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April 27, 2007




-Cal grabs his head as Jed tries to help him calm down. Jed then lets Cal lay on his bed, groaning from his recent memory flashes, and runs to the door, yelling down the hallway for help. When he gets back by Cal’s side, Cal has started to calm down and slowly sits up in his bed. Jed steadies him and asks him if he is ok and Cal says that all of these sudden memory flashes are starting to get overwhelming. He wishes they would just come more slowly so that he can deal with them.

Cal slowly stands up, with Jed’s help, and walks into his bathroom. He splashes cold water on his face and looks at himself in the mirror, grateful that his past is returning but scared to death of what it all means. He then gets a towel and walks back into his bedroom as he tells Jed that maybe it isn’t such a good idea to marry Katherine in the state that his mind is in.

Jed reminds him that that is what marriage is. For better or worse. Cal listens as Jed also says that if this is his thinking now, what will he do when things really get tough? Cal turns and looks at Jed, half smiling at his attempt at logic. But, Cal is also very grateful for his friendship. He puts his hand on Jed’s shoulder, telling him that he and Katherine have come too far to give up now. It’s time to do this thing. And, for better or worse, let the chips fall where they may.

At that moment, Nora comes into Cal’s room and asks to speak with Jed. Outside. Jed leaves Cal for a moment and walks out into the hallway, long enough for Nora to whisper to him that she thinks Katherine is having second thoughts. When Jed reacts, he turns around to see Cal standing there, shocked. Cal asks where Katherine is and all three go down to her room.

As Katherine stands in front of her mirror, she is now in her regular clothes. She turns and walks to her bed, gently putting her wedding dress on the bed, as tears start to flow from her eyes. She has decided that everything has went way too fast, after lying dormant for so long, and this is just not the time to marry Cal even though she loves him with all of her heart and soul. She writes a brief note and lays it on top of her wedding dress and, after packing up her things, walks to the door. She turns to look at her wedding dress once more and silently asks Cal and God to forgive her as she quietly walks out of the door.

As the door to the elevator closes, Cal, Jed and Nora round the corner and race into Katherine’s room. Cal searches the room and bathroom looking for her but doesn’t find anything. All he does see is the note that Jed hands him from Katherine telling him that even though he touched the deepest part of her soul with pure love and that she knows he’s the finest man she has, or ever will know, that she just can’t do this to him. She loves him enough to leave him and asks that he doesn’t try and find her. She wishes him all the best, and signs it.....

I Love You Forever. K.

Cal takes the note and all he can do is walk to the window and look out over the river. A single tear falls from his eyes and then he suddenly wipes his face. He turns and tells Nora and Jed that she isn’t walking out on what they have that easy and runs out of the room after her. Jed and Nora look at each other and then race off after him as the scene fades to black on the door closing shut.

-At the Deveraux house, Billie looks through the ransacked house as Jack comes from upstairs. He tells her that the upstairs is pretty much left alone, even though someone went through his things in his room. Billie says that they must have been looking for his files on the MCF case they are working on. Jack agrees and says that he knows that they weren’t found. Well, Billie says that she doesn’t give one tinker’s damn. Her child is missing and it may be because of that.

She pulls out her phone and starts dialing. When Jack asks her who she is calling, Billie stares at him. Jack then says that she can’t call the police. When Billie demands to know why not, Jack says that if the I.S.A. or Roman and Abe get wind of what they were doing, that could blow their whole investigation and they will never find the MCF. Billie says that she really doesn’t give a sh*t. Chelsea is gone and it is now her life’s mission to find her. A moment later, after thinking about it, Jack agrees and tells Billie to call Roman, which she does.

Thirty minutes later, Roman arrives at Jack’s and tells them both that nothing has turned up. Jack disagrees and tells Roman that something has turned up. Jack then hands Roman a leather bound folder that has two pictures on it. Both are of Roman, before and after his reconstructive surgery. When he opens the folder, he, Billie and Jack ans stunned to see....

A two page picture, with a burning Phoenix Rising on it.

Roman calls in one of the cops and tells him to take that folder down to headquarters and have it checked out. When Billie asks him if this ties in with him, Roman says that someone is just trying to cover up the fact that this may be a kidnapping. He is not worried about it and tells them both that he will do everything possible to find out what happened and bring their daughters home. Jack and Billie thank him and Roman says that he and his boys will look around some more. When Roman walks off, Billie pulls Jack to the side and show’s her a letter Abby left.

When Jack asks how did she find it in all that mess, Billie says that is just lucky, she guesses. Jack gives a smart ass smile and tells Billie to open the letter, which says that after having a party and trashing the place, Chelsea and Abby decided to leave town. They felt bad and Abby says she just couldn't get past what happened with Max and her condition. She decided to just leave town for awhile with Chelsea to get away and relax. She says they will be in touch.

Both Jack and Billie look at each other and Jack says that has to be the dumbest thing he has ever read. They have a party, wreck the place, and then decided to leave town?! Billie agrees, saying that whoever is behind this, more than likely knew this wouldn’t fly. Plus, Billie says, with their conditions there is no way they could leave town and take care of themselves. Jack agrees and when Roman walks back in, he turns and faces him, but hides the note behind his back. He keeps motioning for Billie to take it and she finally catches on, taking the letter and putting it in her purse.

Roman asks them if everything is ok with them as he looks at them strangely. They both say, considering what has happened, that they are fine. Roman turns to leave but then Billie suddenly has a change of heart and, against Jack’s protests, takes the letter out of her purse and gives it to Roman. He looks at both of them with a frown but thanks Billie for handing over evidence. Billie says that it may be a clue to finding out what happened. Roman calls in another one of his men, and while he is giving the letter to his officer, Jack takes Billie by the arm and asks her what did she think she was doing? Billie says helping to find their children as she jerks her arm away and stares at Jack.

When Roman returns once again, Billie asks him if the letter gave him any clues. Roman tells them that with Jack ID’ing Abby’s handwriting, they know she wrote it but it also may rule out foul play. Roman tells them that he will find them and will keep them updated. Billie leans in and kisses Roman on the cheek, making Jack slightly jealous, and Jack shakes his hand as Roman and his men leave for the night.

Max then shows up and runs into the house. Jack walks up to him and demands to know what he thinks he’s doing there. Max says he just wants to help. Jack says that he can help by getting the hell out of there. Jack blames him for all of this and he will hold him personally responsible of Abby doesn’t come back alive and well. Billie tries to calm Jack down and tells Max that she thinks it would be best if he left, which he does.

-Meanwhile, on the pier,Cassie feels guilty about her role in the kidnapping and worries about what the MCF and his or her men may do to Chelsea and Abby. Max soon arrives and sees her. He grabs her arm and lashes out at her for manipulating her fall to make it look like Abby was responsible. He blames Abby leaving on her. Cassie fires back, telling Max he didn't trust Abby enough to believe her and that is his fault. She tells him to lay off as she feels guilty enough. He asks what she

means by that and she says it's nothing and leaves. Max thinks she is hiding something and wonders what it is. He promises to find Abby. He says he just can't lose her.

-Awhile later, back at the Deveraux house, Jack and Billie are still looking for any evidence that may lead them to Chelsea and Abby when he spots some paper in his trash can. When he pulls it out, he and Billie look at it and Jack sees that it looks like several notes that were started but weren’t finished. Jack thinks it proves the note was a forgery. They also are in Abby’s handwriting, which now proves that someone went to great lengths to make it look like those two girls had left on their own. Jack is now convinced that it was a kidnapping and Billie looks at him with deep concern. When she starts to panic, Jack tries to calm her down by sitting her in a chair.

The doorbell then rings and Jack races to the door to get it. When he opens it, no one is there but a note is left behind. The note finally confirms that Chelsea and Abby have been kidnapped. Billie stands next to Jack reading the note as well. The person who left says that they will be in touch to negotiate the return of both girls. And, if they don’t want them sent back one body part at a time, they need to stop the investigation, once and for all. The note is only signed....

The Cloaked One.

Jack holds Billie as she hugs him tightly and starts crying as Jack holds her closely, while he looks around the neighborhood for any signs of who could have left this calling card.

Meanwhile, from behind the person’s shoulder, the MCF stands off in the distance, watching both Jack and Billie silently, as the scene freeze-frames and then slowly fades to black.


Billie (with Jack) to Frankie, Greta, Victor, and Shane: Our children were kidnapped by that monster. Now, not only do I want this person found, I want this cloaked one dead!!!

Max to Frankie: I want in on this. If this cloaked person has Abby, U want to help bring him or her down and bring Abby home.

Katherine to Cal: I can't do it!! Don't you understand!! I can't marry you!!

Belle (with Sami and Carrie) to Philip: You will never see your daughter again!!


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LOVED the Phoenix Rising reference. Made me giggle :)

Great episode. Nice to see Cassie having some regrets. Love that the MCF left a note for Jack and Billie.

Is this it for Katherine? WIll we see her again?

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  • Members
LOVED the Phoenix Rising reference. Made me giggle :)

Great episode. Nice to see Cassie having some regrets. Love that the MCF left a note for Jack and Billie.

Is this it for Katherine? WIll we see her again?

The Phoenix Rising reference was all Roman Tishy. He threw that in and it made me

laugh to when I read it.

As for Katherine, that will be answered on Monday :) .

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