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April 24, 2007




-Nicole is cutting through the park on her way back from delivering the MCF's envelope to Marlena. She calls Austin and asks where he and Carrie have Evan. Austin says they are still at the Pub. Nicole says she is on her way to pick him up and that she is at the park now so it should only be a few minutes. Austin tells Nicole they can keep him for a bit longer. Nicole thanks him but says it's ok. She is ready to come and get him. Austin understands and says they will have him ready. He hangs up and then wonders where Carrie is.

Meanwhile, Carrie tries to come up with a way to get to the hospital. She already swabbed her and Evan's cheek but she also wants a blood test too so no stone is left unturned. Austin comes into the kitchen and asks Carrie what she is doing. Carrie says she was just walking Evan around and adds that she was just talking to her grandmother about the wedding. Austin says that's funny because he just saw Caroline go around back to sign for a delivery. He asks Carrie what is going on and why she really wanted them to have Evan today.

-Back at the park, Nicole is on her way to the Pub when Eric stops her. He tells her long time no see and asks why she never called him. Nicole says she isn't ready to speak about their marriage yet. Eric asks her if she is ever going to be ready. Nicole is silent. Eric then asks her if she is ever going to be ready to give him answers too...like about her and Victor and what made him help her with Evan and getting her job at Titan. Eric asks her why doesn't she just make this easy and give him the answers he wants.

-At the hospital, Maggie is outside Doug's room talking to Alice on payphone. Alice is overjoyed about Doug and tells Maggie to give Doug and Julie her best. Maggie says she will. Hope then arrives, dragging Bo in by hand, and races into her father's room. Doug is telling Julie how great it is to be back with her when he locks eyes with Hope. Both Hope and Doug's eyes well with tears and Hope runs into her father's arms. Julie begins to cry and comments to Bo how emotional this is. Bo shrhugs his shoulders and says it is. Julie notices how cold and unfeeling he is and asks if he is ok.

Bo says he is fine. Julie says she just wonders how he can't show any emotional response to what he is seeing. Bo says it's not his father that just woke up and he just doesn't feel anything for it. He then snaps and tells Julie to back off and walks out as Maggie walks in. Hope overhears this and turns around, telling Julie that she is sorry for that. Something is wrong with him and has been for some time and she has no idea what it is. Julie says it's fine.

-Back at the Pub, Carrie tells Austin that he caught her. She was getting emotional holding Evan and she went into the kitchen to try to control herself. She is fine now. Austin says he knew this was a bad idea. Carrie says she is fine. She just had to get used to Evan and to the fact that her baby is gone and not coming back. She assures Austin she is fine. Austin looks at his watch and wonders where Nicole is. She said she was at the park and it doesn't take that long. Carrie comes up with an idea and suggests to Austin that she take Evan to the park to meet Nicole. He can call her and say that she is on her way. She can meet them at the hot dog stand near the stream.

Austin says that's fine but says he is going with her. Carrie insists that she go alone. She can't keep leaning on him and she needs to control her emotions on her own. She begs Austin to stay here and help her grandmother and to let her do this on her own. Austin reluctantly agrees. Carrie takes Evan and tells Austin she will be back as Austin worries about Carrie's emotional state being alone with Evan.

Austin then calls Nicole and tells her that Carrie is on her way and to meet her at the hot dog stand near the stream. Nicole answers the phone in an angry fashion due to her arguement with Eric and Austin asks if she is ok. Nicole says she is fine and that she will meet Carrie. She thanks him again and hangs up. Eric tells Nicole he just wants answers. Nicole then tells Eric she just wants him off her back...NOW!! She tells Eric she has to go and that he better leave her alone. She then walks off as Eric vows to find out whatever secrets Nicole is keeping, since it's painfully obvious she has some, no matter what it takes.

Meanwhile, Carrie races into University Hospital and asks a nurse at the nurses station if nurse Jean is on. She says she is and Carrie asks to have her paged. Nurse Jean soon arrives and embraces Carrie. Carrie says it's been a long time. Nurse Jean says the hospital misses her from her time as PR director. Everyone on staff misses her and Mike. Carrie says she misses the hospital too. Nurse Jean tells Carrie she will never be able to thank her and Mike enough for helping her with her promotion to Nurse Manager. Carrie says that she earned it.

Carrie then tells Jean she needs a favor and it needs to be kept hush hush. Jean says anything for her. Carrie reminds her of the baby she recently lost. Jean apologizes for her loss. Carrie thanks her and says she got her card. Anyway, Carrie says she has reason to beleive this baby may be hers so she needs a blood test on her and Evan done and she needs it compared to Austin and Lucas's blood types too since either one could be the father. She then gives Jean the Q-Tips containing the DNA she swabbed from her mouth and Evan's and says she needs that tested and crossed-checked with Austin and Lucas's too. She begs Jean to help. She needs to know if Evan is hers. She just knows he is and needs proof to get her child back.

Jean can tell she is sincere and says she will pull some strings and make it happen, especially since she and Mike did so much for her. Carrie embraces her and thanks her. She tells her so he owes her big time. Jean says they will be even and that she can tell Carrie really believes Evan to be hers. She says to come with her to do the test and they will tell the lab to put a rush on it. Carrie follows her with Evan and thanks her again.

-Back at Doug's room, Hope and him are talking and laughing. Hope tells Doug how happy she is to have him back. He smiles and says it's good to see her too. They hug. He then tells her she better go after Bo. She has lost enough time with him as it is. She reminds Doug she lost alot of time with him too. Doug says they will make it up. She needs to talk to her husband. Hope smiles and tells him welcome back again. They kiss and embrace as Hope then kisses Maggie and Julie as she goes after Bo.

Doug then says it's nice to have such a nice welcome back to the world from everyone. Julie tells him he was missed. Doug mentions how he has so much to get caught up on, even after Julie filled him on already on so much. He mentions to Julie that she never did mention earlier who caused the fire at Chez Rouge. He asks her who started it. Julie then looks at Maggie across the room and says it was Marlena. Maggie tries to hold back the tears as Julie tells Doug about how Marlena was found outside Chez Rouge and how she never denied the claims. Maggie then watches as Julie says she saw Marlena leave Chez Rouge shortly after Doug went in after Maggie.

Doug is shocked but Julie then explains she has MPD and is working with the MCF. She tells Doug she will fill him in on all that later. She tells him that she just wants to enjoy being back with him right now. He agrees. A nurse then comes in to check on him and asks Julie and Maggie to step up. Julie kisses Doug and says she will be right back. Outside his room, Maggie finally breaks down, telling Julie she barely held it together in there and that she still wants to confess. Julie reminds her of what will happen if she does. Maggie says she doesn't know what to do. Julie warns her to just stay quiet. She feels the guilt too but it's what they have to do for the family...for everyone.

Maggie admits how hard it is to keep this all inside. JUlie tells her to get used to it. They will have to do it for the rest of her life. Maggie breaks down again as Julie comforts her.

Meanwhile, Hope finds Bo outside the hospital and asks what his problem was in her father's room. Bo says he was fine until Julie had to start asking questions. Bo says he is just sick of all the questions. That is why he was gone so long. He didn't want to deal with all that. He doesn't feel like talking and he doesn't feel like weeping just because Hope reunited with Doug. Hope looks at Bo and says he has changed.

Bo: What? Don't like what you see?

Hope: No...just don't recognize who is in front of me. What is going on, Bo?

Bo: Leave it alone, Hope. If Julie, you...if everyone just backed off, I wouldn't go off on anyone and things would be better. I don't...I can't deal with questions and people all over me right now. Ok? I didn't come back here for that. I came because my family and my kids needed me.

Hope: Otherwise, you would've stayed in hiding? What about me? What about us? You wanted to work things out back in January and now what? I just don't understand...

Bo: You don't have to. Just leave it be. These are my decisions to make, Hope. If I want to tell you more or open up or whatever, I will when I am ready. Just, please...leave it...leave me alone. Spread the word to everyone. That's all I want is to be left alone right now. I am going back to the Pub. See ya.

Hope looks on stoicly as Bo leaves, vowing not to give up on him...and on their marriage. She promises to learn his secret and to put their lives and marriage back together. She says, with tears welling in her eyes, that it can't end like this. She won't let it and she isn't ready for it to end.

-At the park, Nicole is at the hog dog stand waiting fort Carrie and wondering what is taking her. Carrie then arrives with Evan, out of breath and apologizing to Nicole for beint late. She tells Nicole that Austin and her got stuck handling something. Nicole says it's fine. Nicole notices a little bandage on Evan's arm. Carrie realizes she forgot to take it off after the blood test and says that she noticed Evan had a scratch on his arm so she bandaged it to avoid infection. Nicole wonders where that came from as she didn't see one earlier. She wonders if it happened on the way to dropping him off at the Pub. Carrie says that could be it.

Carrie tells Nicole she wants to apologize again for what happened at Salem Place. Nicole smiles and says it's ok. She thanks her and Austin for watching Evan. Carrie says anytime. Nicole tells Carrie she is glad to see her better. Carrie smiles back and says thanks. Nicole bids her goodbye and then leaves with Evan.

Carrie then says that if things go the way she thinks, those tests will prove Evan is hers and then she will be the one walking off with Evan and not Nicole. Just as it should be.

The screen then fades out on a determined Carrie's face.


Sami (with Lucas) to Will: Are you sure your ok?

Will to Sami: I'm fine. Ok? Just stop asking and leave me alone.

Katherine (looking at her wedding dress): Can I do this? Is marrying Cal the right thing to do?

Jed to Cal (who is holding his head in pain): Are you ok?

Cal to Jed: No. I don't think I can go through with this wedding.

Philip to Victor: Why don't you start acting like my father and help me!!


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