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April 23, 2007




-At the Pub, Austin asks Carrie what she is up to. Carrie says she feel horrible about her actions at Salem Place the other day and wants to make it up to Nicole by watching Evan. She points out that it will be good for her as she needs to move on and it will prove she can be around Evan without problems. Austin isn't so sure it's a good idea given what Carrie's been through but she begs him to let her do this. She feels she is up to it and that it will be good for her. Austin finally gives in and says he will call Nicole. Carrie thanks him and embraces him.

-In her Salem Inn suite, Nicole is feeding Evan when her cell rings. She answers it and is shocked to hear the MCF on the other end. The MCF tells Nicole that he or she has a request for her. Nicole is reluctant but the MCF reminds her of the consequences of her defiance. Nicole agrees to do what he or she asks. There is then a knock at the door. The MCF tells Nicole to answer the door. Nicole gets up with Evan and answers the door to find a Salem Inn employee there.

The employee tells Nicole a messae just came for her and hands her the envelope. Nicole tips the employee as he then leaves. Nicole asks the MCF what's in the envelope. The MCF tells her to open it so she does...and finds another envelope only with Marlena's name on it and not hers. Nicole asks what gives. The MCF gives her instructions to find a way into the psych ward to deliver that envelope to Marlena. Nicole asks how she is supposed to do that. The MCF tells her to figure it out herself using her crafty mind and then reminds her of what will happen if she doesn't do as instructed. Nicole says she knows. The MCF is pleased and then hangs up.

Moments later, Nicole gets a call from Austin. Austin explains that Carrie and himself would like to babysit Evan. He tells Nicole that Carrie feels bad for what happened at Salem Place and Austin admits he still feels bad for interrogating her. They want to make it up to her so he begs her to let them. He feels it will be good for all of them to lift the tension between them. Nicole, realizing saying no may make people suspicious and realizing she needs a sitter so she can deliver the envelope, agrees despite knowing Carrie is Evan's real mother. Nicole asks where Austin is. Austin says he will meet her outside the Pub. This way she doesn't have to run into Eric inside the Pub. Nicole thanks him for considering that and says she will be right over. They both hang up and Austin tells Carrie it's a go. Carrie thanks him again and they kiss.

Meanwhile, Lucas and Sami are with Eric talking at the Pub. Sami is still concerned over Will. Lucas promises her that they will find out everything and that they will protect their son. If Alan hurt him, they will both make him pay. Eric thinks about Nicole and thinks that may be it's time he stepped up his game and began to look into what she may be up to and the suspicious surrounding her.

At the bar, Kayla walks up and shows a cold look to Roman. Caroline notices it and tells them to cut it out. She is sick of all this tension. Caroline says it's a time of forgiveness and she thinks they all need to start following that before it's too late. Kayla isn't sure they can happen now...or, maybe, ever. Caroline's eyes light up as she says she has an idea.

Hope sees Bo outside the Pub and goes outside. She asks if he is ok. He says he is fine. He asks where JT is. Hope says he is coloring at one of the tables. Hope seems to have something on her mind but is hesistant until she finally decides to come out with it. Hope tells Bo that she noticed a whole lot of tension in the Pub, just like she did the day he disappeared. Hope notes that Caroline is acting something is tearing the family apart. If there is, Hope tells Bo she wants to know and has the right to know what it is. Bo is silent.

-At Univeristy Hospital, Julie is visiting a comatose Doug. She is saying a prayer, begging God to forgive her sins and bring her husband back to her. Maggie shows up and has overheard. She tells Julie she says that same prayer everyday. They embrace as Julie asks her how she is. Maggie says she can't take the guilt. It's eating away at her. Julie says she knows the feeling. It's been tough with all these lies and deciets on top of Marie's death and Doug being comatose. Maggie thinks all the bad things happening is an omen. She can't take it anymore and tells Julie she needs to confess!! They both do!! Julie is stunned.

-Austin is waiting outside the Pub when Nicole arrives with Evan. She gives Austin a diaper bag and the stoller and says everything is there. She thanks him as she has many errands to run. Austin thanks her as well. He tells Nicole that Carrie and him just wanted to make it up to her. Nicole appreciates that and says she must go. She thanks Austin again and leaves.

Austin enters the Pub with Evan. Eric comes over and greets him. Eric asks if Nicole was there. Austin explains that Carrie and him are babysitting while Nicole runs errands. They are just trying to make it up to her for the way they treated her. Carrie sees Evan and smiles at him. She walks over and picks him up. Carrie then lovingly embraces him as Austin asks if she is ok. Carrie says she is fine. She then takes Evan and walks around the Pub with him. Eric asks Austin if he really thinks she is ok. Austin says he isn't sure.

Meanwhile, Nicole arrives at the Univeristy Hospital psych ward and says she is there to visit Marlena Evans. The nurse tells her that Dr. Evans is under a "No Visitor" order right now. Barbara comes out and asks Nicole who she is. Nicole explains she is her daughter in law and just wanted to see her and tell her about her son and the goings on in their lives. Barbara says that Marlena isn't supposed to see anyone but not many have been coming to see her since visitors weren't encouraged. Barbara explains that only Roman has been coming alot so, given all that, Barbara tells Nicole she is welcome to come in but not for long. Nicole thanks her and follows her down a long, dimly lit hallway. They stop at Marlena's padded cell.

Nicole notices Barbara isn't leaving and asks for some time alone with Marlena. Nicole says she doesn't feel comfortable talking about her and Eric's business in front of a stranger. Barbara asks Nicole what she is going to talk about with Marlena. Nicole says that she is only discussing her and Eric's marriage, the child they adopted, and so on. Barbara tells her to keep it short and to only mention what she just ran by her. Marlena must not get agitated. Nicole agrees. Barbara leaves as Nicole looks in to see Marlena, in a straightjacket, coldly staring at her. A evil grin then graces her face as she says, "Hello, Nicole."

-Back at the Pub, Caroline suggests to Roman and Kayla that maybe they should forgive Shane and Kim. If they set an example, others might follow. Roman tells Caroline this isn't second grade. Kayla agrees and says there is just too much lies and deceit to deal with. First, Roman and Bo, along with Shane, lie about an ISA investigation that put their family through hell. Secondly, Shane exposed Carrie and Will to Alan, whom they aren't sure has changed. Thirdly, Kim and Roman kept the truth about Bo's molestation hidden from Bo and the family for years. It's just too much. Caroline mentioned her secret being exposed last summer and how it killed Shawn Sr.

Roman tells her not to blame herself. Caroline says she does and that she set a poor example for all of them. Even if one's children are adults, you still have to set examples for them. Kayla agrees with Caroline but just isn't sure if she can forgive and forget any of what Shane, Kim, and Roman did. Kayla then walks over to talk to JT as a frustrated Caroline and Roman look at each other, solemnly.

Meanwhile, at Salem University Hospital, Julie tries to calm Maggie. She tells Maggie she can't confess. No one can know about anything. It would destroy their family and themselves. It would cause more pain to those they love. They have no choice. Maggie reluctantly agrees, despite still feeling that the truth may be the better route to go. Julie then sits down by Doug and sees his hand moving. Julie is stunned. She then sees his eyes slowly fluttering open. Julie begins to cry in joy as Maggie watches in tears, happy to see Doug has woke up. Doug then looks at Julie and says:

Doug: Hello again, my lady.

Julie: Hello, yourself, Welcome back and please don't ever leave me again, darling.

Doug: I don't plan to, my dear. I don't plan to.

They then lovingly embrace as Maggie watches in tears.

-Back at the Pub, Bo and Hope are still outside. Bo tells Hope that what is going on with the family is nothing to be concerned about. Things will be fine and taken care of. Hope points out to Bo she has never seen so much tension in the Brady family. She is his wife and a Brady by marriage. Her children are Brady's so she has a right to know. Her cell then rings. It's Maggie, telling Hope her father has woke up. An overjoyed Hope says she will be right there. She hangs up and tells Bo her father woke up. Bo says that's great. Hope then grabs his hand and says, "Let's go.". They both run off to get to the hospital.

Meanwhile, insider the Pub, Sami and Lucas tells Eric and Austin they are heading home but tell them to let them know about the wedding and the planning. Austin says that he and Carrie will get in touch with them within the next few hours. Sami and Lucas then leave. Eric says he has to go too but tells Austin to let him know if he and Carrie need any help with the wedding. Austin says he will. Eric leaves as Austin looks around, wondering where Carrie went with Evan.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Carrie is swabbing Evan's cheek with a Q-Tip and then uses another to swab hers. She then tells Evan she is taking him to the hospital too for blood tests. The more credible proof she has, the better. She then places the Q-Tips in a baggle and pulls her rubbler gloves off. She now says she needs another plan...to get Evan to the hospital to be tested and back without anyone noticing. She contemplates her next move as Austin enters the kitchen and asks Carrie what she is doing.

-At the psych ward. a creeped out Nicole tells Marlena she has a message for her...from the MCF. Marlena walks over and tells Nicole to open it and place the contents of the envelope in her mouth. Nicole agrees. Marlena then walks back to her chair in her cell and places a note, which was in the envelope, on the ground. Marlena struggles to read with the dim light and then realizes Nicole is still there. She tells Nicole she isn't in the mood to talk and torture and orders her to leave. Nicole says gladly and walks off.

Marlena opens the letter and reads it, which leads her to get upset. A angry Marlena kicks the chair over and begins to kick and scream uncontrollably. Barbara and an orderly ask if everything is alright. Marlena says all is fine and they leave. Marlena then looks at the MCF's note again and says:

Marlena: You...you betrayed me. You set me up to get caught and now you...you send me this? You will pay...they will all suffer. All my enemies....it's time that I get out of her. No more sitting around and contemplating. It's time for some action....it's time to blow this popsicle stant.

Marlena then laughs hysterically as the screen fades out with her demented laughing continuing to be heard in the background.


Austin to Carrie: What is going on? Why did you really want to have Evan with us today?

Eric to Nicole: I want answers. Why don't you just make this easy and give them to me?

Doug to Julie: So, how did the fire start? (Julie looks at Maggie)

Hope to Bo: You've changed...

Bo to Hope: What? Don't like what you see?

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I am so happy that Doug woke up! What a sneaky girl that Carrie is, swapping Evan's cheek. I want her to get her baby back.

Hell hath no fury than Marlena scorned!!!

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