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April 26, 2007




-At the Deveraux house, Abby and Chelsea are watching ER. Abby thanks Chelsea for staying with her again. She just doesn't want to be alone with her father working late again and JJ being with her grandma Jo. Chelsea knows the feeling, saying Billie is working late with Jack again too. Chelsea asks Abby if she is still going back and forth about Max. Abby says she is. She thought she had her mind made up but she keeps wavering. She tells Chelsea she is leaning towards giving him another chance. Chelsea is happy she is and says it's the right thing. They then go back to watching ER and are stunned to find out Luka is resigning as ER chief.

Meanwhile, Cassie is hiding the bushes outside. She isn't sure she wants to do this. She then then gets a call from the MCF, who reminds her of the consequences of not cooperating will be. The MCF tells her that he or she is near the hospital and can get there right away to finish off her grandfather. He or she tells Cassie that she is getting her revenge and to just keep thinking that tonight. The MCF wishes her luck and hangs up.

Two masked men show up and tell Cassie they were assigned to help her. Cassie says she was expecting them and asks what she needs to do. One of the men tells her to listen up and he will tell her exactly what she should do.

-At the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor invites Shane up to the secret surveilance room he has set up. Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, and Nick are also there. Victor explains how everything is nearly set and almost all the public places in Salem are covered. Billie thanks Shane for getting them the large amounts of camera and surveilance equipment they needed. Shane says it's no problem. Jack begs Shane again to keep this private. The SPD and ISA would shut this operation down. Shane says he will. He knows an under the radar investigation and operation like this is more likely to work. He just reminds them to inform them of any updates.

Victor says that by morning everything should be set up and they should be able to catch the MCF and his or her allies on one of the cameras or bugs they have set up. Victor then says:

Victor: This person can't terrorize the people of Salem anymore. It's time the mysterious cloaked figure gets what is coming to him or her.

-Back at the Deveraux house, Cassie is outside and again says she can't do this. One of the masked men is on his way around the house and reminds her again of what will happen if she doesn't. Cassie begins to break down in tears but quickly collects herself. Inside, Abby and Chelsea hear a noise. Abby asks Chelsea if she thinks someone is breaking in. Chelsea grabs a vase to use for protection and heads for the door. She opens it and sees Cassie there in tears. She begs them to let her in. Cassie then lets herself in when Chelsea hesistates. Cassie runs to Abby and apologizes for everything she has done to her. She apologizes to Chelsea too. She just doesn't want people to hate her. Abby and Chelsea are speechless. Abby asks where this is all coming from.

Cassie notices two bottled waters on the table. Cassie then says she just felt so horrible and it's probably because of her time with the Brady's. They made her want to be a good person when she thought she was one of them. The lights then go out and Abby and Chelsea wonder what is going on. They come on after a few seconds. Abby wonders what that is about and says she will have to tell her dad. Meanwhile, Cassie secretly puts a bottle of pills in her pocket and closes the top as she does so.

-In a Paris Hotel, Lexie is with Hector and her team of henchmen. Lexie has just gotten off the phone with the hospital and says Abe and her mother are fine. Hector says that's good because they need to move on...to Italy. Their first stop will be Milan. Lexie remarks on how they would be returning to the land her father called home. Hector says that Stefano had many lairs and hideaways there so there is much to check out. Lexie understands. Hector tells Lexie that her personal feelings for Abe and Celeste must not get in the way anymore like they did in those tunnels. He explains how Stefano thought she moved on from them due to her feeling of being betrayed. Lexie says she thought she had to.

Hector explains to her that her father won't be pleased. The people that she thought loved her betrayed her and now she is giving them another chance. He reminds her that Abe took Theo from her and that Celeste stood by him. Lexie, with tears in her eyes, agrees that Hector is right. She tells Hector that it's time to head to Italy and to move on...in more ways then one.

Meanwhile, Steve is in a hotel room nearby and is listening in as he bugged the room when he arrived in Paris, on the MCF's orders. Steve hears that Lexie and her team are moving on to Italy and says he guesses it's time that he does as well...since it is his job to follow them. Whether he likes it or not. The MCF then calls him to check in and Steve fills him or her in. The MCF tells Steve to just follow them and keep him or her updated on the situation. Steve reluctantly agrees, remembering what is at stake. Steve hangs up and, after he does, the MCF clenches his or her fist with glee over all of his or her plans being on track.

-In a Paris hospital, Celeste wakes up to a smiling Abe. He asks her how she is doing. She says she is sore. Abe says that she is doing well and that the concussion and mild ankle sprain and bruised ribs will get better. She is lucky. Celeste says she knows. Abe tells Celeste he doesn't know what he would have done if he lost her ass Celeste smiles. She has been there for him and Theo through the last few difficult months and she has become very important to both of them. Celeste says she feels the same. Abe is told by a nurse he has a phone call so he goes to take it.

He later returns, saying it was the tail he put on Lexie. He explains that Lexie and her team are headed for Italy next. Celeste says it's to Stefano's home and Abe says he is aware. Abe tells Celeste he will continue to follow Lexie but says that she is going home. He can't risk her getting hurt again or worse. Besides, Theo needs her and he doesn't want his whole family away for long. If something happens, he can't lose them all.

Celeste refuses to go home, reminding Abe they had a deal to do this together. She says Theo is fine and that he needs her. Her visions and vibes may help and she is knowledgeable on the Dimera's and their secret lairs and such. She tells Abe she isn't budging so, whether he likes it or lets her go or not, she is going with him. Abe realizes he has no choice and reluctantly agrees, reminding her to listen to what he tells her to do. Celeste agrees and thanks him. Abe says that it looks like they are off to Milan since that seems to be Lexie's first stop. Celeste says to bring it on and says she hopes they can accomplish their mission. Abe agrees.

-At the Deveraux house, Cassie continues to ramble on and on about her change of heart. She begs Abby and Chelsea to help her change, just like they did from their corrupt ways. Abby and Chelsea just keep listening and wondering what they should do as she is still crying and rambling. Abby and Chelsea begin to feel sleepy and remark on how strange they feel. They soon pass out, Cassie touches both to make sure they are out and then signals to the two masked men to enter.

They enter and tell Cassie to get to work on forging Abby's handwriting and writing a letter. They commend her on her efforts. Cassie just hopes the drugs don't bother Abby, who is on meds for her paralysis. One of the men assures her she will be fine as they took that factor into account. Cassie goes up to Abby's room and finds a school notebook. She brings it down and then uses soem paper, trying to replicate Abby's writing. The two masked men pick both Abby and Chelsea up and take Abby's wheelchair. They load then and the wheelchair into a a grey van and then go back to the house and begin to ranshack it from top to bottom. Cassie asks why they are doing that. The masked men say they need to send a message.

Cassie thinks she can know copy Abby's writing and forge the note and begins to write a fake note. Once the masked men are done trashing the house, they tell Cassie it's time to go. Cassie finishes the note and gives it to one of the masked men, who says he will put it in the kitchen so that it's not too obvious right away to Jack and Billie. Cassie is sickened that the men are making this out to be torture or some sort of game. She says that Jack and Billie will be hurting enough.

The man puts the note in the kitchen and tells Cassie it's time to go. Cassie says she needs to pick up all the papers she used to help her forge the note. The men toss the pieces of paper in the trash and tell her to come on. Cassie is worried that Jack and Billie will find the pieces of paper and track it to her somehow and that they will realize it's a kidnapping. One of the men tells her to calm down and says that they won't even bother to examine it. Even if they do, it won't mean squat to them. They will just think nothing of it. They pull Cassie out with them and leave the door open behind them as they leave the house.

-Meanwhile, Billie realizes the time and says to Jack they should be getting back to his house. While the rest of the survielance is being finalized, she would like to spend time with Chelsea. She hasn't in so long. Jack says he feels the same. JJ is at Jo's but he would like to spend time with Abby. They are both just glad their investigation hasn;t resulted in their children ebing targeted by the MCF. Hopefully, he or she is caught before they are. They tell Victor, Shane, Frankie, and Greta they will be back in the morning and to update them if anything happens. They all agree. Victor then tells Shane, Frankie, and Greta that they could finally have this menace caught if everything works out the way it should. There is no way they can miss the MCF or his or her allies with so much surveilance around town. Shane, Frankie, and Greta agree and hope it works out and ends with the result they all want.

-On the pier, Cassie is following the masked men and asks where they are going and what they are going to do with Abby and Chelsea. One of the men is wheeling Abby in her chair and the other is carrying Chelsea. One of the men tells Cassie they promised her that neither girl will get hurt. They will just be out of the picture for awhile, like their boss told her. Cassie asks both men why should trust them or the MCF. One of the men says she has no other choice. He tells her to just stay silent and enjoy this. She is getting her revenge afterall.

They then run off into the fog with the two girls as Cassie says she has an awful feeling about this. Her guilty causes her to break down in tears as she wonders what may happen to Chelsea and Abby and hopes and prays they don't get hurt. She would never want that, even after everything that has happened. She then wonders what she has gotten herself into and involved in.

Meanwhile, Jack and Billie arrive at the Deveraux house and find the door open and the house ranshacked. Billie panics.

Billie: What happened Jack?! Where are the girls?!

Jack races through the house as Billie looks around as well. She looks outside and then comes back in as Jack comes back from upstairs.

Jack: They're gone. Abby and Chelsea...they're gone.

Billie: No...Jack. The cloaked...no...NO!!!

Jack takes Billie in his arms and comforts her as she breaks down and the screen fades out.


Cal to Jed: I can't marry Katherine.

Katherine: I can't marry you Cal.

Max to Cassie: This is all your fault!!

Billie to Jack: I don't give a damn about our investigation!! That monster may have our girls and we need to find them so call the police NOW!!!

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