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The Storm - Episode 35



In the limo --

The rain still pouring down in buckets, Marcus drove as fast as he could trying to keep the car under control as they passed the city limits sign. "About 20 more minutes, sir ..." he said as they passed into the Port Charles limits.

Emily trying her best to keep the child comfortable, but she knew with an ear infection there wasn't much she could do to take the hurt away. She held him against her, he still wrapped in the blanket, she tried to bounce him gently in her arms. Marcus must of given the limo wings because it didn't take long before they were pulling up to the hospital's ER.

Marcus stopped the car and got out. He rushed to the back door and left Emily out, Zander climbed out the other side and the two of them raced in together.

At the hospital - ER --

Bobbie was on duty and was jotting down some notes on a clipboard when she heard Devon's screams as Zander and Emily rushed through the sliding double doors of the ER. Bobbie dropped what she was doing and went to see how she could help.

"We think he has an ear infection ...." Emily said as Bobbie guided her quickly along to one of the exam rooms, Zander following close behind.

"Well he definitely has a fever." Bobbie replied when she saw how flushed he was.

As they turned into an exam room, Monica and Alan rushed through the sliding double doors of the ER. They looked around frantically for Emily but didn't see her, but they did hear the screams of their grandchild. They followed Devon's cries and found Bobbie giving him an initial exam. Emily turned to see her parents standing inside the curtain and went to them.

"We got him here as quickly as we could." Emily said with a worried look on her face.

Alan wrapped his arm around her and tried to comfort his daughter. "He's going to be okay now, he's in good hands." he said as Bobbie looked up and smiled.

"How long has he been like this?" Bobbie asked as she took an shiny instrument and checked Devon's ears.

"He's been crying for over an hour and I just noticed the redness at his ear a little while ago, before we got here." Emily replied and then went to her husband's side as they watched over their child.

"Well, it's good you brought him in when you did. One can never be too careful with ear infections and fevers, especially in a child his age. We'll give him something for the pain in his ear and also for the fever." Bobbie explained as Emily reached down and caressed the back of Devon's head.

Bobbie left the room to go get the medication Devon needed and Monica and Alan stepped farther into the room. Emily still worried about Devon, as was Zander. Devon had never been sick like this before and it scared both of them. Monica noticed the scared look on their faces.

Emily heard Zander's cell phone ringing inside his jacket pocket. He looked down at Emily and saw in her eyes she didn't want him to leave her, that he needed to be there instead of doing business. He wrapped his arm around her and she leaned back into him. The ringing of the cell phone could be heard as the two of them watched over their son, Devon.

The stormy summer night was the longest night of Zander and Emily's life, or so it seemed. Devon's fever broke a few hours after he had gotten the medication he needed and they were allowed to take him home the next morning.

Outside the hospital - in the limo --

The skies cleared for the beautiful sunshine, white puffy clouds could be seen in the blue sky for miles and it felt like a calmness had come over the city of Port Charles. Zander escorted Emily down to the limo which was waiting out in front of the hospital entrance. Marcus was waiting for them as he stood with the back seat door open. He helped Emily climb in and waited for Zander to follow her. Before Zander did so, he gave Marcus a few instructions.

"You will take her and Devon back to the cabin, but you will be dropping me off at the warehouse .... there's some business that I have to take care of."

Marcus nodded before Zander climbed in the back seat of the limo and he shut the door. There was still the matter of Zander's missing shipment to take care of, and thought since he was in town, he'd take care of it now. Marcus drove the warehouse as his boss instructed and stopped the limo in the alley behind the main building.

"Marcus is going to take you and Devon back to the cabin. I have some things to take care of here in town." Zander said to Emily and then leaned in and gave her a kiss.

"This is about last night's phone call, isn't it?" she asked before he got out.

He evaded her question with another kiss. "I'll be back as soon as I can." he replied as he got out of the car.

He closed the door behind him leaving Emily and his son inside. Marcus stood guard by the car as Zander walked to greet his other man, Thomas who was approaching.

"I want you to go with Marcus back to the house with Emily. I don't want her to be alone out there." Zander said concerned.

"Are you expecting something?" Thomas asked before getting in the limo.

"Let's just say I'm taking precautions. I'll have someone bring me back in an hour or so." Zander replied and Marcus opened the door for Thomas. He climbed in and sat next to Emily, Devon wrapped in the blanket in her arms. Emily wasn't expecting to have company on the ride back to the cabin, and it worried her that perhaps Zander thought she needed the extra protection.

"Something bad is going to happen, isn't it?" she asked Thomas as Marcus got behind the wheel and started to drive away. "That's why he sent you along with me ..." she continued.

"It's just an extra precaution, Emily. Nothing to be concerned about." Thomas replied trying to calm her fears the best he could without giving her too much information that she didn't need to know.


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