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April 17, 2007




-At Bo and Hope's house, Hope is with JT. She tells JT it's time to start getting ready for bed and his bath. JT asks Hope when he is going to see daddy again. Hope hesistates and realizes she must answer this question somehow. Hope tells JT she isn't sure when daddy will be home and then whispers under her breath that she isn't even sure if he will EVER come home.

-At the Pier, Victor and Nico walk along the top level, looking for his men. The same men he hired to find James and that will hopefully lead him to the MCF. He also hopes to find Alan, who he now knows is connected to James and the MCF. While they walk down the stairs to the bottom level, Victor spots Bo, who is standing at the edge of the pier and looking out over the river. Nico also spots him and tells Victor that he will be back at the car. Victor thanks his trusted aide and, as Nico walks off, Victor walks over to Bo and says.....

Victor: Hello, son.

Bo: Victor. Good to see you.

Victor: You as well. Where have you been?

Bo: Here and there.

Victor: Not much of an answer, son.

Bo: All the answer you’re going to get.

Victor: Why do you have to be so secretive?

Bo: Look whose talking? Must be in the genes.

Victor: Good answer.

Bo: Besides, you must still be pissed about finding out I was working with the I.S.A.

Victor: No more upset then when you did it 20 years ago. And, anyway, we had become very close. I know that those feelings and those times weren’t a lie. And, if I were in your shoes, son, I may have done the very same thing.

Bo: Thank you. I appreciate that. But don’t think I’ll tell you what’s been up.

Victor: Why won’t you trust me with this, Bo? Maybe I could help.

Bo: Victor, this is none of you business, ok? Just leave it alone. Everything doesn’t always need that kind of touch.

Victor: Don’t preach that crap to me, ok? All I know is that I have a child out here who is hurting and I want to help. Now why is that a crime? You won’t talk to your lady and your family is crazed with worry about you.

Bo: I know that. But don’t preach to me about family. Some family I have. My brother and sister....... (Bo looks at Victor, and pauses) Just........just let me deal with this, ok? And if I need any help.......

Victor: (Turning towards him) You come to me, son. Please.

Bo: Ok. Deal. But for now.......

Victor: For now, you have your space. You take care of yourself, son.

Bo: You too...........Dad.

It now takes everything Victor has not to let Bo see the tears that are welling up in his eyes. His oldest boy just called him Dad for the first time. Victor now knows that all the time they spent together did have a positive impact on him, even though it was the violent life they both now deal in. As Victor leaves Bo, he gets his phone and makes a phone call. The person who answers asks him.......

Hope: Victor, why are you...Did you find him?

Victor: Yes. Get down to pier 9. Now.

Hope: On my way.

As Hope races out of the house, Victor walks the short distance back to his car. When he gets there, he instructs Nico to.......

Victor: Don't let Bo out of your sight until Hope gets here, understand?

Nico: Understood, sir.

Nico races off with several of Victor’s men as they still see Bo standing at the pier. As they position themselves to keep an eye on him, a car races up to the pier and slams on the breaks. Victor looks out his car window to see Hope race off towards the pier and smiles that, maybe, finally, Bo will open up to the one person who has always been there for him. Mind, body and soul.

Bo gets ready to leave and, as he turns to walk away, he sees Hope standing there. One tear runs down her face as she slowly walks over to him. She can’t take her eyes of his and his anguished expression is a mix of relief, guilt, and deep sadness. Hope stands in front of him and then hugs him. Her eyes close as the tears flow and Bo returns this hug, resting his cheek against hers. They both just stand there, holding each other, and don’t say one word as the scene fades to black.

-Cal and Jed help set up chairs for his wedding to Katherine. As they set the scene, which overlooks a cliff, Jed asks Cal if he is having any second thoughts about this. Cal looks out over the cliff and then at Jed, saying that this just feels right to him. She is one of the first people who has helped him and he just saw a side of her that he knows few see. She is one splendid lady, he tells Jed, and he is honored that she wants to spend her life with him.

At her hotel suite, Katherine is readying herself for her big day. She lays out her dress on her bed and then walks to the window, where she sees Cal and Jed in the distance getting things ready. One of the hotel staff members comes in and asks her if everything is ok. She turns and tells the young lady, with a smile, that everything is fine. She just wonders, out loud, if everything is going a little to fast.

Back at the cliff, Jed says that he is taking off to get some more things for the event. The men both shake hands as Jed leaves. Jed walks to his truck and starts it up but it ends up backfiring. Katherine looks out the window towards Cal, who barely heard Jed tell him that he is alright. Cal places his left hand on the side of his head, as sudden, powerful memories come rushing back. Everything is a blur, as he slumps down to one knee. Katherine races out her door as Cal remembers.....

Telling an older man to “GO TO HELL!!”....... Gunshots all around him........screams of pain...........

Jumping in a car and racing off........Kissing an older woman on her cheek and saying, “I Love You”....Shaking another man’s hand.........getting a medal pinned on his chest.........

He now slumps to both knees as Katherine races towards him. She grabs him, screaming ........

Katherine: Cal!! Can you hear me?! Are you alright?!

She holds him in her arms as he slumps unconscious into her lap. She rocks him back and forth as the scene fades upward before slowly fading to black.

-Back at their apartment, Sami sees Lucas getting home from work and tells him what she learned at Will’s school earlier that day. She also tells him what Shane kept from them, which really ticks Lucas off. He says that he thought Shane would have learned something from the last time he pulled this crap. Sami says apparently not. But she wonders how they will handle Will. She then goes and sits on the couch, while Lucas comes to sit next to her. He tells her that all they can do is be there for him.

Sami knows that but says that if Alan hurt her baby........to which Lucas cuts her off. He tells her that they will wait to hear what Will has to say about everything and then take it from there. But, he also tells her, if Alan DID harm Will, he’ll do things to him that will make the devil weep in agony. Sami actually smiles at that, knowing that Lucas means every word. She then tells him that he sounds like his grandfather. Lucas takes that as the highest compliment. Grandpa Tom, from what he heard, was always about family. Lucas says he is no different.

Just as Sami leans in to pat Lucas’s cheek, Will comes home from school. Both parents jump up and tell Will that they are glad to see him. Will looks at each of them strangely and asks what is going on. Both of them look at each other and then back at Will, before Sami tells him that she talked to his principal today. Will gets upset, saying that she had no right. Lucas tells him that she had every single right and says that he would have done the very same thing. Will starts to walk away but Lucas gets in front of him and stops him.

He tells him that Sami found some things out. Sami says yes to this and turns Will around, saying that they need to find out what is going on. She tells him what she found out from his principal and from Shane. This has went on long enough and they love him too much for him to go through this thing alone. So, he is not leaving until he opens up and that’s that. She asks him flat out if Alan did something to him. Will looks at both his parents and sighs very deeply as the scene closes in on his face before slowly fading to black.

-At the hospital, Roman arrives to speak with Barbara. She once again tells him that she is still going back and forth between personalities. She then tells him that a new one, Martha, has emerged. This one seems to express remorse for what she has done while under the influence of her other personalities. The doctor knew that would happen. It is a person’s defense mechanism against what they have done. It helps them cope.

She is concerned about the Samantha personality. That is the most dominant. When Roman asks her if she will recover from this, the doctor isn’t sure. Roman says she has enough personalities to fill a stadium. He then asks can he see her. The doctor agrees he can briefly and, when he walks into her room, she is in a straight jacket. She turns to look at him and then struggles to break free from her confinement. When Roman tells her that he loves her, she tells him that his precious Marlena is dead. Forever.

Samantha is the woman he’ll be dealing with from now on. When Roman takes a step closer, Marlena lashes out, screaming uncontrollably at him and once again trying to break free from her jacket. The doctor ushers Roman out of the room as men rush in to restrain her. She screams that everyone will wish she were dead once she gets out of there and, as Roman watches the orderlies hold her down, he looks at her with a heartbroken expression as the scene, and the show, slowly fade to black.


Sami (with Lucas) to Will: Please, Will. Don't lie. We can deal with this together. Tell us the truth.

Abe to Celeste: Don't die on me. You understand?

Lexie to Hector: Time is running out. We can still save then. Please!

Steve: If the cloaked one finds out what I am doing...I hate to think about it.

Cal to Katherine: Your not having second thoughts are you? It sounds like you want out of this wedding.

Hope to Bo: Please!! Come home. Let me in...let me...let all of us help you.


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