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April 12, 2007




-At The Spectator, Jack is with Billie and Greta in the media room. Frankie enters the room with some lunch. Greta thinks it may be time to take a break and get some sleep. Afterall, they have been looking through the surveillance tapes since late last night. Jack says they can take a break but he has no plans to. He wants to break the MCF case open once and for all. Billie tells Jack they have already looked through so many tapes and nothing. Jack then spots something and tells them all to look. Billie, Greta, and Frankie are stunned. Billie thinks this may be their break.

We then see they are looking at surveilance camera footage from the convenience store camera across from Sami and Lucas's apartment building. Jack says he requested footage of the night Sami's apartment exploded because he felt it may have something to do with the MCF as he or she appeared publicly shortly thereafter and it seems he was right. Billie is stunned to see the MCF outside the building. Jack rewinds the tape and all four can see the MCF enter and then leave the building right before the bomb in Sami's apartment went off. Jack fast forwards again and Billie tells him to stop.

They now see Alan walking up to the MCF and talking with him or her. They then see Alan leave with the MCF. Billie says she knew Alan was a creep and had a feeling he may not have really changed but to be involved with the MCF is a shock. Frankie says that they at least know who really blew up Sami's apartment now. Greta says that it appears the MCF rigged it to blow and that Alan was with Sami to provide himself with an alibi and to make himself look good. Jack takes the tape out and says he will make a copy so they can send the original back. He tells Billie, Greta, and Frankie they need to look at more tapes. This may be the beginning of them unraveling this mystery.

-Lexie is leading a team of Dimera henchmen through the Dimera catacombs underneath the streets of Paris. One of the henchmen, Hector, tells Lexie they should turn back as they have been searching Paris and it's surrounding areas for days. Now they are searching these tunnels and have nothing. Lexie says they can't give up yet. They must search every inch of her father's secret lairs and properties for any sign of Tony. It's the only way to learn whether or not the MCF may have him or not. Lexie tells the team to continue the trek through the catacombs as a frustrated Hector follows, reluctantly.

Meanwhile, Celeste and Abe are following a short distance behind. Abe is beginning to think this is a wild goose chase but Celeste tells Abe she has vibe that something is going to happen and that this is leading to something big. Abe says he never use to trust her feelings but he has learned to based on her track record. They see Lexie and her team leaving and continue to follow.

Steve is also following Lexie and her team and has noticed Abe and Celeste following too. He wonders what they are up to. Steve's cell phone, which is on vibrate to avoid detection, then rings. He answers it:

Steve: Yeah.

MCF (via voice changer): Steven! How is the expedition going?

Steve: Look, this is going nowhere. How's about I come home to good, old Salem USA?

MCF: In due time, Steven. I understand that nothing may be happening but you must continue to follow Lexie and her group. I need to be updated of their movements so just keep doing what you are doing. You do remember our deal and you do understand what will happen if you choose to disobey me?

Steve: Yeah...I get it. Don't worry. I hate what I am doing but I know what you are capable of and I need to protect my family. I may not remember them but...

MCF: Now that is the Steven I know. Oh, and I heard about your little letter to Alice Horton. I thought I told you to not make contact...

Steve: You just know everything, huh? Look, that woman lost her daughter and she is just a classy, wonderful person. I couldn't be there to support her and her family and, even though I don't remember her, it felt right to send a note to express my condolence. Not to mention the fact that I wanted to let Kayla know I was ok so she could spread the word. I know that someone will probably tell her about the letter but it can't be traced and I didn't put any clues to where I am in it or anything.

MCF: Your lucky you didn't or I wouldn't be so calm right now. Just make sure it doesn't happen again, Steven. I am always forgiving on the first offense but any further offenses will result in dire consequences for you and those you care about. Understand?

Steve: Yeah. Understand.

MCF: Good. Now keep me up to date on what is going on and let me know if you should need any more resources available.

Steve: Yeah.

MCF: Good day, Steve. And good luck.

Steve hangs up and tells himself it was a good idea not to tell the MCF about Abe and Celeste being there. He wouldn't want to drag them into this web he is in somehow.

-In their room at the Salem Inn, Carrie asks Austin what he wants to ask her. With romantic playing in the background, Austin turns the lights off and lights some candles. He tells Carrie he just wants this to be perfect and he wants to make things work this time. He wants to do this right and hopes that this time this will last forever. Carrie is confused. Austin then gets down on one knee as Carrie looks on, stunned.

Austin: Carrie Brady...we've been down this road before. There have been other relationships, lies, manipulations...but we've made it through it all. I think it's made us stronger. There have been mistakes made by me, by you...we've been through alot but we made it. It's been one helluva right and I want it to continue...I want to go through life with you continuing to be by my side. You are facing one of the hardest things life can throw at you. I know how much pain you are in and I want to be there for you. I want to give you something to hold on to. I want to help you live again, Carrie. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy so I can see that gorgeous smile of yours.

Carrie smiles as tears stream down her face.

Austin: I wavered alot on whether I should do this because of everything but...I realized you need this. We both do. We need to live again and enjoy life again. It's time to move on, together. I have a feeling you know where this is going.

Carrie: I think I may...

Austin: Ok...then here it goes. Carrie Brady...your the only woman I will ever love totally and completely. Your the only woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. So...make me the happiest man in the world...and be my wife. Carrie...will you marry me?

Carrie is silent and then begins to cover her eyes and cry. Austin asks if she is ok.

Carrie: Yeah...I'm fine. It's just...it's been so hard lately and it's been so long since I have felt...happy. Joyous. It almost feels wrong to feel like that with everything. I love you so much. I always have...all these years. I know you are the one...I have always known.

Austin: So...

Carrie: This time it has to work...I don't think I could take it if it didn't. It's been so hard these past few months...

Austin: It will work. I promise you. I am going to fight with everything I have to make sure this time it's forever.

Carrie: Well...how can I argue with that? (laughing) I will fight just as hard too.

Austin: Does that mean...

Carrie: Yes, Austin. Yes, I will marry you! Again! (laughs)

An overjoyed Austin picks her up in his arms. He then puts the ring on her finger and they kiss passionately.

-At Nicole's suite, Kate tells Nicole it's all over. She knows everything. A shocked Nicole tries to deny all of Kate's claims but Kate tells Nicole she has Evan's medical records and she knows his DNA matches with Carrie's. Plus, she has everything Nicole just said on tape. Everything between her and Victor and something about some person that called her and claims to be the person who arranged for her and Eric to find Evan that night. Nicole tells Kate she has no idea what that's about but Kate says that doesn't matter. Nicole is going to go down and it's only a matter of time before whoever that person she is talking about is goes down too.

Nicole looks at the tape recorder and Kate's hand and lunges for it. Both women fall to the ground and scramble for the recorder. A catfight ensues as both women roll over and scratch and claw on the floor. Kate manages to get the recorder and then slaps Nicole, sending her to the floor.

Kate: It's all over for you, you bitch!!!

Kate heads for the door as her cell rings. She opens the door to leave and answers her phone as well.

Kate: Hello?

MCF (via voice changer): Hello, Kate. Nice to speak with you again.

Kate:You! Your the person who told me to go to Ballistix at Salem Place to see Carrie with Evan. You are the one that led me to the truth about Carrie and her baby.

MCF: That's right. And I see you know all now.

Kate: How do you...

MCF: I know all, Ms. Roberts. Now, am I to assume you are going to the proper people with this info you just acquired?

Kate: Well, you said you knew all so what do you think?

MCF: Haha. Well, Kate my dear, don't!! Don't go to anyone. Keep it to yourself and tell no one about what you found out.

Kate: What? Why?

MCF: Well, think about it. Why did Carrie give up Evan in the first place? Didn't she feel that it would tear Lucas and Austin apart due to the paternity issue? That it would tear your family apart as Billie and Philip and you would have to take sides. She was afraid of what it would do to the baby, wasn't she? Think about it, Kate. Do you want to see your sons hate each other? Do you want that child to grow up in a tension-filled environment? Your family will be destroyed.

Kate: We will deal with it. It's wrong to keep the child from his...

MCF: Let me make this clearer, Ms. Roberts, since it's clear that you still have your heart set on revealing the truth. If you tell anyone about what you learned today, I will make sure your family is destroyed...or worse. I have that power, my dear.

Kate: Oh my God...I wondered before but your that cloaked figure.

MCF: Yes...and you would be wise to heed my words. They aren't threats. They are promises. Now that you realize I am the infamous cloaked figure...you should know what I am capable of based on the word going around Salem.

Kate: What do I do?

MCF: Simple. Do what is best for everyone. Keep the truth to yourself. You have plenty of experience in lying and withholding secrets. It should be no problem.

Kate: I don't understand. You led me to discovering all this. Why did you want me to even find out?

MCF: I have my reasons. Just keep your mouth shut. Understood?

Kate (visibly shaken): Ye...yes. Yes.

MCF: Good girl. I will be watching...and in touch.

The MCF hangs up. Kate turns to see Nicole watching her. Kate tells Nicole she has nothing to worry about. Her secret is safe...for now. Nicole asks why. Kate says she realizes what the truth would do to Lucas and Austin given the paternity issue. She can't risk it. She tells Nicole she will hold on to the evidence she has but won't use it. Kate then tells Nicole she's lucky. Nicole smiles as Kate leaves. Nicole notices how shaken Kate was after the phone call and how scared she acted on the phone and wonders what is going on and who she talked to that changed her mind.

-Back at The Spectator, Jack is now reviewing security footage of the New Year's Eve party. Billie asks how they were able to get access to that since the SPD still has that in evidence due to the shootout and Roman's shooting. Jack says it's from another camera the SPD never requested. Billie sees that it's tells them nothing they didn't know...that the MCF is the one that shot Roman. Jack takes the tape out and puts another in.

Billie recaps that they know the MCF blew up Sami's apartment, shot Roman, and that he or she is in league with Alan and Marlena. Jack reminds her of James too. Billie notes that correction and says they know of the meeting JJ and Angel saw with James, Marlena, and the MCF in the park. Jack sighs, saying it's too bad there is no cameras there. Billie hopes they can find out more soon since they really have nothing so far except confirmation that the MCF blew up Sami's place.

Greta returns and says she informed Victor of what they learned. She says he wasn't surprised as he and the SPD always had a feeling it was the MCF that blew up Sami's place, especially after Roman was shot. Greta tells them they must call Victor when they hear more and adds that Victor is sending out some men to search for Alan as he may lead to the MCF. Frankie thinks that is good thinking. Billie is watching another tape and notices something. She stops the tape and she, Jack, Frankie, and Greta are stunned. Jack can't beleive what he is seeing.

Jack: No...not this person. It can't be. Not him.

-Back at the Salem Inn, Carrie and Austin are enjoying their dinner. Carrie thanks Austin for giving her something to look forward to and be happy about again. He smiles and then asks if she wants to dance. As they dance, the passion builds and they begin to kiss. They pull away and Austin asks Carrie if she is sure she is ready with everything that has happened. Carrie smiles and says she is...she needs him. Now more then ever. They kiss again as Austin picks her up in his arms and carries her into the bedroom.

-Kate is driving her car and remembers the MCF's words. She begins to shake and pulls over. She then breaks down in tears at the thought of concealing the truth from Austin, Carrie, and Lucas.

Meanwhile, Nicole is in her suite holding Evan when her cell rings. She answers it.

MCF (via voice changer): Hello Nicole. I hope you appreciated the help.

Nicole: I had a feeling that may have been you that called Kate since you predicted an impending threat.

MCF: Of course. I said I was an ally. I hope you know that now. I hope you see that you can trust me.

Nicole: I'm still not too sure about that.

MCF: Maybe you will be after we meet. I need to see you...at the piet. ASAP.

Nicole: I'm not su...

MCF: If you don't show, you can forget about my help and I will make sure you lose little Evan just as fast as you got him. That and I will see to it your life is completely destroyed. Clear?

Nicole: Crystal...I will be there. I just need to take Evan down to the Salem Inn's daycare.

MCF: Good. I look forward to our meeting. See you soon.

The MCF hangs up as a worried Nicole holds Evan tightly and says:

Nicole: I am doing this for you, Evan. All for you.

The screen then fades out on Nicole's worried face.


Kayla to Hope (and Shane): I can't just stand by. I need to go and find him.

Jack to Billie (with Frankie and Greta): Now I have greater reason to bring this damn cloaked person down.

Lexie to Hector: You listen to me!! Don't do this!!

Celeste to Abe: I feel great danger ahead and...(as Steve lurks) I feel as though someone we don't know about is watching.

Austin to Carrie: I think we should get married as soon as possible. What do you think?

Kate: Who's there? COME OUT, DAMNIT!!

MCF to Nicole: I want you mee your other ally

Nicole: What the hell?


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Oh, the Austin and Carrie scenes were so romantic. Perfect balance to the Nicole and Kate stuff. which rocked! I love that Kate knows now.

When do we find out who the MCF is? I want to know (though I have my guesses)

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Oh, the Austin and Carrie scenes were so romantic. Perfect balance to the Nicole and Kate stuff. which rocked! I love that Kate knows now.

When do we find out who the MCF is? I want to know (though I have my guesses)

The MCF is not revealed for awhile yet. However, we are almost at the point now where suspects will begin to be eliminated and things will begin to unravel. You will see what I mean as we approach May. Slowly, all the beloved characters have been drawn into the MCF's web and now that they are we will begin to get to the part of the story that focuses exclusively on his or her plan and identity. Things will definitely be amped up that's for sure.

There is also some more romance coming too. :)

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I for one will be glad when we know who the Cloaked one is...I'm curious and am on pins and needles.

Now that Kate knows, like I said in the previous episode, I fear that something will happen to her to prevent her from saying anything to anyone about what Nicole did.

Always love the Jack and Billie scenes... :wub:

Excellent Job guys :)

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