than my own life, but apart of me will always know what Alan did.” She sat the picture down. “If I could get out of this marriage I would. I don’t want to lose my money, my power, and my hotel I owe that to Cassie at least. Plus I do not want to lose the privilege of being Mrs. Alan Spaulding.”

“The pre-nuptial agreement?” Phillip questioned. “Is it the standard Alan Spaulding pre-nup?”

“Of course, I guess, Phillip I don’t know. It says that I can’t leave Alan of my own accord for any reason and if I do then he retains everything I brought into the marriage and I get nothing.”

“Alan’s usual agreements state that both parties must be willing to consent to the divorce decree.”


“What do you mean?” Olivia questioned. “Are you saying that if I don’t agree to the divorce there is nothing Alan can do?” She raised her eyebrow at him. “Even if I had an affair?”

:Fade to Black:

Next on “The Guiding Light!”
- Part Two of this episode...
- Phillip's confession to Olivia!
- Ed's dramatic life changing move!


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