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April 18, 2007




-In the Dimera underground Paris tunnels, Lexie is still in the secret room with Hector and her team of henchmen. She goes over to Hector and tells him that time is tunning out and that there is still a chance of saving Abe and her mother. Hector shakes his head at Lexie and tells her that he and the team aren't going out there and, even if they did, the chances of them surviving both blasts and the cave-ins that followed is very slim. Hector leaves as Lexie tries to hold back tears, hoping Hector is wrong.

Meanwhile, Steve is with the Paris police. Two search and rescue officials are on the scene. A officer tells Steve that they couldn't use mechanicla equipment out of hear that it would cause another cave-in but admits they are close to breaking through the wall of debris. Steve is pleased to hear that. The officer adds that he will have to be questioned as to what he saw and heard. Steve nods in approval as the officer walks away and then realizes that if the cloaked one finds out what he is doing...he would hate to think about it. Steve determines that he can't answer any questions and needs to make a run for it, as it decreases the chance of the MCF finding out he helped Abe and Celeste and risked exposure.

Behind the wall of debris and rubble, Abe is holding Celeste. Her breathing is faint and Abe is begging her to wake up. He says he can't lose her as she was the one constant in his and Theo's life these past few months. She kept him and Theo going and he doesn't know where they would be without her. He will always be eternally grateful and he then begs Celeste once again not to leave them. Celeste's eyes slowly flutter open as she tells Abe she feels the same way about him. It's him and Theo that have kept her going too. They both smile as Abe welcomes her back.

-Katherine helps Cal to their bed in their hotel suite. She tells him that she can see he remembered something. She reminds Cal of his promise to be honest with her about this. Cal nods and says he was overcome with a blast of memories. He heard Jed's car backfiring and it was like a whirlwind. He then fills her in on his memories. Katherine is stunned, saying that those sound both intense and extreme. She can see why he is so affected. She suggests that maybe they should postpone the wedding. Cal says there is no need. He will be fine. He just needs to get a hold of himself. He is going to have to get used to having memory flashes like that.

Katherine still thinks it may be best to put the wedding off. Cal then asks her what is going on as it seems she wants out of the wedding tomarrow. He asks if she is having second thoughts. Katherine is silent.

-At Sami and Lucas' apartment, Sami begs Will to admit the truth. She asks him once again if Alan did something. Will recalls Alan's warning that if he said anything him and his family would suffer a fate worse then death. Will begins to tremble but hides it. He then says that Alan did nothing to him. Will admits that he befriended him and that Alan told him that his name was "Ace" but that's it. He never told anyone because people find it creepy when teenagers have older friends, especially one as old as Alan. Will says he only realized who "Ace" really was the night Shane found them together. Will admits being angry that Alan lied but says he understands given what he did.

Will says that he told Alan that night he no longer wanted to see him again based on what he did to his mother. He just couldn't hang out with him after learning who he was and what he did to his mother. Sami asks Will if Alan was the one that got him out of trouble at school last May with the stink bomb. Will nods and says he just happened to be around. Will says he thinks it was a show of good will and that Alan was trying to convince people he changed by befriending him in hopes of convincing Sami and the rest of the family that he was on the up and up now. Lucas admits it does make sense. Will says that is all it is. Alan didn't hurt him or anything. Sami asks him if he is sure. She begs Will to be honest. Will is silent.

-On the pier, Bo and Hope break from their loving embrace. They express joy for seeing each other for the first time in weeks. Bo apologizes for not being there for her with her father being in a coma and her Aunt Marie dying. Hope says it's ok. She is just happy to see him. She tells him she saw him at a bar the night of the fire at Chez Rouge but she had to go help save her father. She asks Bo where he has been. He doesn't answer and, before Hope can get out another question, he tells her no questions. He isn't going to tell her why he has been MIA and what he has been dealing with.

Hope begs Bo to just come home and to let her in...to let everyone who loves him in. She tells Bo they all need him and that JT asks where his father is every day and night. She says that Shawn calls from overseas and she has to keep making up something. She knows Bo is going through some things but his family and friends need him. She needs him and he needs all of them too. Bo turns away, trying to resist Hope's emotional plea. Hope takes a picture of JT and various family members out. She tells Bo to look at the picture. She then forcefully turns Bo around and demands he look at it. She tells him they need him and then challenges him to finally do what is right...and come home where he belongs.

Bo contemplates Hope's words and, realizing he is fighting a losing battle and that Hope is right, he agrees to come home. He admits it's time and that wandering around isn't doing anything. He does tell Hope there is one condition...and that is she doesn't ask any questions and doesn't push for him to open up to her about what is going on. That same rule applies to everyone else too. He doesn't feel like dealing with all that right now. Plus, he stays at the Pub with mom for now. Hope isn't crazy about the idea but agrees, saying it will just be good to know where he is. They embrace and she tells him he is doing the right thing. He nods and, when she hugs him again, looks on with worry that someone will find out his secret.

-Back in Paris, Steve notices all the police and search and rescue officials busy and realizes this is his breaks. He then makes a run for it, hoping Abe and Celeste are alright and also hoping he dodged a bullet and that the MCF won't find out how his helping out put him in danger of exposure.

The police and search and rescue dig through the wall and get to Abe and Celeste. Abe tells the EMT's, who race in, that Celeste may have some broken bones and a bad concussion. They insist on treating him too. He tells all the authorities who he is and why he was in the tunnels. The police then wonder where Steve went. Abe asks them how they knew that he and Celeste were down there. An officer explains how a man had heard screams and the explosion and led them to the tunnels. They give Abe a description and he realizes that it sounds alot like Steve.

Meanwhile, Lexie hears alot of noise and looks out the secret room door. She sees the EMT's, rescue team, and police and then sees Abe leaving with Celeste for the hospital. She manages to hear that her mother is going to be fine too. She is pleased and she notices Hector seems disappointed. She smiles and tells him he lucked out because if her husband and mother were dead, regardless of how betrayed she feels by them still, she would've made sure he paid for his disobedience to her orders. She tells him to listen to her next time. She is in charge and, if he has a problem, he will no longer be a part of the organization. Hector rolls his eyes and pounds his fist in disgust as Lexie walks away.

-Back at their hotel suite, Katherine assures Cal she wants to marry him and that she loves him but that postponing the wedding a few days won't hurt. Cal promises Katherine he is fine and that he wants nothing more then for them to get married tomarrow. He tells her everything is all set and he can't wait. Nothing will stand in the way of their day...not even the memories of his past. Not if he can help it. She smiles at him as he asks if they are ok and if everything is still on. Katherine agrees and they embrace as a bewildered Katherine looks on, contemplating whether she is doing the right thing or if it's simply too fast.

-Back at Sami and Lucas', Will assures both Lucas and Sami that what he said was the truth. He then says he has homework to finish. Sami apologizes to Will for going behind his back and going to school. Will says he understands and that they should just drop it. She was only worried about him. Sami thanks him for his understanding. She tellls Will that she hated that he lied. He apologizes again. Will then goes to his room, closes his door, and breaks down in tears over having to lie to his parents. He keeps saying he had no choice and then he hopes to God that Alan doesn't find out how close his parents are to learning the truth or they may all be in trouble.

Meanwhile, Lucas tells Sami that Will's story seems logical. Sami says she doesn't buy it. She then gets her coat on as Lucas asks where she is going. She says she is going to find Alan and he can't stop her. She then throws his arm off her and walks out as Lucas chases after her. Sami gets on the elevator, which shuts just as Lucas gets there. While in the elevator, Sami can hear Lucas banging on the elevator shaft door and yelling for her. She vows to find Alan and get the truth out of him. She promises that if he did hurt Will, he is a dead man as the screen fades out.


Kayla to Bo: It's so good to see you!

Cassie to Stefano: I just don't know what to do.

Tony to Anna: I'm not giving up and either should you.

Hope to Bo: Welcome home...

Katherine: I don't think I can do this.

Cal: What if my past comes back to haunt me?

Jack (with Billie) to Marlena: I know the real Marlena is in there so, please, give us something...help us end this person's terrorizing and manipulation.


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