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April 20, 2007




-It is a new day in Salem as Lucas and Eric arrive back at Lucas's apartment, frustrated that they couldn't find Sami. Lucas thanks Eric again for helping him. He is worried about the way Sami went after Alan. Eric understands and admits he is worried too. Austin and Carrie then arrive and say they just got Lucas's message. They apologize for getting there so late but they weren't taking any calls and they just learned of the messages Lucas left. Lucas says it's ok as he knows Carrie has been going through a rough time. He then fills Austin and Carrie in on what Sami learned from Shane and Will's principal the night before.

Carrie is stunned that Shane would like that, especially after helping to cover for her, and is equally stunned about the accusation concerning Alan. She doesn't beleive he would ever hurt Will. Sami then enters and says that Carrie is naive if she thinks that. Sami says she knows Alan hurt Will and, when she finds him, she will make him pay. Lucas and Eric embrace her, happy to see her. Sami is angry she couldn't find Alan. Lucas begs her not to do that again and makes Sami promise that they act together from now on. If Alan hurt Will, he wants to make him pay too. Sami agrees and thanks him. She asks where Will is. Lucas says he went over to Jake's house this morning and is still there. He doesn't know about Sami taking off. Sami is glad as she doesn't want him being dragged into all this.

Carrie still refuses to beleive Alan would hurt Will. He was so kind and caring to her and she is convinced he has changed. Sami says she doesn't want to argue and says that they will get proof soon and Carrie will see the truth. Sami then notices a ring on Carrie's finger and asks if that is what she thinks it is. Carrie smiles and says it is...her and Austin got engaged last night. Sami, Lucas, and Eric embrace both Carrie and Austin and extend warn wishes. Carrie says that there is something her and Austin should ask while on the subject. She just hopes it isn't insensitive given everything going on. Sami tells her to go ahead. Carrie tells Sami that she would like her to be her maid of honor and Austin wants Lucas to be his best man. She asks Sami and Lucas what they think. Sami and Lucas both stand silent.

-At the Brady Pub, Caroline and Kayla are talking and she is glad Bo was able to convince her to stay in Salem until they know about Steve. Kayla insists she is only doing it for Bo and she realized the family does need her here. Roman arrives and agrees with that. Kayla coldly stares at him and Caroline picks up on the tension. Kim and Shane then arrive too as Kayla turns around in disgust. Caroline begs them all to get along. Kim says she only came by because she wanted to see Bo and heard he was back. Shane came with her for support because she knew she would have to deal with the cold shoulder. Kayla says that it always seems like liars like to stick together.

Shane tells Kayla to back off. He knows him and Kayla both made mistakes but their comes a time to forgive and forget. Kayla admits she doesn't know if she can, especially in Kim and Roman's case. Roman admits he is having trouble even looking at Shane after he exposed Carrie to Alan for months and now after he heard that he saw Alan with Will and never said anything. Shane says he just felt like it was nothing and Will said he was fine. Roman says that means nothing. Will could be lying. Shane reminds Roman that alot was going on and it just kind of got pushed aside. Caroline begs everyone to stop fighting, saying she knows there are problems but Bo has come home. She begs them to try to get along.

Bo then arrives with Hope and JT. Caroline runs to him and embraces him. She takes his bags and says she will have them put upstairs. He thanks her. Kayla embraces him again and Shane shakes his hand. Bo tells Shane he heard about his covering for Carrie. He tells Shane that he has a thing lately about people who hide things so he doesn't really want to look at him right now. Bo then coldly stands at KIm and Roman.

Hope notices all the tension and asks what is going on. She says that the family is hiding something and has been for weeks, even since before Bo left. She wants to know what they are all hiding right now.

-At The Spectator, Victor and Nico arrive to meet with Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta. Victor explains how his tails have come up with nothing in searching for James, Alan, or the MCF. Jack and Billie explain their futile visit to Marlena and Frankie and Greta remind everyone of learning about the MCF being the one who blew up Sami's apartment and Alan's involvement with the MCF. Victor says that enough is enough. This lack of progress and sluggish investigation is getting them nowhere. Victor says they need to take action against the MCF and his or her allies now before it's too lare.

Jack agrees. They can't screw around and take it one step at a time. The time is now and it's time to go from breaking the case open to catching the MCF and putting an end to his or her reign of terror. Billie's eyes light up and she says she has an idea.

-Back at Lucas's apartment, Sami and Lucas agree to Carrie and Austin's requests. Carrie and Austin both thank them and inform them that the wedding is in two days. Sami, Lucas, and Eric are stunned. Carrie says she can really use something positive like this and they don't want to wait. It's been long enough and they've been married before. Sami says she understands. Carrie tells them that she was on her way to the Pub to tells the rest of the family as Uncle Bo has come home but she got Lucas's message first. Lucas says everything is fine now for the moment so they can go to the Pub and handle their wedding business. Sami tells Carrie she would like to go with her and Austin as she needs to talk to dad anyway and they can work on the wedding. Lucas and Eric agree to go too and they all take off for the Pub.

-At the Pub, Hope demands the truth as Caroline enters the room. Bo looks at Kim and Roman and says there is no secret. He tells Hope to just leave it alone. They all just had a minor argument and they don't wish to get into it right now. Caroline goes up to Hope and takes her aside. She begs her to just let her suspicions go. The family has enough troubles and they don't need anymore stress. Hope says she is really concerned but Caroline tells her everything is fine.

Meanwhile, Roman and Kim ask Kayla and Bo if they will ever forgive them. Bo and Kayla coldly stare at them and stay silent. Kim fights back tears as Shane comforts her. Carrie, Austin, Sami, Lucas, and Eric arrive and they are greeted by everyone. Sami, Carrie, and Eric welcome their Uncle Bo back. Hope notices Carrie's ring and then Carrie makes the announcement. Everyone is stunned that the wedding is in two days but understand given what Carrie has been through. Roman hugs Carrie and says he is so happy for her. Sami comes over and says she needs to talk to Roman. He follows her to the back of the Pub.

Sami fills Roman in on what she learned the previous day. Roman says that, in addition to that, there is evidence that Alan is working with the MCF. Lucas overhears and comforts an alarmed Sami.

Kim and Shane see that they are outcasts and that they are being ignored so they opt to leave. Caroline sees them leave and vows not to let her family fall apart like this. Outside. Kim asks Shane if it will ever get better. Shane hugs her and says he hopes so.

Hope goes over to Bo at the bar and asks if he is ok. He nods and then goes to sit with JT as Hope continues to wonder what the big secret is that everyone in the immediate Brady family seem to know.

Kayla and Carrie are talking and Kayla says she heard about her hard time dealing with the loss of her baby. Kayla apologizes. Carrie says it's fine. She wishes her baby would somehow return to her. Kayla says she can understand that but tells Carrie that is impossible. Carrie knows and says she wasn't thinking when she thought Nicole's baby, Evan, was hers. Kayla tells Carrie that she needs to just give things time. She needs to heal. If she rushes it and doesn't try to move on, she will spend the rest of her life wondering if every baby born around the same time as hers is hers. She may even run around and do DNA tests on every baby, that is if she lets herself go crazy enough.

Kayla words strike a chord in Carrie and she thanks her aunt. Kayla embraces her and says your welcome. Carrie realizes there is a way to tell if she is right about Evan. She can have a DNA test done. All she needs is to get a hold of Evan and get a sample of his DNA and she will hit pay dirt. Austin comes over and asks if she is ok. Carrie smiles and says she is great and asks Austin to do her a favor. She needs him to convince Nicole to let them babysit Evan. Austin is confused by her request.

-Back at the Spectator, Jack asks Billie what her idea is. Billie tells him, Greta, Frankie, Nico, and Victor that they know the MCF is hard to catch but with Shane and the ISA's high-tech surveillance equipment and if Victor can use his money and power to allow them access and permission to do this...they may have something that can catch this person. Billie reminds them of how they collected surveillance camera footage and says that the MCF and his or her accomplices only got caught on cameras that were new or that they didn't realize were there. All they need to do is plant mini-bugs or spy cameras all over Salem in random public spots and they can possibly track the MCF and his or her accomplices and catch them.

Victor thinks that may work and everyone else agrees. Frankie thinks they have nothing to lose and it's worth a shot. Billie says that the ISA has state of the art technology that has bugs and mini-cameras so small that the MCF will never see them. They just need to set up a surveillance center somewhere. Victor offers up his secret room. Billie thinks that will do. Victor says he will use his power and influence to get them access and permission to do what they must. Frankie volunteers to call Shane and get the surveillance equipment they need. Billie says that's great. They finally have a way to bust the MCF and put an end to his or her reign...before it's too late for all of them.

The screen then fades out on a determined Billie's face.


Austin to Carrie: What are you up to?

Lucas to Sami (with Eric): It will be ok. We will find out everything. I promise you.

Nicole to MCF: What do you need me to do?

Caroline to Kayla and Roman: It's time for forgiveness. Shane, Kim...please. Let's save our family before it's too late.

Hope to Bo: Your mother is acting like something is tearing the family apart and I want to know what it is.

Maggie to Julie: I can't do this anymore. I need to confess!!

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Good episode. I like how all the Brady kids were incorporated. Great depth there. Caroline wanting to keep her family together is exactly what any mother would do. If I was Sami, I would slap Carrie for ever trusting Alan. Carrie opened the door to let Alan in and that is unforgivable.

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