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April 25, 2007




-Sami and Lucas walk back in the front door of their apartment. They flop down on the couch and take deep breaths. It is then when they notice music coming from Will’s bedroom. When they both stand up to walk towards his room, he comes out, with headphones on his head. They look at each other and then at Will, who goes to the fridge to get something to eat and then starts heading back to his room, completely ignoring his parents.

Sami walks over to Will before he can go back into his room, and yells...


Will: (Taking off headphones) Fine. I heard you. You don’t have to scream.

Sami: Oh. Sorry. Thought maybe you didn’t hear me.

Will: A dead man could hear you, Mom.

Lucas steps up to Will and tells him....

Lucas: Don’t get smart with your mother, ok?

Will: Sorry, Dad. My bad, Mom. I’m sorry.

Sami: No problem, baby. (Patting his chest) So, how was school? I didn’t embarrass you by coming up there the other day, did I?

Will: Thankfully, no. Just, please, don’t do it again, ok?

Sami: Fine, dear. No problem.

Sami follows Will into his room as Lucas goes to start dinner. She starts cleaning up his room when she asks him if he is feeling alright. She tells him that he knows he can tell her anything. He knows that and, as he gets back up from his seat, he also tells her that this con job she is doing won’t make him say a word. She needs to leave it alone. Will walks into his room, followed closely by Sami, who is trying to get some answers....

Sami: Look, I’m sorry about that, ok? I just want to help you. You’re my child and I feel I have the right to know what is bothering you.

Will: (Turning around) Damnit, Mom! You sound just like Kate! No wonder you two can’t stand each other. She doesn’t know when to leave stuff alone any more than you do.

Sami looks at Will brokenhearted. She fights back tears of pain, not believing what Will just said to her. She turns away so he can’t see her crying and Will knows he went too far. This is the moment when Lucas jumps up in his face and tells him....

Lucas: If you EVER speak to her like that again, that will be your last moment in this house, understand me, kid?

Will: Yes, sir. I’m sorry. I just......

Will walks off to his room and slams the door. When Sami tries to follow, Lucas stops her, telling her that pushing him is not the way. They need to just leave him alone and he’ll come to them when he is ready. Sami wipes away her tears as Lucas holds out his arms. She steps forward and rests her head on his chest as he comforts her. The scene then fades to Will’s bedroom as he sits in front of his computer, looking at phone numbers for rape/abuse hotlines and counseling centers. He picks up the phone and calls one and announces that his name is Will and that he would like to speak with someone. The scene then slowly fades to black.

-At the Kiriakis Mansion, Belle walks up to the door and rings the doorbell. Philip comes to the door, with Claire in his arms, and welcomes Belle in. She says hello to Philip and asks if he could get Claire ready to go home. Henderson walks in and Philip asks him to get Claire’s things. She is leaving. Henderson takes Claire away while Philip and Belle walk into the living room and Philip asks her a question.

He asks her if he has been improving, to which Belle says yes. So, he wonders, can he see more of Claire. He feels that he has earned it. Belle walks past him and stops, long enough to turn and tell him that even though he has shown signs of improvement, there are things she just can’t forget. His temper being one of those things. And, if she can’t forget it, then there is no way that he will have more time with Claire until he can prove that she will be safe with him.

Philip stares at her as Henderson brings Claire back in, almost unable to keep his rage in check. Belle tells Claire to tell Daddy bye-bye, which she does, and then Belle wishes Philip a good day as she walks out of the mansion with Claire in her arms. Henderson excuses himself after they leave and Philip now takes this time to hit the roof, letting his anger boil over while he throws chairs and pictures all over the living room. Victor comes in long enough to ask him.....

Victor: What in the hell is the matter with you?!

Philip: Oh nothing......DAD.

Victor: And you wonder why Belle has turned against you.

Philip: She has turned against me because I have a father who cares more about his bastard son than he does about me!

Victor: What did you just say to me, boy?

Philip: You heard me, Pops. Bo gets a hangnail and you run off to find him. I need you too but all I ever get to see is the back of you as you are leaving the house......to find your precious Bo, probably.

Victor walks up to Philip and gets in his face, telling him.....

Victor: You know, I am really just about sick and tired of hearing what I thought was a grown man acting like a little bitch......

Philip looks at Victor stunned.

Victor: And that is not going to continue. So, I’m going to say this once. Clean the wax out of your ears and listen.

Philip: Oh, I’m all ears, old man.

Victor grabs Philip by his collar and lifts him slightly off of the floor, telling him, in no uncertain terms....

Victor: You want to win Claire back? You want to be in Belle’s good graces? Then stop acting like a MF’ing child and grow the hell up!! There is some nutcase running around Salem terrorizing friends and family left and right but, once again, all you care about is yourself!!!

Victor pushes Philip away as he lets him down and Philip bumps up against Victor’s desk. Philip stares at Victor....and then one tear comes down his face. Victor sees this and walks back over to Philip. When he asks what is wrong, Philip looks at him with disgust, saying....

Philip: I wish you had stayed dead.

Victor is heartbroken to hear these words but he won’t give Philip the satisfaction of seeing that. Victor stares at him coldly, saying to him in a calm, yet chilling voice.....

Victor: You have just messed up big, son. This is the reason why I always told you that you couldn’t get involved in that war. Because of what you just said. That little taste of power has made you crazed with a lust for more. But, that will not happen.

Victor points his finger in Philip’s face....

Victor: So, since you have decided to wish death on me, I now know what to do. Oh, don’t look so scared, son. You won’t find out now......but it will become crystal clear. One day.

Very soon.

With those last haunting words, Victor turns and walks out on his son. Philip’s rage boils over once again as he screams that he doesn’t care about Victor, his mother, or anyone. As he continues to throw expensive items around the living room, he suddenly calms down and, while breathing heavy and in a very calm voice, makes a solemn promise....

Philip: They will all pay. Every last one of them.

The scene closes in on his face at it slowly goes to black.

-At the Green Mountain Lodge, Katherine is getting dressed but is still not sure if this is the proper time for her and Cal to get married. She feels that since everything has been so rushed, they should hold off. She talks to Nora Montana, Jed's wife and her bridesmaid, and asks her what she thinks. She tells Katherine that it is ultimately her decision. But, Cal seems like a really good guy, and she would be a fool to let him go. As Katherine sits at her dresser, looking into her mirror, the scene fades into.....

Cal’s room, where he is putting on his vest. Jed looks at him and congratulates him on finding such a beautiful lady, to which Cal concurs but, is wondering, just as Katherine is down the hall, if they shouldn’t put this wedding off until he can give her a proper last name. He thought that would have been Brady but, since it won’t be, he can’t ask her to commit to a man with no past. He doesn’t even know if he has been married before, if he has another family out there, or if......

Just then, more memories hit him like a wave. A beautiful woman, smiling at him.......a older man who is grabbing him by the arm, begging him not to leave.....another man, around his age, as they share a laugh........being shot on a cliff by Stefano DiMera.......more sounds of gunfire.......and people screaming his name........

Cal collapses on his bed, as Jed grabs him and steadies him. He looks up at Jed and tells him, through a groggy voice.....

Cal: I don’t know if there will be a wedding today.

They scene closes in on his face and, as he closes his eyes while laying on the bed, the scene slowly fades to black.


Victor to Jack (with Billie, Frankie, Greta, and Shane): This person can't terrorize the people of Salem anymore. It's time the mysterious cloaked figure gets what is coming to him or her.

Cassie to two masked men: I can't do this.

MCF to Cassie (on the phone): Remember what happens if you don't cooperate.

Chelsea to Abby: Do you hear something?

Abby to Chelsea: Do you think someone is breaking in?

Lexie to Hector: I guess it's time to move on...in more ways then one.

Abe to Celeste: I don't know what I would have done if I lost you. (Celeste smiles)

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Wow, intense scenes between Victor and Phillip. I could feel Phillip's rage. Very well written. I'm glad Belle didn't back down.

Good to see Cal getting his memories back...

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