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The MCF is in her or her secret hideaway in the warehouse office. He or she is monitoring the happens in Salem via the surveilance center. His or her cell phone rings.

MCF (via voice changer): Yes?

James: It's me. Just wanted to make sure everything is on track.

MCF: Should be. Cassie has her orders. She will meet you at the Deveraux house this evening. Remember to make sure to have her write the note and leave it. Also, make sure Alan and yourself are wearing those masks. Cassie is a loose cannon and we shouldn't take chances on her IDing you or Alan.

James: Fair enough. I will contact you when we arrive at the house.

MCF: Very well. Make sure the house is completely ranshacked. We need to send a message to Jack and Billie...one that will make them realize how serious the situation is. One that will make them back off. If they still choose to pursue destroying our operation. then we will have to seek more extreme measures.

James: Will do. We will speak later.

James hangs up as the MCF turns her or her attention to the surveilance monitors. One monitor catches the interest of the MCF...and that one is the one of the Kiriakis Mansion. Philip is there alone. The MCF turns the volume up and listens in.

Philip: Some father...I know mom doesn't have what is needed to help me but he could. All he is worried about is Maggie and that damn cloaked person. It's always something else with him. What else do I have to do to prove I am worthy to have more power. I mean, he doesn't let me do anything else. He won't let me help with his business dealings. He may have helped me out of some scrapes in the past but now when I really need him...when my daughter needs him...he abandons us. Here I am trying to be a family with my daughter and my wife...something that will make our family look good...and he completely disregards my pleas and requests. Well, father, I guess I know where we stand.

The MCF is watching a frustrated Philip talk to himself and then sees him throw a picture of him and his father to the ground.

MCF: Interesting...I was going to go in another direction when it came to Victor but this may be better. Philip may be of big help to me. So much anger in him...so much that I can manipulate to my advantage. Hmm...what better way to get revenge on Victor then to use his own son to do it. It couldn't be more perfect.

The MCF laughs as the screen fades into...




1.) Tishy

Comment Score: 10 pts (5 comments)

Trivia Score: 10 pts (all correct, only one to submit)

Week Five Total: 20 pts

2.) daysfan

Comment Score: 9 pts (3 comments)

Trivia Score: 0 pts (nothing submitted)

Week Five Total: 9 pts

3.) psychofan

Comment Score: 8 pts (1 comment)

Trivia Score: 0 pts (nothing submitted)

Week Five Total: 8 pts

4.) DH23, Ryan Chandler, Mason, and Rick

Comment Score: 0 pts (0 comments)

Trivia Score: 0 pts (nothing submitted)

Week Five Total: 0 pts

Therefore, after week FIVE, the total standings are as follows:

1.) Tishy (77 pts)

2.) DH23 (48 pts)

3.) psychofan (41 pts)

4.) daysfan (34 pts)

5.) Ryan Chandler (14 pts)

6.) Rick and Hoganstays (0 pts)

Tishy, daysfan, and psychofan were the top 3 scorers for Week Five so be sure to check your PM box. Clues will be going out sometime tonight and i hope to have them to each of you by 11PM. If they aren't there by then, you will be sure to have them by morning so keep checking the PM boxes!! Also, make sure to keep commenting and to those who keep forgetting to submit trivia---I am sending them to you now via PM so forgetting is no longer an excuse :lol: . This game is going to be a landslide if others don't start submitting so PLEASE SUBMIT TRIVIA AND KEEP COMMENTING!! I understand things come up but things have bee relatively dead in regards to the game since early April and only Tishy seems to be keeping up so if anyone has a problem please PM me and we will make adjustments as needed. :)


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